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< User:Badmachine
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--- Log opened Sun May 05 00:00:05 2013
--- Day changed Sun May 05 2013
00:00 < addihockey10> But it's a nice car.
00:00 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
00:00 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:03  * kelapstick is here
00:04  * kelapstick just wrote a new article
00:08 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:09 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
00:10 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
00:11 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:13 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:15 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
00:18 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:21 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:27 < dtm> kelapstick: well done.  what is it?
00:33 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
00:33 -!- Ktr101 [48134c35@wikipedia/Ktr101] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:34 < mareklug> addihockey10       particulalry look at the profit graphs
00:35 < mareklug> dtm we won't know if it is indeed well done, until he shows it to us.  it could be medium only, or rare.
00:36 < addihockey10> Mareglug send to haggis
00:38 < mareklug> what do you mean, it is not logged on.
00:38 < addihockey10> Uhoh
00:40 -!- lahwran [~lahwran@python/site-packages/lahwran] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:41 < kelapstick> dtm, Jinfeng Gold Mine‎
00:43 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:43 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:44 < kelapstick> still needs expansion
00:46 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:47 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:48 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:48 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
00:53 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: Adiós chongos, no me extrañen :D]
01:03 -!- Guest40323 is now known as Computron_
01:05 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:08 -!- foks|mobil [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:08 -!- foks|mobil is now known as Guest46302
01:10 < Lydia_WMDE> ToAruShiroiNeko: i'm awake now ;-)
01:10 < Lydia_WMDE> kinda
01:10 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
01:15 -!- JAF2801 [57721c7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:18 -!- Guest46302 [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
01:19  * JAF2801 slaps TB
01:19  * JAF2801 slaps TB|Cloud
01:25 < elkng> use big wet trout
01:26 < JAF2801> away wont work
01:28 -!- JAF2801 [57721c7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
01:31 < wctaiwan> Tuberculosis cloud.
01:31 -!- lbenedix1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:50 -!- M4r51n- [Elite5318@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-hbamdmvrjisahazk] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:50 < M4r51n-> who knows english very very good :D?
01:51 < mareklug> M4r51n- what do you need help with?
01:51 < M4r51n-> can we pm
01:52 < mareklug> if you like
01:59 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:01 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:02 < Zhaofeng_Li> M4r51n, you can also try ##English, btw
02:02 < M4r51n-> tnx :)
02:04 -!- M4r51n- [Elite5318@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-hbamdmvrjisahazk] has quit [Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service. - be a part of the Elite!]
02:07 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
02:11 < dtm> is there a license for wikimedia commons which is creative commons but noncommercial?
02:11 < dtm> it looks like the three main licenses that it suggests, do not restrict commercial use
02:12 < dtm> is that something which is just out of bounds for wikipedia?
02:12 -!- FLHerne [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:12 < dtm> i'm talking about for images
02:12 -!- BewareofDoug_ [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:15 < mareklug> no.  we must allow commercial use for commons
02:15 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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02:18 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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02:24 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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02:29 < mareklug>     more reason to think EU is a bunch of fucktards
02:38 -!- AntiSpamMeta [~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.] has quit [Quit: Automatic restart triggered due to persistent lag. Freenode staff: If this is happening too frequently, please set a nickserv freeze on my account, and once my connection is stable, unfreeze the account and /kill me to trigger a reconnect.]
02:43 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:44 < tzatziki> Ah, the EU.
02:44 < SigmaWP> night
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02:45 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into]
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02:46 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:47 < dtm> mareklug: can i disallow commercial use, when uploading images directly to wikipedia?
02:48 < tzatziki> no
02:48 < dtm> and, if i want to reupload an image to wikimedia commons, do i have to first delete any reference to it from all wikipedia pages?
02:48 < mareklug> u are only allowed a narrow band of manouver in uploading images to wikipedia directly.  those would be fair-use iamges.  wikipedia even more so is against restrictions on free images such as noncommercial use
02:48 < dtm> k
02:49 < mareklug> you should read up on it and the reasons why.  we want poor people to avail themselves of our resources for gain as well.
02:49 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:50 < mareklug> "[04:48:29] <dtm>	 and, if i want to reupload an image to wikimedia commons, do i have to first delete any reference to it from all wikipedia pages?"  why?  it will have the same name.  a local copy (copies) then should be removed
02:51 < dtm> mareklug: i was asking because I saw a 'reupload' button on an unreferenced image, but i dont see one on a referenced image
02:51 < dtm>,_Jr..jpeg
02:51 < dtm> I shot that photo and i'm wanting to reupload it
02:52 < dtm> a cropped version, closer to the instrument and face and whatnot
02:52 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:52 < dtm> assuming that maestro mareklug approves of the improved aesthetic, naturally
02:52 < dtm> <3
02:52 < mareklug> that file is on commons.  you are confusing viewing a page on wikipedia and viewing it on commons.  the upload new version of this file thing is on commons.  just go to the commons version of this image
02:53 < dtm> < mareklug> dtm we won't know if it is indeed well done, until he shows it to us.  it could be medium only, or rare. <-- noted
02:54 < dtm> wat.  ok.
02:54 < mareklug> 'English: Portrait of Walfredo Reyes, Jr. at a Chicago concert at the Stiefel Theatre in Salina, Kansas"  <-- this is highly confusing.
02:54 < mareklug> Chicago being the band, yes?
02:55 < mareklug> you should introduce wikilnks into your commons descriptions (or wikipedia image cutlines) that lead to relevant articles on the appropriate language versions of wikipedia
02:55 < dtm> mareklug: yes the band
02:55 < dtm> k
02:56 < dtm> i was in a hurry ;)  hence the non-cropping in the first place
02:56 < mareklug> then link that to
02:56 < dtm> i created the article asap so I could call him, because he'd just given me his cell phone number
02:56 < mareklug> we have a saying in Polish, hurrying is only advised when catching fleas
02:56 < dtm> but it was a really good draft <3
02:57 < dtm> i had minimal citations for an extremely notable subject, and full metadata
02:58 < dtm> in fact i spent the whole first few hours just doing the article's infrastructure.  assembling the metadata from other similar articles (most of which i'd originally written)
02:58 < dtm> so really my definition of 'hurry' and 'asap' was to make it minimally awesome.
02:58 < dtm> as per usual for my contributions to wikipedia
03:02 -!- TBloemink is now known as tb|gras
03:03 -!- Kinny [~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny] has quit []
03:04 < dtm> mareklug: i dont remember if i asked you.  are you very familiar with <timeline>?  i'm workin on one.
03:04 < dtm> it has the wrong colors in the legend, and the legend is cut off
03:04 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:05 < dtm> i guess it doesn't wrap them by default, and i guess maybe i have to widen the entire thing.  i dont know.
03:05 -!- Steven_Zhang_ [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:06 < mareklug> what exactly do you want and can't get to happen with timeline?
03:06 < dtm> does it take a while for a reuploaded image to update in an article?  the article has the original, but if i click on the image, i see the updated one.
03:06 < mareklug> change the dimension by a pixel to force immediate generation of a new thumb
03:06 < dtm> mareklug: if you look at the timeline code, you can see that the legend's text are wrong.
03:07 < dtm> and the color is wrong on one of them
03:07 < mareklug> color wrong as in not matching the legend?
03:07 < dtm> it's duplicating "Drum set and Auxiliary"
03:07 < dtm> that appears in the legend twice.
03:07 -!- MrFish2 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:07 < dtm> one is supposed to be "Drum set and Auxiliary" and the other is supposed to be "Drum set"
03:07 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
03:08 < dtm> one is supposed to be blue and one is supposed to be green
03:08 < Computron_> Are there any Norwegian speakers around?
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03:08 < dtm> Computron_: no the speakers can play in any language
03:08 < dtm> just hit 'play'
03:09 < dtm> mareklug: and then 'audio' and 'video' are cut off, in the legend
03:10 < dtm> mareklug: oh i think i fixed it.  it was mad because i had two items that both started with the same text.
03:10 < dtm> i changed "Drum set and Auxiliary" to "Both" and now it renders ok
03:10 < dtm> so i guess it was litearlly confusing "Drum set and Auxiliary" with "Drum set"
03:10 < mareklug> i guess it does not know about drum equipment all that much :/
03:11 < dtm> yeah it's just a drum machine
03:11 < dtm> no real techniuqe
03:12 < dtm> okay.  so this might be advanced usage which i can read about, but now i'd like to have two different colors of vertical bars in the same place, when he's had an audio release and a video release at the same time.
03:12 -!- ikonia_ [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:17 < dtm> mareklug: the image is squashed.  i guess i just need to wait for mediawiki's internal thumbnail generation job,_Jr.
03:18 < dtm> i guess it'll be fixed tomorrow?
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03:18 < mareklug> dtm I frankly know less about timeline at this point than you, never having used it, so I suggest you just read up on it or look at the what links here on its page to see more involved examples that employ more features, including the ones you want to use.
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03:26 < dtm> it's unsquashed, if i set it to lower res, like 200px
03:26 < dtm> mareklug: kthx
03:26 < mareklug> does not look squashed to me
03:26 < dtm> it's not, now.
03:26 < dtm> but if i remove the 200px, it takes over the entire screen lol
03:26 < mareklug> i said one pixel
03:26 < dtm> yeah, obviously it doesn't matter how many
03:26 -!- Tasmania- [John@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-cccjbbcocyiphhqk] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:42 < mareklug> Jetro Computron_
03:42 -!- KP13 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:42 < Computron_> Hi
03:42 < mareklug> your Norwegian speaker just signed on
03:42 < Computron_> Where?
03:42 < Jetro> hi
03:42 < Jetro> yeah but I'm lazy
03:42 -!- Warhound [] has quit [Changing host]
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03:42 < mareklug> i put him on the same fucking line
03:42 -!- KP13 [] has quit [Changing host]
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03:42 < mareklug> you're only other option is Migrant, Computron_
03:42 -!- TheLordOfTime [LordOfTime@ubuntu/member/lordoftime] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:42 < Computron_> Thanks
03:42 -!- TB|Cloud is now known as Guest34310
03:42 -!- BlastHardcheese [chris@pdpc/supporter/active/blasthardcheese] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:43 < mareklug> or go to ##norsk
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04:59 < wctaiwan> mareklug: well done :P
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05:11 < wctaiwan> o/ foks, YuviPanda.
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05:21 < foks> hey wctaiwan
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05:23 < Jetro> 15taiwan
05:25 -!- Kendrickk [] has quit [Client Quit]
05:26 < Jetro> Kendrickk is creepy
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05:29 < elkng> who is Kendrickk ?
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05:36 < wctaiwan> Jetro: hm?
05:36 < Jetro> Just reminded me then..
05:36 < Jetro> elkng: He msg-ed me
05:36 < Jetro> nothing weird, but weird still
05:36 < elkng> me too
05:36 < Jetro> a bit random
05:36 < Jetro> [14:24:13] <Kendrickk> Hi, are you english ?
05:36 < elkng> something about "master degree"
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05:58 < QueenOfFrance> { msg snowolf
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06:15 < ChrisGualtieri> I need an admin... now x-x
06:16 < Ushau97> ChrisGualtieri: try using the stalkword if it is urgent
06:16 < ChrisGualtieri> !admin
06:16 < Peter-C> What do you need?
06:16 < ChrisGualtieri> PM
06:16 < Peter-C> (Not an admin but, it would simplyfy it)
06:16 < Peter-C> Oh
06:16 < Peter-C> no
06:16 < Peter-C> not me
06:17 < QueenOfFrance> ChrisGualtieri: what is it
06:17 < Peter-C> I was going to say that if you say your request now than it would be a bit smother, save a minute
06:17 < QueenOfFrance> (I am an admin)
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06:21 < Kendrickk> Hi, I'm french and i've an interview for an american master degree, can you correct me some sentences please :) ?
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06:57 < Demiurge1000> you paste umm sentences and I happy to make fun of them
06:58 < Demiurge1000> We can't get you accredited in realtime.
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06:59 < Wiki13> mhm..
07:00 < Wiki13> Some text is totally invisible here...
07:00 < Wiki13> even for myself
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07:02 < QueenOfFrance> Wiki13: hmm?
07:03 < Wiki13> it was some cchatclient bug here, but it solved it by itself now...
