Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 26

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1. The "It Can Happen" Strategy

The "it happened to me and it can happen to you..." strategy tells your prospects you’ve already gained the desired benefit they want. You could give them a persuasive selling story about how you improved your life with your product.

2. The "Qualified Enough?" Strategy

The "if you qualify today, I will give you..." strategy tells your prospects they actually have to qualify in order to purchase your product. It increases the perceived value of your product because it's only available to people that are carefully selected.

3. The "Click Play" Strategy

The "click the play button below, I have a special audio message for you..." strategy tells your prospects they will actually get to hear the voice of the person they may purchase from. You just want to give them a message that will persuade them to buy your product.

4. The "One Step Further" Strategy

The "I'm going one step further to ensure that (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that on top of everything else you do, you will insure their success. You could offer free specials, free training, in-home service, tech support, etc.

5. The "It's Endless" Strategy

The "the possibilities are endless..." strategy tells your prospects that they will have infinite uses for and benefits from your product. It will cause their minds to be open to imagination that could actually influence them to purchase.

6. The "Potential Benefits" Strategy

The "see your potential benefits..." strategy tells your prospects to actually view an image of the possible benefits they could receive from your product. It could be photos, graphics, screenshots, videos, graphs, charts, etc.

7. The "Place And Time" Strategy

The "you're in the right place, at the right time..." strategy tells your prospects that right now is the perfect time to purchase your product. It could because of your limited low prices, product bonuses, guarantee, etc.

8. The "Results Vary" Strategy

The "I can't guarantee your results because..." strategy tells your prospects that you can't promise they will get the same results as you or your other customers. You need to mention that everyone's situation, motivation, and lifestyle are different. People will be persuaded to buy because it sounds like you are challenging them.

9. The "Lazy" Strategy

The "some people who buy (your product’s name) won't do anything with it..." strategy tells your prospects that some people are just plain lazy. It will persuade your prospects to buy because they don't want to be considered lazy.

10. The "Bonus Below" Strategy

The "the $ bonus information is at the bottom of this page..." strategy tells your prospects they had better scroll down your page to see what they could be missing. It will persuade them to stay on your web page longer. Plus, it makes them scan your whole offer. You just need to catch their eyes on the way down with your product’s benefits headings.

11. The "Refunds Prohibited" Strategy

The "since this is a limited time sale, absolutely no refunds will be granted..." strategy tells your prospects that they can only get your product at a special price for a limited time. It also turns away people who normally request refunds.

12. The "Instant Discount Test" Strategy

The "I thought about setting the price at $(no.), but for a limited time, we are giving you a $(no.) instant discount as a test..." strategy tells your prospects that you are still testing your prices and they could be higher down the road. The people that are really interested will want to save money and buy now.

13. The "Never The Same" Strategy

The "your (the topic your product targets) will never be the same once you..." strategy tells your prospects that their life will finally be different for the better. People that have problems are always saying to themselves, "I wish my life was different..."

14. The "Penny Wishes" Strategy

The "if I had a penny every time someone wished that (your product’s benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you would be really rich just from hearing from people that need the benefits of your product. They will realize that a lot of people are in the same boat and they’d better buy now in case your product sells out or it's not available in the future.

15. The "All The Possibilities" Strategy

The "how would you like to (your product's benefit)? If that kind of possibility interests you then keep reading..." strategy tells your prospects that your product could fulfill their needs and interest. Instead of the word 'interest,' you could also use the word ‘excites,’ ‘energizes,’ ‘satisfies,’ etc.

16. The "You And Me" Strategy

The "it's no hidden secret that ordinary people like you and me are (your product’s benefit)..." tactic tells your prospects it doesn't matter if they’re ordinary, they still can gain their desired benefit. If it was a secret to them, you just gave them some valuable information and they may want to give you something back in return, like buying your product.

17. The "After Purchase Syndrome" Strategy

The "you won't have to deal with the dreaded 'after purchase' syndrome..." strategy tells your prospects that they will still be enthusiastic, even the morning after they buy your product. Many people buy stuff emotionally then logic sets in and they regret the purchase later on.

