
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Wednesday May 01, 2024
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[18:38] <Qcoder00> Q7 :  How many posts do you need for a 9 panel fence?
[18:38] <Qcoder00> Q7 :  How many posts do you need for a 9 panel fence?
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[18:40] <{soap|bed}> 45. it's actually a picket fence
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Soap : Hmm ;)
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Picket uses 4 posts per panel?
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Arghh
[18:40] <Qcoder00> I mean 5 ...
[18:40] <{soap|bed}> actualyy sory 46
[18:41] <Qcoder00> Why 46?
[18:41] <{soap|bed}> one extra for the end of the last panel
[18:41] <Qcoder00> +1
[18:41] <Qcoder00> :)
[18:41] <Qcoder00> And this why my code doesn't work first time
[18:41] <Qcoder00> ;)
[18:42] <Qcoder00> Wasn;t there a Wikibooks math test somewhere?
[18:42] <{soap|bed}> that would be fun
[18:44] <Qcoder00> NotAspy: IIRC You get some interesting math in chemistry?
[18:45] <NotASpy> not particularly.
[18:45] <{soap|bed}> i gotta admit i love sicence but chemistry is the most boring science i can find. hard to believe i wanted to major in it once
[18:46] <Qcoder00> Chemsitry makes bangs,  Physics makes really big bangs
[18:46] <Qcoder00> The Biologists scare me though
[18:46] <{soap|bed}> oh look if you mix vancomycin and aminohydroxydimethyloxandihydroxycarbamoylmethylpenemdichloropentanaminocontadecanacarbolic acid you get more vancomycin!!
�03[18:46] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:47] <{soap|bed}> i agree physics is probably even more boring than chemistry for mnost people but for me its actually exciting
[18:47] <Qcoder00> Biology bangs thing ;)
[18:47] <Qcoder00> XD
[18:47] <NotASpy> There's not a lot of maths on a day to day basis. You probably do more maths working out delivery costs on your raw ingredients and feedstocks, rather than in conducting experiments.
[18:47] <{soap|bed}> oh hi NotASpy youre a chemist ?
[18:48] <NotASpy> yeah
[18:48] <NotASpy> well, I've a bit of paper (and a membership card) that says so.
[18:48] <Qcoder00> NotASpy:  I thought there was stuff like molar mass that you use to calculate how mcuh feedstock you need?
�03[18:49] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[18:49] <NotASpy> Qcoder00: you do it once, write an SOP (standard operating procedure) or more likely, copy it off the internet, and then repeat ad infinitum
[18:49] <Qcoder00> OH OK
[18:49] <Qcoder00> I mean if you know where to look there;'s probbaly all kinds of chemistry recipe online...
[18:50] <Qcoder00> From simple things like dyes, and detgerents right up to high energy fertilizers :)
[18:51] <NotASpy> yeah, the last SOP I wrote took and turned it into a 3 or 4 page step by step guide, so anybody using or even reviewing the SOP can ensure compliance.
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[18:56] <NotASpy> I should point out, when I say "copy it off the internet" we're normally talking about either manufacturer's instructions and research papers, which are cited in the SOPs.
[18:57] <git> NotASpy: what kind of chemist?
�02[18:57] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[18:57] <NotASpy> degree was drug development, lab work has been mainly toxicology work
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[18:58] <{soap|bed}> ah
[18:58] <{soap|bed}> so its close to biology
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[18:59] <{soap|bed}> its not just mixing yellow liquids like we did in high school
[18:59] <git> nice, pharmacy stuff is interesting
[19:00] <{soap|bed}> a possible cure for AIDS is on the horizon
[19:00] <{soap|bed}> well, sorry
[19:01] <{soap|bed}> a drug that can prevent one from acquiring HIV is on the horizon.  Its not a cure for AIDS unfortunately
[19:01] <NotASpy> toxicology stuff is properly interesting - genuinely not knowing if the results you're looking at are either correct or are to be expected, and having to sit down with the rest of the team to work out if everything's right or not.
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[19:01] <git> so is that like, working with medical examiners and that kind of stuff?
[19:03] <NotASpy> the company I worked for did contract research with the big agrichemicals, so we would apply new pesticides on cell lines and look for undesirable behaviour.
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[19:11] <JamesEG> what happened to those ethiopian prostitutes|whores who were found to possess an immuno-response that prevented HIV from afflicting them?
[19:15] <git> hey, does someone want to do a histmerge?
[19:15] <git> and
[19:15] <git> looke like the guy in the second one just copy/pasted from the draft pagae
[19:16] <git> and then approved their own article?
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[19:40] <White_Cat_> JamesEG they probably did what they were doing prior
[19:45] <JamesEG> you mean the medical researchers or the women?
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[19:46] <Qcoder00> git: Think Monsanto proving they aren't about to  release another Pesticide disaster
[19:47] <Qcoder00> Soap|bed: Aids/HIV won't be cured without a societal change
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[19:52] <{soap|bed}> Qcoder you mean, make homosexual activity illegal again?
[19:52] <Qcoder00> Not quite
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[19:52] <Qcoder00> But people would need to be a lot more responsible about sexual matters
[19:55] <git> u wot
[19:55] <git> oh
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[20:05] <Qcoder00> Homosexual partners in a long term relationship tend to be less promiscuous anyway
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[20:06] <White_Cat_> Qcoder00 heterosexuals arent doing better
[20:07] <White_Cat_> I am inclined that best partners are plants
[20:07] <Qcoder00> :O
[20:08] <Amortias> Only way to ensure you dont cheat on anyone is to remain celibate
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[20:08] <git> you could do what i unintentionally do and date only asexual/homosexual women
[20:08] <Qcoder00> Until self cleaning sex-driones come along
[20:09] <Qcoder00> Next 10 years and there will be consumer sex dolls...
[20:09] <Qcoder00> with marginal AI
�03[20:09] * natuur12|away is now known as natuur12
[20:09] <git> there already are, dear.
[20:09] <SuicidalZerg> lol
[20:10] <Qcoder00> git: Not consumer yet?
[20:10] <Qcoder00> At least not with AI
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[20:14] <JamesEG> crude responses that mimic, but the AI models are used for tradeshows.  a few years back you could rent the korean gynoids for 20K daily.
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> Come on guys
[20:14] <Qcoder00> Not quite consumer yet then
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> Please talk about this somewhere else
[20:14] <Qcoder00> [[Gynoid]] has an article
[20:15] <Qcoder00> But if it's making you nervous
[20:15] <Qcoder00> ...
[20:15] <GorillaWarfare> That does not make this discussion on-topic
[20:15] <Qcoder00> Noted
[20:16] <JamesEG> where were you when I was asking questions about my edits?
[20:17] <GorillaWarfare> When were you asking?
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[20:20] <git> neat felicia day and i have the same birthday
[20:21] <GorillaWarfare> As do you and I, apparently. Happy birthday
[20:21] <git> :o
[20:21] <git> happy birthday GorillaWarfare!
[20:21] <GorillaWarfare> Thanks :)
�06[20:22] * Amortias researches a method of sending real cake over the internet
[20:22] <Amortias> An pushing into into your dsl connection doesnt work form experience
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[20:26] <Qcoder00> 3D printed flour objects?
[20:26] <Qcoder00> Hmmm...
[20:26] <Amortias> Potentially you coudl 3D print in chocolate
[20:26] <Qcoder00> And icing sugar
[20:27] <Amortias> Would a 3D chocolate mousse cake be of interest to anyone?