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07:19 < Qcoder00> Greetings humans
07:20 < Qcoder00> Anyone awake
07:20 < Qcoder00> ?
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07:32 < mareklug>   They're back: 17-year cicadas to swarm from Georgia to New York
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07:41 < Qcoder00> Does anyone have pictures for Commons?
07:41 < Qcoder00> (SOrry Sorry)
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08:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am tempted to start [[Wikipedia:Requests for Sanity]] :/
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08:34 < Bradford> Hahc21: :O
08:35 -!- farouezt [~zad@gateway/tor-sasl/farouezt] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:35 < Hahc21> como estas Bradford?
08:35 < Hahc21> :P
08:36 < Bradford> -.-
08:36 < Bradford> Hahc21:  Bien
08:36 < Bradford> :|
08:36 < Hahc21> Tienpo sin verte ^^
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08:36 < Bradford> o_O
08:36 < Bradford> Hahc21:  Enserió? :O
08:37 < Bradford> si estoy acá -_-
08:37 < Hahc21> :S
08:37 < Bradford> LOL
08:38 < a930913> Are there any guidelines preventing excessively long talk pages?
08:38 < QueenOfFrance> Not really
08:38 < QueenOfFrance> a930913: people are free to have massively long talk pages
08:38 < Bradford> Hahc21:  Pues, ola k ase
08:38 < QueenOfFrance> it's kinda stupid imo, but :)
08:38 -!- farouezt [~zad@gateway/tor-sasl/farouezt] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:39 < Bazinga> petan: we've been rved
08:40 < wctaiwan> a930913: it's generally recommended that you archive excessively long talk pages as a courtesy to viewers—loading times, scrolling speed, page size itself, etc.
08:40 < Hahc21> Bradford: asiendo lo que se ase un domingo y tu que ase
08:40 < wctaiwan> but people don't get banned for not archiving their talk pages, afaik.
08:40 < Hahc21> xD
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08:40 < Bradford> Hahc21:  ok, :|
08:40 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:40 < Bradford> Hahc21:  haz jugado warcraft?
08:40 < Bradford> xD
08:40 < mareklug> a930913 you are supposed to archive them if they are too long to comfortably load into a browser.  Feel free to archive the fucker's page for him.
08:40 < Bradford> Jetro: hi :-*
08:41 < a930913> Reckon a bot that explains how to archive when a page exceeds <100kB> would pass?
08:41 < Hahc21> Braford: Sí, hace aaaños :)
08:41 < mareklug> 100k is ridiculously little.  1MB is more reasonable
08:41 < Bradford> :|
08:42 < wctaiwan> I would actually recommend that you don't archive people's talk pages for them. Poke them about it, but if they're not willing (generally, people who have accumulated a long talk page do it on purpose) it's just going to cause conflict if you forcibly do it for them.
08:42 < a930913> mareklug: It is? Can you find me an example where 100k is all recent?
08:42 < mareklug> they can alwasy revert it.
08:42 < Bradford> Hahc21: Si Todo sale bien, me daran otro +q xD
08:43 < Hahc21> +q?
08:43 < mareklug> it is not about recentness.  it is about no need.
08:43 < Bradford> Hahc21: Quiet -.-
08:43 < Hahc21> oh
08:43 < Bradford> Hahc21:  Voy a romper un record xD
08:43 < Bradford> Hahc21:  ya llevo 5 puestos
08:43 < a930913> mareklug: 100k is ~100 headers.
08:44 < Hahc21> Bradford: :D
08:44 < mareklug> it depends.  there may be pictures.
08:44  * wctaiwan sets mode +q Bradford 
08:44 < wctaiwan> >.>
08:44 < Bradford> ._.
08:44 < Bradford> Hahc21:  Bueno, ellos disfrutan haciendo eso
08:44 < mareklug> Bradford pendejo, callate, por favor.  Tu eres upseto los gente
08:44 < Bradford> D:
08:45 < Hahc21> D=
08:45 < Hahc21> How are you mareklug?
08:45 < wctaiwan> mareklug: I'm not upset, unless you're talking about yourself.
08:45 < Bradford> Hahc21:  no hables con mareklug :|
08:45 < mareklug> fine Hahc21.  I hope Venezuela is treeting you well.
08:45 < Bradford> vive insultandome
08:45 < Bradford> le puse un ignore
08:45 < Hahc21> jeje
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08:46 < Hahc21> mareklug: Well, it depends. Not bad, not not good either.
08:46 < Bradford> Hahc21: en #defocus carly y yo hicimos que prohibieran hablar español xD
08:47 < Hahc21> jejeje
08:47 < Bradford> Hahc21:  pasabamos todo el día hablando nuestro idioma hasta que ellos se chngaron xDD
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08:50 < Bradford> mareklug:  I have removed the ignore please respect and do not insult me
08:51 < wctaiwan> Bradford: please make an effort to use english in this channel..
08:51 < mareklug> Bradford su chicle americano es mi chicle americano
08:51 < Bradford> wctaiwan:  no
08:51 < Bradford> :D
08:51 < wctaiwan> suit yourself.
08:52 < mareklug> wv that wa sin english AND spanish
08:52 < Bradford> ::|
08:52 < Bradford> wctaiwan:  not speak english
08:52 < Bradford> :|
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08:53 < wctaiwan> Bradford: suit yourself. I'm not a chanop.
08:53 < mareklug> Bradford why are you here?
08:54 < Bradford> mmm
08:54 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
08:55 < Bradford> wctaiwan:   I can not understand your language and I'm not using a translator all the time, I only speak my language with users to understand me
08:56 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away
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08:58 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:58 < mareklug> wctaiwan how much memory, both real and virtual, does Textual swell up to on your machine, in your experience?
08:58 < mareklug> Activity Monitor
08:58 < wctaiwan> checking
08:59 < wctaiwan> right now it's using 72.7MB of real memory and 3.52GB of virtual memory
08:59 < wctaiwan> I assume the latter is just the size of the address space?
08:59 < wctaiwan> that's 6 channels across 2 networks
08:59 < mareklug> no need to assume.  there is a column for each if you make them visible
09:00 < wctaiwan> well, 3.52GB
09:00 < wctaiwan> I'm trying to explain away the unreasonably large number.
09:00 < mareklug> are you sure that is right there on the line with the process in the process table?
09:01 < wctaiwan> what do you mean?
09:01 < wctaiwan> it's the entry for Textual in Activity Monitor
09:01 < mareklug> are you using Activity Monitor with My Processes selected?
09:01 < wctaiwan> yes
09:02 < mareklug> under the heading Virtual Mem it says 3 GB?
09:02 < wctaiwan> 190.5MB
09:02 < wctaiwan> that's "virtual private memory"
09:02 < wctaiwan> whatever that is.
09:02 < mareklug> i knew somethign was fishy in your reporting :/
09:03 < mareklug> it is the amount od disk the process has assigned for its own use.
09:04 < wctaiwan> actually, I gave you the right answer based on your question
09:04 < mareklug> shared virtual memory would mean exactly that.
09:04 < wctaiwan> "Virtual : The total amount of address space in the process that's mapped to anything - whether that's an arbitrarily large space for variables or anything - it does not equate to actual VM use. (VSIZE)"
09:05 < wctaiwan> "Virtual memory is the size of the entire virtual memory of the process including those pages that are not currently resident in physical RAM."
09:05 < wctaiwan> meh
09:05 < a930913> irssi is using 469MB RAM D:
09:06 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
09:06 < mareklug> i have 10 channels and the thing has bloated itself to 324.2 MB / 468.6 MB virtual
09:07 < mareklug> If I kill it, and restart it, as I periodically do Safari, which can creep up past 3 GB, it starts reasonably again.
09:07 < wctaiwan> hm.
09:08 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:08 < mareklug> memory leaks, if you asked me
09:08 < wctaiwan> probably.
09:08 < mareklug> brb
09:08 < a930913> mareklug: I think it might be logs. I'm listening to CB RC feed for example. That would be taking quite a bit.
09:08 < mareklug> it's only text and i keep no logs.  so 6k of text scrollback.  no way it would run into hundreds of megs
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09:12 < mareklug> so textual starts wtih a modest 34.2 MB / 174.3 MB virtual
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09:23 < Bazinga> lol.
09:23 < Bazinga> safari
09:23 -!- AndroUserChile [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:23 < a930913> mareklug: I think I found where all my rams were going.
09:24 < a930913> Looks like I'm storing at least the last 24 hours of recent changes within irssi :p
09:24 < mareklug> Bazinga do you know anything about Safari, other than it is made by Apple?
09:24 -!- Entropy_ [3ba14489@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:25 < Bazinga> mareklug: does it even have add-ons
09:25 < mareklug> I am using Adblock plus in it.  do you have a brain?  can you research things for yourself?
09:25 -!- AndroUserChile is now known as Carly
09:25 < mareklug> or is prejudice the blessed state?
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09:26 < Maple__> <-- crap
09:26 < mareklug> Carly it's Sunday.  Did you go make the photos russavia asked you for?
09:27 < Carly> Aah?
09:27 < Carly> No.
09:27 < Carly> I think I said before where the photos were taken
09:28 < Carly> And is not necessary go to there and verify
09:28 < mareklug> wctaiwan and now something from Maria Peszek, "Ładne słowa to"  (Pretty words are these:)
09:29 < mareklug> Carly, he needs two pictures that were not taken.  one of the Russian Embassy, one of the Russian Center.  We gave you the addresses.  Do you want them again?
09:29 < Carly> Yes please
09:29 < mareklug> hold on
09:29 < Carly> I forgot the addresses
09:33 < Carly> Bradford stop inviting to your channel
09:33 < Bradford> joder
09:33 < Bradford> Carly:  stop you
09:33 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:34 < Carly> Bradford just leave the spam
09:34 < Bradford> joder
09:34 < Bradford> Carly:  ya dejame en paz
09:35 < Carly> ?
09:35 < Bradford> Hahc21:  let's play a game of warcraft?
09:35 < mareklug> Carly Russina Embassy, Address: Av. Américo Vespucio 2127, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
09:35 < Carly> Let me save
09:36 < Hahc21> Bradford: I can't now. I'm eating and will go to work soon
09:36 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:36 < Carly> Ready mareklug
09:36 < Carly> Another one?
09:36 < Bradford> Hahc21: ok .-.
09:36 < mareklug> looking...
09:37 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:38 < mareklug> Carly   The Russian Center of Science and Culture , Address: Ejercito 57, Santiago, Chile
09:38 < mareklug> wctaiwan you like?
09:38 < Bradford> (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
09:39 < Carly> Do we have a Russian Center of Science?
09:39 < Carly> Ooh.
09:39 < mareklug> and Culture
09:39 < wctaiwan> mareklug: sorry, I'll listen to it some other time. Kind of need to work right now.
09:39 < Carly> Mareklug and what do you want me to do with that addresses?
09:39 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:39 < mareklug> picture of the building front
09:39 < mareklug> in both cases
09:40 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:41 < Carly> Ok
09:41 < Carly> Mareklug ;)
09:41 < mareklug> ?
09:42 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:42 < Carly> Mareklug what?
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09:43 < Carly> Please...if you ask me a thing try to smile and be polite or you'll never get a thing from me
09:44 -!- Bradford is now known as ignore-
09:44 < mareklug> take pix of both buildings.  thank you in advance, Carly
09:45 < Carly>  Is not necessary sarcasm
09:45 < Carly> I will.
09:49 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
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10:00 < anderson> southpark: O___o
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10:06 < mareklug> Bear Paw Cabarnet Souvignon, 2001
10:06 < mareklug> yum
10:06 < Cncmaster> I've improved my admin score by 74 in the past month.
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10:10 < Bazinga> Who knows why Wikipedia renders svgs as pngs
10:10 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:11 < mareklug> because of browser support lacking for svg
10:11 < Cncmaster> Not many browsers I know support the svg format
10:12 -!- Carly [~androirc@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:12 < Bazinga> hm, what do you mean
10:13 < Bazinga> If I can read this, does my browser support it?
10:13  * Cncmaster feels like making another negative userbox about himself
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10:13 < mareklug> Cncmaster how about:  This user thinks -1 is a beutiful number
10:13 -!- Warhound is now known as Superaway
10:14 < Cncmaster> sounds intereseting
10:14 < Cncmaster> interesting*
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10:14 < wctaiwan> Cncmaster: um, most modern ones do, I think
10:14 < wctaiwan> firefox and safari, to name just two, and thus by extension Google Chrome.
