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Module for template {{Clade transclude}} with functions for partial transclusion of cladograms made with the {{Clade}} template.
Parameters described at {{Clade transclude}}.
- {{Clade transclude/testcases}} (examples using nested subtrees)
- {{Clade transclude/testcases2}} (examples with all trees at basal clade)
require('Module:No globals') local DEBUG=false --DEBUG=true -- comment out or not runtime or debug local p ={} local pargs ={} p.main = function(frame) -- called from template pargs = frame:getParent().args local output local selectedTree -- subtree extracted from page content local modifiedTree -- subtree after pruning and grafting -- (1) get page local page = pargs['page'] or frame.args['page'] if not page then return p.errorMsg("Target page not provided") end -- (2) get content of page (move from _section(), _label, etc) local content local title = mw.text.trim(page)) -- , ns) -- creates object if page doesn't exist (and valid page name) --TODO: could use mw.title.makeTitle(), but that needs ns if title then if title.exists then content = title:getContent() if not content then return p.errorMsg("Content of " .. page .. " not loaded.") end else return p.errorMsg('Page with title "' .. page .. '" not found.') end end -- (3) select from content local section = pargs['section'] or pargs['section1'] or pargs[1] if section then selectedTree = p._section(frame, content, section) end local label = pargs['label'] or pargs['label1'] or pargs[1] if label then selectedTree = p._label(frame, content, label) end --TODO does this need to be separate from label? local subtree = pargs['subtree'] or pargs['subtree1'] or pargs[1] if subtree then selectedTree = p._label(frame, content, subtree) end if not selectedTree then -- if none of options retrieve anything p.errorMsg("Nothing retrieved for selection option " .. (label or subtree or section or "none")) end if DEBUG then return selectedTree end --- returns the code captured without processing --(4) modify content (excise and replace; prune and graft) local exclude = pargs['exclude'] or pargs['exclude1'] if exclude then if pargs['exclude'] then pargs['exclude1'] = pargs['exclude'] end if pargs['replace'] then pargs['replace1'] = pargs['replace'] end modifiedTree = selectedTree local i = 1 while pargs['exclude'..i] do local exclude = pargs['exclude'..i] local replace = pargs['replace'..i] or " " -- must be something modifiedTree = p._xlabel(frame, modifiedTree, exclude, replace) i=i+1 end else modifiedTree = selectedTree end --(5) other options ----- suppress hidden elements if pargs['nohidden'] then modifiedTree = modifiedTree:gsub("lade hidden", "lade") end ----- suppress authorities (or anything in small tags) if pargs['noauthority'] then modifiedTree = modifiedTree:gsub("<small>.-</small>", "") end ----- suppress images if pargs['noimages'] then modifiedTree = modifiedTree:gsub("%[%[File:.-%]%]", "") end ----- wrap in outer clade local wrap = pargs['wrap'] if wrap and (label or subtree) then local label1 = label or string.lower(subtree) local styleString = "" if pargs['style'] then styleString = '|style=' .. pargs['style'] end if wrap ~= "" then label1 = wrap end output = "{{clade " .. styleString .. " |label1=" .. p.firstToUpper(label1) .. "|1=" .. modifiedTree .. " }}" -- last space before double brace important else output = modifiedTree end --(6) return final tree if output then if pargs['raw'] then return output else return frame:preprocess(output) end end return p.errorMsg("No valid option for transclusion") end --=============================== extract LABELS or SUBTREES======================================= p.label = function (frame, page, ...) local page = frame.args[1] --"User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes" local label = frame.args[1] or frame.args['label'] or frame.args['label1'] local wrap = frame.args['wrap'] local output = p._label (frame, page, frame.args[2], frame.args[3], frame.args[4], frame.args[5] ) if wrap then local label1 = string.lower(frame.args[2]) if wrap ~= "" then label1 = wrap end output = "{{clade |label1=" .. p.firstToUpper(label1) .. "|1=" .. output .. "}}" end return frame:preprocess(output) end p._label = function (frame, content, ... ) -- local page = "User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes" -- local