MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 14, 2025
< User:Badmachine
Jump to navigationJump to searchRevision as of 03:18, 24 January 2015 by Badmachine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Session Start: Fri Nov 25 17:14:55 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[17:14] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[17:14] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: http://en.w...")
Session Start: Fri Nov 25 17:14:55 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[17:14] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[17:14] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[17:14] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 20:29:19 [17:14] #wikipedia-en url is �12[17:14] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! [17:15] <MuZemike> I guess so :) [17:15] <SpeakFree> There are several edits with that account: �06[17:17] * ToAruShiroiNeko proposes the closure of en.wikipedia and demands everyone start speaking swahili :p [17:17] <Qcoder00> SpeakFree: Not many of those look like useful edits �08[17:18] <derp> wtf, a Indiana Jones scence in Skyward Sword [17:18] <Qcoder00> If he wants it deleted you may as well lock the account for 'test' edits... [17:18] <matthewrbowker> ToAruShiroiNeko: I disagree, Klingon is a better language. �06[17:22] * Moe_Epsilon uploads a picture of medals he won for the amateur wrestling article :)� [17:24] <bily> Yah i requested username change since they can't delete the account [17:25] <Nascar1996> HEHE [17:26] <MuZemike> You wrestle? [17:26] <Moe_Epsilon> I used to. [17:26] <MuZemike> So did I [17:26] <Moe_Epsilon> :) [17:26] <matthewrbowker> bily: If you did, then just wait. A bureaucrat will take care of it soon. [17:27] <bily> thank you matthew --bily [17:27] <matthewrbowker> No problem :) [17:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mattbuck but klingons also know swahili [17:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf is this? [17:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Session Close: Fri Nov 25 17:31:30 2011 Session Start: Fri Nov 25 17:31:30 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[17:31] * Disconnected Session Close: Fri Nov 25 17:31:32 2011 Session Start: Fri Nov 25 17:32:10 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[17:32] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 20:29:19 [17:32] #wikipedia-en url is �03[17:32] * Barras is now known as Barras[away] �15[17:32] * bily (18454496@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [17:33] <matthewrbowker> ToAruShiroiNeko: :P �15[17:34] * PhancyPhysicist1 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[17:34] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [17:35] <Sp33dyphil> oh no �03[17:35] * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has left #wikipedia-en ("It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!"�) [17:35] <matthewrbowker> :( �15[17:36] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�) �03[17:37] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:39] <Nascar1996> Any ideas on what WP:NASCAR's IRC name should be? [17:39] <matthewrbowker> Channel name? [17:40] <Nascar1996> Yes. [17:40] <JeffPidginAFK> #wikipedia-NASCAR? [17:40] <Gfoley4> Do you think you'd even have 3 members? �03[17:40] * JeffPidginAFK is now known as Jeff_G [17:40] <Qcoder00> Doesn't stop there being a channel ;) [17:40] <Gfoley4> wikiproject channels are good and all, but no purpose if it'll just be you. [17:40] <Qcoder00> JeffPigin : Should be ## [17:40] <Gfoley4> Qcoder00: no. [17:41] <SpeakFree> How do you setup domains to so you can do something like [17:41] <Gfoley4> # for wikipedia channels [17:41] <Jeff_G> SpeakFree: make 300 series redirects after buying domains [17:41] <Nascar1996> [17:41] <Qcoder00> Gfoley4: I could get #wikipedia-filegnome if I asked? [17:41] <Nascar1996> We have more than 3 memeber. [17:41] <Gfoley4> why not? [17:41] <Nascar1996> *members. �06[17:41] * SpeakFree just registered and redirected it to [17:42] <Gfoley4> yes, but are any of those on IRC? [17:42] <Qcoder00> Gfoley4: It's called #Wikimedia-commons;) [17:42] <Qcoder00> XD [17:42] <Gfoley4> bahaha [17:42] <SpeakFree> had some credit left in my namecheap account [17:42] <Nascar1996> Gfoley: They can be. Most probably never heard of IRC. �08[17:42] * derp