MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Sunday February 16, 2025
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Formal Grammars
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 1}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \varnothing\)
& S
& :>
& m_1 \ = \ ^{\backprime\backprime} \operatorname{~} ^{\prime\prime}
& S
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& S
& :>
& \operatorname{Conc}^0 \ = \ ^{\backprime\backprime\prime\prime}
& S
& :>
& \operatorname{Surc}^0 \ = \ ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{()} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& S
& :>
& S^*
& S
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S \, \cdot \, ( \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \operatorname{,} ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S \, )^* \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 2}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \{ \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \}\)
& S
& :>
& \varepsilon
& S
& :>
& m_1
& S
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& S
& :>
& S \, \cdot \, S
& S
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& S
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \operatorname{,} ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 3}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \{ \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, F \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, R \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \}\)
& S
& :>
& R
& S
& :>
& F
& S
& :>
& S \, \cdot \, S
& R
& :>
& \varepsilon
& R
& :>
& m_1
& R
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& R
& :>
& R \, \cdot \, R
& F
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& S
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \operatorname{,} ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 4}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \{ \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, S' \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T' \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \}\)
& S
& :>
& \varepsilon
& S
& :>
& S'
& S'
& :>
& m_1
& S'
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& S'
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& S'
& :>
& S' \, \cdot \, S'
& T
& :>
& \varepsilon
& T
& :>
& T'
& T'
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \operatorname{,} ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 5}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \{ \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, S' \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \}\)
& S
& :>
& \varepsilon
& S
& :>
& S'
& S'
& :>
& m_1
& S'
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& S'
& :>
& S' \, \cdot \, S'
& S'
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{()} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& S'
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& S'
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S'
\(\mathfrak{C} (\mathfrak{P}) : \text{Grammar 6}\!\)
\(\mathfrak{Q} = \{ \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, S' \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, F \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, R \, ^{\prime\prime}, \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, T \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \}\)
& S
& :>
& \varepsilon
& S
& :>
& S'
& S'
& :>
& R
& S'
& :>
& F
& S'
& :>
& S' \, \cdot \, S'
& R
& :>
& m_1
& R
& :>
& p_j, \, \text{for each} \, j \in J
& R
& :>
& R \, \cdot \, R
& F
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{()} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& F
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{(} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{)} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& S'
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime}
& T
& :>
& T \, \cdot \, ^{\backprime\backprime} \, \operatorname{,} \, ^{\prime\prime} \, \cdot \, S'
Proof Schemata
Definition 1
Variant 1
\(\text{Definition 1}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q\)
\(\forall x \in X\)
Variant 2
\(\text{Definition 1}\!\)
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q\)
\(\forall x \in X\)
Rule 1
\(\text{Rule 1}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{and if}\!\)
\(x \in X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(x \in Q\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)\)
Rule 2
\(\text{Rule 2}\!\)
\(f : X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(x \in X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f(x) = \underline{1}\)
Rule 3
Variant 1
\(\text{Rule 3}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X\)
\(x \in X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(x \in Q\)
\(\text{R3a : R1a}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)\)
\(\text{R3b : R1b}\!\)
\(\text{R3b : R2a}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) = \underline{1}\)
\(\text{R3c : R2b}\!\)
Variant 2
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(x ~\in~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(x ~\in~ Q\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \underline{1}\)
Corollary 1
\(\text{Corollary 1}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X\)
\(x \in X\)
\(\text{the following statement is true:}\!\)
\(x \in Q ~\Leftrightarrow~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) = \underline{1}\)
\(\text{R3a} \Leftrightarrow \text{R3c}\)
Rule 4
\(\text{Rule 4}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X ~\text{is fixed}\)
\(x \in X ~\text{is varied}\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(x \in Q\)
\(\downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright (x)\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) = \underline{1}\)
Logical Translation Rule 0
\(\text{Logical Translation Rule 0}\!\)
\(s_j ~\text{is a sentence about things in the universe X}\)
\(p_j ~\text{is a proposition about things in the universe X}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s_j \downharpoonright ~=~ p_j, ~\text{for all}~ j \in J,\)
