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{{greeting}} [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 10:45, 1 February 2007 (PST)
{{greeting}} [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 10:45, 1 February 2007 (PST)
==Semantic Tags==
Your listing looks nice. In case you're interested, there's a couple of tricks using semantic features that really help produce better Google search results, as well as assist building out more information for users/prospective clients to review.
The basic trick is to first create service and/or menu sub-pages. All you need to do is use a forward slash (/) after the listing name like this:
Directory:Rich Ferguson/Services
Directory:Rich Ferguson/Illusions
Once you've created this sub-page(s), you can list your various entertainment services using the [[Attribute:Service Name]] tag. Alternatively, you can create separate sub-pages for each service (if you want to provide details, photos, etc) and use the [[Relation:Service Of]] tag to relate the service back to [[Directory:Rich Ferguson]] via an [[Centiare:ASK|ASK]] query.
You can use the same exact process to list individual illusions ([[Attribute:Performance Name]]), or provide individual pages (say, that describe the various elements, etc) with the tag [[Relation:Performance Of]] by once again using ASK to automatically build out a catalog of illusions (performances) and/or services.
For a great example of someone who is doing exactly what is described above for on-line books, check out [[Directory:KJ Kitchens]]. If you have any questions/comments, feel free to drop me a line. [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 11:12, 1 February 2007 (PST)
:THANKS... Im going to get more help this week and really tweak it. Thanks again! [[User:Pokerfx|Pokerfx]] 11:30, 1 February 2007 (PST)
==Main Space & Subpages==
Rich, Centiare is all about ''ownership''; we believe that trying to impose [[NPOV]] on any subject/topic that has more than on view-point/advocate leads to arbitration and corruption ie favoritism & abuse. Rather, we prefer that readers are offered multiple points of view (ie the marketplace of ideas) so that they may choose & decide based on the merits of an argument.
That being said, you might be interested in this trick: '''Main space type articles don't have to be placed in the Main space'''. That's right, you can create ''protected'' sub-pages either under your Directory and/or User pages to cover any topic you want without interference from others. More importantly, you can add semantic tags to credit your contribution and improve [[Centiare:SEO|SEO]]. IOW, an article doesn't have to be in the Main space to get picked up by anyone searching on that particular term.
For instance, while you made a fine contribution to [[Chip Tricks]], there's no obvious way for casual users, other than the history page, to trace it back to your Directory page. (Only Main space article that have been protected by the [[Centiare:ERB|ERB]] are allowed to have contribution links, otherwise Main space rules are just like [[Directory:Wikipedia|Wikipedia]] ie '''no link spam'''.)
So, what you need to do is copy/paste the article to a subpage under your directory listing and add the semantic tag [[Relation:Has Contributor]]. (I'm going to go ahead and delete the commercial links in the Main space article.) Then, you can run an ASK query at your directory listing to summarize all your articles/tricks. Pretty cool, huh?
Btw, you'll be stoked how the semantic tags really help searches - both relational interlinks and attribute names. Even better, we're in the middle of discussions with some major e-commerce hubs to integrate our tags with their order-processing systems. I think you get the picture of where this is going - Web 3.0. [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 11:37, 1 February 2007 (PST)
:I should have added that you can also include Google ads (see [[Directory:KJ Kitchens|KJ Kitchens]]), youTube clips (see [[Centiare:Reviews/Can_Wikipedia_be_Trusted|demo]]), or any other commercial link you want to your directory/user pages. [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 12:07, 1 February 2007 (PST)
==Main Space Links==
Ok, we were in the middle of adding increased functionality to the Main space; your [[Chip Tricks]] article accelerated the process. Please take a look at the [[Skiing]] example to see how interests/contributions links work. It would be quite easy for you to replicate this same exact process for [[Magic]] and/or individual illusions.
We feel this is the best way to both keep Main space articles clean (and avoid endless edit wars + link spam), and support a community of like minded people, some of whom may have created their own content they would like to market & sell via their Directory listings.
I'd like to hear your comments/ideas. [[User:Snerfling|Snerfling]] 08:58, 2 February 2007 (PST)