label = frame.args[1] or frame.args['label'] local args = { ... } local output = "" if not args[1] then return p.errorMsg ("Label name not provided") end local mode = "label" local targetType = "label(%d)" -- standard label of form |labelN= (captures N) local cladePrefix = "(%d)" -- standard node of form |N= (captures N) for k,v in pairs(args) do local section = mw.text.trim(v) if string.upper( section) == section then mode = "subtree" targetType = "target(%u)" -- targets of form targetX (X=uppercase letter) cladePrefix = "subclade(%u)" -- subclades of form subcladeX (captures X) end --[=[ the pattern to capture is one of two forms: labelN=Name |N={...} targetX=NAME |subcladeX={...} labelN = [[ name ]] |N = {...} or targetX = [[ name ]] |subcladeX = {...} ]=] local pattern = targetType.."=[%s%p]*"..section .. "[%s%p]+.-"..cladePrefix.."=.-(%b{})" -- this .- skips section tags before {{clade ...}} -- this .- skips |sublabel and styling following the label (but can return wrong clade when a subtree) local index1, index2, selectedTree = string.match( content , pattern ) -- note index1 and index2 should match (X=X or N=N) if selectedTree then --[[ the tree can contain markers for subtrees like {FABIDS} when the form is |N={FABIDS} we want to substitute the subtree but not when the form is |targetX={FABIDS} ]] local pattern2 = "({%u-})" -- this captures both |N={FABIDS} and |targetX={FABIDS} -- we only want to substitute a subtree in the first kind -- will exclude second with pattern3 test below if string.find(selectedTree, pattern2 ) then -- if a subtree that hasn't been substituted. --local i,j,target = string.find(value, pattern2) -- only one subtree local i=0 for bracedMarker in string.gmatch( selectedTree , pattern2 ) do i=i+1 -- bracedMarker is either a marker in the tree or part of following -- targetX={bracedMarker} ... |subcladeX=s then local pattern3 = "target(%u)=[%s]*"..bracedMarker --?? if selectedTree == bracedMarker if not string.find(selectedTree, pattern3 ) then local subtree = p._label (frame, content, bracedMarker) if subtree then --[[ method 1: the subtree code is substituted into main tree this substitutes the subtree within the clade structure before processing thus there will be a problem with large trees exceeding the expansion depth however, they can be pruned before processing ]] --disable method 1 selectedTree = string.gsub(selectedTree, bracedMarker, subtree, 1) --[[method 2: add the subtree code before the final double brace substitute "|targetX={FABIDS} |subcladeX=subtree" before last double brace of selectedTree use capture in pattern3 to find X ]] local i,j,X = string.find(content, pattern3) if selectedTree == bracedMarker then selectedTree = subtree else selectedTree = selectedTree:sub(1,-3) -- trim final double brace .. "\n|target" .. X .. "=" .. bracedMarker .. "\n|subclade" .. X .. "=" .. subtree .. "" .. "\n }}" end end end --substitution of subtree end end output = output .. selectedTree else output = output .. p.errorMsg ("Failed to capture subclade with " .. mode .. " " ..section) end end if output ~= "" then return output -- preprocess moved to entry function else return '<span class="error">Section for label not found</span>' end end --================================== exclude LABEL ================================================ p.xlabel = function (frame, page, ...) local page = frame.args[1] --"User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes" local label = frame.args[1] or frame.args['label'] or frame.args['label1'] -- page , target tree, subtrees to exclude ... -- page, include clade, multple clades to exclude | return p._xlabel (frame, page, frame.args[2], frame.args[3], frame.args[4], frame.args[5]) end p._xlabel = function (frame, targetTree, exclude, replace) local fullOutput = targetTree --local fullOutput = p._section(frame, page, target) local output=targetTree -- return unmodified tree if nothing happens local section = exclude local targetType = "label%d" local cladePrefix = "%d" if string.upper( section) == section then targetType = "target%u" -- by convention subtrees must be uppercase cladePrefix = "subclade%u" end -- label = [[ name ]] |n= {...} local pattern = "("..targetType.."=[%s%p]*"..section .. "[%s%p]*.-"..cladePrefix.."=.-)(%b{})" -- ^^ this .- skips section tags before clade -- ^^this .