10:15 < Bazinga> wctaiwan: that's what iI thought...
10:15 < mareklug> Safari does.
10:15 < Cncmaster> So, who here knew gwickwire?
10:15 < wctaiwan> I'm not sure about IE10.
10:15 < Bazinga> Fuck IE.
10:15 < mareklug> is he dead, Cncmaster ?
10:15 < Bazinga> even safari can outdo him :-)
10:15 < mareklug> Bazinga stop shitting on a browser you have never used.
10:15 < Cncmaster> He retired after a giant scandal involving access to Riley Huntley's account.
10:16 < Bazinga> mareklug: I've used a mac before.
10:16 < wctaiwan> mareklug: to be fair, I use safari and.. it's pretty horrible.
10:16 < Bazinga> Cncmaster: funny
10:16 < wctaiwan> well, its handling of private browsing is horrible.
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10:16 < Cncmaster> mareklug, there's your answer
10:16 < mareklug> Cncmaster let me correct that information:  He used his account to make a trivial edit and took pains to pretend he was Riley in the edit summary.  Both combined = bad judgement and lots of trouble for Riley.
10:17 < mareklug> wctaiwan how is it pretty horrible?  it is no more horrible than Firefox or Chrome or whathaveyou.  It works very well in MacOS X especially if you have a trackpad.
10:17 < wctaiwan> Nope, Firefox does private browsing right
10:17 < Cncmaster> Password sharing or account hacking, we will never know.
10:17 < wctaiwan> as in, it's actually private
10:17 < mareklug> wctaiwan I would not know, I never handled private browsing in Safari.  I usually do it in Opera.
10:18 < Cncmaster> Probably password sharing.
10:18 < wctaiwan> safari's private browsing is glitchy. It sometimes leaves stuff behind. Sessions time out in the middle.
10:18 < wctaiwan> and what were they thinking with the full-width tabs :/
10:18 -!- SuicidalZerg [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:19 < wctaiwan> they used to be way ahead with the inspector
10:19 < mareklug> wctaiwan full width tabs don't bug me in the least.  anything else wrong with it to earn the rank of pretty horrible?
10:19 < wctaiwan> now firefox and chrome both have something similar as well.
10:19 < wctaiwan> the non-private private browsing affects me greatly.
10:19 < Bazinga> I migrated to chrome from firefox
10:19 < wctaiwan> well, not materially. But I notice it a lot.
10:19 < Cncmaster> Do any of you who use firefox have stability issues?
10:19 < wctaiwan> not I (I use it on windows).
10:20 < mareklug> I think Bazinga is pretty unstable, and he said he uses or used to use firefox
10:20 < Cncmaster> I use it :)
10:20 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
10:20 < wctaiwan> hah, good one :p
10:20 < mareklug> i always good one.
10:21 < wctaiwan> wctaiwan cannot into good snarking.
10:22 < Bazinga> Do mobile browsers support svg?
10:22 < Bazinga> I'm assuming they do..
10:22 < wctaiwan> try it?
10:22 < Jetro> why does WP use svg
10:22 < Jetro> it sucks
10:22 < Jetro> svg sucks!!!
10:22 < Jetro> okay no I know nothing of it
10:23 < Bazinga> Jetro: it's an image format that can get exponentially big without getting pixelated.
10:23 < wctaiwan> Jetro: lol, it shows :p
10:23 < MJ94> hey wctaiwan
10:23 < Jetro> oh awesome
10:23 < Jetro> I know
10:23 < Jetro> :D
10:23 < wctaiwan> hey.
10:24 < Bradford> Jetro: :-*
10:25 < Theopolisme> was at six flags in atlanta with girlfriend on Friday--around 2pm, got a call that my mom had suddenly had a stroke. talk about a shitty date. i of course flew back home and i think she's going to be okay now, but it was still quite a scare.
10:25 < Ironholds> oh no :(
10:25 < Ironholds> Theopolisme: wishing you and yours the best of luck :/.
10:26 < wctaiwan> O_O
10:26 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
10:26 < wctaiwan> mareklug: look over something for me please?
10:26 < mareklug> sure
10:27 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:27 < Cncmaster> And lastly, here's the 5 minute negative userbox I said I would make:
10:27 < mareklug> jetro why would you say SVG sucks?  Is this some sort of a Norwegian fishing thing to say?
10:28 < Theopolisme> Thanks a bundle, Oliver...yeah, it really makes you think, though. About how powerless we are against ourselves and nature in general. :/
10:28 < Bazinga> mareklug: he didn't know what he was talking about
10:28 < Bazinga> just like you when you say that google sucks
10:28 < mareklug> he still doesn't.  And you, Bazinga, as someone who does not know what it is that you are talking about, surely can empathize with him the best.
10:28 < Ironholds> Theopolisme: indeed. These things can happen to anyone, at any time. But in terms of power: hey, the medical world is getting pretty good at treating these sort of problems, precisely because they can just...happen. Hopefully she'll be fine :)
10:28 < Ironholds> mareklug: be nice.
10:29 < wctaiwan> be nice, says IH.
10:29  * wctaiwan ducks
10:29 < Bazinga> O_O that's one crazy SVG
10:29 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: indeed. On that note, would you mind asking your friends to give a project money?
10:29 < Ironholds> ditto the rest of you;
10:30 < wctaiwan> potential browser freeze warning on Bazinga's link.
10:30 < Bazinga> wctaiwan: not on chrome
10:31 < Cncmaster> wctaiwan: you were 5 seconds late on that warning -.-
10:31 < wctaiwan> xD
10:31 < Bazinga> lo
10:31 < Bazinga> firefox
10:31 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: saw that a few days back. I'm afraid I'm not the fundraising type, but I certainly hope it ends up being successful.
10:31 < Bazinga> Ironholds: reading
10:32 < SuicidalZerg> Dafuq is that, anyways?
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10:32 < Ironholds> SuicidalZerg: is what?
10:32 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: so tell yer friends ;p
10:32 < SuicidalZerg> That SVG
10:32 < wctaiwan> a cheap device that stores wikipedia locally and displays it on screen.
10:32 < wctaiwan> oh.
10:33 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: have they tried to apply for a grant from the WMF?
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10:33 < wctaiwan> it seems like the sort of thing WMF should fund. It's concrete and would likely have immediate results..
10:33 < wctaiwan> s/fund/help fund/
10:33 < Ironholds> they being WMF employees? err. awwwkward ;p
10:33 < wctaiwan> oh, right.
10:33 < wctaiwan> didn't notice that part.
10:33 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
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10:35  * Cncmaster bites his third user today
10:36 < mareklug> Bazinga you will be happy to learn that Safari has no problems rendering that, unlike MediaWiki, including zooming in and out
10:36 < Bazinga> Highfive!
10:36 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:36 < BlastHardcheese> I would rather have WMF fund backups of the projects so we don't lose everything if a meteor hits the data center
10:36 < mareklug> it's a very nice example of SVG artistic work.  Jetro should view it to understand the reasons for using SVG
10:37 < Ironholds> BlastHardcheese: we have backups.
10:37 < Ironholds> and multiple datacentres.
10:37 < Ironholds> and db dumps in case all of those fail
10:37 < wctaiwan> mareklug: got the link?
10:38 < Jetro> whut
10:38 < Bazinga> mareklug: like this (NSFW)
10:43 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:44 < mareklug> very clean lines.  can't be done by raster.  you would have to have an insane resolution and pixel density.
10:45 < wctaiwan> bedtime. Night folks.
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10:58 < mareklug>       and
10:59 < mareklug> needs a warning, likely followed by global indefinite.  the behavior is not improving.
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11:19 < mareklug> NotASpy    they withhold these super thrifty super-high-gas-milage super-underpowered versions from the US.
11:20 -!- Olipro [~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:21 < NotASpy> mareklug: that's because they're horrible. Utterly, utterly horrible.
11:21 < mareklug> they, being VW America?
11:21 < NotASpy> Yeah.
11:22 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
11:22 < NotASpy> Be thankful. Send them letters of thanks.
11:22 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
11:22 < mareklug> I am sure the car would sell.  they just don't want to cannibalize their more muscled versions.
11:22 < NotASpy> I had the Volvo equivalent a couple of years back as a courtesy car when mine was in for servicing. It stopped the engine when you took it out of gear and started automatically when you put your foot on the clutch.
11:22 < mareklug> 88 mpg.  instead of 45 mpg.  imagine that.
11:23 < NotASpy> it also told you when to change gears with a display on the dashboard.
11:24 < mareklug> unless you drive in mountain country, you really can do with the anemic 88 mpg car
11:24 < NotASpy> in saying that, it was perfectly happy sitting at 70mph in cruise on the motorway, and it makes the Toyota Prius look like something Coco the Clown should be using in the big top.
11:25 < NotASpy> but being better than a Toyota Prius isn't exactly a mark of quality. It's the most pointless, useless car in the history of the world.
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11:26 < BlastHardcheese> buhbuhbuh hybrid green
11:26 -!- Olipro is now known as Guest68402
11:27 < NotASpy> A car that produces twice as much carbon dioxide emissions to produce, requires vast areas to be mined to make the batteries and because the batteries don't work when it's cold, or hot, the engine spends all its time running, but it's a not very powerful, quite old fashioned petrol engine that, frankly, likes a drink.
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11:29 < mareklug> and then you have the landfill problem with all those batteries.  and of cours, in the case of California, the energy that comes to power electric cars comes in 55% out of state from dirty, brown-coal plants on interior West lands, usually Indian.
11:30 -!- Lydia` [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:30 < mareklug> by comparison, the TDI engined cars are simple, last forever, and use clean diesel which can be synthesized from gas.
11:31 < NotASpy> People only buy the Prius in order to fool their friends into thinking it's a world saving superhero of a car (and/or because the dealer has fooled them in the first place), in reality a big Jaguar or BMW is less damaging to the planet. A VW Bluemotion, Volvo DRIVe diesels or the new Ford Ecoboost Petrols are considerably better for the environment.
11:31 < NotASpy> but until you make the VW as much of a babe magnet as the Prius, few people will buy it.
11:32 < mareklug> actually, they are selling well in the States.  exceptionally, even.  Especially the Jetta TDI
11:32 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
11:32 < NotASpy> but you don't get the super economical ones, do you ?
11:32 < mareklug> no, as I linked you. the supereconomical ones are not offered here.  I don't know why.
11:34 < mareklug>
11:35 < mareklug> "That’s partly due to tough U.S. emissions laws on diesel engines, plus the general desire among U.S. consumers for slightly more powerful engines. "
11:35 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
11:36 < mareklug> The part about tough US emissions is laughably false.  The VW clean diesel far exceeds even California diesel standards, the toughest.
11:36 < mareklug> I am a US consumer, and I would buy a Bluemotion over the slightly more powerful engines, if it were offered.
11:37 -!- Athyria is now known as Isarra
11:37 < NotASpy> the normal Jetta TDI is a damn fine car, the 2.0 diesel will normally outperform a similar petrol but give you in the region of 50% better fuel consumption.
11:38 < mareklug> I get 45 mpg mixed use on my TDI
11:38 < NotASpy> that is what people are saying Americans want - no performance hit but much better fuel consumption. The Bluemotion isn't exactly slow though.
11:39 < NotASpy> I did have a Volvo S60 with the 2.4 5 cylinder diesel, it produced 185hp and when it was traded in, the computer said 39.7mpg average.
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11:41 < NotASpy> it was almost identical in terms of spec, size, speed and performance to the Lexus IS250 with the V6 petrol, which averages 25mpg for similar driving (the Volvo was 1mph faster, for example). I think that's the sort of things most Americans want (or are being told they want).
11:42 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
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11:45 < mareklug> well, you see, this is a tremendously mixed population.  There is no per se what Americans want, especially in cars.  Different strokes for different folks, and in different regions.  A Texas rancher will not be caught dead in a VW of any model.
11:46 < mareklug> But a midwest family or single person in the city, that's a different story.
11:47 < NotASpy> as I understand it, the biggest issue isn't what cars are on offer, but a difficulty in actually obtaining diesel fuel in many areas - drivers have to use truck stops and high volume pumps which can be messy and spill alot. Is that changing much ?