[20:27] <Qcoder00> Possibly
[20:27] <Qcoder00> Werider things have got Kickstarter funbding
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[20:30] <SigmaWP> GorillaWarfare: happy birthday?
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[20:35] <GorillaWarfare> Thanks SigmaWP
[20:36] <JamesEG> anyone like cinema?  what's the usual practice for cast lists in the infoboxes?
[20:39] <Amortias> with regards to?
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[20:46] <JamesEG> i wonder if inventing vandalism for ClueBot's ruleset, based on wild playfulness, would help ClueBot or simply slow it down?
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[20:46] <Amortias> it'd likely get you blocked for vandalism
[20:46] <JamesEG> probably already been done — no, you fool, not page vandalism
[20:46] <JamesEG> :-)
[20:46] <JamesEG> I meant just going to town inside the ruleset
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[20:48] <JamesEG> it looks like they might not've allowed for that facility
[20:49] <JamesEG> way to go, building the thing in Google
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[23:49] <PontoCom_BR> hello.
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[00:24] <Josve05a> Any BAG'er in here?
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[01:18] <comets> so Bobby Jindal is running, not sure Americans are ready for a guy whose initials are BJ
[01:18] <comets> they already have a BO as president :P
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[01:35] <mareklug> comets BJ is a brainy guy. I just wish he took up positions worth electing him for.
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[01:48] <comets> which is?
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[01:53] <mareklug> something about making th 13 million illegals documented merkins overnight, for wont of example
�02[02:01] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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[02:08] <SamB_7> mareklug: well, that's not very likely; someone would have to write up the documents ...
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[02:12] <mareklug> what is the alternative?  you won't get them physically repatriated/gone.
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[02:13] <mareklug> all it takes is a directive of the President:  go get our ID at the nearest office of Blah Blah.  Or, even better:  You are your own document.  No document NEEDED.
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[02:26] <SamB_7> all I meant was that the documentation is not actually going to appear one morning
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[03:09] <comets> i like the new NZ flag >
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[03:12] <Dustin> Why is that at a .au link? And it makes the Union Jack green instead of blue
�02[03:12] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
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[03:12] <ZeroSerenity> Could somebody double check my work?
�02[03:13] * mangopear (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[03:14] <comets> an australian designed it lol
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[03:17] <Monty845> ZeroSerenity: NFCC 3b, resolution probably needs to be reduced
[03:19] <ZeroSerenity> I did want to show the point of "This is native resolution" so we don't get into the whole upscaling nonsense again.
�02[03:20] * JD|cloud (uid7951@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
[03:21] <SamB_7> isn't that resolution thing for logos and covers and stuff, not UIs?
[03:23] <ZeroSerenity> Oh. Apparently the license is wrong. Hold on a sec.
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[03:28] <git> hey anyone here want to do a histmerge?
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[03:34] <ZeroSerenity> Done. Apparently there's a Microsoft specific license.
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[05:52] <asdffffff> WIKIPEDIA IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[05:52] <asdffffff> i -.0 for wikipedia......
[05:53] <asdffffff> thank
�02[05:59] * PontoCom_BR (bb7b5809@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[06:02] <slakr> no prob
[06:02] <slakr> glad you enjoy it
[06:02] <slakr> :P
[06:02] <comets> i give it a few months before the word 'awesome' disappears from his sentence :P
[06:03] <slakr> "wikipedia is fucking?"
[06:03] <slakr> bow chicka bow wow
[06:03] <ZeroSerenity> Don't tell him what Wiki-tan is...
�02[06:03] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Quit: Just got kidnapped again.�)
[06:06] <asdffffff> well it is..........
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[06:25] <{soap|bed}> huh? the USA abolished truck driver's licenses
[06:25] <{soap|bed}> all driver's licenses are valid for trucks now
[06:25] <{soap|bed}> you can just hop in and start driving
[06:26] <{soap|bed}> buses too. there's no more "school bus certification"
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[06:27] <IDoH> {soap|bed}: That can be problematic
[06:27] <IDoH> I'd imagine driving a school bus would take some amount of precaution, if only to protect the kids on bard.
[06:29] <poutine> do school buses have seatbelts yet?
[06:30] <IDoH> Not the last I heard.
[06:30] <IDoH> I'm not sure why.
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> theoretically a school bus could be driven by a teenager who's still in school himself, if not for the fact that he'd have to dliver the bus back to the station every morning while he's in school
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> huh? you guys have school buses with no seatbelts?
[06:30] <IDoH> I think my mom got nervous about me riding in a bus with no seat belts when I was four or five.
[06:30] <IDoH> {soap|bed}: Yup.
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> maybve it goes by state
[06:30] <IDoH> Yeah, probably.
[06:31] <poutine> I am in my 30s now, but as a kid, I've never seen a single schoolbus with seatbelts, and I have been in them on about 6 different states
[06:31] <IDoH> Apparently, you're protected by physics while on a bus.
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> i know for sure that there were seatbelts in the school buses i used to ride, not that it was enforced that much since how are you gonna control 50 kids while simultaneously dodging traffic?
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> they were lap belts only
[06:31] <IDoH> Even in the wheelchair buses with seatbelts, it was the lap belts and not the lap-and-shoulder belts.
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> ah thats what i meant
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> lapbelts only. the seats were of a type that it wouldnt really be possible to do soulderbelts since you ahd to cram 3 kids into erach seat
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> i klnow Massachuisetts (where i went to school) is a bit odd in that it allows "non standard" school buses
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> if you own a truck you can become a "school bus" if you pass some kind of test
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> itd be for special education kids who dont ride the regular school bus
[06:33] <IDoH> It was impossible to cram three kids into each seat once pre-adolescence got close enough.
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> all you have to do is put a flip-up sign on top that says "SCHOOL BUS" and i think maybe attach the typical red stop sign
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> but you dont have to paint your car yellow or anyuthinmg
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[06:36] <ZeroSerenity> Here's a fun problem I'm having: Finding Anti-malware for a Windows XP x64 machine.
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> i walked to school from Grades 6-8, but then got on a bus again in high school
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> hi zero
[06:36] <ZeroSerenity> Hey Mr. Clean.
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> yeah WinXP
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[06:39] <ZeroSerenity> I decided to put a VM together for downloading viruses and testing apps (roll with it). So I thought I would pick an obscure and weird OS.
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[06:42] <foks> haha, apparently the Kanye West gig was subtitled by the BBC
[06:42] <foks> for some reason
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[07:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Turkish police spray gay pride parade
[07:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> an read that in so many ways
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[07:17] <revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: (snicker)
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[07:26] <ZeroSerenity> Its amazing how far behind some cultures are.
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[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ZeroSerenity I do not believe it is the culture
[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It is more about the fear of the ruling party that the slightest sign of defience will be the end of them
[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which has a level of truth to it
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> The oppressed majority is sick of it.
[07:53] <ZeroSerenity> I would consider it being a bit of both when put that way.
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> same rally was peaceful in the past
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for a decade+
[07:54] <ZeroSerenity> Oh that's news to me.
[07:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it wasnt news because you do not report a peaceful rally where nothing happens.
[07:55] <ZeroSerenity> Well no. I didn't know about the other part about it being a thing that has gone on peacefully for years.
[07:55] <ZeroSerenity> I didn't read the associated articles. I just saw the headline and moved on.