\(\text{the following equations are true:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{Conc}_j^J s_j \downharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{Conj}_j^J \downharpoonleft s_j \downharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{Conj}_j^J p_j\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{Surc}_j^J s_j \downharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{Surj}_j^J \downharpoonleft s_j \downharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{Surj}_j^J p_j\)
Logical Translation Rule 1
\(\text{Logical Translation Rule 1}\!\)
\(s ~\text{is a sentence about things in the universe X}\)
\(p ~\text{is a proposition} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~=~ p\)
\(\text{the following equations hold:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{false} \downharpoonright\)
\(\underline{0} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{not}~ s \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright)\)
\((p) ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright\)
\(p ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{true} \downharpoonright\)
\(\underline{1} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
Geometric Translation Rule 1
\(\text{Geometric Translation Rule 1}\!\)
\(Q \subseteq X\)
\(p ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~=~ p\)
\(\text{the following equations hold:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \varnothing \upharpoonright\)
\(\underline{0} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\upharpoonleft {}^{_\sim} Q \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\((p) ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(p ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\upharpoonleft X \upharpoonright\)
\(\underline{1} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
Logical Translation Rule 2
\(\text{Logical Translation Rule 2}\!\)
\(s, t ~\text{are sentences about things in the universe}~ X\)
\(p, q ~\text{are propositions} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~=~ p \quad \operatorname{and} \quad \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright ~=~ q\)
\(\text{the following equations hold:}\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{false} \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{neither}~ s ~\operatorname{nor}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright)(\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{not}~ s ~\operatorname{but}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright) \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
\((p) q\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{not}~ s \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright)\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{and~not}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\(p (q)\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{not}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{or}~ t, ~\operatorname{not~both} \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~,~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\((p, q)\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{not~both}~ s ~\operatorname{and}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\((p q)\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{and}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
\(p q\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{is~equivalent~to}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\(((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~,~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright))\)
\(((p, q))\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{implies}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright))\)
\((p (q))\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{is~implied~by}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\(((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright) \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
\(((p) q)\!\)
\(\downharpoonleft s ~\operatorname{or}~ t \downharpoonright\)
\(((\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright)(\downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright))\)
\(\downharpoonleft \operatorname{true} \downharpoonright\)
Geometric Translation Rule 2
\(\text{Geometric Translation Rule 2}\!\)
\(P, Q \subseteq X\)
\(p, q ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{such that:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~=~ p \quad \operatorname{and} \quad \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~=~ q\)
\(\text{the following equations hold:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \varnothing \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P} ~\cap~ \overline{Q} \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright)(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P} ~\cap~ Q \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright) \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\((p) q\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P} \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright)\)
\(\upharpoonleft P ~\cap~ \overline{Q} \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(p (q)\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{Q} \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(\upharpoonleft P ~+~ Q \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\((p, q)\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P ~\cap~ Q} \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\((p q)\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft P ~\cap~ Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(p q\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P ~+~ Q} \upharpoonright\)
\(((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright))\)
\(((p, q))\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{P ~\cap~ \overline{Q}} \upharpoonright\)
\((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright))\)
\((p (q))\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright\)
\(\upharpoonleft \overline{\overline{P} ~\cap~ Q} \upharpoonright\)
\(((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright) \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(((p) q)\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft P ~\cup~ Q \upharpoonright\)
\(((\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright)(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright))\)
\(\upharpoonleft X \upharpoonright\)
Value Rule 1
Editing Note. There are several versions of this Rule in the last couple of drafts I can find. I will try to figure out what's at issue here as I mark them up.
