Directory:Derek Elder/Programs/BinarySearchTree
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Student { private: string m_name; int m_age; string m_major; int m_test[3]; int m_id; public: Student(string name, int age, string major, int test[], int id); Student(); bool readFromFile(ifstream& is); bool readFromKeyboard(); void writeToFile(ostream& os); void writeToScreen(); int getID() const; }; struct TreeNode { Student m_student; TreeNode* m_left; TreeNode* m_right; TreeNode(const Student& student, TreeNode* left = NULL, TreeNode* right = NULL); }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const TreeNode& pTree); class Tree { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Tree& tree); public: Tree(); Tree(const Tree& tree2); ~Tree(); bool IsEmpty() const; int Size() const; bool Insert(const Student& student); bool Delete(int id); bool Lookup(Student& student) const; void Print() const; Tree& operator=(const Tree& tree2); private: TreeNode* m_root; int Size(TreeNode* pTree) const; bool Insert(const Student& student, TreeNode *&pTree); bool Delete(int id, TreeNode*& pTree); void DeleteNode(TreeNode*& pTree); void GetPredecessor(int id, TreeNode* pTree); bool Lookup(Student& student, TreeNode* pTree) const; void Print(TreeNode* pTree) const; void Print(ostream& os, TreeNode* pTree) const; void Clear(); void Clear(TreeNode* pTree); void Copy(const Tree& tree2); void Copy(TreeNode*& pThis, TreeNode* pTree2); };
#include "Tree.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; //----------------------- //-----Student Class----- //----------------------- Student::Student(string name, int age, string major, int test[], int id) { int i; m_name = name; m_age = age; m_major = major; for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) { m_test[i] = test[i]; } m_id = id; } Student::Student() { int i; m_name = ""; m_age = 0; m_major = ""; for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) { m_test[i] = 0; } m_id = 0; } bool Student::readFromFile(ifstream& is)//program 3 readallmoviesfromfile { is>>m_name; if(m_name == "***") return false; else { is>>m_major; is>>m_age; is>>m_test[0]>>m_test[1]>>m_test[2]; is>>m_id; return true; } } bool Student::readFromKeyboard() { cout<<"Please enter your name: "; cin>>m_name; cout<<"Please enter your major: "; cin>>m_major; cout<<"Please enter your age: "; cin>>m_age; cout<<"Please enter your test scores: "; cin>>m_test[0]>>m_test[1]>>m_test[2]; cout<<"Please enter your ID: "; cin>>m_id; return true; } void Student::writeToFile(ostream& os) //no headers? { //ofstream Output //ifstream Input; //open output filename //string filename; //cout<<"Please enter the name of your file: "; //getline(cin,filename); //; os<<m_name; os<<m_major; os<<m_age; os<<m_test[0]<<m_test[1]<<m_test[2]; os<<m_id; //return os; } void Student::writeToScreen() { cout<<setw(15)<<m_name<<setw(15)<<m_major<<setw(15)<<m_age<<setw(15)<<m_test[0]<<" "<<m_test[1] <<" "<<m_test[2]<<setw(15)<<m_id<<endl; } int Student::getID() const { return m_id; } //----------------------- //----TreeNode Struct---- //----------------------- TreeNode::TreeNode(const Student& student, TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) :m_student(student), m_left(left), m_right(right) {} ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const TreeNode& pTree) { //if(os == cout) //os<<pTree->m_student.writeToScreen(); //os<<*pTree; //else //os<<pTree->m_student.writeToFile(os); //cout<<*pTree; return os; } //---------------------- //------Tree Class------ //---------------------- Tree::Tree() :m_root(0) {} Tree::Tree(const Tree& tree2) :m_root(0) {} Tree::~Tree() { Clear(); } bool Tree::IsEmpty() const { return(m_root == 0); } int Tree::Size() const { return Size(m_root); } int Tree::Size(TreeNode* pTree) const { if(pTree == 0) return 0; return (1 + Size(pTree->m_left) + Size(pTree->m_right)); } bool Tree::Insert(const Student& student) { return Insert(student,m_root); } bool Tree::Insert(const Student& student, TreeNode*& pTree) { if(pTree == 0) pTree = new TreeNode(student); else if(student.getID() < pTree->m_student.getID()) { Insert(student, pTree->m_left); } else { Insert(student, pTree->m_right); } return true; } bool Tree::Delete(int id) { return Delete(id,m_root); } bool Tree::Delete(int id, TreeNode*& pTree) { if(pTree == 0) return false; else if(id == pTree->m_student.getID()) { DeleteNode(pTree); return true; } else if(id > pTree->m_student.getID()) return Delete(id,pTree->m_right); else return Delete(id,pTree->m_left); } void Tree::DeleteNode(TreeNode*& pTree) //pass in id? { cout<<"Deleting node with ID "<<pTree->m_student.getID()<<endl; TreeNode* temp = pTree; if(pTree->m_left == 0) { pTree = pTree->m_right; delete temp; } else if(pTree->m_right == 0) { pTree = pTree->m_left; delete temp; } else { //get appropriate data int id = pTree->m_student.getID(); GetPredecessor(id,pTree->m_left); //pTree->m_student.getID() = id; Delete(id,pTree->m_left); } } void Tree::GetPredecessor(int id, TreeNode* pTree) //change to id //&id //student? { while(pTree->m_right != 0) { pTree = pTree->m_right; } //get the data, pTree->m_student ? id = pTree->m_student.getID(); } bool Tree::Lookup(Student& student) const { return Lookup(student,m_root); } bool Tree::Lookup(Student& student, TreeNode* pTree) const { if(pTree == 0) { return false; } else if(student.getID() == pTree->m_student.getID()) { student = pTree->m_student; cout<<setw(15)<<"Name"<<setw(15)<<"Major"<<setw(15)<<"Age"<<setw(23)<<"Test Scores"<<setw(13)<<"ID"<<endl; cout<<"===================================================================================="<<endl; pTree->m_student.writeToScreen(); return true; } else if(student.getID() < pTree->m_student.getID()) { return Lookup(student,pTree->m_left); } else { return Lookup(student,pTree->m_right); } } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Tree& tree) { tree.Print(); return os; } void Tree::Print() const { Print(m_root); } void Tree::Print(ostream& os, TreeNode* pTree) const //print in order { if(pTree == 0) return; this->Print(os,pTree->m_left); os<<*pTree; //os<<pTree->m_student.writeToScreen(); //os<<pTree->m_student; Print(os,pTree->m_right); } void Tree::Print(TreeNode* pTree) const //rework? { //static int level = 0; //level++; if(pTree == 0) { //level--; return; } //for(int i = 0; i <= level; i++) //cout<<" "; //cout<<pTree->m_student.getID()<<endl; pTree->m_student.writeToScreen(); //pTree->m_student.writeToFile(os); Print(pTree->m_left); Print(pTree->m_right); //level--; } void Tree::Clear() { Clear(m_root); } void Tree::Clear(TreeNode* pTree) { if(pTree == 0) return; Clear(pTree->m_left); Clear(pTree->m_right); delete pTree; } void Tree::Copy(const Tree& tree2) { Copy(m_root, tree2.m_root); } void Tree::Copy(TreeNode*& pThis, TreeNode* pTree2) { if(pTree2 == 0) { pThis = 0; return; } else { pThis = new TreeNode(pTree2->m_student); pThis->m_student = pTree2->m_student; Copy(pThis->m_left, pTree2->m_left); Copy(pThis->m_right, pTree2->m_right); } } Tree& Tree::operator=(const Tree& tree2) { if(this != &tree2) { Clear(); Copy(tree2); } return *this; }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include "Tree.h" using namespace std; void clearScreen(); //Purpose:To clear the screen. //Precondition:None //Postcondition:Screen is cleared. char displayMenuAndGetSelection(); //Purpose:To display the menu and get the selection for searching. //Precondition:None //Postcondition:Search choice is entered and appropriate function is called. void Pause(); //Purpose:To pause the program and allow the user a break. //Precondition:None //Postcondition:None void quitProgram(); //Purpose:To inform the user the program has been