[07:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tis ok
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[10:23] <revent> !cookie coalballs
[10:24] <revent> (I wonder if he stalks that, lol)
[10:24] <revent> !cookie SigmaWP (for
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�06[10:27] * slakr steals SigmaWP's cookie
[10:27] <slakr> :P
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[12:45] <Carly_away> I am working on Belén sotoén_Soto and I would like someone give me a hand with the article
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[12:46] <Carly_away> For example the references are in spanish language and I don't know if use the template {{es}}
[12:46] <Carly_away> Or if that is the correct template for this
[12:46] <Carly_away> Please
[12:47] <Carly_away> I dont know any user here so,I dont still have partners
[12:47] <Carly_away> Lol
[12:48] <Carly_away> GorillaWarfare  if you are available could you help me
[12:48] <Carly_away> With the template please
[12:50] <Carly_away> Well the article can wait
[12:50] <Carly_away> Thanks :D
[12:53] <Carly_away> Isarra Hello I've see you in recent changes in some Wikimedia projects,I need help with the article
�03[12:55] * GEOFBOT (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:55] <Carly_away> GEOFBOT Hello I tolk to tou
[12:55] <Carly_away> You*
[12:55] <RD> ...
[12:55] <RD> This bot shouldn't be here.
[12:56] <Carly_away> Ok ok sorry >_<
[12:56] <GEOFBOT> ?
[12:56] <RD> GEOFBOT: lol
[12:56] <GEOFBOT> I'm not a bot, that's just my name
[12:56] <RD> Yeah
[12:56] <Carly_away> He is not a bot
[12:56] <RD> So I've seen.
[12:56] <RD> Didn't check the cloak right away.
[12:56] <Carly_away> I confused him as a bot
[12:56] <RD> People keep bringing bots in ...I just assumed
�03[12:56] * Carly_away is now known as Carliitaeliza
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> GEOFBOT remember me?
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> I need help with an article
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> Help me,please :D
[12:58] <GEOFBOT> not sure if I remember you but what do you need help with?
[12:58] <Carliitaeliza> With templates
[12:58] <Carliitaeliza> Onén_Soto
[12:59] <GEOFBOT> Carliitaeliza: which templates?
[12:59] <Carliitaeliza> If you open the references link they're all in spanish
[12:59] <Carliitaeliza> And i need use templates to notice that the linka are in spanish
[13:00] <Carliitaeliza> But I am not sure if it is {{es}}
[13:01] <Carliitaeliza> And i want to put the templates in good way
[13:02] <Carliitaeliza> Because some are  references are disordely
[13:02] <Carliitaeliza> Because some references are disordely*
�02[13:02] * ripley (~ripley@ Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[13:03] <Carliitaeliza> Please GEOFBOT :) if you can of course
[13:03] <GEOFBOT> Carliitaeliza: you can add "|language=es" to the {{cite web}} templates and it will do what you want
�02[13:05] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[13:05] <Carliitaeliza> I will try
[13:05] <GEOFBOT> I fixed it for you
[13:06] <Carliitaeliza> Let me see
[13:06] <Carliitaeliza> Oww :) thank you GEOFBOT
[13:08] <Carliitaeliza> Because I'm happy!
[13:08] <Carliitaeliza> I go to do some work
[13:08] <GEOFBOT> you're welcome :)
�03[13:08] * Carliitaeliza is now known as Carliita|working
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[13:35] <Carliita|working> GEOFBOT see this
[13:35] <Carliita|working> 5. ^ "Belén Soto cuenta que habría sido amenazada de muerte" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2015-06-29.
[13:35] <Carliita|working> Unknown parameter |Website= ignored (|website= suggested) (help )ref
[13:35] <Carliita|working> What's that error?
[13:35] <GEOFBOT> You used |Website rather than |website
[13:36] <Carliita|working> Wooow
[13:36] <Carliita|working> That was fast,thanks
�02[13:39] * vicente_ (~vicente@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:39] <Carliita|working> I fixed the mistake
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[14:02] <comets> < does the image look compressed here?
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[14:31] <Carliita|working> GEOFBOT it's correct the way I added what the actress (Belén) said in an interview about she wants to study acting and journalism?
[14:31] <Carliita|working> Because I want this like ' ' ' text ' ' "
[14:31] <GEOFBOT> there is probably a quote template somewhere but i'm not sure what it is
[14:31] <Carliita|working> ' ' ' tex here ' ' '
[14:32] <Carliita|working> Okay I am going to look up the template
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[14:40] <Carliita|working>
[14:40] <Carliita|working> It was easy
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[14:57] <SigmaWP> revent: huh?
�02[14:59] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:59] <revent> SigmaWP: Hours later, lol. I like your edit summary search tool, was using it, and tossed you a cookie.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> ah.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> good. I was afraid it was broken and you were just telling me.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> I'm off.
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[15:21] <ZeroSerenity> Mondays. Am I right?
[15:21] <Carliita|working> I need help with using the template Infobox person
[15:21] <ZeroSerenity> Sure, what's up?
[15:22] <Penwhale> ZeroSerenity: I hope you're not a garfield, because I can't relate to garfield's hatred of mondays.
[15:22] <Carliita|working> Isn't working on the articleén_Soto
[15:23] <Carliita|working>én_Soto
[15:23] <Carliita|working> Can someone lead me a hand please
[15:23] <Penwhale> ah, you didn't close the template right
[15:23] <Carliita|working> Oh I will do it
[15:25] <ZeroSerenity> Templates use two curly brackets for everything, so your filmography template also needs updating.
[15:25] <Carliita|working> Oh,yes but I never learnt to use very well the templates
[15:25] <Carliita|working> Thank you Penwhale
[15:26] <Carliita|working> ZeroSerenity I will look for the template of filmography
[15:26] <Carliita|working> Thanks
[15:26] <ZeroSerenity> English doesn't seem like your first language. Is this article written somewhere else too?
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[15:34] <Carliita|working> Unexpected use of template {{18}} - see Template:18 for details.
[15:34] <Carliita|working> Santiago ?
[15:34] <Carliita|working> Which is the error?
[15:35] <Carliita|working> ZeroSerenity No,I did not take info from other wikipedias
�03[15:35] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:36] <Carliita|working> I am translating to english the spanish information
[15:36] <NotASpy> Carliita|working: wrong template. Date of birth should be in the following format. {{birth date|year|month|day}}, i.e {{birth date|1906|09|18}}
[15:36] <Carliita|working> (Info from references)
[15:37] <{soap|bed}> thats a problem
[15:39] <ZeroSerenity> And there is the filmography fixed.
[15:40] <Carliita|working> Thank you ZeroSerenity and NotASpy
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[16:50] <Carliita|working> It was a long day and very active
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[18:05] <Qcoder00> ON FoP -
[18:05] <Qcoder00> "(iv)  A restriction on freedom of panorama could also be used by certain organizations to harrass or supress individuals and entities involved in matters of public concern.  An example may bea quasi relgiosu orgabisation objecting to an image of protest about it's beliefs on the grounds that the protest included an image of an artwork for which they owned the copyright."
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[18:05] <Qcoder00> Is that a reasonable comment?
