Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 16

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1. The "Blast From The Past" Strategy

The "if you order today, you will also receive all the past (bonuses or products) that I've previously removed..." strategy tells your prospects that in the past you removed some things from your offer that they would never have had the chance to get until now. It could be older products, articles, reports, software, courses, content, etc.

2. The "Bought Everything" Strategy

The "like you, I've bought products from everywhere imaginable and they still didn't work..." strategy tells your prospects that you know that they have likely bought a lot of products from all sorts of places which never lived up to their claims. You could mention they may have bought them from infomercials, catalogs, the Internet, seminars, etc. You can say that after all those horrible experiences, you finally decided to develop a product that actually works.

3. The "A Bonus Date" Strategy

The "special bonus just added! (date) (time)..." strategy tells your prospects that you recently added a new bonus to your offer. It may excite them that it has just been added because they will be one of the first to get it. You could even tell them the date your next new bonus will be added. They will assume they will keep getting new bonuses as a paid customer.

4. The "Buyer Advantage" Strategy

The "all my paid customers get told about my new product releases before my regular prospects...." strategy tells your prospects that if they become a paid customer, they will get a chance to benefit from your new product releases before everyone else. You could give your paid customers another perk, like being the first to join your new affiliate program for the new products you release.

5. The "Buy A Bio" Strategy

The "I'll reveal more about my past with you when you become a customer..." strategy tells your prospects that they can learn more personal and professional things about you when they purchase your product. You could have a partial bio on your web site and a full bio sent with their product package or on your thank you page. Many people become curious about your whole life and history when they decide to purchase something from you.

6. The "Inside The Mind" Strategy

The "go inside the mind of successful people that have (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you will give them the mental instructions for using and gaining their desired benefit with your product. You could mention they will learn the habits, attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, emotions, etc. of other people that have been successful with your product. You could just interview these people and compile it into an information product.

7. The "Bed Of Nails" Strategy

The "I'd rather lie on a bed of nails than not have (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects now that you know what it's like to have your desired benefit with your own product or someone else’s, you would do almost anything not to go back to the way it was. You could explain the emotions you used to have, the problems that you experienced, the way if affected people around you, etc. Other descriptions of torture are: walking over glass, needles shoved under your finger nails, lying on hot coals, etc.

8. The "Back You Up" Strategy

The "bonus: you'll get a back up copy shipped to you..." strategy tells your prospects that you will give them a physical back up copy of your digital product that they normally just download. Tell them it will save them the time and frustration of re-downloading it if their computer crashes, if they get a destructive virus, if they accidentally delete it, etc. Tell them to hurry because you only produced so many copies.

9. The "My Favorite" Strategy

The "my favorite food is..." strategy tells your prospects that you are revealing some fun, personal information about yourself that is unrelated to your product. It will lighten up your sales letter or pitch so people might rest their buying defenses for a few minutes. It could be your favorite color, TV show, movie, music, joke, heroes, drink, place to vacation, quotes, vehicle, book, dream item, etc.

10. The "Normal Than Usual" Strategy

The "the normal commission is $(no.) per sale but if you join the affiliate program through this link, you'll get ($) per sale..." strategy tells your prospects that you made a deal with the product owner to give your audience a higher commission than normal on his affiliate program. Of course, the owner could give you second tier commissions for telling your prospects about it. It's a win/win deal for everyone involved.

11. The "Law" Strategy

The "discover the (no.) laws of (gaining your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't own your product, they may be breaking some laws that they don't know about. Now these laws may not be real laws (like the government makes) but it will still grab their attention because most people don't want to break laws that stop them from gaining their desired benefit.

12. The "I Took The Dare" Strategy

The "one of my customers challenged me to help them (your product's benefit) and I won..." strategy tells your prospects that someone just like them dared you to help them gain their desired benefit and you were successful. You could even have the person that challenged you write a testimonial or success story and admit you won.

13. The "1001 Ways" Strategy

The "you don't need (no.) different ways to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your competition may be offering an info-product that tells them a ton of ways to gain their desired benefit. You can tell them it will confuse them and they only need one proven way which your product offers.

14. The "Like Gold" Strategy

The "it's like striking gold..." strategy tells your prospects that you are comparing your product to something which is either related or unrelated that is valuable. Some things that are valuable are diamonds, antiques, collectibles, striking oil, a treasure chest, a pot of gold, long lost artifacts, etc.

15. The "Up-Front Commission" Strategy

The "I'll give you an automatic ($) commission..." strategy tells your prospects that if they join your affiliate program, you will give them a certain amount of money in their commissions account without selling one product. It will get a lot of people to sign up but you’d better make sure your active affiliates can cover those costs and still make you a profit.

16. The "Your Thoughts?" Strategy

The "what is the first thing you thought of when you saw the picture of..." strategy tells your prospects that you want to recheck what they thought about when they saw something early in your sales letter. You want the visual impression to be something that will usually create a thought that will persuade them to purchase your product. For example, a picture of a fire may make them think about something hot, being burnt, etc.

