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==Jun 19, 2011 &mdash; Rick Snyder to announce sweeping DPS reforms Monday==
==Jun 19, 2011 &mdash; Rick Snyder To Announce Sweeping DPS Reforms==
Freep -- Rick Snyder To Announce Sweeping DPS Reforms
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The extra cash from so-called “philanthropists” is what is is known as a Loss Leader. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and DC, a lot of data will have to be cooked in order to make it look that way. Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documentaries” to cover up the facts. By the time anyone figures out what is really going down, the school system will be too far down the road to for-profit privatization to have much chance of turning back.
The extra cash from so-called “philanthropists” is what is is known as a Loss Leader. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and DC, a lot of data will have to be cooked in order to make it look that way. Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documentaries” to cover up the facts. By the time anyone figures out what is really going down, the school system will be too far down the road to for-profit privatization to have much chance of turning back.
Comment 7
What Can We Do to Stop the Madness?
Repealing PA4 (the Emergency Manager Law) would be a good beginning —
Freep Stories —
• http://www.freep.com/article/20110619/NEWS06/106190507/Pro-democracy-group-targets-Michigan-s-new-emergency-manager-law
• http://www.freep.com/article/20110618/NEWS06/110618018/Petition-drive-seeks-repeal-Michigan-s-emergency-manager-law
Facebook Page —
• https://www.facebook.com/rejectemergencymanagers
Main Website —
• https://sites.google.com/site/rejectemergencymanagers/home
Recalling Snyder and his gang of Privateers in the Legislature would be another good start —
• https://www.facebook.com/pages/Recall-Governor-Rick-Snyder/113418962065885
• http://www.firericksnyder.org/
• http://www.firericksnyder.org/community/all-events-list
Comment 8
The Governor and his Privateers are starving the Public Sector in Michigan out of existence for a reason, so that private corporations can complete their hostile takeover of all public services. They stopped being content with tax abatements, bailouts, incentives, kickbacks, and worker concessions a long time ago — they want nothing less than the automatic funneling of tax dollars directly into their private corporate bankrolls without the annoying interference of all us pesky commoners.
Mackinac Center For Public Policy • “State Needs Privatization”
• http://www.educationreport.org/15050
Lansing State Journal • “Going Private? — Snyder, Republicans Put New Focus On Merits Of Privatization”
• http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20110515/NEWS04/105150528/GOING-PRIVATE-Snyder-Republicans-put-new-focus-merits-privatization
Comment 9
ALEC's Restaurant
More information is coming to light about the move by ALEC, DeVos, Koch, the Mackinac Center, and related entities to co-opt our elected officials into serving their corporate ends, namely, to privatize not only public education, but all current public services, indeed, our very government itself.
Here's an article that came out this week —
Amanda Terkel • “Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin”
• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/17/privatization-wisconsin_n_873871.html
The American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the groups most actively advocating privatization nationwide. It has 2500 legislative members, which is about a third of all state lawmakers around the country. One of its most valuable functions is crafting model legislation that lawmakers can then use to propose real bills in their own states. In the past few years, ALEC-inspired legislation has been popping up with increased frequency around the country.
The group just launched “Publicopoly”, a Monopoly-like board game as part of an “initiative to provide solutions for a more effective, efficient government, and a thriving economy”. Visitors to Publicopoly are able to learn about privatizing seven sectors: government operations, education, transportation and infrastructure, public safety, environment, health, and telecommunications.
Comment 10
Be Careful How Much Sunshine You Wish For, ALEC !
There are now several sites where readers can begin getting up to speed on the “starve and supplant” tactics that the ALEC Axis is bringing to bear on several States at once. Here's 3 for starters:
Democracy Watchdog Action Network
• https://www.facebook.com/democracy.watchdog.action.network
Wear Red For Public Ed
• https://www.facebook.com/wearredforpubliced
Support Bill Cronon
• https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-Bill-Cronon/163419837045434
Bill Cronon is a distinguished history professor who came under attack when he wrote an article about ALEC and the Mackinac Center, so the people who came to his defense began collecting data about these issues.
Related tags at the Daily Kos —
• http://www.dailykos.com/news/ALEC
• http://www.dailykos.com/blog/Exposing%20ALEC
Current updates at the Daily Kos —
• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/09/983573/-Exposing-ALECJune-Update-on-ALEC-Activities,-Articles-and-Links
• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/15/985433/-EXPOSING-ALEC2nd-Update-with-important-news-and-links
Comment 11
Reply to comment on “High Level People” —
You misspelled “High Leverage People” = Hedge Fund Managers.
Yeah, that will EFM Good !
Comment 12
Additional remarks on the “Waiting For SuperFraud” article that I posted earlier.
Michael T. Martin • Waiting For SuperFraud
• http://ksdcitizens.org/2010/12/22/waiting-for-superfraud/
The extra cash from so-called “philanthropists” is what is known as a “Loss Leader”. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and Washington, DC, a lot of data will have to be cooked and lot of Agenda-Driven Statistification (ADS) will have to be trumpeted all over the corporate air waves to make it look like there was any improvement at all.
Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documentaries” to cover up the facts. By the time anyone figures out what is really going down, the school system will be so far down the road to privatization for corporate profit that it will take the People all they can do to keep any shreds of equal opportunity education at all.
You have to understand that these people are not philanthropists — “lovers of humanity” — they are investors.  They don't give money away — they invest money for the sake of making more money, acting in tandem with their ego-driven need to force their personal ideology on the rest of the world.  It does not make an ounce of difference to them how much they destroy the American way of life in the process.