[18:06] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: no, look up fair use and fair dealing, both of which would cover the use of copyrighted works in areas of legitimate criticism
[18:06] <Ironholds> this is /specifically what they exist for/
[18:07] <Qcoder00> Thanks
�03[18:07] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[18:07] <{Soap}>  another weird reference tyhatp robably 95% of people wont get
[18:07] <{Soap}> i *sort of* get it
[18:08] <{Soap}> and it shows what age bracket Im in i think bvecasuse those childrens books were only popular for a short time
[18:08] <Ironholds> not really; I've never read the book but get it because the book became memetic
[18:08] <{Soap}> it dids? hgmm ok
[18:08] <{Soap}> i didnt know
[18:09] <{Soap}> as for why i said "sort of" i apparently didnt remember some of what was referenced
[18:09] <Qcoder00> Ironholds: Fair use is what I had mine with the comment, but it didn't stop certain quasi relgious bodies attempting to get people into toruble for photoing ther logo at protests...
[18:10] <Qcoder00> *trouble
[18:12] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: and you think those organisations, and let's be explicit, we're talking about the church of scientolog,y have ever been stopped from suing based on something as unimportant as what the law said?
�03[18:13] * Bradford (Pancho@gateway/shell/yourbnc/x-tyqebzcufthnonvy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:13] <Qcoder00> Depends, presumably it's base don what they think they can get away with
[18:14] <Ironholds> quite
�02[18:14] * ___Chess___ (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[18:14] <Qcoder00> My reasons for objecting to the EU FoP change (discountign the one above for the reason you outline)
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (i) Sometimes it's not clear what is and isn't an artwork
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (ii) Image focus vs direct subject
[18:15] <Qcoder00> Sorry... (ii) In shot vs direct focus
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (iii) Sudden categorisation of previous accetpable images as prolematic
[18:15] <Qcoder00> *problematic
[18:16] <Ironholds> which are implementation details
[18:16] <Ironholds> address the actual problem with restricting FoP; it weakens the commons
[18:16] <Qcoder00> It allso allows powerful agencies to contol freedom of expression
[18:17] <Qcoder00> It doesn't address the routine folouting of existing limiations by US based corporations (like Google, Facebook and so on)
[18:17] <Qcoder00> *flouting
[18:17] <Ironholds> now say that again but less like it ends with "and THAT'S WHY I WEAR MY TINFOIL HAT"
[18:17] <Ironholds> and put it in the complaint
[18:18] <Qcoder00> I'll hhave to give this more thought
[18:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds not aluminum foil?
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "Weird Al" Yankovic - Foil
[18:19] <Qcoder00> IN any case my point (ii) is probably an issue on what exactly qualifies as De Minimis
[18:19] <Qcoder00> As you say an "Implementation" problem
[18:20] <{Soap}> tinfoil has less syllables
[18:20] <Qcoder00> Ironholds: Have you already spoke to your polticians about the FoP issue? Or being US based at the moment it's not a problem?
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[18:21] <Qcoder00> spoken
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[18:24] <Qcoder00> An EU change could make imagesof EU items  hosted in the US a regulatory problem for US tech
[18:25] <Qcoder00> Not that they comply at the moment....
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[18:29] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: I can't vote, anywhere, ;p
[18:30] <Qcoder00> Sorry
[18:30] <Interpuncts> Hello; I'm new to IRC
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[18:30] <Interpuncts> people like this UI?
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[18:30] <Qcoder00> This is like having an open forum in a concert hall
[18:30] <Ironholds> the UI depends on your client, so...I don't know
[18:31] <{Soap}> hi Interpuncts
[18:31] <Interpuncts> ooh, green
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[18:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you can vote, I was offered a vote ballot in 2004 elections
[18:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I naturally didnt vote. :p
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[18:36] <Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: for me to register to vote as a foreigner I need to find multiple British people in the US in a position of some authority to verify I am who I say I am
[18:36] <Ironholds> to vote in the US I need to wait until 2021
[18:36] <Ironholds> so... ;p
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you can have a ballot box in WMF office and drop a vote every day
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can vote on every election and referandum, unofficially
[18:38] <Ironholds> that makes literally no sense and I'm too busy to deal with you being twee rather than productive
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh sorry
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a joke.
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I'll try to avoid making them to you in the future
[18:39] <Ironholds> thank you for the apology that made it my fault and intentionally misunderstood what I meant
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[19:12] <Beschu> Hi Colleagues. Could somebody revert the changes made by on [[Henckel von Donnersmarck]]? It is pure vandalism only to put his external link.
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[19:50] <Qcoder00> Hi folks
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[19:56] <Ironholds> argh, flying
[19:56] <KimiNewt> It has been humanity's dream since antiquity
[19:57] <Ironholds> and I'm scared of it
[19:59] <KimiNewt> You're scared of flying?
[19:59] <Ironholds> yep
[20:01] <KimiNewt> That's weird, in this day and age
[20:01] <KimiNewt> You know we're hurtling through space as we speak
[20:01] <KimiNewt> Are you at the airport or currently in the air?
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[20:02] <Qcoder00> If he was in the air he wouldn't be on IRC
[20:03] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: there's absolutely nothing weird about it, regardless of time
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[20:03] <Ironholds> and a good people skill is not dismissing the fears of others as weird or stupid or etc, etc, etc.
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[20:04] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: correct, insofar as I refuse to fly conscious, but you can get wifi on a lot of flights these days
[20:07] <kelapstick> being scared of flying is completely rational, it is the same reason a fish should be afraid of driving
[20:07] <kelapstick> I have only accessed wifi on a flight once, London to Istanbul
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[20:09] <Ironholds> kelapstick: ditto, albeit DC to Minneapolis
[20:10] <Ironholds> today I'm going Boston -> Amsterdam -> Aalborg and then Aalborg -> Copenhagen -> London in a week
[20:10] <KimiNewt> Qcoder00 - there's flights with wifi now
[20:11] <KimiNewt> Ironholds - if I was talking to a stranger I wouldn't be dismissive
[20:11] <KimiNewt> How much is a usual flight from the US to -anywhere in europe-?
[20:12] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: you're more dismissive to people you're familiar with, i.e., those who should have fewer shields up?
[20:12] <Ironholds> that's an odd order in which to do things
[20:12] <KimiNewt> Yes
[20:12] <KimiNewt> Not really, aren't you much more rude and unkind to your friends?
[20:12] <KimiNewt> I'm much more polite and kind to strangers
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[20:12] <KimiNewt> I think that's most people..
[20:12] <Ironholds> Not around things they're sensitive about. Or, at least, I try not to be.
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[20:12] <KimiNewt> Well, not if they had cancer or something
[20:13] <IDoH> KimiNewt: What about mental health?
[20:14] <KimiNewt> Light ribbing, probably
[20:14] <KimiNewt> ribbing? is that a word?
[20:14] <KimiNewt> Depends on how severe, anyway
[20:14] <KimiNewt> but generally amongst my friends, we make fun of seemingly everything
[20:14] <Ironholds> you speak for the social circle you normally associate with; if I'm part of that you have fewer friends than I thought ;p
[20:15] <Ironholds> but "light ribbing" is precisely the thing not to do unless you know for certain they're okay with it, both generally and in their current context.
[20:15] <KimiNewt> Well, you did not seem to be an overly sensitive person
[20:15] <Ironholds> the entire context in which mental illness operates is that sufferers are aberrant from the standard human condition. Emphasising and reinforcing that is pretty harmful.
[20:15] <KimiNewt> well
[20:15] <KimiNewt> I don't know anyone with a mental illness
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[20:16] <Ironholds> really? Hi.
[20:16] <{Soap}> lol
[20:16] <KimiNewt> But I will consider it when I do
[20:16] <IDoH> Hi.