11:47 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:48 < mareklug> no.  diesel is available commonly in cities.
11:48 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
11:48 < mareklug> and yes, on the highway, you will avail yourself of a truck stop, except they often will have separate pumps for cars due to different tax structure
11:49 < NotASpy> so the big issue in take up of high mpg diesels is simply the manufacturers will not import them ?
11:51 < mareklug> yes
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11:54 < NotASpy> the only thing I can think might be making them hesitant then is the diesel particulate filters, which can cause problems for low mileage cars.
11:56 < NotASpy> the engines and almost all other components are pretty standard, just with different engine management settings and a few other tweaks to make them more economical. It's not as if there would be issues in dealer support or parts supply issues.
11:58 < Bazinga> Who here knows JS
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12:20 < ihaveamac> debian wheezy released
12:21 < Jetro> debian sucky released
12:21 < Jetro> Suckbuntu 13.04 out now!
12:21 < Jetro> Makes sure to crash your computer(TM)
12:21 < ihaveamac> I thought that was windows
12:21 < ihaveamac> that crashed
12:21 < Jetro> no
12:21 < mareklug> ihaveamac is that debian 7 now?
12:21 < ihaveamac> mareklug: yes
12:21 < Jetro> Windows is superstable
12:21 < ihaveamac> debian jessie will be coming next
12:22 < ihaveamac> I use wine for my windows programs, some of them run better than on windows
12:22 < Bazinga> mareklug: Not trying anything here, but I can't remember.. do the new apple maps have bicycle directions? I'm not trying to debate what is better I just want to know...
12:22 < mareklug> Jetro where do you get your information?  the rock stable systems are the supercomputers which to the exclusion of nearly everything run unix/linux systems
12:22 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:22 < kondi> wheezy comes with xfce, right?
12:22 < Jetro> So I hear
12:23 < ihaveamac> no, but you can get it easily
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12:23 < mareklug> Bazinga you want me to check on my iPod?
12:23 < Jetro> but whatever I hear and do or try, Windows rules and Linux sux
12:23 < Jetro> :(
12:23 < Bazinga> That would be nice thanks.
12:23 < Jetro> Wheezy is a good name though
12:23 < Jetro> probbly what it sounds like
12:23 < Jetro> wheezing
12:23 < Bazinga> (I would check mine but I haven't turned it on... since a certain event happened)
12:23 < Jetro> since it's so old and shit
12:23 < Jetro> damn
12:23 < Bazinga> and I can't find the charger.
12:23 < ihaveamac> Jetro: did you use wubi/that ubuntu installer for windows?
12:24 < Jetro> Yep
12:24 < Jetro> Not installing it from Windows
12:24 < Jetro> but you know
12:24 < Jetro> the USB creator thingy
12:24 < mareklug> car, ped, bus/transportayion
12:24 < ihaveamac> wubi is no longer supported
12:25 < ihaveamac> and it wasn't very good anyway
12:25 < Bazinga> Do they have things like catwalks and that specified?
12:25 < ihaveamac> partitioning makes it better
12:25 < Bazinga> (things only bikes and peds can go on)
12:25 < mareklug> how would i test that?
12:25 < ihaveamac> I've lived off of Linux for a few months now
12:25 < mareklug> it has peds
12:25 < Bazinga> OK but would it make the peds follow the roads or take path shortcuts
12:26 < mareklug> dunno.  suggest a royte to test
12:26 < mareklug> route
12:26 < Bazinga> hm
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12:26 < Bazinga> I'mma test on my iPod
12:26 < Bazinga> But first I have to update from iOS Beta 6.0...
12:26 < Bazinga> >_>
12:26 < Bazinga> brb
12:26 < mareklug> at least it does tell you if your car route requires tolls :)
12:26 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away
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12:27 < Bazinga> we don't have tolls in canada except on Highway 1...
12:27 < Bazinga> I think
12:28 < Bazinga> Apparently I bike 10km a day...
12:28 < Bazinga> not bad.
12:31 < BartlomiejB> I am not a native English speaker, so I have a question: from [[Reichskonkordat]]: "Meanwhile, although the Protestant Churches, being local congregations, remained unaffected by restriction on foreign support. Hitler's government negotiated other agreements with them which in essence put Nazi officials, most of whom were Catholics, into positions of influence or outright authority over Protestant Churches." shouldn't be a coma instead of d
12:32 < Bazinga> lmao, mareklug my ipod + case fits on the screen of my phone
12:32 < mareklug> so it does
12:32 < BartlomiejB> BTW - I am in the process of translating this article into Polish. (I am currently blocked in for half a year, so I am not sure where I'll post it when finished, but oh well...)
12:34 < mareklug> BartlomiejB that period b4 Hitler's interrupts the sentence --> ,    aslo comma after them
12:34 -!- southpark [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
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12:35 < mareklug> Bazinga there are tolls on bridges to Canada
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12:36 < addihockey10> Mareklug what is the latest iOS
12:36 < addihockey10> For ipod 4
12:36 < mareklug> 6.1.3   and 6.1.4 for iPhone
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12:40 < mareklug>   <-- what do you think of my photo
12:40 < mareklug> Bazinga ^
12:41 < BartlomiejB> mareklug: OK, thanks. I fixed a period:
12:41 < mareklug> did you put in the second comma? BartlomiejB
12:41 < Bazinga> mareklug: add hydraulics?
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12:42 < mareklug> obviously its hydraulics are better than what you had in mind
12:42 -!- lukas|away is now known as lukas23
12:42 < mareklug> but is that a cool sculpture or what?
12:42 < Bazinga> Pretty good.
12:42 < BartlomiejB> mareklug: no, only replaced one . with ,
12:43 < mareklug> BartlomiejB I said inserta comma after them               "[14:34:13] <mareklug>	 BartlomiejB that period b4 Hitler's interrupts the sentence --> ,    aslo comma after them"
12:43 < mareklug> Bazinga well it is in the library of my alma mater, Northern Kentucky University
12:44 < Bazinga> mareklug: is that your doctor pepper
12:44 < mareklug> it sure is, or was.
12:45 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
12:45 < mareklug> Bazinga
12:45 < Bazinga> lol
12:45 < Bazinga> I can barely use my ipod
12:45 < mareklug> why is that?
12:46 < Bazinga> screen seems too small.
12:46 < Bazinga> OK.
12:47 < Bazinga> I'm not lying about this at all...
12:47 < Bazinga> but I typed in a location in my city.
12:47 < Bazinga> on my Android it sent me to the right place...
12:47 < Bazinga> on my iPod it sent me to Utah.
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12:48 < mareklug> Bazinga I THINK you need to tell it your "zip" codes.   besides if I think you mean the city which I think you mean, I have no problems
12:49 < slkdkghkjf> helloo
12:50 < slkdkghkjf> y
12:50 -!- Izhidez is now known as Izawayz
12:53 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
12:55 < mareklug> Bazinga it says George Clooney is an alum of my skool.  whohoo.
12:55 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:55 < Bazinga> let's see who's alum from mine.
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12:59 < mareklug> Bazinga we don't have freedom of panorama for USA, so I cannot give away my picture of the dino/beetle.  I wish I could put it on Commons.
12:59 < Bazinga> You don't have FOP?
12:59 < Bazinga> :O
12:59 < mareklug> buildings only.
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12:59 < Bazinga> I'm pretty sure we can do whatever we want in canada
12:59 < Bazinga> except for 2D art
12:59 < mareklug> start a canadian wiki
13:00 < Bazinga> pretty sure there is one]
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13:15 < MJ94> hey Ironholds - you around?
13:15 < Ironholds> yup
13:15 < MJ94> Ironholds: Any idea why doesn't notify me?
13:16 < Ironholds> no signature
13:16 < Ironholds> (also, I'm not sure if you can notify yourself)
13:16 < MJ94> It's two separate accounts.
13:16 < MJ94> MJ49 and MJ94.
13:17 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:17 < Ironholds> okay. Then, no sig ;p
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13:19 < MJ94> Ironholds: Still didn't work
13:22 -!- BartlomiejB is now known as BartZilla
13:22 < Ironholds> huh. Stick it in bugzilla? I'm not meant to be going near Echo this weekend.
13:23 -!- BartZilla is now known as BartlomiejB
13:24 < MJ94> Ironholds: oh?
13:24 -!- sdamashek is now known as Vacation9_
13:24 < Krenair> MJ94, did you use '~~~~' for that?
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13:24 < Krenair> I'm not too familiar with Echo's DiscussionParser...
13:24 < MJ94> yes
13:24 < Krenair> hmm
13:25 < legoktm> Krenair: if you have a sec, is there already a bug for non-clickable links like
13:25 < Krenair> yes
13:25 < legoktm> do you know the #? I'll cc to it
13:26 -!- Ignatzmice [4b451dd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:27 < Krenair> !b 47999
13:27 < Krenair> ^ Is it that?
13:27 < Krenair> groan
13:27 < Krenair>
13:27 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:27 < Cncmaster> Who thinks this account is compromised:
13:28 < Cncmaster> Came back after 2 years yesterday with borderline disruptive editing patterns.
13:28 < Ignatzmice> One edit Jan. 9, actually
13:29 < Ignatzmice> But doesn't look to good recently
13:29 < Cncmaster> Well, I'm really struck by the edits to lego's RfA earlier.
13:29 < legoktm> Krenair: Looks right, thanks
13:30 < Cncmaster> Should I raise something at ANI or AIV?
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13:31 -!- Vacation9_ is now known as sdamashek
13:31 < Cncmaster> Ignatzmice
13:31 < Bazinga> legoktm: How do I check if two templates are available on a page?
13:31 < Bazinga> are used*
13:31 < Bazinga> two specific templates
13:31 < Krenair> MJ94, I don't know. Andrew (Werdna) might know more but he's not around at the moment
13:31 < Shirik> Cncmaster: looking
13:32 < Ignatzmice> You could if you want, I don't have much experience
13:32 < Ignatzmice> with stuff like that.
13:32 < legoktm> Bazinga: You get the list of templates on the page, give me a sec
13:32 < legoktm> Bazinga:
13:32 < Shirik> hm
13:33 < Shirik> not much to go on rightn ow; will keep an eye on though
13:33 < MJ94> filing a bug
13:33 < Cncmaster> Shirik: I'll watch for further disruption.
13:33 < Bazinga> legoktm: for example, I want to check if {{VVA|x.jpg}} and {{SVG}} etc are on the same page and give me a list of those
13:34 < Cncmaster> does seem a bit odd though
13:34 < Bazinga> so I can remove the latter tag if x.jpg is a valid file
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13:34 < MJ94> Cncmaster: he's edited in breaks before.
13:34 < Betacommand> Bazinga: catscan
13:34 < legoktm> ^
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13:35 < Bazinga> Betacommand: ah, that makes things easier.
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13:36 < Betacommand> Bazinga: will have a link for you shortly
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13:37 < Bazinga> Ok.
13:38 < Betacommand> Bazinga: {{VVA}} doesnt exit
13:38 < Bazinga> Betacommand: sorry, that's the commons template.. let me get the enwiki one
13:38 < Bazinga> I don't think {{SVG}} exists on enwiki either
13:39 < Betacommand> Bazinga: are you working on commons or en?
13:39 < Bazinga> {{Should be SVG}}
13:39 < Bazinga> en for now
13:39 < Bazinga> and {{Vector version available}}
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13:44 < Bazinga> Betacommand: so essentially, if the file has any instance of these...
13:45 < Betacommand> Bazinga: I know
13:45 -!- Barras [barras@wikimedia/barras] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:45 < Betacommand> Bazinga: Im waiting on the tool to finish so I can give your a URL
13:45 < Bazinga> Ok.
13:45 < Bazinga> thank you :-)
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13:46 < MJ94> Ironholds: submitted, thanks
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14:03 < Qcoder00> Hi BetaCoommand...
14:03 < Qcoder00> Did you get my query>
14:03 < Qcoder00> ?
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14:20 < Chongo> xd
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14:25 < Betacommand> Bazinga: do you have an existing example of a page that has both?
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14:32 < Bazinga> Betacommand: n
14:32 < Bazinga> o
14:32 < Bronze> p
14:32 < Bronze> e
14:32 < Carly> ?
14:33 < Bronze> timing is everything....