is writing a wikipedia URL shortener. [17:43] <Nascar1996> The only way I noticed it was Wikinews. [17:43] <matthewrbowker> SpeakFree: I *think* you can do it with a 403 redirect... not sure though. [17:43] <Bono> derp: Uh... �08[17:43] <derp> Bono, :P [17:43] <Jeff_G> derp, tried [17:43] <SpeakFree> redirects to but other variants are pretty much taken up by domain name hawks. �08[17:44] <derp> Jeff_G, already taken. �08[17:44] <derp> but a great domain hack [17:44] <Nascar1996> Gfoley4: Did you see my comments above? �08[17:44] <derp> [17:44] <Gfoley4> I did. �08[17:44] <derp> [17:44] <Moe_Epsilon> wiki.en �08[17:45] <derp> expires in 09 Jan 2012 [17:45] <tommorris> you might be able to get [17:45] <Nascar1996> So... ? �03[17:45] * mabdul|dog is now known as mabdul �03[17:45] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has left #wikipedia-en ("I've had enough."�) �03[17:45] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:46] <Nascar1996> Eh, nevermind. [17:46] <Gfoley4> It's fine. Idgaf, remember? [17:46] <Gfoley4> ;) �08[17:46] <derp> tommorris already registered [17:47] <Qcoder00> Gfoley: Whats an ID gaff? [17:47] <tommorris> derp: ah, sigh �15[17:47] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [17:47] <Qcoder00> An id gaffe is what happen when Boris forgets himslef ;) [17:47] <matthewrbowker> Hey, has anyone seen sonia recently? [17:47] <Qcoder00> matthewrbowker: Why ? [17:47] <Gfoley4> I-don't-give-a-fuck. �03[17:47] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:48] <matthewrbowker> Qcoder00: I was working with her on a potential FL when her internet craped out. I was kinda wondering if she got it back and was able to look at the page. [17:49] <Qcoder00> Is Paynd still here? [17:49] <mabdul> ToAruShiroiNeko: still there? [17:49] <Qcoder00> Panyd : Evening [17:49] <Panyd> Hey Qcoder00 [17:49] <Panyd> I am barely here [17:49] <Panyd> but here [17:49] <Panyd> hows? [17:50] <Qcoder00> Just meaning to ask if you had the time to check some contrinutions [17:50] <Qcoder00> *contributions [17:50] <mabdul> derp: �08[17:51] * derp checks. �15[17:51] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Client Quit�) [17:52] <mabdul> [17:52] <mabdul> derp: ^ �03[17:52] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[17:52] <derp> taken. [17:52] <mabdul> although secure should also be forwarded -_- [17:52] <mabdul> derp: click the link �08[17:52] <derp> heh ;P [17:53] <Panyd> Qcoder00: Alas no, I have taken my evenings meds and as such am only participating in the 'viewing' aspect of the itnernet �08[17:53] <derp> meds for what? [17:53] <Qcoder00> Panyd: What is it about the net? �03[17:53] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:53] <Qcoder00> Why is it all the inteligent females I meet seem to have medical conditions :( [17:53] <Nascar1996> #Nascar1996 :-D [17:54] <Panyd> Qcoder00: Because if I were well enough to get out of the house and have a proper job I wouldn't be on here all dya :P �03[17:54] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:54] <Qcoder00> At least you aren't boiling rabbits [17:54] <Qcoder00> ;) �03[17:54] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away [17:54] <Qcoder00> (Although I can imagine Pesky casseroleing a couple of rabbits for dinner ) :) [17:54] <SigmaWP> O.o [17:55] <mabdul> Nascar1996: get a better "sport"... like formula 1 XD [17:55] <Qcoder00> mabdul: NASCAR IS a proper sport [17:55] <Qcoder00> XD [17:56] <Gfoley4> Nascar1996: that should be ##, bud. �08[17:56] * derp hugs Laura|Away �08[17:56] * derp hugs Gfoley4 �08[17:57] * derp hugs Panyd �03[17:57] * harej (~chatzilla@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[17:57] * Nascar1996 is fixing it. �08[17:57] * derp hugs harej �08[17:57] * derp hugs Nascar1996 [17:57] <Qcoder00> derp: Do you have a hugging permit? �06[17:57] * SigmaWP feels unhugged �08[17:57] * derp hugs SigmaWP �08[17:57] <derp> Qcoder00, from Fluffernutter, yes. [17:57] <SigmaWP> :D �08[17:57] * derp hugs Fluffernutter [17:57] <Fluffernutter> whut [17:58] <Qcoder00> Fluffernutter: You have granted derp 'hug' userright? �08[17:58] <derp> Fluffernutter, remember when you gave me a hugging permit? �06[17:58] * Panyd loves her some derp hug �08[17:58] -> -Fluffernutter- say yes :P and make some bullshit :P �06[17:58] * Fluffernutter eyes this conversation and decides it might be time