February 7

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

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<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0209-mayor-backs-tax-20130209,0,486313.story" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Villaraigosa backs half-cent hike in sales tax</a>Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Friday backed the half-cent sales tax hike on the March 5 ballot, which is being pushed as a way to shield the Po

</embed> MyWikiBiz February 7 in history:

  • 1861, the general council of the Choctaw Indian nation adopted a resolution declaring allegiance with the South "in the event a permanent dissolution of the American Union takes place."
  • 1904, a fire began in Baltimore that raged for about 30 hours and destroyed more than 1,500 buildings
  • 1936, President Franklin Roosevelt authorized a flag for the office of the vice president
  • 1943, the government announced the start of shoe rationing, limiting consumers to buying three pairs per person for the remainder of the year
  • 1948, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower resigned as Army chief of staff; he was succeeded by General Omar Bradley
  • 1964, The Beatles began their first American tour as they arrived at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • 1983, Elizabeth H. Dole was sworn in as the first female secretary of transportation by the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
  • 1984, space shuttle astronauts Bruce McCandless the Second and Robert L. Stewart went on the first untethered space walk
  • 2003, Tom Christerson, 71, the longest-living recipient of a fully self-contained artificial heart, died at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, after 512 days on the AbioCor