17. The "Candy Bar" Strategy

The "for the price of a candy bar, you can get access to all these benefits..." strategy tells your prospects that you are comparing your $1 trial offer of your products to something they buy every day. Trial offers are usually around a few bucks at the most and last 3 to 30 days. You could compare it to buying a bag of chips, a soda pop, a newspaper, etc.

18. The "Notary Public" Strategy

The "notarized statement: I personally witnessed..." strategy tells your prospects that someone or a third party with authority witnessed and documented you using your product and you gained the desired benefits that you are promising them. You could even have some kind of certified stamp symbol beside the witness statement to make it look official.

19. The "What Vacation?" Strategy

The "it was so good I spent most of my vacation (reading, hearing, watching, using) it..." strategy tells your prospects that someone else's information product you are promoting is so good that you would cut out your fun time for it. You could even mention that your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or friends were mad at you for doing that. Other fun times people have are parties, holiday celebrations, etc.

20. The "Cheap Event" Strategy

The "bonus: a (no.)% discount on any event I hold in the next (no.) years..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will get a discount on all of your events in the future. It could be a seminar, boot camp, workshop, trade show, etc. People know that these events can be expensive so they will see the value.

21. The "No Affiliate Discount" Strategy

The "don't sign up to my affiliate program if you're trying to buy with your own link..." strategy tells your prospects they can't just join your affiliate program to get a discount on purchasing your product. You can mention that you check all orders manually. If you want to motivate them to promote your product, you can tell them they can order through their own affiliate link if they first make three affiliate sales.

22. The "Tick Tock" Strategy

The "the clock is ticking, every (minute/hour/day) that goes by (a negative effect)..." strategy tells your prospects that the longer they wait to use your product, the worse their problem will get. People will actually picture their problem getting worse and worse in their mind. For example, “Every day that goes by you could be gaining another pound.”

23. The "Exaggeration" Strategy

The "I don't want your money if my product doesn’t..." strategy tells your prospects that you will refund their money if your product doesn’t do something that is highly exaggerated. For example, “I don't want your money if my product doesn't make you so excited that you jump 20 feet in the air.” Exaggerations will gain people’s attention and entertain them. Plus most people know that you aren't guaranteeing your product will do something that is impossible or unbelievable.

24. The "Proof Of Receipt" Strategy

The "these are real customers and we have screenshots of their receipts to prove it..." strategy tells your prospects you are proving to them that the people in your testimonials aren’t made up people. You just want to get those people’s permission to use the receipts or other types of proof. You can black out highly personal stuff to help protect their privacy.

25. The "Don't Buy Today" Strategy

The "it's okay if you don't buy today, you can come back tomorrow..." strategy tells your prospects that your web site will still be here tomorrow but you can mention the price might be higher or the bonuses may be removed. People will know they will be taking a chance if they wait too long to order.

26. The "Busy Forum" Strategy

The "see the screenshots of our free forum and all the discussions..." strategy tells your prospects that you are offering access to your forum as a bonus and it isn't dead like most. Many businesses will throw up a forum really quickly to use as a bonus and they’ll only have 2 to 3 postings. Maybe people might have had experiences of those types of customer-only forums and were very disappointed. Overall, it will increase the perceived value of your forum bonus.

27. The "Almost 100%" Strategy

The "make 99% commissions per sale..." strategy tells your prospects that if they join your affiliate program, it will almost be like they are getting the resell rights to your product without all the work. All they will need is a link and you could make money with a one-time offer or upsell. You could even charge a monthly or yearly fee to be eligible for those high commissions.

28. The "Expired Agreement" Strategy

The "my confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement expired..." strategy tells your prospects that you will tell them all about a certain aspect of your competition's business or your own that has remained a secret if they purchase your product. People like to learn about things that have been closely guarded from the general public.

29. The "Less Effective" Strategy

The "I'm sure you'll agree with me that the effectiveness of (topic/competition’s product) has dropped..." strategy tells your prospects that they have likely noticed it's harder to get their desired benefit with older products. You need to tell them that you've improve your product or created a new product to take care of this problem.

30. The "I Worked There" Strategy

The "I used to work for (your competition's business name) and they (negative statement)..." strategy tells your prospects that you used to work for the competition before producing your own product or got a testimonial from one of your competition’s former employees. They could say something about how your product is better, how your competition’s product is worse, etc.

31. The "Sold Separately" Strategy

The "hurry, I'm considering selling some parts of this (product/package/membership site) separately..." strategy tells your prospects that they better order your product soon or they won't get everything for one price. You could even mention that the overall cost of the product will be more if you divide it up and sell it separately.

32. The "Quiet Benefits" Strategy

The "some people are quietly (your product's benefit), ever wonder how they do it?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is the secret ingredient that people have been using to gain their desired benefit so easily. You can tell them that now you’re going to allow the general public to purchase it even though you might make a few of your longtime clients mad or even lose them.

33. The "Cheating Yourself" Strategy

The "you're cheating yourself out of (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that it's their fault that they aren't reaching their goals or improving their life. You can tell them that the only person they can ever blame is themselves because all it takes is one simple purchase.