Variant 1
\(\text{Value Rule 1}\!\)
\(v, w ~\in~ \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(^{\backprime\backprime} v = w \, ^{\prime\prime} ~\text{is a sentence about pairs of values}~ (v, w) \in \underline\mathbb{B}^2,\)
\(\downharpoonleft v = w \downharpoonright ~\text{is a proposition} ~:~ \underline\mathbb{B}^2 \to \underline\mathbb{B},\)
\(\text{the following are identical values in}~ \underline\mathbb{B}:\)
\(\downharpoonleft v = w \downharpoonright (v, w)\)
\(\downharpoonleft v \Leftrightarrow w \downharpoonright (v, w)\)
\(\underline{((}~ v ~,~ w ~\underline{))}\)
Variant 2
\(\text{Value Rule 1}\!\)
\(v, w ~\in~ \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(v = w\!\)
\(v \Leftrightarrow w\)
\(\underline{((}~ v ~,~ w ~\underline{))}\)
Variant 3
A rule that allows one to turn equivalent sentences into identical propositions:
\((s ~\Leftrightarrow~ t) \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright)\)
Consider the following pair of expressions:
\(\downharpoonleft v ~=~ w \downharpoonright (v, w)\)
\(\downharpoonleft v(x) ~=~ w(x) \downharpoonright (x)\)
\(\text{Value Rule 1}\!\)
\(v, w ~\in~ \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{the following are identical values in}~ \underline\mathbb{B}:\)
\(\downharpoonleft v = w \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft v \Leftrightarrow w \downharpoonright\)
\(\underline{((}~ v ~,~ w ~\underline{))}\)
Variant 4
\(\text{Value Rule 1}\!\)
\(f, g ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(x ~\in~ X\)
\(\text{the following are identical values in}~ \underline\mathbb{B}:\)
\(\downharpoonleft f(x) ~=~ g(x) \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft f(x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ g(x) \downharpoonright\)
\(\underline{((}~ f(x) ~,~ g(x) ~\underline{))}\)
Variant 5
\(\text{Value Rule 1}\!\)
\(f, g ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{the following are identical propositions on}~ X:\)
\(\downharpoonleft f ~=~ g \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft f ~\Leftrightarrow~ g \downharpoonright\)
\(\underline{((}~ f ~,~ g ~\underline{))}^\$\)
Evaluation Rule 1
\(f, g ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(x ~\in~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f(x) ~=~ g(x)\)
\(f(x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ g(x)\)
\(\underline{((}~ f(x) ~,~ g(x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\underline{((}~ f ~,~ g ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Definition 2
Variant 1
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(P ~=~ Q\)
\(x \in P ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q\)
\(\forall x \in X\)
Variant 2
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(P ~=~ Q\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (x \in P ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q)\)
Definition 3
Variant 1
\(f, g ~:~ X \to Y\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f ~=~ g\)
\(f(x) ~=~ g(x)\)
\(\forall x \in X\)
Variant 2
\(f, g ~:~ X \to Y\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f ~=~ g\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (f(x) ~=~ g(x))\)
Variant 3
\(f, g ~:~ X \to Y\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f ~=~ g\)
\(\prod_x^X~ (f(x) ~=~ g(x))\)
Definition 4
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ X \times \underline\mathbb{B}:\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\{ (x, y) \in X \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ y ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright\)
Definition 5
Variant 1
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are identical propositions:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
f & : & X \to \underline\mathbb{B}
f(x) & = & \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright \quad (\forall x \in X)
Variant 2
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are identical propositions:}\!\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
f & : & X & \to & \underline\mathbb{B}
f & : & x & \mapsto & \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright
Variant 3
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are identical propositions} ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright\)
Definition 6
\(\text{each string}~ s_j, ~\text{as}~ j ~\text{ranges over the set}~ J,\)
\(\text{is a sentence about things in the universe}~ X~\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(\overset{J}{\underset{j}{\forall}}~ s_j\)
\(\operatorname{Conj}_j^J s_j\)
Definition 7
\(s, t ~\text{are sentences about things in the universe}~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(s ~\Leftrightarrow~ t\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
Rule 5
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(P ~=~ Q\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (x \in P ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q)\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (\downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright)\)
\{ (x, y) \in X \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ y ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright
\{ (x, y) \in X \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ y ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
Rule 6
\(f, g ~:~ X \to Y\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(f ~=~ g\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (f(x) ~=~ g(x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (f(x) ~=~ g(x))\)
Rule 7
