Module:Biota infobox/test
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday March 22, 2025
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require('Module:No globals') local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs; local p = {} -- exposed variables --local pargs = {} local template = {} local args = {} function p.addParam2(param,value) --table.insert (template, table.concat ({' |'..param..'=', value})); -- this syntax works --table.insert (template, table.concat ({' | '..param..' = ', value})); -- so does this (initial space needed) --table.insert (template, table.concat ({'| '..param..' = ', value})); -- newline fails without initial space end function p.addParam(param) if args[param] then local value = args[param] if param == 'genus' then value = value:gsub("%'",""):gsub("%[",""):gsub("%]","") --value='Hypsiboas' elseif param == 'species' then --value = value:gsub("[%'%[%]]","") value = value:gsub("[%'%[]*[A-Za-z%.]* ([A-Za-z]*)[%]%']*","%1") --value='albopunctatus' elseif param == 'binomial_authority' then param = 'authority' args['binomial_authority']=nil end table.insert (template, ' | ' .. param .. ' = ' .. value ); args[param]=nil -- remove handled parameters end end function p.convert(frame) --args = frame:getParent().args args = getArgs (frame); if args['genus'] and args['species'] then table.insert (template, '{{Speciesbox' ); elseif args['taxon'] then table.insert (template, '{{Automatic taxobox ' ); end p.addParam('name') p.addParam('image') p.addParam('status') p.addParam('status_system') p.addParam('status_ref') p.addParam('genus') p.addParam('species') p.addParam('binomial_authority') for k,v in pairs(args) do table.insert (template, table.concat ({' |'..k..'=', v})); end table.insert (template, '}}'); -- close the template return table.concat (template, '\n'); end return p