[20:16] <Ironholds> nice ta meetcha
[20:16] <KimiNewt> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[20:16] <KimiNewt> Is your mental illness a crippling fear of flying?
[20:17] <Ironholds> no, my mental illness is depression and generalised anxiety, most prominently social but also around flying, needles and heights
[20:17] <KimiNewt> I see
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[20:17] <KimiNewt> Will you guys excuse me for being a total ass and ask a question?
[20:17] <KimiNewt> It will probably be offensive, but I mean no offense.
[20:17] <Ironholds> could you answer that question by googling for it?
[20:17] <KimiNewt> Um
[20:18] <Ironholds> if it's offensive try and think of a non-offensive way of asking it
[20:18] <KimiNewt> can't you just like
[20:18] <KimiNewt> not get offended
[20:18] <Ironholds> if it's non-offensive but you could answer it with google, google for it. Two good rules for dealing with people generally
[20:18] <Ironholds> yes, magically. you've found my power
[20:18] <KimiNewt> worst x-men ever
[20:18] <Ironholds> see, anxiety has given me the mutant ability to reset my brain's state and input processing at any point in time
[20:18] <KimiNewt> x-man, rather
[20:18] <Ironholds> normally I keep it secret but you've puzzled it out
[20:18] <KimiNewt> good thing this channel isn't publicly logged
[20:19] <{Soap}> yeah it totally isnt
[20:19] <{Soap}> dont mind all 80 of those people who never talk, theyre just really shy
[20:19] <Amortias> that or were just waiting for the next fight to kick off
[20:19] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: if you really want to ask it, can't answer it with google and can't think of a better way of phrasing it, sure, ask away
[20:20] <KimiNewt> I'll pass then
[20:20] <KimiNewt> I don't care that much
[20:20] <Ironholds> kewl
[20:20] <{Soap}> nio i want to see the question, you could ask in PM to me maybe?
[20:20] <KimiNewt> um I guess
[20:20] <Amortias> KimiNewt: Was going to suggest the same thing to see if it could be reworded
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[20:23] <Ironholds> well reword fast, I'm out in 5
[20:24] <Amortias> I'll pick it up if your not here im not going anywhere anytime soon
[20:24] <Ironholds> kk
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[20:41] <{Soap}> OK i went to a "free unlock code" site and it says i have to enter my IMEI code and then sign up for some ikind of offer
[20:41] <{Soap}> i entered my IMEI code as "4" and it went to the next page
[20:41] <{Soap}> im guessing this site is fake?
�06[20:41] * Amortias facepalms
[20:41] <{Soap}> an IMEI is supposed to be 15 digits i believe
[20:42] <GEOFBOT> its a trap!
[20:42] <{Soap}> im doing it inside a virual machine, so even if it's literally just a virus, i'm safe
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[20:42] <{Soap}> oh wai t ithink i might know what th egig is
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[20:43] <Amortias> "Im safe" famous last words of the man about to be ripped apart by the monster they swore was dead
[20:44] <{Soap}> its one of those endless clicking sites where it keeps promising you that your reward is just a few clicks away and it never gets there
[20:45] <Amortias> That or you end up starng at some guys junk
[20:45] <{Soap}> besides, how would the main site know when youre "done" ?  Even if they were the world's only "honest" version of that setup, it still woudlnt work
[20:45] <{Soap}> so alas it wont happen
[20:46] <GEOFBOT> just like those "post this comment 5 times on various blogs to get a free copy of minecraft" schemes
[20:46] <GEOFBOT> those were everywhere a few years ago
[20:46] <{Soap}> thing is, my carrier says the phone is unlocked, and every time i go to another store to get it set up, they tell me they cant because the phone is locked
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[20:46] <{Soap}> the only way i can go forward is to actually get a SIM card from someone who's on another carrier (i'd prfer AT&T) and let me use it
[20:46] <{Soap}> just to see for sure if it's locked or not
[20:47] <{Soap}> it worked with an *inactive* ATT sim, which is a very good sign, but that of course doesnt let me actually make phone calls
[20:47] <KimiNewt> Phones here are unlocked by law
[20:47] <KimiNewt> so um, tough luck?
[20:47] <ZeroSerenity> My good phone broke last week. I had to buy a burner, which sucks.
[20:48] <{Soap}> yeah thatll probably happen in America soon, but only if the price of phones jumps back to what it was in the late 90s and early 2000s
[20:48] <{Soap}> the first four-figure phone prices appeared late last year
[20:48] <KimiNewt> We also don't allow contracts, so you can quit at any time with no fines and switch companies
[20:48] <ZeroSerenity> Unlocking is supposed to be legal in the US.
[20:48] <{Soap}> and still w2ere not unlocked
[20:48] <KimiNewt> they also have to transfer your phone number to the other company by law
[20:49] <KimiNewt> Also, if there's a deal for a phone device in a phone company (i.e. pay 1000$ and get 100$ back in calls every month or whatever)
[20:49] <KimiNewt> they have to apply it even if you bought the phone in a normal shop or ebay or whatever
[20:49] <{Soap}> wow that is a lot of dollars
[20:49] <KimiNewt> I was just joking with the dollars
[20:49] <{Soap}> ok
[20:49] <KimiNewt> Well, not joking, just placed random numbers
[20:50] <KimiNewt> Final nice thing about these new laws is that they can't place bandwidth caps on home users
[20:50] <{Soap}> i thought maybe your local currency was $ but placed after the number
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[20:50] <{Soap}> no bandwidth caps??? for cellphones??? wow
[20:51] <{Soap}> that will never ever happen in America. I mean, it was allowed very early on before the companies realized that people were literally going to sit there with their phones and stream 60 gigs of movies every month
[20:51] <KimiNewt> No, not for cellphones
[20:51] <{Soap}> so it cant happen anymore
[20:51] <{Soap}> oh OK
[20:51] <KimiNewt> For home usage, like I said
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[20:51] <KimiNewt> home networks
[20:51] <{Soap}> People occasionally use cellphones as their home Internet here, especially in rural areas
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[20:51] <KimiNewt> I've done that when my net crapped out
[20:51] <{Soap}> the computers tether to it as a Wifi hiotspot
[20:52] <KimiNewt> I have 6GB a month on my phone and I barely use 2GB
[20:52] <{Soap}> i met someone who got angry becxause she did that and didnt read the fine print
[20:52] <{Soap}> which said only 100MB of roaming per month
[20:52] <{Soap}> she ate through that in like a day
[20:52] <KimiNewt> fff
[20:52] <{Soap}> by picking the worst carrier (Sprint) for rural Maine
[20:52] <KimiNewt> wait for SpaceX's sat network :tear:
[20:53] <{Soap}> they were nice enough to leave her phone service on, though
[20:53] <{Soap}> and even the Internet og the phone.  just killed the hotspot
[20:53] <KimiNewt> they can stop tethering remotely? wut?
[20:53] <KimiNewt> How would they do that? User-agents?
[20:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt spacex will switch to fireworks I think
[20:54] <KimiNewt> ]:
[20:54] <KimiNewt> Don't say that
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am sad that the rocket blew up
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but it is the 3rd failiure
[20:54] <KimiNewt> Not SpaceX's.
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> their design seemingly has a fundamental flaw
[20:54] <KimiNewt> This is the first Falcon 9 to have failed
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Maybe they shouldnt call it a falcon.
[20:54] <{Soap}> the phone is the nexus of the network, so the hotspot is controlled by the phone
[20:55] <{Soap}> the network can shut off the feature at any time
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Are you confusing the Progress and Orbital Sciences launch?