terminated. //Precondition:Correct choice is selected from the menu. //Postcondition:Program terminated. void Header(); //Purpose: //Precondition: //Postcondition: void doInsert(Tree& tree); //Purpose: //Precondition: //Postcondition: void doDelete(Tree& tree); //Purpose: //Precondition: //Postcondition: void doSearch(Tree& tree); //Purpose: //Precondition: //Postcondition: void main() { bool done = false; Tree tree1; Tree tree3; Student s1; s1.readFromKeyboard(); s1.writeToKeyboard(); cin.get(); int t[3] = {80,90,100}; tree1.Insert(Student("John",23,"Biology",t,1234)); tree1.Insert(Student("Carl",67,"Business",t,7777)); tree1.Insert(Student("Barry",27,"Economics",t,9801)); tree1.Insert(Student("Mary",45,"Nursing",t,1001)); tree1.Insert(Student("Dexter",35,"Physics",t,5747)); tree1.Insert(Student("Manslowe",17,"Mathematics",t,1999)); tree1.Insert(Student(s1)); cout<<"---Tree 1---"<<endl; Header(); tree1.Print(); Tree tree2(tree1); tree3 = tree1; cout<<"---Tree 3---"<<endl; Header(); cout<<tree3; //create output file menu option .open(c_str()) Pause(); while(!done) { char menuChoice = ' '; menuChoice = displayMenuAndGetSelection(); clearScreen(); switch(menuChoice) { case '1': Header(); tree1.Print(); Pause(); done = false; break; case '2': doInsert(tree1); Pause(); done = false; break; case '3': doDelete(tree1); //delete does not delete the top node correctly. Pause(); done = false; break; case '4': doSearch(tree1); Pause(); done = false; break; case '5': cout<<"The size of the tree is "<<tree1.Size()<<" leaves long."<<endl; Pause(); done = false; break; case '6': quitProgram(); done = true; break; default: cout<<"Incorrect choice selected"<<endl; Pause(); done = false; break; } } } void clearScreen() { system("cls"); } char displayMenuAndGetSelection() { char choice; clearScreen(); cout<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'1' -- View the tree."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'2' -- Insert a new person's information into the tree."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'3' -- Delete a person's information from the tree."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'4' -- Search the tree."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'5' -- Count the number of people in the tree."<<endl<<endl; cout<<"'6' -- Quit the program."<<endl<<endl; cin>>choice; cin.ignore(50,'\n'); return choice; } void Pause() { cout<<endl<<"Press 'ENTER' to continue..."<<endl; cin.get(); } void quitProgram() { cout<<"Program terminated, good bye!"<<endl; } void Header() { cout<<setw(15)<<"Name"<<setw(15)<<"Major"<<setw(15)<<"Age"<<setw(23)<<"Test Scores"<<setw(13)<<"ID"<<endl; cout<<"===================================================================================="<<endl; } void doInsert(Tree& tree) { string name, major; int age, id, test[3]; cout<<"Please enter the name of the student: "; cin>>name; cout<<"Please enter the age of the student: "; cin>>age; cout<<"Please enter the major of the student: "; cin>>major; cout<<"Please enter the three test scores of the student: "; cin>>test[0]>>test[1]>>test[2]; cout<<"Please enter the ID of the student: "; cin>>id; tree.Insert(Student(name,age,major,test,id)); cout<<"Insert has been performed."<<endl; cin.get(); } void doSearch(Tree& tree) { string name, major; int age = 0; int id, test[3]; cout<<"Please enter the ID of the student you wish to find: "; cin>>id; if(tree.Lookup(Student(name,age,major,test,id))) { cout<<endl<<"The student has been found."<<endl; } else cout<<"The student has not been found."<<endl; cout<<"The search has been performed."<<endl; cin.get(); } void doDelete(Tree& tree) { int id; cout<<"Please enter the ID of the student you wish to delete: "; cin>>id; if(tree.Delete(id)) cout<<"Delete has been performed."<<endl; else cout<<"Delete has not been performed."<<endl; cin.get(); }