Revision as of 20:00, 20 June 2011

Jun 19, 2011 — Pro-Democracy Group Targets Emergency Manager Law


Freep -- Pro-Democracy Group Targets Emergency Manager Law


Pro-democracy group targets Michigan's new emergency manager law (June 19, 2011)



Comment 1

The Governor and his Privateers are starving the Public Sector in Michigan out of existence for a reason, so that private corporations can complete their hostile takeover of all public services. They stopped being content with tax abatements, bailouts, bribes, incentives, kickbacks, and worker concessions a long time ago — they want nothing less than the automatic funneling of tax dollars directly into their private corporate bankrolls without the annoying interference of all us pesky commoners.

Mackinac Center For Public Policy • “State Needs Privatization”

• http://www.educationreport.org/15050

Lansing State Journal • “Going Private? — Snyder, Republicans Put New Focus On Merits Of Privatization”

• http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20110515/NEWS04/105150528/GOING-PRIVATE-Snyder-Republicans-put-new-focus-merits-privatization


Comment 2

ALEC's Restaurant

More information is coming to light about the move by ALEC, DeVos, Koch, the Mackinac Center, and related entities to co-opt our elected officials into serving their corporate ends, namely, to privatize not only public education, but all current public services, indeed, our very government itself.

Here is an article that came out this week —

Amanda Terkel • “Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin”
• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/17/privatization-wisconsin_n_873871.html

The American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the groups most actively advocating privatization nationwide. It has 2500 legislative members, which is about a third of all state lawmakers around the country. One of its most valuable functions is crafting model legislation that lawmakers can then use to propose real bills in their own states. In the past few years, ALEC-inspired legislation has been popping up with increased frequency around the country.

The group just launched “Publicopoly”, a Monopoly-like board game as part of an “initiative to provide solutions for a more effective, efficient government, and a thriving economy”. Visitors to Publicopoly are able to learn about privatizing seven sectors: government operations, education, transportation and infrastructure, public safety, environment, health, and telecommunications.


Comment 3

There are now several sites where readers can begin getting up to speed on the “starve and supplant” tactics that the ALEC Axis is bringing to bear on several States at once. Here's 3 for starters:

Democracy Watchdog Action Network
• https://www.facebook.com/democracy.watchdog.action.network

Wear Red For Public Ed
• https://www.facebook.com/wearredforpubliced

Support Bill Cronon
• https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-Bill-Cronon/163419837045434

Bill Cronon is a distinguished history professor who came under attack when he wrote an article about ALEC and the Mackinac Center, so the people who came to his defense began collecting data about these issues.