18. The "Instant Give Back" Strategy

The "I'm going to give you $(no.) that is good for (no.) (minutes, hours, days). See how to claim it below..." strategy tells your prospects to scroll down through your whole ad to see how they can redeem their money. You can just take it off the price of your product like an instant price break. Plus, it creates urgency to buy since you put a time limit on it.

19. The "Every Minute" Strategy

The "every minute that you go without (your product’s name), you will miss out on..." strategy tells your prospects that they are missing out on improving their life. People know that you can't get time back so they may not want to wait another minute to purchase your product.

20. The "Testing In Progress" Strategy

The "I'm giving away a limited time bonus as a marketing test for only (no.) days..." strategy tells your prospects that you are still testing your offer and they’d better order now in case you pull your bonus for good. Of course the bonus should be something your prospects really would want.

21. The "Outdated Products" Strategy

The "using older, outdated products can (the negative effect)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is rather new and will deliver their desired benefit better. It could be that your product is faster, better quality, safer, easier to use, lighter, more durable, etc.

22. The "Beta Testimonials" Strategy

The "just see what our (no.) beta testers are saying..." strategy tells your prospects that your product has been tested and proven to deliver many times over before you released it to the general public. Just like with customer testimonials, you could add pictures, names, where they are from and, of course, their test results.

23. The "You're Not Alone" Strategy

The "it's just not your fault, many people can't (your product’s desired benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they aren't alone and many people have the same problem. Sometimes people get overwhelmed and think they are the only ones that can't reach their goals. It will make them feel better enough to purchase your product.

24. The "On The Lookout" Strategy

The "I'm sure you're always on the lookout for better ways to..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them a better way to improve their life. You just have to convince them that their search is over.

25. The "Customer Competition" Strategy

The "I have over (no.) prospects and can only accept (no.) more customers..." strategy tells your prospects that a ton of your prospects will see the offer. People will assume they will have to order right away because there is a lot of competition that could take those spots.

26. The "Questions And Answers" Strategy

The "below are the 10 most commonly asked questions about (your product niche) and our answers. This is out of (no.) survey questions that we received..." strategy tells your prospects that you have taken the time to thoroughly research your market. Just make sure your answers are informative and persuade them to purchase your product.

27. The "Buy Back" Strategy

The "I will buy back (your product’s name) if it doesn’t (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they have no risk because you offer a money-back guarantee. When you use the 'buy back' method, it sounds more like they will be making money instead of just getting a normal refund.

28. The "Marketing Ploy" Strategy

The "this is a limited time offer and not some marketing ploy, once they are gone they are gone..." strategy tells your prospects they better not ignore your limited time offer thinking it's just some scare tactic. It tells them you are serious and aren't like some businesses that just add it into their ads to create urgency but never pull the offer.

29. The "Bonuses In Numbers" Strategy

The "the first 200 get, the first 300 get, the first 500 get..." strategy tells your prospects that you will offer incentives to people that order within the amount of customers you specify. You want your bonuses to be more valuable for the first group of customers and a lower value of each group bonus as more people order.

30. The "It's In Your Court" Strategy

The "I've said all I can say to help you. It's now up to you if you want (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are done presenting your offer and the ball’s in their court. People may consider your offer because it sounds like you are offering them help instead of just a product.

31. The "Gone In Hours" Strategy

The "warning: my first package of products sold out in (no.) hours..." strategy tells your prospects that they better order your second package of products fast or it could sell out in hours too. You could also tell them that you have a ton of people waiting who never ordered the first one that want to order the second package.

32. The "Alternative" Strategy

The "if traditional ways of (your product's niche) aren't getting you the results you want..." tactic tells your prospects that you’re offering an alternative product that will help them reach their goals. You just need to give them a proven reason why the alternative is better.

33. The "Two Different People" Strategy

The "two people (the negative problem), one solves it and one doesn't. Which one do you want to be?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will allow them to be the person that gained their desired benefit. It gives them the choice and at the same time installs the persuasive images in their mind.

