Graphics With Impact Free Download

MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday March 29, 2025
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The Pitch

Lisa Preston's "Graphics With Impact" Package!

Dazzle Your Visitors With UNIQUE And MEMORABLE Sales Pages

Watch Your Competitors Turn GREEN With Envy As You Overflow Your Bank Account While Their FORGETTABLE Websites Repel Customers Like The Plague!

I know you know what I'm talking about... You get email promotions flooding your inbox daily, and every link you click takes you to the exact same sales page, over and over... just different words. You spend MAYBE 3 seconds there, hoping THE COPY grabs your attention. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not an expert copywriter. I need something more than "hot button" phrases and "emotional triggers". So I have to count on what I am good at... and that's creating unique looking sales page graphics.


Here's what you get: (click here for larger screen shots!) 5 Unique, Professional Minisites: with 5 horizontal VIDEO squeeze pages:

5 VIDEO testimonial boxes 5 vertical VIDEO optin forms

5 matching payment buttons 20 assorted, matching bullets 5 unique, matching page backgrounds

(click here for larger screen shots!)

Each item will come "ready to go" in html format - all you need to do is type in your copy! I will also include the PSD files for easy editing.

How much is this going to cost? I usually charge $97 per package, which includes just ONE minisite, generic opt-in box, payment button, background and testimonial box. HOWEVER... For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, I am offering ALL 5 premium, VIDEO-READY packages for only $27! And that's not all!!!


I have been working on some kick butt designs for Web 2.0 style sites... so I decided to include a BONUS minisite with a video opt-in graphic done in that cutting edge, glossy style that has become so popular! Check it out:

(click here for larger screen shots!) Did you think that was it?? ME TOO!! Then I realized that to really make these sites a cut above the rest, you'd need a few powerful scripts to blow your competition away... So I decided to include a group of "Super Scripts" for you to use: Script #1: How to Make Your Own Software Generator

If you want to market your own "simpleware" product, that only takes a few days to produce, including coming up with the idea, making it, and debugging it then you need to read this section. Armed with the information in here you'll know exactly how to 'Create Your Own Software' that could sell thousands of copies just like the Pro's

Script #2: How to Get An E-Book Boost

Learn how to maximise the download rate of your free viral ebooks and reports using this clever script that takes just seconds to install on your web site. If you want to spread the 'word' and increase your marketing efforts you need this script.

Script #3: Interactive Sales Letters

If you haven't heard about interactive sales letters, they're very cool. What you have is a regular sales page with a set of options in the letter every once in a while. The user can pick one of the choices, and parts of the sales letter change based on what the user has chosen. Personalizing your sale copy in this way could double or triple your current conversion rates!

Script #4: Price Negotiator

Would you like to market test your prices on the fly, get valuable feedback from your customers without pressurizing them into filling out lengthy questionnaires and surveys. This powerful script will ask your customers what they think your product is worth then it'll email you their answers. Run this on your site for a few weeks and you'll know the optimum market price for your product!

Script #5: Item-Based Sales Counter

Do you run time limited special offers or quantity based sales? If so then this script is just what you need to automate your sales. you can generate sales where you offer a product up for sale and offer, say, only 25 copies. Once one copy is sold that number changes to 24, then 23, and so on until they're all gone. This is a much better than a timed countdown sales since:

1. Your offer is never going to end prematurely, it will run until your quota runs out. 2. You know how much you're going to make on your sale. 3. You should generate more orders as the number drops by generating scarcity with your offer. 4. People are assured there is only a limited number of these out in the wild (great for resale rights). 5. If someone misses out on this special offer they should be more likely to pounce on the next one.

Script #6: Split Tester

Split testing is a way to fine tune your sales copy so you can improve your conversion rates. It's a very scientific process -- you make only small methodical tweaks, just a few things at a time so you only focus on a few variables. For example, you might try one font against another on a site. 50% of the visitors will see your site in a particular font, the other 50% in some alternate font. Or you might want to rotate different headlines, long copy vs. short copy, the background color...

Over time and with some patient work you can increase the chance that a visitor to your site will buy from you and maximise the profit you earn from every site. You need to test and with this script you can! Now... Seriously - don't delay. If you wait to think it over and you come back to find this page taken down, SORRY! Once this sale is over, that's it... I will be putting the packages back up to their regular price.

Lisa Preston's “Graphics with Impact” Package with BONUS Super Scripts and Web 2.0 Design!

Don't delay!! These prices will NOT stay this low for long!!

Warmest regards, Lisa Preston Canadian Impact Business Solutions

P.S. - What are you doing down here? Get your Graphics With Impact package with all the extra bonuses right now for only $27 - that's over 80% off regular prices!!! P.P.S. - Once you've downloaded your graphics package, be sure to read the "READ ME" file - you'll be glad you did! MyWikiBiz

Your Download Link

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