[20:55] <{Soap}> er
[20:55] <KimiNewt> This is the only Falcon 9 failure
[20:55] <{Soap}> bad wording there, i used "network" with 2 different meanings
[20:55] <{Soap}> the carrier can shut off the feature, just the way theyd shut off anything else
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Orbital Science's Antraes failed in a mission to the ISS earlier this year
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> media is reporting 3 failiutes, people will not focus too much on the facts
[20:55] <KimiNewt> and the Russian Progress failed to reach orbit
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Russia has failed in many areas
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Only one of those failures is SpaceX's
[20:56] <KimiNewt> The two others are Orbital and Roscosmos
[20:56] <KimiNewt> And the Russian had a successful launch, just a problem with the ship itself
[20:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do think they need to reimagine the concept of getting to space
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> rockets are kind of old...
[20:57] <KimiNewt> Um, well, there's no better solution
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> S&P demoted greece again :/
[20:57] <KimiNewt> at the moment
[20:57] <KimiNewt> If there was they'd be investigating it
[20:57] <KimiNewt> SpaceX (and ULA) are researching resuable rockets.
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt they arent even trying
[20:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> reusable rockets dont fix the actual problem
[20:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> stuff like space elevators and such need more funding and research
[20:58] <KimiNewt> Stuff like space elevators are pie-in-the-sky ideas
[20:59] <KimiNewt> You won't get to LEO cheaply with fancy ideas 50 years in the future
[20:59] <Qcoder00> Space travel has the fundamental problem that ALL planets are in a well
[20:59] <Qcoder00> Once you get out of the welll....
[20:59] <Qcoder00> (Seem to recall an SKCD
[20:59] <Qcoder00> *XKCD
[20:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt for private sector you;d be right
[20:59] <KimiNewt> Yeah it had some huge one
[20:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is the kind of research for NASA
[20:59] <KimiNewt> Right, and they do "moonshot" research
[21:00] <KimiNewt> It wouldn't make sense to put all their weight into them
[21:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine a world where every human as access to LEO, that is the thing we arent doing.
[21:00] <KimiNewt> because all other possible (non-rocket) transportation into space is too far off seemingly
[21:00] <KimiNewt> That's what SpaceX is trying to do.
[21:01] <KimiNewt> If they can reuse their rockets and launch them quickly
[21:01] <Qcoder00> Evreyone could have their own mini sats... not such a good idea
[21:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Virgin Galactic has a better idea.
[21:01] <KimiNewt> they can have three launch a month
[21:01] <KimiNewt> The combined plane idea is good but it's not for exploration
[21:01] <KimiNewt> It's the anti-thesis to what you're thinking aobut
[21:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> my point is have a launch mid-air
[21:02] <KimiNewt> There's Virgin and Stratolaunch doing that kind of stuff
[21:02] <Qcoder00> That still dosen't solve the welll problem
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and not use a traditional plane
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its no different than the same problem space shuttle had, no doubt
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you replace the external tank with an aircraft
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�06[21:40] * ToAruShiroiNeko rolls the rug with Jeske_Couriano in it
[21:40] <Jeske_Couriano> *YIP!*
�06[21:40] * ToAruShiroiNeko seels it on ebay
�06[21:40] * Jeske_Couriano flails, blunted Bori claws and tail thrashing
�06[21:41] * Amortias contacts the Royal Society for prevention of cruelty to Wikipedians
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think thats a royal society
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we are the common folk
[21:41] <Amortias> gimme half an our and ill have a Wikipedia entry and a webpage showing its 300 year history
[21:41] <Amortias> and probably a block for hoaxing
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Jeske_Couriano btw what do you think of holo lens?
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Amortias I expect the Queen not to care too much about us.
[21:43] <Amortias> I dunno if you think how many of us there are we could be turned into a hell of a PR machine
[21:43] <Amortias> The odd cown jewel under the table a knighthood here or there
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> queen doesnt care about pr that much
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if she did we would be showering in cash
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> each of us would have our private money bin
[21:44] <Amortias> You mean you dont?
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> full of penies.
[21:44] <Jeske_Couriano> TASN ) No comment.
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Jeske_Couriano but that is a comment. :p
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�03[21:56] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:56] <enterprisey> How on earth did I only just discover this
[21:56] <enterprisey>
[21:58] <{Josve05a}> Meta-stupid. Stupid cubed. Trans-stupid stupid. Stupid collapsed to a singularity where even the stupons have collapsed into stuponium. Stupid so dense that no intelligence can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot summer day on Mercury stupid.
[21:58] <Amortias> something got your goat Josve05a
[21:58] <{Josve05a}> (from that link :P )
�03[21:59] * Guest4235 (~rdaiccher@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:01] <enterprisey> I particularly liked the stupons and stuponium
[22:01] <enterprisey> gonna put it on reddit now
[22:02] <Amortias> Am i allowed to say yes to question 72 if my wife has edited from time to time?
�03[22:02] * Kelapstick (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Kelapstick) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:03] <Amortias> if so does it score me points or not
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[22:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> enterprisey you arent a proper wikipediholic
[22:09] <{Josve05a}> Admin action wanted:
�02[22:10] * Amortias (~SHDeludo@wikipedia/Amortias) Quit
[22:15] <enterprisey> ToAruShiroiNeko: why not?
[22:15] <enterprisey> :D
[22:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because you didnt notice it on your 10th edit
[22:18] <Kelapstick> why do you need an admin for that {Josve05a} ?
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> Kelapstick: yup. Blacklisted. But it can't be in userspace due to AfC-policy
�02[22:19] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> so it needs to be moved to Draft:
[22:19] <Kelapstick> orly?
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> [[Category:Pending AfC submissions in userspace]]
�03[22:19] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:21] <Kelapstick> done {Josve05a}
[22:21] <{Josve05a}> ty :)
�02[22:21] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
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[22:42] <{Josve05a}> Kelapstick: Can you revert me?
[22:42] <{Josve05a}> (only the talk page...)
�02[22:42] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) Quit (Quit: Cheers�)
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[22:45] <slakr> why are you asking for edits to be made by proxy?
[22:45] <slakr> {Josve05a}: ^
[22:46] <slakr> ah
[22:46] <slakr> the notices
�03[22:46] * Oshwah is now known as Oshwah_Away
�02[22:46] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253]�)
[22:46] <{Josve05a}> slakr: First edit I needed was blacklisted, now I need a delete(?) or something and...
[22:47] <slakr> possibly an editfilter
[22:47] <slakr> it worked for me *shrug*
[22:47] <slakr> :P
�02[22:47] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[22:47] <Kelapstick> yeah you should have been able to reverse that on your own
[22:48] <slakr> the draft is A7 and almost G11 so it should be declined anyway
[22:48] <{Josve05a}> I saw no "revert" button as I normally do, and when Itried to move it said I needed to request a move
[22:48] <{Josve05a}> slakr: Yeah, but better it being in Draft-ns then on userpage
[22:48] <slakr> move revert links are in page history; admittedly, that is confusing
[22:48] <slakr> ermm page log*
[22:48] <Kelapstick> oh usually you can just move back over it
[22:48] <slakr> see even I'm confused.