14:33 -!- edward` is now known as edward
14:34 -!- Guest74038 is now known as Teresa_mexicana
14:34 -!- Carly is now known as Mexican
14:35 < Bronze> I am using a chrome browser plugin for adding references to articles, but My "i-am-a-moran-pill" keeps kicking in and the format keeps getting screwed up.
14:35 -!- Mexican is now known as Juana
14:36 < Bronze>  does anyone have a suggestion for a robust plug-in or other tool that can be used for easily adding references to articles?
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14:36 < Bronze> The one I am using right now is called "proveit". I can't really criticize it, because I think the problem is operator error.
14:36 < NotASpy> I use Magnus's tool for references.
14:37  * Bronze wishes he could get a hold of that operator error guy.... 
14:37 < Bronze> NotASpy: what is that?
14:37 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:37 < IDoH> Hi
14:37 < NotASpy>
14:37 < NotASpy> old fashioned but it works well.
14:37 < Bronze> NotASpy: thank you Sir. (Or whatever gender specific honorific is appropriate!)
14:38 < NotASpy> Sir will do nicely.
14:38 < Bronze> yes Sire!
14:38 < Bronze> (Dang typos)
14:39 < Bronze> IDoH: what's up?
14:39 < IDoH> Nothing much, yourself?
14:39 < Sarcasm> Anybody have experience writing reception sections?
14:39 < IDoH> Just on the mend from a stomach flu
14:40 < Qcoder00> notaSpy; You are male or female?
14:40 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: Male.
14:40  * IDoH is female, for the record.
14:40 < Qcoder00> IDoH: And in real life?
14:40 < Qcoder00> XD
14:40 < IDoH> Female.
14:40 < IDoH> :-/
14:41 < Qcoder00> "I say Say,  What's a grecian urn?  A Grecian urn you ask....  Considerably less than a year ago!"
14:41 < Bronze> Sarcasm: what is a "reception section"
14:41 < Bronze> Qcoder00: old but almost timely and topical :-D
14:42 < Qcoder00> Bronze : Variants of that one exist sine at least the late 1940's ;)
14:42 < Maple__> ""Headlines & Global News See realtime coverage NASA Study Forecasts Global Warming to Trigger Global Rainfall and Draught""
14:42 < Qcoder00> *since
14:42 < Bronze> Qcoder00: if I recall correctly, that's from the age of Rodney Dangerfield, Milt Burrell, Bob Hope and similar.
14:42 < Maple__> Draught?
14:42 < Bronze> Drought
14:42 < Bronze> a draught is a drink.
14:42 < Sarcasm> reception sections traditionally discuss reviews of a subject
14:42 < Qcoder00> Bronze:  Bob Hope is slightly later than 40's but...
14:43 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:43 < Bronze> Qcoder00: yeah he had a long career, he was still active in the 80s and even part of the 90s. Specifying the era of Bob Hope is almost the equivalent of not saying anything! ;-) It's almost too general :)
14:43 < Bronze> Sarcasm: thank you, I had not run into the term before.
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14:44 < Qcoder00> "Bob Hope was so old , they were wondering if he had Lugosi as a drinking buddy..!"
14:44 < SigmaWP> jorm: Echo needs to ignore minor bot edits to talk pages
14:44 < SigmaWP> Wait
14:44 < Sarcasm> I'm trying to decide whether to just dump six or seven different quotes about the car I'm writing about
14:44 < SigmaWP> Oh
14:44 < Bronze> Qcoder00: we could look at the career of spongeBob Hope...
14:44 < Ironholds> SigmaWP: this is both known and in bugzilla.
14:44 < SigmaWP> Wrong wiki
14:44 < Sarcasm> and call it a day
14:44  * SigmaWP pat pats Ironholds 
14:45 < Bronze> Qcoder00: I remember watching Bob Hope's movies when I was a kid. When they were in black and white!
14:45 < Qcoder00> Bronze: Hmmm ..  I never knwo what level to pitch at... Some people get clever stuff and others ...
14:45 < Bronze> my cleverness level varies with my distance to my last cup of coffee.....
14:45 < Bronze> Inversely of course
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15:02 -!- Pandashan [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
15:02 < SigmaWP> S...
15:02 < SigmaWP> So...
15:02 < SigmaWP> Who here isn't tired of coal balls yet?
15:03 < IDoH> What are coal balls?
15:03 < IDoH> You mean, like polandball and stuff?
15:05 < mareklug>
15:05 < IRWolfie-> IDoH: no, an article Sigma wrote
15:05 < IDoH> Oh, I see.
15:06 < mareklug> 5/5/13 5:03:12.756 PM spindump[27315]: Safari [24342] unable to symbolicate   <-- anyone else ever had trouble symolicating?   what kind of a fucking activity is that?
15:06 < IRWolfie-> It featured in his RFA
15:07 < IRWolfie-> mareklug:
15:08 < IRWolfie-> appears to be the process of trying to put the symbols which were stripped out back into an executable
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15:10 < mareklug> funny that it should apply to Safari running on a desktop, i.e., not iOS
15:10 < mareklug> I just spied this out in my console log, after the trippy thing swelled up to 6 gig plus another 6 gig virtual.
15:10 < IRWolfie-> :|
15:11 < mareklug> maybe it could not symbolicate because it grew too fat, not because its symbols were removed :)
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15:14 < Bazinga> mareklug: or you could switch to chrome
15:14 < Bazinga> :-)
15:14 < mareklug> I have Chrome, but why would I switch to it?
15:15 < Bazinga> chrome doesn't symolicate and blow up your mac.
15:15 < IRWolfie-> everyone knows firefox is where it's at
15:16 < mareklug> 5/5/13 12:43:20.732 PM[1]: ([24403]) Exited: Killed: 9      <-- maybe that has something to do with it?
15:17 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
15:17 < Bazinga> IRWolfie-: we kind of disproved that earlier today...
15:17 < mareklug> I will log out and log back in, just to get my deamons straight. :)
15:17 < IRWolfie-> they have a symbolication daemon?
15:17 < Bazinga> a complex .svg crashed/froze (can't remember) the two FF users
15:18 < IRWolfie-> seems a bit pointless
15:18 < IRWolfie-> mareklug: maybe it switched on for the purposes of debugging the memory leak?
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15:19 < NotASpy> mareklug: most drivers will only have to refuel 10 times a year. <-- now that is attractive. I just can't understand why you would only make the super low fuel consumption vehicle as fuel efficient as possible.
15:19 < Computron_> Does anyone know Norwegian?
15:20 < NotASpy> Why isn't the Golf GTi fitted with drag reducing body panels and things too, even on a 155mph or whatever fire breathing car, it would be nice to get an extra mpg or two when not blasting around the back roads having fun.
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15:22 < IDoH> mareklug:
15:23 < mareklug> IRWolfie- so you think it is smart enough to think it has a memory leak and try to debug it?
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15:26 < IRWolfie-> mareklug: It's possible that it encountered an error and needs the symbols for a useful debug dump?
15:27 < IRWolfie-> (to show the call stack names or whatever)
15:28 -!- Steven_Zhang_ [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:28 < SigmaWP> hi Steven_Zhang
15:28 < SigmaWP> hi Steven_Zhang_
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15:32 < SigmaWP> Are we allowed to edit archived peer reviews that haven't had any reviews?
15:33 < Bazinga> SigmaWP: If it's useful... then yes.
15:34 < SigmaWP> If we want to review it, I mean
15:34 < Bazinga> If you're helping the authors then ofc.
15:34 < SigmaWP> ah
15:34 < SigmaWP> good
15:34 < Bazinga> if you're causing more harm than good then no.
15:35 < SigmaWP> Someone do please
15:35 < SigmaWP> ;-;
15:35 < Bazinga> SigmaWP: Maybe, if you find someone to delete
15:36 < Qcoder00> Betacommand: Did you get my e-mail?
15:36 < Bazinga> Sigma,,, is this you IRL?
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15:46 < Steven_Zhang> hi
15:46 < Sarcasm> I reaaaaaaaaaaaaally can't make myself finish this article
15:46 < Sarcasm> It's appalling
15:48 < legoktm> [05:36:53 PM] <Bazinga>	 Sigma,,, is this you IRL? <-- Yes, I can verify that is what he looks like.
15:49 < Bazinga> that's what i thought
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15:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> legoktm I thought Sigma was an AI implementation
15:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> my world collapsed
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16:01 < eeekster> AI?
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16:08 < Bazinga> ToAruShiroiNeko: you know how he calls himself lowercase sigma...
16:08 < Bazinga> his username is an uppercase sigma
16:08 < Bazinga> so it's like, wtf SigmaWP
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16:09 < Bazinga> mareklug: to be fair, if safari has "close all other tabs" "close tabs to the right" I like that in chrome
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16:23 < nonsenseferret> any admins around to look at a bit of vandalism?
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16:28 < Bazinga> nonsenseferret: not an admin but might be able to help
16:28 < Bazinga> Link me up
16:32 < mattbuck> indeed
16:33 -!- Pandashan [~Instantbi@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:43 < SigmaWP> mattbuck: can you write good articles?
16:44 < mattbuck> I have 5 or 6 GAs
16:44 < SigmaWP> Good
16:44 < SigmaWP> The coal balls need a peer review
16:44 < MJ94> Is anyone in here fluent in Spanish?
16:44 < SigmaWP> I can't think of any way to improve them
16:44 < SigmaWP> MJ94: Pandashan
16:44 -!- nonsenseferret [~nonsensef@wikipedia/nonsenseferret] has quit [Quit: away]
16:44 < Sky2042> SigmaWP: My balls need a peer review too.
16:44 < Sky2042> *cough*
16:44 < Sky2042> (Couldn't help myself.)
16:45 < Pandashan> Hola MJ94
16:45 < MJ94> Hey Pandashan - PM?
16:45  * IDoH peers suspiciously at Sky2042.
16:45 < Pandashan> ok
16:45 < Sky2042> IDoH: A peer preferably of the female persuasion.
16:45 < Sky2042> :D
16:45 < IDoH> No thank you!
16:45 < Pandashan> :D
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16:46  * mattbuck reviews Sky2042's balls
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16:49  * MBisanz pokes legoktm
16:50 < legoktm> yeouch!
16:50 < MBisanz> please trigger my talk page so I can see this new test gadget
16:50 < legoktm> lol
16:50 < Swob> ok
16:50 < MBisanz> thanks
16:50 < legoktm> done
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16:51 < Swob> hi molly
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16:53 < mareklug> we have a molly?
16:54 < Bazinga> mareklug: she got popped
16:54 < mareklug> hmm?
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16:56 < Swob> makes me think of
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16:58 < MBisanz> legoktm i like it
16:58 < mareklug> Billy lick a Molly, rather
17:00 < legoktm> MBisanz: Echo? Or are you using a gadget to get OBOD back?
17:00 < MBisanz> legoktm: I'm using the new test gadget with the red popup
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17:01 < legoktm> Er, that's not a gadget. It's an extension called Echo
17:03  * jorm yawns.
17:03 < Bazinga> hey jorm
17:04 < mareklug> Swob hey, I have another Polish song for you that you mighy like, Maria Peszrk, "Ładne słowa to" (Pretty worsd are these:)
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17:22 < Swob> pretty colors
17:23 < Swob> Im not sure that's even a song, though
17:23 < Swob> it's just a woman chanting with some musical accompaniments in the background
17:24 < Swob> i think Im only ever gonna like that one song from last year
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17:29 < Swob> ooh another lawsuit
17:29 < IDoH> Who vs. who?
17:30 < Swob> before anyone calls me out for spreading drama and gossip, keep in mind that this is on ANI and anyone who's interested in such things has probably already seen it
17:30  * nonsenseferret thanks Ironholds 
17:31 < Swob>
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17:43 < legoktm>
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17:47 < Ironholds> nonsenseferret: for what?
17:48 < nonsenseferret> Ironholds, you actioned issue I raised at ANI
17:54 < SigmaWP> ENLIST
17:54 < SigmaWP>
17:55 < Ironholds> nonsenseferret: unrelated, but cool :)
17:56 < Bazinga> nonsenseferret: lol I told you
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17:57 < nonsenseferret> Bazinga, ahh i opted for the normal route rather than pinging - i didn't realise you were going to lol
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18:10 < mattbuck>
18:11 < mattbuck> a movie made of atoms
18:11 < SigmaWP> mattbuck: Please
18:11 < SigmaWP> My balls need a review
18:11 < Bazinga> SigmaWP: they're depleted for no reason.