Related tags at the Daily Kos —

• http://www.dailykos.com/news/ALEC

• http://www.dailykos.com/blog/Exposing%20ALEC

Current updates at the Daily Kos —

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/09/983573/-Exposing-ALECJune-Update-on-ALEC-Activities,-Articles-and-Links

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/15/985433/-EXPOSING-ALEC2nd-Update-with-important-news-and-links


Jun 19, 2011 — Rick Snyder To Announce Sweeping DPS Reforms


Freep -- Rick Snyder To Announce Sweeping DPS Reforms


Rick Snyder to announce sweeping DPS reforms Monday (June 19, 2011)



Comment 1

Here's a good update on some of the things that educators, parent activists, and others will be doing over the Summer to protect our system of democratic education from hostile takeover by corporations, ideologues, and other private interests.

Frustrated Educators Aim To Build Grassroots Movement

• http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2011/06/15/35activists_ep.h30.html

Thousands of educators, parent activists, and others are expected to convene in the heat and humidity of Washington next month for a march protesting the current thrust of education policy in the United States, especially the strong emphasis on test-based accountability.

Organizers say the effort aims to galvanize and give voice to those who believe policymakers, including U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and state governors, have gone astray in their remedies for improving American schools.


Comment 2

The following Facebook page is a good resource for learning how communities across the nation are dealing with the ongoing degradation of their public education systems.

Wear Red For Public Ed

• http://www.facebook.com/wearredforpubliced

Many people across the country are beginning to realize that there is a coordinated campaign by corporate-dominated State governments to turn back the clock on American education to something more like the systems of private privilege we once had the good sense to revolt against.


Comment 3

Here's a good article that will help Michiganders understand the brand of Billionaire Boys' Club financed PR campaign that we can expect to see in Detroit and the State over the coming year —

Michael T. Martin • Waiting For SuperFraud

• http://ksdcitizens.org/2010/12/22/waiting-for-superfraud/


Comment 4

Anyone with a working long-term memory knows where this agenda to “Starve Public Schools Out Of Existence” came from.

Good thing there's web search for the rest of us —

Richard DeVos Advocates “Stealth” Strategy Against Public Education

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-fTAhc4QC4

Blackwater In-Law DeVos Outlines “Stealth” Plot Against Public Education

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/05/04/972949/-Blackwater-In-Law-DeVos-outlines-stealth-plot-against-Public-Education

Strategy for Privatizing Public Schools Spelled out by Dick DeVos in 2002 Heritage Foundation Speech

• http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/5/3/12515/58655/Front_Page/Strategy_for_Privatizing_Public_Schools_Spelled_out_by_Dick_D


Comment 5

Just in case anyone thinks these Educational Privateers are relics of bygone days, here's a couple of recent stories that show us what they have in mind for one of democracy's most precious resources.

The United Gates Of America

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/05/22/978218/-The-United-Gates-of-America

Rupert Murdoch, Who Bought 90% Of An Education Software Provider, Launches Initiative “To Make Education A Top Issue In 2012 Presidential Campaign”

• http://www.businessinsider.com/rupert-murdoch-news-corp-education-2012-presidential-campaign-2011-5

Here's another good article on the ongoing program by ALEC, DeVos, Koch, et al. to destroy public education:

Jim Hightower • “Billionaires' Front Groups Attack Workers, Public Schools, and Young Voters”

• http://www.hightowerlowdown.org/node/2680


Comment 6 (Reply)

Read the “Waiting For SuperFraud” article I posted earlier.

The extra cash from so-called “philanthropists” is what is is known as a Loss Leader. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and DC, a lot of data will have to be cooked in order to make it look that way. Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documentaries” to cover up the facts. By the time anyone figures out what is really going down, the school system will be too far down the road to for-profit privatization to have much chance of turning back.


Comment 7

What Can We Do to Stop the Madness?

Repealing PA4 (the Emergency Manager Law) would be a good beginning —

Freep Stories —

• http://www.freep.com/article/20110619/NEWS06/106190507/Pro-democracy-group-targets-Michigan-s-new-emergency-manager-law

• http://www.freep.com/article/20110618/NEWS06/110618018/Petition-drive-seeks-repeal-Michigan-s-emergency-manager-law

Facebook Page —
• https://www.facebook.com/rejectemergencymanagers

Main Website —
• https://sites.google.com/site/rejectemergencymanagers/home

Recalling Snyder and his gang of Privateers in the Legislature would be another good start —

• https://www.facebook.com/pages/Recall-Governor-Rick-Snyder/113418962065885
• http://www.firericksnyder.org/
• http://www.firericksnyder.org/community/all-events-list


Comment 8

The Governor and his Privateers are starving the Public Sector in Michigan out of existence for a reason, so that private corporations can complete their hostile takeover of all public services. They stopped being content with tax abatements, bailouts, incentives, kickbacks, and worker concessions a long time ago — they want nothing less than the automatic funneling of tax dollars directly into their private corporate bankrolls without the annoying interference of all us pesky commoners.