to eat some leftovers [17:58] <Qcoder00> Leftovers? [17:58] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: Ping [17:59] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: You know what Bublle and Squeak is? [17:59] <Gfoley4> �08[17:59] <derp> my pokémon have leftovers as a held item [17:59] <BarkingFish> Qcoder00: yep, basically leftover fried up veg mixed with mashed potato, served as a side I belive [18:00] <Qcoder00> :) �08[18:00] <derp> deep fry it :D [18:00] <BarkingFish> Qcoder00: PM please, relatively fast �08[18:00] * derp deepfries SigmaWP [18:00] <SigmaWP> :( �06[18:01] * SigmaWP is too skinny to be deep-fried [18:01] <Nascar1996> ##Nascar1996 :-) [18:01] <Bono> SigmaWP: But you're the size of a french frie! [18:01] <SigmaWP> :| [18:02] <Nascar1996> ? �15[18:02] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �15[18:06] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: tot later vandaag :)�) �03[18:08] * AlertEye (~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[18:11] * Pesky (~Pesky@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:11] * Pesky (~Pesky@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:11] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[18:11] * franny (fran@unaffiliated/franny) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[18:11] * bawolff (~bawolff@BWolf0422.ResNet.Dal.Ca) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:12] * Entropy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �08[18:13] * derp hugs franny �03[18:13] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:14] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�) [18:14] <SigmaWP> Aw. �15[18:20] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Quit: Pesky�) [18:21] <SigmaWP> Hmph. �03[18:22] * tznkai (458fc9b7@wikipedia/tznkai) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:22] * RudyValencia- (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) Quit (Quit: My IRC client doesn't advertise in /quit messages.�) [18:23] <eeekster> with enough batter anything can be deep fried ;) [18:24] <Jeff_G> even ice cream or snickers [18:24] <eeekster> even butter [18:25] <SigmaWP> Work on the USSR or coal balls? [18:25] <eeekster> sure [18:26] <SigmaWP> Not sure how that answer makes sense [18:26] <SigmaWP> I'll do coal balls [18:26] <eeekster> only from male coal? �15[18:26] * grinch (twss@unaffiliated/recognizance) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) �03[18:27] * bawolff (~bawolff@BWolf0422.ResNet.Dal.Ca) has left #wikipedia-en �03[18:27] * Jeff_G is now known as JeffPidginAFK [18:28] <eeekster> the "Gallery of new files" needs a way to filter out a user �06[18:29] * SigmaWP sighs �06[18:29] * SigmaWP grumbles [18:29] <SigmaWP> Too much work to do [18:29] <SigmaWP> So little time �15[18:30] * u_abusebeercans ( Quit (Quit: u_abusebeercans�) [18:30] <eeekster> "Work!" Maynard G. Krebs �03[18:30] * u_abusebeercans ( has joined #wikipedia-en [18:30] <SigmaWP> Yay, I found a mention of Soviet coal balls! :D [18:30] <SigmaWP> u_abusebeercans: ..... �03[18:30] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|ping [18:30] <SigmaWP> Rainbow Dash, right? [18:30] <Nascar1996> Iamred ???? [18:31] <u_abusebeercans> yes [18:33] <SigmaWP> u_abusebeercans: FWIW, is a wholly inappropriate edit summary �03[18:34] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:35] <u_abusebeercans> you need to stop stalking my ass. [18:35] <u_abusebeercans> i mean good god. �15[18:36] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Quit: User has quit this network.�) �03[18:36] * UnknownFork (~Eoin@clubpenguinwiki/user/unknownfork) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:36] <SigmaWP> u_abusebeercans: NPP gets boring. Pulling up a list of random users' contribs helps to alleviate the boredom accrued from monotonous, rote tagging. [18:36] <Nascar1996> Hmm [18:37] <UnknownFork> YOU [18:37] <SigmaWP> UnknownFork: What? [18:37] <UnknownFork> Nascar1996 made fun of my religion :( [18:37] <SigmaWP> UnknownFork: Wrong wiki. [18:37] <matthewrbowker> UnknownFork: What you were doing is called spam :( [18:37] <Nascar1996> Hehe �03[18:38] * Earwig (~Earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:38] <Nascar1996> Anyone like to see what really happened? [18:38] <SigmaWP> Sure. [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Iamred> Islam