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[22:48] <Kelapstick> I thought anyway
[22:49] <slakr> right
[22:49] <slakr> you can do that
[22:49] <slakr> jos was looking for the link
�02[22:49] * Jayflux ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[22:49] <{Josve05a}> I know I should be able...or...was it bcit wanted to move the Draft as well, and I edited the user page after the move? I'm confused
[22:49] <slakr>
[22:50] <slakr> that's the droid you're looking for (the revert link)
[22:50] <slakr> but it's on the origin
[22:50] <slakr> so like my revert is now living at
[22:51] <{Josve05a}> All good now at least! :P Thanks :D
[22:51] <slakr> either way, like Kelapstick ways saying, the easiest is to just use the "move" tab :p
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[22:52] <{Josve05a}> (Advertising: THE LIFE ON WIKIPEDIA – A WIKIGNOME'S PERSPECIVE)
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[01:26] <{Soap}>  <--- lol
[01:29] <{Soap}> also
[01:29] <SuicidalZerg> IT'S A TRAP!
[01:30] <Monty845> that was a quick way to get blocked lol
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[01:57] <comets> no admin has the balls to deal with issue 2 on the WP:ANI board? :/
[01:58] <comets> will just get swept under the carpet like everything else :/
�02[02:14] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[02:26] <Finnegan> comets: for what it's worth, a number of the most active admins are currently arbcom-restricted from taking any action in a situation "involving" a number of other very active editors. Could be that no one's willing to take the chance of closing a well-attended ANI discussion. (or it could be the usual ANI wtfery. who knows.)
�03[02:29] * JeDa is now known as notaguy
[02:30] <slakr> also, the people who are least likely to be involved in those types of things are less likely to visit [[WP:DRAMA]] (i.e., ANI)
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[02:33] <comets> i stay away from it but that doesn't stop trolls from dragging
[02:34] <comets> u there..
[02:34] <comets> :/
[02:35] <Symmachus> comets: By and large, if you pick your battles carefully, you can pretty much avoid the so-called "drama boards".
[02:36] <Symmachus> Though admittedly, I've tended to let some things go when I probably shouldn't have. Stuff that's clearly an example WP:OWNership and whatnot, for example.
[02:40] <Symmachus> Just make non-controversial edits, and when you edit a controversial area (such as one covered by ARBPIA) where editors tend to drag each other to the "drama boards", be sure to have a nearly insurmountable defense of your edit, backed by reliable sources.
[02:41] <Symmachus> The encyclopaedic high ground, as it were.
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[02:49] <comets> lol, and people wonder why actual contributers to enwiki has been on the decline...
[02:50] <{Soap}> oh come locked me out
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[02:56] <haggis> {Soap}: busy?
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[03:05] <{Soap}> hi
�03[03:06] * the-best-of (~kxc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:06] <the-best-of> !ops I love bitches!
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�06[03:07] * {Soap} yawns
[03:07] <SoUlS_OF_MiScHIE> !ops !ops i love rape!
�03[03:08] * Youfa_El_7ob ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:08] <Youfa_El_7ob> !ops We're weak trolls.
[03:08] <{Soap}> rape (n.) The stalks and husks of grapes from which the must has been expressed in winemaking.
[03:08] <{Soap}> yeah me too
[03:08] <{Soap}> gotta love that red wine
[03:09] <Youfa_El_7ob> !ops I love spreading defaming information on Wikipedia!
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[03:09] <[JaDe]> Can we spread libellous information on Wikipedia?
�03[03:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Finnegan
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[03:09] <comets> :/
[03:09] <comets> soem more Finnegan ;)
[03:10] <SoUlS_OF_MiScHIE> !ops
[03:10] <the-best-of> !ops
[03:10] <[JaDe]> !ops
[03:10] <Finnegan> sigh
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�06[03:10] * comets hugs roo :DDDDD
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�06[03:10] * Ornacia- huggles comets tightly.
[03:10] <Shirik> so I promise I saw the message and told chanserv to op me
[03:10] <Shirik> [20:21:08] * C: Unknown command
[03:10] <Shirik> apparently I didn't :(
�06[03:10] * Finnegan docks Shirik's pay
[03:10] <comets> cop :P
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[03:13] <Katie> Yes, hello.
[03:13] <Katie> I'm here.
[03:14] <comets> you should be a police officer Katie
[03:14] <comets> always on time.....
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[03:20] <juancarlos> hi wikipædians
[03:21] <comets> ¥ carlos o/
[03:21] <juancarlos> \o
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�06[03:34] * Ornacia- humps juancarlos
[03:34] <juancarlos> hi
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[03:38] <GorillaWarfare> Ornacia-: Please don't
[03:38] <Ornacia-> GorillaWarfare, he knows me :)
[03:39] <GorillaWarfare> Still pretty weird for the rest of us
[03:39] <Ornacia-> I can make it weirder...
[03:39] <GorillaWarfare> Please don't
[03:39] <mareklug> Ornacia-GW asked kindly in the sense of please don't urinate on the railroad station
[03:39] <Ornacia-> Just like Katie is into weird stuff.
[03:39] <PontoCom_BR> Ornacia y/and juancarlos: hola./hi.
[03:39] <juancarlos> #wikipedia-en used to get freaky all the time
[03:40] <juancarlos> now it is a library, Ornacia-
[03:40] <Katie> Just the tip.
[03:40] <Ornacia-> Agreed. It's like a big library, with the occasional bum in the bathroom.
[03:41] <juancarlos> i learned a new word today
[03:41] <mareklug> it is still the norm to leave the library bathroom cleaner than when you entered it.
[03:41] <{Soap}> i havent been to a library in about 8 years
[03:41] <Ornacia-> yep
[03:42] <{Soap}> they let me down every single time i needed something so i just gave up
[03:42] <juancarlos> minge
[03:42] <comets> 16 years for me lol
[03:42] <juancarlos> that's the new word
[03:42] <Ornacia-> not my fault if you live in a remote place, comets.
[03:42] <mareklug> to minge or a minge?
[03:42] <juancarlos> get your parents' permission before looking it up on the World Wide Web.
[03:42] <juancarlos> mareklug: the noun
[03:42] <{Soap}> someone added minge as another word for cat to wiktionary some years ago
[03:43] <comets> lol
[03:43] <Katie>
[03:43] <juancarlos> and i also learnt that fanny in the UK means minge
�06[03:43] * Ornacia- does weird sexual stuff to Katie
[03:43] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, also fag in UK means cig
[03:44] <juancarlos> yes yes
[03:44] <comets> in america it means u are a republican :P
[03:44] <mareklug> but it is marked as British vulgar slang, so why is it at all confusing.  the proper word is closer to merkin, albeit merkin is a separate entity
[03:44] <GorillaWarfare> Seriously, guys, knock it off
[03:45] <Ornacia-> Shake it off.
[03:45] <comets> don't find taylor swift any bit interesting
�06[03:45] * comets is a selena gomez guy ;)
[03:45] <Katie> I'm seeing Ms. Swift in two weeks.
[03:45] <{Soap}> minge was still listed as another word for cat until Nov 2012 it seems
[03:46] <comets> seeing or 'stalking'? :P
[03:46] <mareklug> dontchu bring Ms. Swift into any of this now.  She has a power to change AAPL policies.  Re$pect!
[03:46] <juancarlos> Katie: jelly.
[03:46] <comets> i have heard of mangy dog or mangy cat but minge as a reference to cat is new ..