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18:19 < MJ94> SigmaWP: 0_O
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18:49 < pion> Ironholds: you be blocking :P
18:49 < Ironholds> yup. and?
18:50 < pion> I still don't get that person's issue... They are suing because we won't have a redirect to their person, and instead make a disambiguation page?
18:50 < Swob> Im not sure
18:50 < Swob> I know at one point he wanted the WMF to refund his donations
18:50 < pion> I remember dealing with him a bit
18:50 < pion> heh, donation != loan
18:50 < Swob> no, Im pretty sure the WMF will refund donations
18:51 < pion> he can suck my booty if he doesn't like how we operate. Wikipedia is a private entity.
18:51 < Swob> there was some other issue
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18:51 < Swob> he might not have donated in his name, for example, so there's no way to trace it back to him
18:51 < pion> Swob: he's trying to make someone he's probably related to more visible by having anything "John C Cook" related go to the page.
18:51 < pion> John C. Cook, John c Cook, etc.
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18:52 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: Good night, and good luck.]
18:52 < Swob> and using the fact that he's given money to the Foundation to win the argument when all else breaks down?
18:52 < IDoH> Oh, the Wikilove script is back. :-)
18:52 < Jeske_Couriano> Swob) wut
18:52 < pion> Swob: yep.
18:53 < pion> Apparently "I donated to you" means "you who aren't related to the entity I gave money to must do my bidding or I'll subpoena you"
18:53 < Jeske_Couriano> Again, wut
18:53 < Jeske_Couriano> Who's the crank of the week?
18:54 < Swob>'_noticeboard/Incidents#CACook7_threat_of_legal_action
18:54 < pion> A subpoena against the WMF for "all editors involved" will get shot down.
18:54 < IDoH> Jeske_Couriano: Someone possibly related to John C. Cook
18:54 < IDoH> Yeah, I mean, I could've edited that page. How would I know?
18:54 < Swob> he is related, and hasnt tried to hide that, I think it just got lost in the mess
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18:55 < pion> Here's the deal, he tried to make us do his bidding.
18:55 < pion> He didn't like that we wouldn't, so he now brings in money donationss.
18:55 < pion> We still don't do it, and he's blocked for disruption.
18:56 < pion> He then thinks he can sue to get things done, when he has absolutely 0 legal basis for a lawsuit.
18:56 < pion> "they blocked me" - not a legal basis.
18:56 < pion> "i donated to them" - not a legal basis.
18:56 < Jeske_Couriano> No lawyer in the land will take it.
18:56 < pion> "they won't do what I say" - not a legal basis.
18:56 < Jeske_Couriano> It's a frivolous lawsuit.
18:56 < pion> Oh, trust me Jeske_Couriano, one will take the case and his money.
18:56 < Swob> ah yeah
18:57 < Jeske_Couriano> pion) A judge will laugh it out of court and fine the attorney and his client.
18:57 < pion> A lawyer can make it *just* unfrivolous enough to make them unliable for bringing a frivolous lawsuit.
18:57 < Jeske_Couriano> pion) No they can't.
18:57 < Swob> he might be a lawyer himself
18:57 < pion> Jeske_Couriano: It's been done before.
18:57 < pion> would he get 2x fined then?
18:57 -!- Oskr220 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:58 < Jeske_Couriano> And even if he did, Popehat would likely get involved.
18:58 < Oskr220> hi guys in where it says a+b should say (a+b)/2
18:58 < Oskr220> I  cannot overwrite this file.
18:59 < Swob> yeah
18:59 < Swob> CACook7 is the son of the guy whose page he created
18:59 < Jeske_Couriano> Us refusing to kowtow to him is as much protected speech as us doing as he asks.
18:59 -!- Adrianzo [~adrian_ca@] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:59 < Swob> can you draw SVG files, Oskr200?
18:59 < Oskr220> yes
19:00 < Jeske_Couriano> He gets past where the judge laughs it out of court, the Popehat Signal will go up seeking pro bono assistance to any editors he sues.
19:00 < pion> um
19:00 < pion> Swob: there's more issues than that
19:00 < pion> that whole thing looks wrong than me.
19:00 < pion> the angle marked as "a+b" is most certainly not a+b
19:00 < Jeske_Couriano> pion) Note that I said *editors*.
19:01 < Oskr220> thai is what i said
19:01 < Jeske_Couriano> Not the Foundation itself. Popehat Signal wouldn't go up for them.
19:01 < pion> Oskr220: right.
19:01 < pion> it's not (a+b)/2 either
19:02 < pion> (a+b)/2 would implly it's the average of the outside angle and the furthest inside angle of that parallelogram.
19:02 < pion> It's not that average, nowhere close.
19:03 < nonsenseferret> hey i'm getting sued
19:03 < nonsenseferret> erm not
19:03 < pion> nonsenseferret: erm, how?
19:03 < pion> from the John issue?
19:03 < nonsenseferret> yes just joking
19:04 < pion> Oskr220: I can't find anything in that image that makes any mathematical sense.
19:04 < Oskr220>
19:04 < pion> nonsenseferret: Don't worry, I got subpoenaed over the Neumont University thing. A judge threw that out as way too big.
19:04 < Oskr220> that explains the identity
19:04 < Oskr220> Swob: What do I have to do to edit the file?
19:05 < pion> Oskr220: That's missing the 2*()*cos(a+b/2)
19:05 < Swob> you should be able to download it and edit it in Inkspace
19:05 < pion> Oskr220: Is it possible you can just redo it all together?
19:06 < Swob> or Adobe Illustrator or some other program
19:06 < Swob> and then re-upload it
19:06 -!- jakr [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:06 -!- jakr [] has quit [Changing host]
19:06 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:06 < Swob> if you get an error message, then your account is probably too new
19:06 < Swob> an administrator could fix that
19:06 < Oskr220> Ah that is it
19:06 < Swob> i assume this is you:
19:06 < Oskr220> I just made it for this reason
19:06 < Oskr220> yes
19:07 < Swob> that image really probably would be better off being on Commons
19:07 < Swob> but for now, if you want to upload a replacement, I can give you the permissions
19:07 < Swob> or you could go to and upload the replacement with a different filename so that there would be two files
19:08 < Swob> and then change the Wikipedia article to point to the new file
19:08 < Swob> That'd be more steps, but probably better in the long run
19:08 < Swob> Since the person who uploaded the first file might not agree that the new version is better
19:09 < Oskr220> that sounds complicated. Can you do the edit please
19:09 < Swob> i will if you send me the file in an email
19:09 < Oskr220> search and replace
19:09 < Oskr220> ok
19:09 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:10 < Swob> send it to
19:11 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
19:11 < Oskr220> sent
19:13 < Swob> ok thanks
19:16 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:17 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:18 < Swob> Im trying to decide whether to replace the existing file or have two files
19:18 -!- Avraham [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:19 < legoktm> Swob: if the error was an accident, i would just upload over
19:19 -!- Adrianzo [~adrian_ca@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
19:19 < legoktm> but if its an intentional change, you should upload a few file
19:19 < Swob> I dont know enough math to tell
19:19 < Swob> even though I took Calc III, it's all hazy now
19:19 < Oskr220> it was a typo
19:19 < Swob> the original uploader seems fairly active, Im sure he can answer
19:23 < Swob> Thanks for pointing out the mistake to us
19:23 < Sarcasm> Anybody know about defaultsort?
19:23 < Oskr220> np
19:23 -!- RTFMPLZ [48b1edd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:24 < Oskr220> how long until the thumbnail in gets updated?
19:24 < Swob> Im not sure
19:24 < Swob> that seems to be laggy sometimes
19:25 < Swob> the image will probably be moved over to eventually anyway
19:25 < Swob> since that way other projects besides the English Wikipedia can use it
19:26 < Bazinga> hello
19:27 -!- RTFMPLZ is now known as r_t_f_m
19:28 < Oskr220> thanks Swob
19:28 < Swob> glad I could help
19:29 < Sarcasm> Yay, GAN!
19:29  * Sarcasm saunters off
19:32 -!- sdamashek [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has quit [Quit: sleep]
19:32 -!- r_t_f_m [48b1edd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:33 -!- Wizardman [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:33 -!- ChrisGualtieri [ae3ebae3@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:37 < ChrisGualtieri> I need advice on dealing with a problem again anyone open?
19:38 -!- KTC [~KTC@wikipedia/KTC] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:41 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
19:43 -!- Hahc21|Away is now known as Hahc21
19:45 < Aranda56> everyone new sports channel #wikipedia-en-sports
19:47 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:49 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:50 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
19:52 < SigmaWP> Wizardman: hey
19:52 < SigmaWP> How many FAs do you have?
19:53 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
19:53 < Wizardman> enough, heh.
19:54 < Bazinga> Wizardman: SigmaWP needs a ball inspection.
19:54 < SigmaWP> That's right
19:54 < SigmaWP> I'm going to get the balls to FA
19:54 < SigmaWP> And then shoot myself in the coal balls
19:54 < Bazinga> your balls aren't notable...
19:55 < pion> SigmaWP: o.O
19:55 < pion> please don't shoot your balls.
19:55 < pion> I can't imagine that'd feel good.
19:55 < Bazinga> pion: it feels good for him
19:55 < pion> o.o
19:56 < pion> SigmaWP: you kinky
19:57 < MJ94> SigmaWP: still haven't gotten coal balls to fa?
19:57 < SigmaWP> I'm about to!
19:57 < SigmaWP> I hope
19:57 < SigmaWP> I ran out of stuff to add
19:57 < SigmaWP> And nobody cares to look at the peer review ;-;
19:58 < MJ94> SigmaWP: I will
19:58 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:58 < MJ94> But no FAs
19:58 < MJ94> so you hate me
19:58 < MJ94> and i'm useless to you
19:58  * MJ94 sobs
20:00 < Wizardman> so, what's teh article?
20:01 < Cncmaster> Well damn, my admin score is above -100. I never expected it to get above -100, let alone -57.
20:02 < SigmaWP> Wizardman:
20:02 < Cncmaster> It would be a lot higher if I had any content skill.
20:02 -!- Amqui [] has quit [Changing host]
20:02 -!- Amqui [~a@wikimedia/Amqui] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:02 < Wizardman> hm.. that guy's bears neesd a trimmin
20:02 < Wizardman> *beard
20:03 < MJ94> Cncmaster: admin score?
20:04 < Cncmaster> MJ94: you know, the super controversial
20:04 < MJ94> I didn't know.
20:05 < MJ94> Cncmaster: is that new?
20:05 < Cncmaster> I didn't know either until I saw 5 editors arguing over it.
20:05 < Cncmaster> No.
20:06 < Swob> you know what would be even better?
20:06 < Swob> put the current admins on the list so we can say who the worst admins are
20:07 < Jasper_Deng> lol
20:07 < MJ94> Swob: enter your username
20:07 < MJ94> what's your score
20:07 < Swob> oh wait
20:07 < Swob> i was thinking of the list on enwiki
20:07 < Swob> this is just the tool that generates the list
20:07 < MJ94> Cncmaster: wow, loads slowly
20:08 < Cncmaster> MJ94: yeah, it grabs a lot of data
20:08 < Swob> i thjnk that it refuses to score anyone who's currently an admin
20:08 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
20:08 < Cncmaster> it does Swob
20:09 < Cncmaster> also anyone who is currently running an RfA
20:09 < Swob> yeah, therefore I cant check myself
20:09 < Swob> unless i desysop myself
20:09 < Swob> Im sure Scotty's thought of that very same idea that I did, and thus prohibited getting scores for admins
20:09  * Wizardman desysops you
20:09 < Wizardman> you got 3 minutes
20:10 < Cncmaster> If I could overcome my apprehension about writing articles, I would have a positive score.
20:10 -!- nonsenseferret [~nonsensef@wikipedia/nonsenseferret] has quit [Quit: away]
20:10 < MJ94> My score is a 244
20:11 < Cncmaster> Or is it that I'm too incompetent to write an article that can survive for more than 2 minutes?
20:11 < Cncmaster> I'll never know.