34. The "Ignoring Something?" Strategy

The "there are tons of critical, but often overlooked, details that can (negative effects)..." tactic tells your prospects that they might be ignoring some stuff that might ruin the effect of their desired outcome. They know they can't afford to guess what those factors are so they will likely purchase your product.

35. The "Physical Enjoyment" Strategy

The "I want you to feel (a positive physical reaction)..." strategy tells your prospects the kind of physical enjoyment that they will gain owning your product. It could be them jumping up and down, their jaw dropping, tingles up their spine, cracking an uncontrollable smile, etc.

36. The "Accident" Strategy

The "I stumbled across the most amazing..." strategy tells your prospects that you created your product by accident. Many people know that some of the most popular and useful products in the world were discovered this way. For example: penicillin

37. The "Unimaginable" Strategy

The "who would have ever thought (your product's benefit) could be this easy..." strategy tells your prospects your product will do what was once thought unimaginable. If your product can offer a once impossible benefit, you will sell a lot.

38. The "Clock Is Ticking" Strategy

The "you have (no.) minutes (with a running timer) left to buy..." strategy tells and shows your prospects that they have only minutes left to order. You could have the running timer on your web site or put it on a pop up. It can be very persuasive for people to see the time run down. Of course you need to end your offer, make your page disappear or up the price after the time runs out.

39. The "Under My Wing" Strategy

The "I'm searching for (no.) apprentices to take under my wing..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to help train them to get their desired benefit. It sounds more personal and valuable than just offering them a product the normal way. Your training for the product you are offering could be in the form of an in person session, video, audio, telephone, e-book or print publication.

40. The "I'm Not Weak" Strategy

The "do you think you can handle (your product's benefit)? If not leave this page now..." strategy tells your prospects that you want serious people that want to improve their life. Plus, it makes them look weak if they can't handle your product benefit. Most people don't want to look weak.

41. The "Family Introduction" Strategy

The "my name is (your name), I have a wonderful family (with a photo of them)..." strategy tells and shows your prospects that you are just an ordinary family person like them trying to make a living. People like to buy from people that have a similar lifestyle. You could even introduce each of your family members to make your introduction even more friendly and persuasive.

42. The "I'm Everywhere" Strategy

The "I have been interviewed by (list of popular media outlets)..." strategy tells your prospects that even the media thinks your product is good. It could be T.V. shows, the news, magazines, newspapers, e-zines, radio shows, etc.

43. The "I've Said That" Strategy

The "how many times have you said in your life that you wanted to (your product benefit)...but didn't know how..." strategy tells your prospects something that they likely said before, which tells them you know them well. Just let them know your product will show them how to gain their benefit.

44. The "Don't Model Me" Strategy

The "the only difference between me and you is that I invested tons of money and countless hours (your product’s benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to go through or spend what you did to improve their life. You may even want to be more specific about the money and the number of hours you spent to make your claims more believable.

45. The "Application" Strategy

The "please fill out the short application below and we will get back to you shortly..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must be good if they have to fill out an application to purchase it. You just don't want to make the application too long or they won't take the time to fill it out.

46. The "Good And Bad News" Strategy

The "the good news is (your product’s benefit), the bad news is (a limited time offer)..." strategy tells your prospects the good news is that your product will help them reach their desired goals. The bad news could be you only have so many left, the price will go up, or only so many bonuses are left.

47. The "Psychological Price" Strategy

The "if you don't want save money, then please don't order before (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that your price is only good for a limited time. It uses a little reverse psychology because it tells them not to order.

48. The "Less Than" Strategy

The "just imagine, less than (no.) minutes from now you could be (your product's benefit)..." tactic tells your prospects that your product will be delivered fast and it works fast too. Most people are impatient and want fast acting solutions for their problems. It also creates a beneficial scene in their brain.

49. The "Resurrected" Strategy

The "this product has been rediscovered and improved from (years/century)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product was created from an older product that you've resurrected. Sometimes people consider long lost products to be of higher quality and very rare.

50. The "Made To Order" Strategy

The "finally a (product type) that is customized just for you..." strategy tells your prospects that your product can be made-to-order so it will benefit their specific or personal needs. People sometimes don't like to buy products that offer 'one-size-fits-all.'