[03:46] <juancarlos> To Taylor, Love juancarlos
[03:46] <Ornacia-> lol speaking of AAPL, they're releasing IOS 8.4 on June 30 at 8 AM PST
[03:47] <Ornacia-> I noticed a smal glitch in iOS, it's more of a maps calculating glitch
[03:48] <juancarlos> apple maps suck
[03:48] <mareklug> Katie I just had to opt out myself.  Cannot abide sharing Taylor with a NFL venue crowd.  Too much!
[03:48] <Ornacia-> Agreed.
[03:48] <juancarlos> Katie: Are you going with your hot girlfriend?
[03:48] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, do you play Ingress?
[03:48] <juancarlos> girl friend
[03:48] <juancarlos> Ornacia-: never heard of it
[03:49] <Katie> juancarlos: I'm going with a bunch of girls.
[03:49] <juancarlos> oh
[03:49] <Katie> She's playing at Nationals Park.
[03:49] <Katie> The baseball stadium.
[03:49] <juancarlos> Ornacia-: I am addicted to clash of clans and i'm not even that good
[03:49] <juancarlos> I went there!
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[03:52] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, ew.
[03:52] <Ornacia-> I prefer Ingress since i meet people and hack RL places and exchange keys
[03:52] <Ornacia->
[03:52] <Ornacia-> This is me so far
[03:52] <mareklug> hack real life places?  explain, please
[03:53] <Ornacia-> mareklug, Ingress is alternate reality game for Android / iOS phones
�02[03:53] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[03:53] <Ornacia-> hacking portals that are scattered all over the world.
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[03:53] <mareklug> what does this hacking entail?
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[03:54] <Ornacia-> mareklug, hacking a portals entails weapons, power packs, portal keys
[03:54] <Ornacia->
[03:54] <mareklug> so it is makebelieve hacking
[03:54] <Ornacia-> green represents the Enlightened faction, and blue the Resistance
�06[03:54] * Ornacia- nods.
[03:55] <Ornacia-> Portals are either grey (neutral), blue (Resistance), or green (Enlightened).[
[03:55] <mareklug> how much time per week do you spend on this?
[03:55] <Ornacia-> Maintaining my portals? About 10 hours ;)
[03:56] <Ornacia-> Commute to work
[03:56] <Ornacia-> commute back to home
[03:56] <PontoCom_BR> [00:46] <juancarlos> To Taylor, Love juancarlos // O.O
[03:56] <Ornacia-> nite <3
[03:57] <mareklug> Ornacia- makes sense, that only during commute.  You can't start conversations during that time without being a weirdo or pervert, as SigmaWP has it.
[03:57] <{Soap}> hmm
[03:58] <juancarlos> a weird sociological phenomena
[03:59] <mareklug> juancarlos let's call it what it is:  oppression
[03:59] <juancarlos> who is the oppressor ?
�03[03:59] * Finnegan is now known as Finne|sleep
[03:59] <mareklug> self-opression
[03:59] <juancarlos> you preempted my question
�03[04:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o GorillaWarfare
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[04:00] <mareklug> i was expecting it
�03[04:00] * GorillaWarfare sets mode: -o GorillaWarfare
[04:02] <juancarlos> I don't take mass transit, but when I was in DC it was odd taking the metro around the time people were getting off work
[04:02] <juancarlos> they all looked like they hated their lives
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[04:09] <mareklug> it's also cultural.  I find it far easier to engage latinos and latino mothers with kids into conversations, and when I sold insurance, my best experiences were with so-called "ethnics"
�03[04:10] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[04:10] <GorillaWarfare> juancarlos: I imagine I look that way on the train
[04:10] <GorillaWarfare> Either because I'm thinking of other things, or trying to deter people from bothering me
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[04:17] <comets> lol Finne|sleep ur friend ever get back to you after that spaceX explosion?
[04:23] <mareklug> GorillaWarfare juancarlos just about the only way I could see myself getting into a conversation with a Caucasian woman on a bus is if she spilled something and we all came to her rescue,
[04:24] <mareklug> etcetera
[04:24] <juancarlos> white people are terrible
[04:26] <mareklug> although I take that back -- Minnies are in a leagu of their own.  I distinctly remember very warm conversation with two Minneapolis white young women with luggage at OHare elevated train.
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[04:29] <{Josve05a}> Is there a en.wp-only pipermail, or are there only the wikimedia-l one=
[04:29] <{Josve05a}> ?*
[04:30] <juancarlos> there's a wikipedia one
[04:30] <{Josve05a}> is it active?
[04:30] <juancarlos>
[04:30] <juancarlos> not especially
[04:31] <{Josve05a}> ty
[04:31] <juancarlos>
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[04:36] <{Josve05a}> I just used wikimedia-l, bigger audience or something, but thanks :)
[04:39] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I just now noticed that you gave me a graphic designer's barnstar for the ideas that went into the logo design for [ [m:Research:Revision scoring as a service]] . Terrible than thees!
[04:40] <mareklug> k
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[04:56] <{soap|bed}> 82 Million Chinese Survive on Less Than $1 a Day, Says an Official
[04:56] <{soap|bed}> thats basically 1/10 if you exclude children
[04:58] <{soap|bed}> at least its rural China where there arent as many diseases
[04:58] <{soap|bed}> i wouldnt mind living on $1 a day if i was healthy. i seriously wouldnt.  I cant speak for all the people who actually do live like that, though
[04:59] <haggis> {soap|bed}: i'm pretty sure it'd be a tad difficult
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[05:03] <{soap|bed}> they probb ably do a lot of hunting and fishing
[05:03] <{soap|bed}> well, depernds on where in the countryu they are
[05:05] <{soap|bed}> guns are apparently a part of rural CHinese culture just as much as youd expect if it were anywhere else. Not so in the cities however
[05:06] <{soap|bed}>  <--- somehow we beat Switzerland
[05:08] <{soap|bed}> looks like Eastern Europe, except FInland & Serbia for some reason, has very few guns
�02[05:13] * ObsequiousNewt (~Obsequiou@wiktionary/ObsequiousNewt) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[05:14] <Pine> Are there any admins about who can do a geonotice please?
[05:15] <Pine> QueenOfFrance: ping
[05:15] <{soap|bed}> whoa China is actually hgettting pretty rich
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[05:19] <Princess_Zelda> I like how China is becoming the thing they were trying to get away from
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[05:37] <{soap|bed}> Beijing is richer than Portugal
[05:37] <{soap|bed}> thats pretty scary
[05:37] <{soap|bed}> they beat Greece too
[05:38] <{soap|bed}> theyre closing in on Japan
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[06:24] <Chess> Who had the bright idea of making {{uw-taxonomy}}
[06:24] <Chess> It's a midd
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[06:25] <___Chess___> who had the bright idea for {{uw-taxonomy}}?
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[06:25] <Chess> It's a little too specific
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[06:57] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[08:16] <CyanoTex> [[Comodo IceDragon]] got an update.
[08:16] <CyanoTex> !link
[08:16] <CyanoTex> Oop.
[08:16] <CyanoTex> =-=
[08:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So let me get this straight. In Brussels VAT has been 21% for hotels since forever but greece wants that to be 13%?
[08:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no its objecting that to be too high
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[12:21] <gde33> ToAruShiroiNeko:
[12:22] <foks> "Homophobic views may be a sign that a pupil is at risk of becoming an extremist, Nicky Morgan has said."
[12:22] <foks> Um.
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[12:29] <CyanoTex>
[12:29] <CyanoTex> So. Many. Jokes. Can be made. Out of that.
[12:29] <CyanoTex> I guess you could say she's RIDING the wild life.
[12:34] <kelapstick> extreme what?
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