20:11 < Swob> articles arent everything
20:11 < Swob> we've had a few admins who've never created a single article
20:11 < Cncmaster> They are 75% of an RfA
20:11  * Aranda56 invites people for #wikipedia-en-sports, especially those in any sports wikiprojects
20:11 < MJ94> Minimum monthly edit count (last 12 mo.): 0    -45
20:11 < closedmouth> Swob: what?! no way!
20:11 < MJ94> so picky.
20:12 < MJ94> Cncmaster: it yelled at me in bold red.
20:12 < Cncmaster> imo content shouldn't matter at an RfA.
20:12 < MJ94> ^^^
20:12 < MJ94> well
20:12 < IDoH> I agree, Cncmaster.
20:12 < MJ94> to a point
20:12 < Isarra> Is there any good alcohol that comes in a plastic bottle?
20:13 < Swob> hand sanitizer
20:13 < MJ94> Isarra: Vodka disguised as water?
20:13 < IDoH> Heh heh
20:13 < pion> Isarra: vodka 3
20:13 < pion> <3
20:13 < MJ94> I think I could pass RfA if I just wrote a G or FA.
20:13 < MJ94> Then again, I like making others do my work.
20:14 < Cncmaster> How does article writing affect how you will use the block button? Maybe the deletion button, but still.
20:14 < IDoH> Me too, MJ94.
20:14 < IDoH> Cncmaster: it makes you more well-known, I guess.
20:14 < Amqui> Isarra here they sell rum, vodka, gin, all in plastic bottles
20:15  * Cncmaster opens his CSD log
20:15 < Swob> "improve mouth health with Colgate Total"
20:15 < MJ94> uh
20:16 -!- Oskr220 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:16 < MJ94> Cncmaster: looking back, my block log probably contributed to my low(ish) score
20:16 < Isarra> Is rum good?
20:17 < Cncmaster> Out of 115 CSD tags, 3 have been unsuccessful. Oh, I totally can't use the deletion button. You have to write 5 FA's to know when and when not to delete.
20:17 < Bazinga> Isarra: not by itself
20:17 < Amqui> Isarra there is different rums
20:18 < Bazinga> I think Jasper_Deng has a few good mixes
20:18 < Amqui> Bazinga yes it is
20:18 < MJ94> Cncmaster: you're practically a nooob
20:18 < MJ94> :P
20:18 < Bazinga> Amqui: mixes are better
20:18 < Amqui> brown rum with a bit of ice ;)
20:18 < pion> Jasper_Deng: is not old enough to drink
20:18 < Jasper_Deng> Bazinga: ?
20:18 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
20:18 < pion> Jasper_Deng: is only 20.999
20:18 < Cncmaster> And that was 1.5 years of inactivity.
20:18 < pion> give him another hr and 42 mins
20:18 < Amqui> I drink alcohol straight, it is better for my diet XD
20:18 < Cncmaster> I would be up to a few hundred tags if I had been more active.
20:18 < Bazinga> pion: i don't think your math is right
20:19  * Jasper_Deng doesn't think Bazinga's math is right either
20:19 < Bazinga> Jasper_Deng: Me neither.
20:19 < Bazinga> I'mma ask my teacher tomorrow.
20:19 -!- Oskr220 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:21 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
20:21 < Isarra> What doesvodka mix well with?
20:21 < pion> Isarra: itself
20:21 < SigmaWP> Someone
20:21 < Isarra> Not a fan.
20:21 < SigmaWP> Please
20:21 < pion> jjust down a bottle of Absolute
20:21 < SigmaWP> Review the coal balls
20:22 < Isarra> o__o
20:22 < pion> SigmaWP: I don't wanna see your balls.
20:22 < Bazinga> pion: is a good example
20:22 -!- phuzion [] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
20:22 < SigmaWP>
20:22 < SigmaWP> What the fuck
20:22  * Isarra hugs SigmaWP.
20:22 -!- LtNOWIS [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:22 < Cncmaster> Holy shit, my cat just went CRAZY
20:23 < Isarra> I love you guys.
20:23 -!- phuzion [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:23 < pion> SigmaWP: if it helps, I odn't like the double cite things
20:23  * Isarra grabs the cat and runs off in search of painkillers.
20:23 < Cncmaster> She got a bag stuck on her head.
20:23 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:23 < Cncmaster> god damn
20:24 < pion> <-- that's someone's final exam possibly.
20:24 < Bazinga> SigmaWP: it's a school project obviouisly
20:24 < Bazinga> pion: Yeah :-P
20:24 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
20:24 < pion> xD
20:26 < Wizardman> if it was a musical i'd be more interested
20:28 < pion> Wizardman: delete and salt United Indian States please.
20:28 < Wizardman> when I'm done reading it :)
20:28 < pion> or iron
20:28 < pion> Wizardman: you can read it AFTER deleting it :3
20:28 < Bazinga> pion: Could you do me a favour?
20:28 < pion> Bazinga: hmm?
20:28 -!- Swob is now known as {soap|bed}
20:29 < Bazinga> Pm
20:29 < Wizardman> gone'd
20:29 < pion> thanks wiz
20:29 < pion> and salt?
20:30 < dtm> why would you guys say that the article did not utilize this?
20:30 < Bazinga> Wizardman: can you do something controversially non-controversial?
20:30 < Bazinga> dtm: U2 is too important.
20:30 < dtm> Bazinga: oic
20:30 < Wizardman> oh crap...
20:30 < Wizardman> someone has to delete the images too
20:30 < pion> Wizardman: YOU DIDN'T SALT IT
20:30 < pion> (that wasn't yelling)
20:31 < Wizardman> did so. was just figuring out the img issue
20:31 < dtm> i wonder if U2's list predated the creation of that template.
20:31 < pion> h ok
20:31 < pion> Wizardman: out of curiousiy, what use created that?
20:31 < Cncmaster> I just ran into the same 14 year old who had already been  warned about posting sensitive personal info on their userpage. They did it again.
20:34 < Bazinga> Wizardman: can you do an edit for me plz?
20:34 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
20:35 < Wizardman> pion: some new user
20:35 < Wizardman> bazinga: possibly, what?
20:36 < pion> Wizardman: no duh
20:36 < pion> Wizardman: i was wondering WHCIH
20:36 < Wizardman>
20:36 < pion> thanks
20:42 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:43 < a930913> I got 139. Anybody else care to try?
20:43 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
20:44  * Aranda56 promotes again #wikipedia-en-sports :D
20:45 < harej> wow trillian
20:45 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:45 < Sven_Manguard> what is secret/aranda's IRC name?
20:45 < Sven_Manguard> anyone?
20:45 < legoktm> lol
20:45 < legoktm> tab complete to Aranda
20:46 < legoktm> and then
20:46 < legoktm> you see
20:46 < legoktm> Aranda56 is right here!
20:46  * a930913 waves to legoktm.
20:46 < legoktm> hey a930913
20:46  * Aranda56 stabs Sven_Manguard ;p
20:46 < IH|away> wow, that's weird
20:46 < IH|away> I just ran into a Wikipedian on facebook.
20:47 < legoktm> Hi IH|away
20:47 < IH|away> hey legoktm :)
20:47 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
20:47 < legoktm> I bet I can find you on facebook
20:47 < a930913> legoktm: Take the test ^. I think BAG members should score higher than average :p
20:47  * legoktm isn't a BAG member :P
20:47 < a930913> legoktm: As in members of the channel.
20:47 < legoktm> oh
20:47 < legoktm> lol
20:47 < Sven_Manguard> hey Ironholds
20:48 < IDoH> a930913: I got a score in the 110's on that test.
20:48 < legoktm> > Question 6 Sex as a recreational activity seems kind of pointless.
20:48 < Bazinga> who would answer that
20:49 < Bazinga> as agree
20:49 < legoktm> > Question 13 I prefer doing physical activities with friends rather than discussing each others emotional experiences.
20:49 < legoktm> Does physical activities include sex?
20:49 < Bazinga> Yes.
20:49 < Ironholds> hey Sven_Manguard
20:49 < a930913> That one was a really hard one for me.
20:49 < Bazinga> why should we talk about our emotional experiences when we could just fuck
20:50 < a930913> Because I despise physical activity almost as much as discussing emotions :p
20:51 < Ironholds> 74
20:52 < Sven_Manguard> 74?
20:52 < Ironholds> my score
20:53 < Bazinga> 123
20:53 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
20:53 < legoktm> 79
20:53 < a930913> legoktm: Really? :o
20:53  * Sven_Manguard has no idea what is going on and just lost about 2/3rds of his internet speed
20:53 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:53 < Sven_Manguard> legoktm: link to this quiz?
20:54 < legoktm> [10:43:43 PM] <a930913>	 I got 139. Anybody else care to try?
20:54 < legoktm> a930913: yeah...
20:54 < Isarra> Bazinga: Fucking is an intense emotional experience that can have significant psychological impact.
20:54 -!- Wizardman [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman] has left #wikipedia-en []
20:54 < a930913> legoktm: You're not *special* :p
20:55 < Bazinga> Isarra: Not for all people
20:55 < legoktm> Awww
20:55 < Ironholds> ...buahahaha
20:55 < Isarra> Sure, sure. Just excecise.
21:02 < Sven_Manguard> 81 but I left a few questions undecided
21:07 < MJ94> a930913: 66
21:07 < mareklug> what's tjhe benefit of a) taking this test, b) scoring well on it?
21:08 < MJ94> I've got the lowest score so far
21:09 < MJ94> Category: Vicarious Interpretation of Feelings: 11 Points <8 - 9>
21:09 < MJ94> In this category you show high alexithymic traits.
21:09 < MJ94> wtf does that mean
21:09 < MJ94> am i going to die
21:09 < Bazinga> YE.
21:09 < mareklug> Alexithymia is a personality construct characterized by the sub-clinical inability to identify and describe emotions in the self.
21:10 -!- Sven_Manguard [~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
21:10 < mareklug> Few people are familiar with the condition known as alexithymia, yet it is not so rare a thing. Alexithymia is condition where a person seems devoid of emo.
21:10 < mareklug> relax MJ94 -- you still have techno, even if you are devoid of emo.
21:11 < Ironholds> 'people who aren't good communicators' is a disease now.
21:11 < MJ94> well considering i'm double majoring in psychology and communications...
21:11 < mareklug> all children are either autistic or obese
21:11 < MJ94> I'd assume I'm good with communicating and emotions....
21:11  * Cncmaster opens the test
21:11 < IDoH> mareklug: I scored kind of high on that test--like in the 110's.
21:12 < mareklug> so I ask again, what are the benefits of taking this test and of scoring high on it?
21:12 < IDoH> mareklug: Understanding yourself?
21:12 < MJ94> mareklug: high is worse I think
21:12 < IDoH> mareklug: and what MJ94 said.
21:13 < SigmaWP>
21:13 < SigmaWP> Is this true?
21:13 < MJ94> well we have more balls here than boobs.
21:13  * MJ94 looks at SigmaWP 
21:15 < IDoH> SigmaWP: Yes, it is. There's a category for "American women novelists", but not for "American men novelists", implying, albeit accidentally, that males are the norm.
21:16 < a930913> Ironholds: If it's a disease, you can treat it for money ;)
21:16 < Cncmaster> 129
21:16 < LtNOWIS> Man TAFI really highlights our flaws.
21:16 < LtNOWIS> which I guess is a good thing
21:16 < a930913> I read in the newscientist that 90% of editors are male.
21:16 -!- Oskr220 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:17 < MJ94> Cncmaster: ouch
21:17 < MJ94> Most Wikipedians score high.
21:17 < MJ94> Why?
21:17 < closedmouth> aspergers
21:17 < MJ94> asparagus
21:17 < a930913> MJ94: Because emotions make markup confusing.
21:18 < a930913> Therefore, those who can navigate the markup best tend to have less emotion.
21:18 < a930913> Survival of the fittest and all that.
21:18 < MJ94> No wonder I suck at programming.
21:19 < mareklug> 83 Points     Missing Plug-in   Non-alexithymia: You show few to no alexithymic traits. If you are interested in Alexithymia we would be happy to have you as a regular visitor on our pages.
21:19 < mareklug> well, fuck.
21:19  * a930913 beats the emotion out of MJ94, so he can program.
21:19 < mareklug> I am upset they detected I am missing a plug-in.  How can I live with  myself in the absence of a PLUG-IN?