is beautiful [18:38] <Nascar1996> <UnknownFork> Islam makes me cry, I knew Allah. He was a top guy. He gave me a mosque [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> This is not a place to talk about that. [18:38] <Nascar1996> <UnknownFork> You being discriminatory against my religion???????????????? [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> Nope. [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> This isn't a place to speak religion. [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> Go to another channel to do that. [18:38] <Nascar1996> <UnknownFork> You called Muhammad fat! :( [18:38] <Nascar1996> <Nascar1996> Thats it. [18:38] <Nascar1996> Then I set a ban on him. [18:38] <UnknownFork> FAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [18:39] <UnknownFork> FAKE [18:39] <Moe_Epsilon> o_O [18:39] <SigmaWP> UnknownFork: That's what they all say... [18:39] <SigmaWP> Nascar1996: Next time. use a pastebin [18:39] <matthewrbowker> I concur with Nascar1996 That's exactly what I saw. [18:39] <UnknownFork> It would show time stamps if it was real [18:39] <SigmaWP> UnknownFork: Some clients don't have timestamps [18:39] <UnknownFork> Mine does [18:39] <UnknownFork> IS THAT WHAT YOU JEWS DO? TWIST THE TRUTH [18:39] <SpitfireWP> UnknownFork, enough. [18:39] <UnknownFork> ok [18:39] <SigmaWP> UnknownFork: Apparently Nascar1996's doesn't. Now if you want to stay here, shut up �03[18:39] * JeffPidginAFK is now known as Jeff_G [18:41] <eeekster> my client doesn't do timestamps [18:41] <Nascar1996> Eh. [18:41] <SigmaWP> Is A7-able? [18:41] <Nascar1996> Mine has it, but it won't let me copy them. [18:42] <UnknownFork> What client? [18:42] <SigmaWP> eeekster: Please A7 that above page. Thanks. [18:42] <Nascar1996> Xchat �03[18:42] * swarfega is now known as swarfega|away [18:42] <SpitfireWP> Nascar1996: hold shift as you're selecting the text. [18:43] <SpitfireWP> Works wonders. [18:43] <Nascar1996> Ah. [18:43] <eeekster> I'm trying to figure it out [18:43] <eeekster> yep, I see an A7 in its future [18:44] <SigmaWP> Onward with the meteors, then. �15[18:44] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) [18:45] <evilgohan2> Greetings [18:45] <SigmaWP> Hi. [18:45] <eeekster> religion: [18:45] <Nascar1996> Hi [18:45] <eeekster> ;lo [18:45] <evilgohan2> Tell me I haven't walked into a religious argument haha �03[18:46] * Jayflux1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [18:46] <Nascar1996> No, that was on another channel �03[18:53] * harej is now known as tondj �03[18:55] * tondj is now known as harej �15[18:55] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[18:56] * Avruch ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:56] * Avruch ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:56] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:59] <SigmaWP> eeekster: Hehehe [18:59] <SigmaWP> �03[18:59] * OffToHades (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[18:59] Clones detected from openglobe/BarkingFish:�8 BarkingFish OffToHades �15[19:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[19:00] * Qcoder00_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:00] * OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish �03[19:00] * Panyd_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:00] * Queen (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:01] * Panyd (~Panyd@wikipedia/Panyd) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:01] * Panyd_ is now known as Panyd �15[19:01] * Panyd ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:01] * Panyd (~Panyd@wikipedia/Panyd) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[19:02] * Peter-C eats Panyd �06[19:02] * Peter-C noms �15[19:02] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:03] * Qcoder00_ is now known as Qcoder00 �06[19:03] * Nascar1996 waves at Qcoder00 [19:03] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: Sorry , my connection dropped �03[19:03] * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest27245 �15[19:03] * johnduhart (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:04] * Guest27245 is now known as Qcoder00 �15[19:04] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:04] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:04] <BarkingFish> mine too, i was on the verge of pinging out due to working on an etherpad at the