34. The "Automatic Delivery" Strategy

The "sign up to my monthly autoship program and you'll save $ (no.) per month..." strategy tells your prospects they can purchase your product every month or have it shipped automatically to them every month. You just get their permission to charge their credit card every month. Plus you can price the autoship program a little cheaper so they'll commit to purchasing your product every month.

35. The "Exact Steps" Strategy

The "just follow these (no.) easy steps and (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects the actual steps they need to take to gain their desired benefit. For example, STEP #1: Just Invest In My Product. STEP #2: Use My Product for 5 Minutes A Day. STEP #3: Watch The Pounds Disappear.

36. The "Half As Good" Strategy

The "I've bought $(high no.) (type of product) which were not half as valuable as (your product/affiliate product)..." strategy tells your prospects that you've purchased similar products for more money that weren't as good as your product or an affiliate product. People will think back to a time when that's happen to them and get those same feelings about your product.

37. The "Sequel Is Coming" Strategy

The "you'll get the sequel for free..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will get the next installment of it for free and that people who don't will have to pay for it. You can tell them that you’re currently working on the second one and the date it will be released. Plus tell them they will get to view or use it before the general public even sees the ad for it.

38. The "Just Like Free" Strategy

The "write it off as a tax deductible business expense, it's almost like getting it for free..." strategy tells your prospects that if they own a business, they should check with their accountant because they may be able to write off your product as a business expense. It also will make them feel that they will be getting it for nothing in the long run.

39. The "Delayed Identity" Strategy

The "you may or may not know who I am but I'll tell you more about me in a little bit..." strategy tells your prospects that you aren't going to reveal your identity till later on in your ad copy. They will at least scroll over or read most of your sales letter to find out if they’ve heard of you or not. The more they read about your product, the easier it will be to persuade them to buy.

40. The "Fits Anywhere" Strategy

The "you can apply it to almost any area of your life..." strategy tells your prospects that your product has tons of uses. You can say they can use it for their job, relationship, marriage, business, health, finances, etc. You can tell them it will help them save money by not buying different products for each one of those areas.

41. The "Students Only" Strategy

The "students only bonus..." strategy tells your prospects that if they are a certain type of person or have a certain type of profession, they will get an extra bonus for purchasing your product. You can tell them you are doing it because of something related to your own life. For example, “I'm doing this because my daughter is in college and I personally know how expensive it can be.”

42. The "Which Is Right?" Strategy

The "there are hundreds of different types of (your type of product) out there, but do you know which one is right for you?..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to help them find the best product for their particular situation. Of course, you want your advice to them to lean more towards them purchasing your product.

43. The "Past Purchases" Strategy

The "if you've bought (product 1) before then you get it for this price, if you've bought (product 2) before then you get it for this price, etc..." strategy tells your prospects that you are basing the price of your current product on what products they have purchase from you in the past. If they haven’t bought anything from you, they’ll have to buy it at the regular price but you’ll give them a lower price for purchasing a higher price product in the past.

44. The "Cheap Repurchases" Strategy

The "you don't want to go cheap on (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects your product may be priced higher than your competition's but they don't want to skimp on achieving their goal. You can tell them the reason is that if they purchase a lower price product, they might have to turn around and buy another one later on, so in the long run your product is cheaper.

45. The "Fast Returns" Strategy

The "(no.)% of people report making their money back the within the first (day/week/month)..." strategy tells your prospects that they have a very high chance to make their money back shortly after they purchase your product. You could base the percentage on your affiliate sign ups and stats or what affiliates tell you.

46. The "Breaking The Law?" Strategy

The "be smart, don't break the law, I'll give you a fair chance to order before I take action..." strategy tells your prospects if they came to your download page illegally without paying, you will be tracking down all illegal sellers and visitors. In case you can't track them down and don't want to go through the time and expense of taking them to court, you at least make some of your money back from people who give in and order to avoid legal problems.

47. The "Daily Commissions" Strategy

The "for the next (no.) days I'm offering (no.)% commission..." strategy tells your prospects that for a limited time, you are going to up your affiliates’ commissions. It could be for your older products or for a new product you are launching. Make sure you give them the date it starts and ends. Extra money can persuade people to work harder, just like at a real job where people work harder for a pay raise.

48. The "Crying" Strategy

The "have you ever seen a (type of person) cry?..." strategy tells your prospects they better read on or click to see why someone is crying. People respond to people or situations where someone may need comfort or need to be cheered up. People also cry when they are happy. For example, one of your customers may have cried because they finally received their desired benefit.

49. The "Resell It First" Strategy

The "bonus: you'll have the first chance to purchase the resell rights..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will be alerted first and know ahead of time when you offer the resell rights to your product. It could also be master resell rights, private label resell rights, master private label rights, rebranding rights, etc.

50. The "Qualification" Strategy

The "to qualify you must meet at least (no.) of these (no.) qualifications..." strategy tells your prospects that in order to be successful with your product, they need a few qualifications but not all of them. If they do possess the number of qualifications you require, then they will assume they will reach their goal. Some qualifications could be - follows directions well, have so much spare time a day, commit to using your product for so long, can afford to invest in your product, etc.