- skips |sublabel and styling following the label (but can return wrong clade when a subtree) local value = string.match( fullOutput , pattern ) if value then local trimmedTree, matches = string.gsub(fullOutput, pattern, "%1"..replace)--replaces pattern with capture %1 return trimmedTree else local message = "" if string.upper(section) == section then message = "; subtree may have been substituted, try label" end output = output .. p.warningMsg ("Failed to capture subclade for exclusion with label "..section..message) end if output ~= "" then return output .. '<span class="error">Nothing pruned</span>' --return frame:preprocess(fullOutput) else return '<span class="error">Section for label not found</span>' -- shouldn't get here end end --======================================== SECTION ================================== p.section = function (frame) -------------------------target page ---- sections return frame:preprocess(p._section(frame, mw.text.trim(frame.args[1]),frame.args[2],frame.args[3],frame.args[4],frame.args[5])) end p._section = function (frame,content,...) local args = { ... } local output = "" for k,v in pairs(args) do local section = mw.text.trim(v) --[[ note: using the non-greedy - in (.-) to allow capture of several sections this allows internal clade structures to be closed without capturing sisters clades e.g. see section Tyranni in User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes ]] local pattern = "<section begin="..section.."[ ]*/>(.-)<section end="..section.."[ ]*/>" for value in string.gmatch( content , pattern ) do if value then if frame.args.wrap or frame:getParent().args.wrap then local label1 = frame.args.wrap or frame:getParent().args.wrap if label1 == "" then label1 = section end value = "{{clade |label1=" .. label1 .. "|1=" .. value .. "}}" end output = output .. value end end end if pargs['norefs'] or pargs['noref'] then -- strip out references --output = mw.text.killMarkers( output ) if output:find("<ref") then output = output:gsub('<ref[%w%p%s]-%/>', "") output = output:gsub("<ref.-<%/ref>", "") -- %C works, %w%p%s%c doesn't end end if output ~= "" then --return frame:preprocess(output) return output -- leave preprocessing for entry function else return '<span class="error">Section not found</span>' end end p.xsection = function (frame) local page = frame.args[1] --"User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes" local label = frame.args[1] or frame.args['label'] or frame.args['label1'] -- page , target tree, sections to exclude ... return frame:preprocess(p._xsection(frame, page ,frame.args[2],frame.args[3],frame.args[4],frame.args[5])) end p._xsection = function (frame,page, target, ...) local args = { ... } local output = "" local title = page) -- , ns) -- creates object if page doesn't exist (and valid page name) --TODO: could use mw.title.makeTitle(), but that needs ns if title and title.exists then local content = title:getContent() local fullOutput = p._section(frame, page, target) output=fullOutput for k,v in pairs(args) do local section = mw.text.trim(v) --[[ note: using the non-greedy - in (.-) to allow capture of several sections this allows internal clade structures to be closed without capturing sisters clades e.g. see section Tyranni in User:Jts1882/sandbox/test/Passeriformes ]] local pattern = "(<section begin="..section.."[ ]*/>)(.-)(<section end="..section.."[ ]*/>)" local value = string.match( fullOutput , pattern ) if value then local trimmedTree, matches = string.gsub(fullOutput, pattern, "replacement string")--replaces pattern with capture %1 output = output .. trimmedTree output = output .. "<pre>" .. trimmedTree .. "</pre>" fullOutput = trimmedTree else output = output .. p.errorMsg ("Failed to capture subclade with label "..section) end end else return '<span class="error">No page title found</span>' end if output ~= "" then --return frame:preprocess(output) return output -- leave preprocessing for entry function else return '<span class="error">Section not found</span>' end end function p.firstToUpper(str) return (str:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) end p.errorMsg = function (message) return '<span class="error">' .. message .. '</span>' end p.warningMsg = function (message) return '<span class="warning" style="color:#ac6600;font-size:larger;">' .. message .. '</span>' end return p