same time �15[19:04] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:04] * johnduhart (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:04] * Jcaraballo (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:04] <mabdul> BarkingFish: can you check please if this is similar to [19:05] <mabdul> ? �03[19:05] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:05] * SigmaWP ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:05] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:05] * Jcaraballo (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:06] <SigmaWP> Hm! �03[19:06] * u_abusebeercans is now known as Fluttershy-EN �15[19:07] * tommorris (~tommorris@wikimedia/Tom-Morris) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[19:07] * Lisa_Fox (~w5fox`` Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:08] * Lisa_Fox (~w5fox`` has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:08] * UnknownFork (~Eoin@clubpenguinwiki/user/unknownfork) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:08] * SigmaWP is now known as SigmAway �03[19:08] * tommorris ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:08] * tommorris ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:08] * tommorris (~tommorris@wikimedia/Tom-Morris) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[19:08] * SigmAway prods tommorris [19:08] <SigmAway> If you don't do anything about CAT:CSD when you get admin tools, there'll be murder. �15[19:09] * clone1018 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:09] <tommorris> heh �15[19:09] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) Quit (Quit: Good night - time for some rest.�) �06[19:09] * tommorris could delete the whole category. [19:10] <mabdul> BarkingFish: WHY DO YOU IGNORE ME? XD �03[19:10] * ZT ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:10] * JeffG|PidginAuto (~Jeff@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[19:10] Clones detected from wikipedia/Jeff-G.:�8 Jeff_G JeffG|PidginAuto [19:10] <BarkingFish> because I'm in 20 other channels and can't be everywhere at once, mabdul - there's 177 people here, find one :) �15[19:10] * ZT ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:10] * ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:11] <mabdul> heh �03[19:11] * UnknownFork ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:11] * clone1018 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:12] * Jeff_G (~Jeff@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:12] <SigmAway> mabdul: Why did you tell me? [19:12] <SigmAway> on commons [19:12] <mabdul> ? [19:12] <mabdul> on commons? [19:12] <SigmAway> DONT FUCKING TEMPLATE THE REGULARS [19:13] <SigmAway> God... [19:13] <Peter-C> FU [19:13] <mabdul> I did tag you? [19:13] <Peter-C> WHERE IS SPYDELL [19:13] <Peter-C> >:| [19:13] <mabdul> what did you upload? [19:13] <SigmAway> mabdul: It was discussed over IRC [19:13] <SigmAway> The person said he sent an email to �15[19:13] * UnknownFork ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:13] * UnknownFork (~Eoin@clubpenguinwiki/user/unknownfork) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:13] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[19:13] * Nascar1996 wonders if we are allowed to put our IRC channels on our user page. [19:14] <SigmAway> Demiurge1000: Bye. �06[19:14] * SigmAway is off to take out the trash [19:14] <mabdul> SigmAway: SigmAway: sry. I don't get it. which image, which irc chat? Am I able to follow all? [19:14] <Demiurge1000> Good luck! [19:14] <mabdul> yeah �15[19:14] * Pilif12p (~Pilif12p@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:14] <Demiurge1000> Nascar1996: You mean listing which ones you commonly use? Sure, why not? [19:15] <mabdul> ohhhh [19:15] <Nascar1996> Our own, like ##Nascar1996. [19:15] <mabdul> i really taged sigma �15[19:15] * HJ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �15[19:15] * JeffG|PidginAuto (~Jeff@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [19:15] <mabdul> SigmAway: <-- how should I know that there is a) an otrs ticket? and b) why did you upload it? [19:15] <mabdul> I even didn't checked who uploaded it [19:16] <mabdul> and still: the image is not released under cc-0 unless I get the license link! [19:16] <mabdul> (and how can I turn off the notification of the uploader at