Mackinac Center For Public Policy • “State Needs Privatization”

• http://www.educationreport.org/15050

Lansing State Journal • “Going Private? — Snyder, Republicans Put New Focus On Merits Of Privatization”

• http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20110515/NEWS04/105150528/GOING-PRIVATE-Snyder-Republicans-put-new-focus-merits-privatization


Comment 9

ALEC's Restaurant

More information is coming to light about the move by ALEC, DeVos, Koch, the Mackinac Center, and related entities to co-opt our elected officials into serving their corporate ends, namely, to privatize not only public education, but all current public services, indeed, our very government itself.

Here's an article that came out this week —

Amanda Terkel • “Privatization At The Heart Of Divisive Battles In Wisconsin”
• http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/17/privatization-wisconsin_n_873871.html

The American Legislative Exchange Council is one of the groups most actively advocating privatization nationwide. It has 2500 legislative members, which is about a third of all state lawmakers around the country. One of its most valuable functions is crafting model legislation that lawmakers can then use to propose real bills in their own states. In the past few years, ALEC-inspired legislation has been popping up with increased frequency around the country.

The group just launched “Publicopoly”, a Monopoly-like board game as part of an “initiative to provide solutions for a more effective, efficient government, and a thriving economy”. Visitors to Publicopoly are able to learn about privatizing seven sectors: government operations, education, transportation and infrastructure, public safety, environment, health, and telecommunications.


Comment 10

Be Careful How Much Sunshine You Wish For, ALEC !

There are now several sites where readers can begin getting up to speed on the “starve and supplant” tactics that the ALEC Axis is bringing to bear on several States at once. Here's 3 for starters:

Democracy Watchdog Action Network
• https://www.facebook.com/democracy.watchdog.action.network

Wear Red For Public Ed
• https://www.facebook.com/wearredforpubliced

Support Bill Cronon
• https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-Bill-Cronon/163419837045434

Bill Cronon is a distinguished history professor who came under attack when he wrote an article about ALEC and the Mackinac Center, so the people who came to his defense began collecting data about these issues.

Related tags at the Daily Kos —

• http://www.dailykos.com/news/ALEC

• http://www.dailykos.com/blog/Exposing%20ALEC

Current updates at the Daily Kos —

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/09/983573/-Exposing-ALECJune-Update-on-ALEC-Activities,-Articles-and-Links

• http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/15/985433/-EXPOSING-ALEC2nd-Update-with-important-news-and-links


Comment 11

Reply to comment on “High Level People” —

You misspelled “High Leverage People” = Hedge Fund Managers.

Yeah, that will EFM Good !


Comment 12

Additional remarks on the “Waiting For SuperFraud” article that I posted earlier.

Michael T. Martin • Waiting For SuperFraud
• http://ksdcitizens.org/2010/12/22/waiting-for-superfraud/

The extra cash from so-called “philanthropists” is what is known as a “Loss Leader”. Big bucks will be pumped into the system to make it look like the reforms are a smashing success. If that strategy works the way it has in other States and Washington, DC, a lot of data will have to be cooked and lot of Agenda-Driven Statistification (ADS) will have to be trumpeted all over the corporate air waves to make it look like there was any improvement at all.

Never mind the small stuff, the truth won't matter. More big bucks will be pumped into rah-rah ads and corporate media “documentaries” to cover up the facts. By the time anyone figures out what is really going down, the school system will be so far down the road to privatization for corporate profit that it will take the People all they can do to keep any shreds of equal opportunity education at all.

You have to understand that these people are not philanthropists — “lovers of humanity” — they are investors.  They don't give money away — they invest money for the sake of making more money, acting in tandem with their ego-driven need to force their personal ideology on the rest of the world.  It does not make an ounce of difference to them how much they destroy the American way of life in the process.
