MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday January 23, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Documentation subpage This module is used by Module:BrewerColors and Module:ChartColors.
To translate or review the translation of the module to your language, edit carefully Data:I18n/ Template:Sandbox other
local p = {} local TNTT = require "Module:TNTTools" local I18n = 'ComplForColorModules' --local MoreOneNoData = "Found 2 legends of \"Value not assigned\" or \"Data not available\"" --local FoundNLegendsExpectedN = "Found $1 legends, expected $2" --local Color = "Color" --local Legend = "legend" local function I18nStr (S, ...) return TNTT.GetMsgP (I18n, S, {...}) end function p.ColorNameInvFromS0 (S) local IsInv = false local ColorName = '' local Params = {} if S ~= '' then for w in S:gmatch("([^_]+)") do table.insert(Params, w) end ColorName = Params[1] end local PN = table.getn(Params) if (PN == 2) and (Params[2]=='i') then IsInv = true end return ColorName, IsInv, Params end function p.ColorNameInv (args) local ColorName, IsInv, Params = p.ColorNameInvFromS0(args[1]) return ColorName, IsInv end function p.GetLabels(Args, N, Pos) local Labels = {} local index = Pos while Args[index] do Labels[#Labels+1] = Args[index] index = index + 1 end local NLabels = #Labels local OutlineColor = Args['outline'] or '' if (NLabels ~= 0) and (NLabels ~= N) then local StartUnknown = (string.sub(Labels[1],1,2) == "--") local EndUnknown = (string.sub(Labels[NLabels],1,2) == "--") if StartUnknown and EndUnknown then error (I18nStr ('MoreOneNoData')) elseif StartUnknown or EndUnknown then N = N + 1 end if (NLabels ~= 0) and (NLabels ~= N) then error (I18nStr ('FoundNLegendsExpectedN', tostring(NLabels), tostring(N))) end end return Labels, NLabels, OutlineColor end function SColor (Color) if string.sub(Color,1,1) == '#' then --the usual return string.sub(Color,2,100) else return Color end end function p.Box(Color,WriteColor) if WriteColor == '-' then WriteColor = Color elseif WriteColor == 'a' then WriteColor = Color..'ff' --Alpha channel end local TheBox = '<span style="background-color:'..Color..'; border:1px solid gray;" title="'..TNTT.GetStrP(I18n,'Color')..': '..SColor(Color)..'"> </span>' if WriteColor ~='' then TheBox = TheBox..' '..WriteColor..' ' end return TheBox end function p.TextWithTooltip (Text, Tooltip) if Tooltip ~= '' then return '<span title="'..Tooltip..'">'..Text..'</span>' else return Text end end function p.LegendColor(Color, Text, Tooltip) if Text == '' then Text = SColor(Color) end return '<li style="list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none;"><span style="border:1px solid gray; background:'..Color..'; margin-right:0.3em; vertical-align: middle; webkit-print-color-adjust:exact; color-adjust:exact; display:inline-block; width:1.05em; height:1em;"></span>'..p.TextWithTooltip(Text,Tooltip)..'</li>' end function LegendCode(Color, Text, OutlineColor) local SOutlineColor = '' if OutlineColor ~= '' then SOutlineColor = '|outline='..OutlineColor end return '{{'..TNTT.GetStrP(I18n,'Legend')..'|'..Color..'|'..Text..SOutlineColor..'}}' end function p.LegendText (AColors, Labels, NLabels, ColWidth, IsTemplate, OutlineColor) if ColWidth then ColWidth = mw.text.trim(ColWidth) if #ColWidth == 0 then ColWidth = nil end end local Show, Codes = {}, {} local Text = '' local WithLabels = NLabels > 0 if WithLabels then local Gray = '#b3b3b3' -- A 40% gray if string.sub(Labels[1],1,2) == '--' then table.insert(AColors, 1, Gray) Labels[1] = string.sub(Labels[1], 3, 1000) elseif string.sub(Labels[NLabels],1,2) == '--' then table.insert(AColors, Gray) Labels[NLabels] = string.sub(Labels[NLabels], 3, 1000) end end for i=1, table.getn(AColors) do if WithLabels then Text = Labels[i] end table.insert(Show, p.LegendColor(AColors[i],Text,'')) end SShow = table.concat(Show,"\n") if ColWidth then local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() SShow = frame:expandTemplate{title="div col",args={colwidth=ColWidth}} .. SShow SShow = SShow .. frame:expandTemplate{title="div col end"} end for i=1, table.getn(AColors) do if WithLabels then Text = Labels[i] end table.insert(Codes, ' '..LegendCode(AColors[i],Text,OutlineColor)) end local SCodes = '<pre>\n' if ColWidth then SCodes = SCodes .. require("Module:Template invocation").invocation("div col",{colwidth=ColWidth}) .. "\n" end SCodes = SCodes .. table.concat(Codes,"\n") if ColWidth and #ColWidth ~= 0 then SCodes = SCodes .. "\n{{div col end}}" end SCodes = SCodes .. "\n</pre>" return SShow..'\n'..SCodes end return p