\(p, q ~:~ X \to \underline\mathbb{B}\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(p ~=~ q\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (p(x) ~=~ q(x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (p(x) ~=~ q(x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (p(x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ q(x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ p(x) ~,~ q(x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ p ~,~ q ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Rule 8
\(s, t ~\text{are sentences about things in}~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(s ~\Leftrightarrow~ t\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x) ~=~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x) ~=~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x) ~,~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright (x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright ~,~ \downharpoonleft t \downharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Rule 9
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(P ~=~ Q\)
\(\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Rule 10
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(P ~=~ Q\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (x \in P ~\Leftrightarrow~ x \in Q)\)
\(\downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright\)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ \downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright (x) ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright (x)\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright (x) ~=~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright (x) ~\Leftrightarrow~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright (x))\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright (x) ~,~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright (x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \downharpoonleft x \in P \downharpoonright ~,~ \downharpoonleft x \in Q \downharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Rule 11
\(Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(Q ~=~ \{ x \in X ~:~ s \}\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft \{ x \in X ~:~ s \} \upharpoonright\)
\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright
& \subseteq &
X \times \underline\mathbb{B}
\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright
& = &
\{ (x, y) \in X \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ y = \, \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x) \}
\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright & : & X & \to & \underline\mathbb{B}
\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright & : & x & \mapsto & \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x)
\(\overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright (x)\)
\(\upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~=~ \downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright\)
Fact 1
Variant 1
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (P ~=~ Q)\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \downharpoonleft \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)) \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \downharpoonleft (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)) \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Variant 2
\(P, Q ~\subseteq~ X\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (P ~=~ Q)\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright)\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \overset{X}{\underset{x}{\forall}}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(s \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x))\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \downharpoonleft \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)) \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \downharpoonleft (\upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~=~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x)) \downharpoonright\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright (x) ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright (x) ~\underline{))}\)
\(\downharpoonleft s \downharpoonright \quad = \quad \operatorname{Conj_x^X}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft P \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft Q \upharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (x)\)
Definition 8
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ S \times I \, :\)
\(\{ (s, i) \in S \times I ~:~ (o, s, i) \in L ~\operatorname{for~some}~ o \in O \}\)
Definition 9
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ I \times S \, :\)
\(\{ (i, s) \in I \times S ~:~ (o, s, i) \in L ~\operatorname{for~some}~ o \in O \}\)
Definition 10
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ O \times S \, :\)
\(\{ (o, s) \in O \times S ~:~ (o, s, i) \in L ~\operatorname{for~some}~ i \in I \}\)
Definition 11
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ S \times O \, :\)
\(\{ (s, o) \in S \times O ~:~ (o, s, i) \in L ~\operatorname{for~some}~ i \in I \}\)
Definition 12
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(x ~\in~ S\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ O \, :\)
\(L_{OS} \cdot x\)
\(\operatorname{Den}^L \cdot x\)
\(\operatorname{Den}^L |_x\)
\(\operatorname{Den}^L (-, x)\)
\(\operatorname{Den}(L, x)\)
\(\operatorname{Den}(L) \cdot x\)
\(\{ o \in O ~:~ (o, x) \in \operatorname{Den}(L) \}\)
\(\{ o \in O ~:~ (o, x, i) \in L ~\operatorname{for~some}~ i \in I \}\)
Definition 13
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ S \times I \, :\)
\(\{ (x, y) \in S \times I ~:~ \operatorname{Den}^L|_x = \operatorname{Den}^L|_y \}\)
\(\{ (x, y) \in S \times I ~:~ \operatorname{Den}(L, x) = \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \}\)
Fact 2.1
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are identical subsets of}~ S \times I :\)