commons?!?) �15[19:17] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [19:19] <BarkingFish> Peter-C: I've seen everything now. [19:19] <BarkingFish> How's this? A paralympic medallist lost the use of her legs after suffering spinal damage 20 years ago, she's been handcycling ever since. [19:20] <BarkingFish> Last year, she got hit by another competitor during a race, and she's regained full use of her legs, the accident reversed the damage she'd suffered to cause the loss of use in the first place �03[19:20] * Pilif12p ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:21] <BarkingFish> [19:21] <matthewrbowker> BarkingFish: O.O �15[19:21] * Od1n ( Quit (Quit: politically correct quit message�) �15[19:21] * Pilif12p ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:21] * Pilif12p (~Pilif12p@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:21] * Bono (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [19:22] <BarkingFish> I've encountered and worked with Spinal Injury before, but a recovery of limb use & sensation after 20 years without surgical intervention??? Even I'm lost on that one. [19:22] <Nascar1996> O.o �15[19:23] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[19:24] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:24] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [19:24] <geniice> either dislodging of inconveniently placed scar tissue or damage triggering nerve regrowth in just the right place [19:24] <BarkingFish> sorry, lost my connection �03[19:24] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:24] <Pilif12p> BarkingFish: netsplit [19:24] <BarkingFish> nah, this wasn't a split - my wifi went down [19:25] <BarkingFish> I just had to swap over. If you had a netsplit at the same time, pure coincidence :) �15[19:26] * Timotheus_Canens (~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[19:26] * ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) Quit �03[19:27] * Timotheus_Canens (~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:27] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:27] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:28] * skd (~skinder@ has left #wikipedia-en �15[19:30] * gwillen (~gwillen@unaffiliated/gwillen) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[19:30] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:31] * gwillen (~gwillen@unaffiliated/gwillen) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:31] * m2k ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848]�) �03[19:31] * Logan__ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:32] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:33] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:33] * Resfirestar_ (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:33] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:33] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone. I will be back on later.�) �15[19:34] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:34] * Nascar1996 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:34] * Nascar1996 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:34] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:34] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:34] * EdSaperia__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:35] * Jayflux1 ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��) �15[19:36] * Monty845 (~Monty@wikipedia/Monty845) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[19:36] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) �15[19:37] * Jcaraballo (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603]�) �03[19:38] * Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [19:38] <SpeakFree> Has anyone seen last night's Question Time with out Dear Leader Jimmy Wales? [19:39] <Nascar1996> No. [19:39] <SpeakFree> �06[19:39] * Nascar1996 passes up the opportunity. [19:39] <SpeakFree> The proxy still works. �03[19:39] * Laura|Away is now known as LauraHale �03[19:40] * Bono ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:40] * Bono ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:40] * Bono (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:40] <SpeakFree> Can't blame you he looks a bit a fish out of the water answering questions about British industrial action politics ^^ �08[19:41] <derp> SpeakFree, i used to abuse proxies :P Session Close: Fri Nov 25 19:42:03 2011