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \operatorname{Den}(L, x) ~=~ \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, x) \upharpoonright ~=~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \upharpoonright \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \overset{O}{\underset{o}{\forall}}~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, x) \upharpoonright (o) ~=~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \upharpoonright (o) \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}}~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, x) \upharpoonright (o) ~=~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \upharpoonright (o) \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, x) \upharpoonright (o) ~,~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \upharpoonright (o) ~\underline{))} \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, x) \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}(L, y) \upharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (o) \\
\} & \\
\{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}}~ \underline{((}~ \upharpoonleft L_{OS} \cdot x \upharpoonright ~,~ \upharpoonleft L_{OS} \cdot y \upharpoonright ~\underline{))}^\$ (o) \\
\} & \\
Fact 2.2
Variant 1
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
& = & \{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& ) & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright
& = & \upharpoonleft & \{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& & & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& ) & \\
\end{array} \\
& & & \} & \\
& & \upharpoonright & & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright
& = & \{ & (x, y, z) \in S \times I \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ z = \\
& & & \begin{array}{cccl}
\downharpoonleft & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& & = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& & ) & \\
\downharpoonright & & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright
& = & \{ & (x, y, z) \in S \times I \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ z = \\
& & & \begin{array}{cccl}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& \downharpoonleft & ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& & = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& & ) & \\
& \downharpoonright & & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright
& = & \{ & (x, y, z) \in S \times I \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ z = \\
& & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& \underline{((} & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& , & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& \underline{))} & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright
& = & \{ & (x, y, z) \in S \times I \times \underline\mathbb{B} ~:~ z = \\
& & & \begin{array}{cll}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& \underline{((} & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright \\
& , & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright \\
& \underline{))}^\$ & (o) \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
Variant 2
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
\operatorname{F2.2a.} \quad \operatorname{Der}^L
& = & \{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& & & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \, (\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \, = \, \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o)) \\
& & \} & \\
\(\operatorname{F2.2b.} \quad \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{F2.2c.} \quad \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{F2.2d.} \quad \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{F2.2e.} \quad \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright\)
\(\operatorname{F2.2f.} \quad \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright\)
Fact 2.3
\(L ~\subseteq~ O \times S \times I\)
\(\text{the following are equivalent:}\!\)
& = & \{ & (x, y) \in S \times I ~: \\
& & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& ) & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \} & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright (x, y)
& = & \downharpoonleft & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & & & \begin{array}{cl}
( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
= & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
) & \\
\end{array} \\
& & \downharpoonright & & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright (x, y)
& = & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\downharpoonleft & ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L x \upharpoonright (o) \\
& = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L y \upharpoonright (o) \\
& ) & \\
\downharpoonright & & \\
\end{array} \\
& & & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright (x, y)
& = & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & & \begin{array}{ccl}
\downharpoonleft & ( & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L \upharpoonright (o, x) \\
& = & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L \upharpoonright (o, y) \\
& ) & \\
\downharpoonright & & \\
\end{array} \\
& & & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright (x, y)
& = & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & & \begin{array}{cl}
\underline{((} & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L \upharpoonright (o, x) \\
, & \upharpoonleft \operatorname{Den}^L \upharpoonright (o, y) \\
\underline{))} & \\
\end{array} \\
& & & \\
\upharpoonleft \operatorname{Der}^L \upharpoonright (x, y)
& = & \underset{o \in O}{\operatorname{Conj}} \\
& & & \begin{array}{cl}
\underline{((} & \upharpoonleft L_{OS} \upharpoonright (o, x) \\
, & \upharpoonleft L_{OS} \upharpoonright (o, y) \\
\underline{))} & \\
\end{array} \\
& & & \\