21:19 < Ironholds> I have good emotions and program! /terribly/
21:19 < mareklug> WHO WILL PLUG ME?
21:20 < MJ94> Most of the super-good programmers I know lack happiness.
21:20  * IDoH got 119 on the test.
21:20 < MJ94> And the ability to be spontaneous and fun.
21:20 < MJ94> And enjoy being locked in a cubicle alone.
21:20 < mareklug> MJ94 this must explain my lousiness as a programmer
21:20 < IDoH> I have "high alexithemic traits."
21:21 < IDoH> Yeah, programming is something autistic people can, sometimes, do rather easely.
21:21 < MJ94> mareklug: It's because our brains are too active to focus.
21:21 < Ironholds> MJ94: So, they have the ability to be fun, they just define fun differently
21:21 < mareklug> I always thought it was lack of patience to thoroughly master the syntax, but what do I know.
21:21 < IDoH> LOL
21:21 < MJ94> ^
21:21 < MJ94> that too
21:21 < MJ94> Ironholds: true
21:22 < IDoH> Perhaps you know yourself best, mareklug.
21:22 < Ironholds> So, I never caught the coding bug
21:22 < MJ94> I picture fun as skydiving and public speaking.
21:22 < Ironholds> until I absolutely super-had-to code for a project, at which point I spent eight months hacking away at it for 20 hours a week and suddenly went: wait, I know this.
21:22 < mareklug> at the same time?  sort of limits the audience, no?
21:22 < IDoH> What are you talking about, mareklug?
21:22 < MJ94> mareklug: I'd just push them out before me.
21:23 < mareklug> IDoH [23:22:19] <MJ94>	 I picture fun as skydiving and public speaking.
21:23 < MJ94> also, I lol'd
21:23 < IDoH> LOL
21:25 < MJ94> Ironholds: What can you program in?
21:25 < Ironholds> MJ94: R
21:26  * Ironholds is going to learn Python next. Totally. Just as soon as he stops finding interesting things R can do.
21:26 < mareklug> This reminds me:  "[22:21:42] <Isarra>	 What doesvodka mix well with?"    Vodka mizes well with alexithymia
21:26 < MJ94> LOL
21:26 < MJ94> mareklug: dude, you're hilarious
21:27 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
21:27  * Isarra eyes mareklug suspiciously.
21:27 < mareklug> I know, right?  If there was a hilariousness test, I would be 110% hilary.
21:27 < MJ94> Ironholds: I'm going to learn Python too!
21:27 < MJ94> mareklug: clinton?
21:27 < IDoH> mareklug, you realize that alexithymia is more related to lack of awareness of emotions, and not related to not having any emotions, right?
21:27 < Ironholds> MJ94: what's the rationale?
21:27 < Isarra> Bleah, I'm not sure if I feel sick, if my head hurts, or if I just need more tea.
21:27 < MJ94> Ironholds: regarding?
21:28 < Isarra> ...painkillers. I was getting painkillers.
21:28 < MJ94> Ironholds: ALEXITHYMIA
21:28 < mareklug> IDoH indeed, which is why you need vodka to mix with it.  without vodka, you are out of vodka.
21:28 < MJ94> er
21:28 < MJ94> Isarra: : ALEXITHYMIA
21:28 < IDoH> You're weird, mareklug. I like you.
21:28 < mareklug> IDoH and I like you, horsie woman.
21:28 < IDoH> LOL
21:28 < MJ94> mareklug: marry me?
21:28 < MJ94> i know it's sudden
21:29 < mareklug> MJ94 I'd rather marry Isarra
21:29 < MJ94> but we can make it work
21:29 < mareklug> but beggars can't be choosers
21:29 < MJ94> k.
21:29 < IDoH> No, mareklug. You'd rather marry me, and you'd know it.
21:29 < MJ94> no it's over
21:29 < IDoH> LOL
21:30 < Ironholds> MJ94: picking Pytrhon
21:30 < mareklug> well, I might well prefer you, IDoH.  But both you and Isarra are more compatible for unholy matrimony than MJ94
21:30 < Ironholds> y'all need jesus.
21:30 < Isarra> Are we unholy?
21:30 < Isarra> AGH DAMMIT I spilled the painkillers.
21:31 < SigmaWP> Ironholds: Make sure it's Python 3
21:31 < MJ94> Ironholds: I've heard Python is easy to learn as a first language and actually useful
21:31 < SigmaWP> :)
21:31 < MJ94> Isarra: great.
21:31 < Ironholds> SigmaWP: I have. It's infuriating.
21:31 < mareklug> we will play Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.  there's Jesus in tehre.
21:31 < SigmaWP> whaat
21:31 < SigmaWP> how?
21:31 < Ironholds> MJ94: it's pretty useful. I can't validate 'easy' because, well, I found it easy but mostly because I had a reference point
21:31 < MJ94> Ironholds:
21:31 < Ironholds> "ah, it handles control structures like R, only [difference]. Ah, lists are the same as in standard ML"
21:31 < Ironholds> MJ94: indeed. An excellent text :)
21:32 < MJ94> My goal in life is to write a Wikipedia bot and an IRC bot.
21:32 < mareklug>  Leonard Cohen - Suzanne
21:32 < SigmaWP> MJ94: You need Python 3 for that
21:32 < Olipro> Ruby.
21:32 < SigmaWP> Python
21:32 < MJ94> define that, SigmaWP
21:32 < mareklug> Lisp
21:33 < Olipro> because forced indenting is The Worst.
21:33 < mareklug> pretty printing takes care of indenting
21:33 < SigmaWP> end statements are The Worst™
21:33  * Isarra throws blue pills at MJ94.
21:33  * IDoH eats raw dough.
21:33 < Ironholds> mareklug: Lisp is terrible. Not as terrible as SML, but terrible.
21:33 < Olipro> git rebase --whitespace=fix
21:33 < Olipro> WHEEEEEEEEEEE
21:33 -!- gForcer [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:33 < mareklug> Ironholds why is Lisp terrible?  for that matter, is Scheme also terrible?
21:33 < Ironholds> no idea, not played with Scheme
21:34 < mareklug> Scheme looks like lisp but is purely functional, lexically scoped, and tail-recursive.  everything happens on a stack.  it is elegant, clean, and has very understandable semantics, and is great for concurrency.
21:35 < Ironholds> Lisp just seeemed....cluttered.
21:35 < Isarra> (((())))
21:35 < a930913> Lisp is Lotsa Irrelevant Stupid Parenthesis, no?
21:35 < Ironholds> I mean, don't get me wrong; I appreciate having a lot of stuff in the core version
21:35 < Ironholds> it's actually one of my annoyances at python; everything is a fucking library.
21:35 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
21:35 < Isarra> Why do drunk people wobble?
21:35 < Ironholds> but there's such a thing as going too far in either direction
21:35 < mareklug> you can clutter away in Common Lisp, or you can write simple elegant code in it.  It is very easy to write and maintain and debug very large code bases in Lisp, which is why automakers use it for their design cycle.
21:36 < Olipro> Ruby on the other hand, has Gems!
21:36 < IDoH> Isarra: Because they drank so much, it's affecting their cerebullum.
21:36 < Ironholds> mareklug: I didn't mean the code ;p
21:36 < a930913> Ironholds: Python packages quite well I think.
21:36 < IDoH> And because of that, people with cerebellar disorders often get mistaken for drunk.
21:36 < Ironholds> a930913: different strokes for different folks. The fact that I had to import a package to change my dang working directory irked me.
21:36 < SigmaWP> But it's a builtin
21:37 < SigmaWP> well
21:37 < SigmaWP> stdlib
21:37 < SigmaWP> "builtin" being written in C
21:37 < a930913> Ironholds: You can do that? How? (Yes, that is one of the more annoying parts of python.)
21:37 < mareklug> Isarra are you sure it is people who wobble?  I was told that weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
21:37 < SigmaWP> import os; os.chdir("aoeuao")
21:37 < SigmaWP> a930913: ^
21:37 < Isarra> mareklug: I have no idea.
21:38 < Isarra> IDoH: But the muscles! They know what to do even without the brain.
21:38 < mareklug> Isarra
21:38 < Ironholds> a930913: import os
21:38 < a930913> What I don't like in a language is dumb imports.
21:38 < IDoH> Isarra: Er, kind of. I mean, even comatose people have reflexes.
21:38 < Ironholds> os.chdir("path")
21:39 < a930913> Where if I import something such as a banana, the whole rainforest needs to be parsed through ram.
21:39 < Ironholds> a930913: even with import banana from rainforest?
21:40 < SigmaWP> Ironholds: yes
21:40 < Ironholds> Anyway. import os (or import chdir from os), os.chdir("blah"). You have changed your working directory to blah. done. But: the fact that it isn't in the language natively smacks of either (1) a design philosophy faaaar too focused on compartmentalisation or (2) a language simply not build around the things I need to do.
21:40 < Ironholds> SigmaWP: oh dear.
21:40 -!- YE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
21:40 < Olipro> Ruby: Dir.chdir('newdir')
21:40 < Olipro> Done.
21:40 < a930913> Ironholds: But if we ignore the readability of the code in this case, why can't I just import the rainforest and have a compiler work out what it should really import?
21:41 < Olipro> or if you only want it to be temporary: Dir.chdir('newdir') { |newpath| Dir.pwd #in the new dir } Dir.pwd #old dir
21:41 < Ironholds> a930913: no idea. I didn't build python ;p
21:41  * Isarra tickles IDoH.
21:41 < SigmaWP>
21:42 < SigmaWP> For roference
21:42  * IDoH giggles
21:42 < Ironholds> anyway, I should go to sleep; 5:42am
21:42  * IDoH tickles Isarra back
21:42 < Ironholds> but thank you all of you for providing interesting python chat at stupid o'clock :)
21:42 < Isarra> GYEAAAGH!
21:42  * Isarra runs away.
21:42 < Olipro> pfft
21:42 < SigmaWP> night
21:42 < SigmaWP> morning
21:42 < SigmaWP> have a good sleep
21:42 < mareklug>    Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side  Lou Reed - Perfect Day
21:42  * IDoH runs after Isarra.
21:42 < Isarra> Agh, crap. My deadline is stupid o'clock.
21:43  * Isarra hides.
21:43 < a930913> Ironholds: Yup, second the motion. Night/morning.
21:43  * IDoH finds Isarra.
21:43 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:43  * Ironholds salutes a930913
21:43  * Isarra stares blankly at IDoH.
21:43  * Isarra stares blankly at her mountain dew.
21:43  * IDoH tickles Isarra again!
21:43 < Isarra> EEQAAAGHH.
21:43 < IDoH> Heh heh
21:44 < IDoH> I'll stop now. :-)
21:44 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
21:44 < Isarra> I thank you.
21:44 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi
21:44 < wctaiwan> hello.
21:45  * Isarra hugs wctaiwan.
21:45 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
21:45 < Isarra> I think I spilled vodka in my mountain dew. This is a travesty.
21:45  * wctaiwan hugs Isarra 
21:45 < wctaiwan> ...cripes.
21:45 < Isarra> On the plus side I'm almost out of vodka?
21:46 < harej> you spilled vodka into your mountain dew?
21:46 < Isarra> What would it be like if mediawiki kept a history of folks who visit pages?
21:46 < Isarra> So if harej visited a page on cat pornography, it'd be in the permanent history?
21:47 < wctaiwan> it'll be a horrible violation of privacy
21:47 < mareklug> wctaiwan hi there.  You probably know who Blondie was?
21:47 < Isarra> Okay, good.
21:47 < wctaiwan> um, a cartoon character?
21:47 < Isarra> Because this other wiki I'm using does that and it's kind of... creepy.
21:48 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:48 < mareklug> wctaiwan   Blondie- The tide is high
21:48 -!- gForcer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:49 < mareklug> holding on, not going on, MJ94
21:49 < MJ94> oh NOoooOoOoOoOoo
21:49 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
21:49 < wctaiwan> you sound like a banshee, MJ94
21:49 < MJ94> mareklug: that's what I meant
21:49 < MJ94> wctaiwan: you look like one
21:49 < wctaiwan> hah, good one
21:49 < MJ94> so, in comparision, I'm better
21:50 < MJ94> mareklug: atomic kitten, lizzie mcguire
21:50 < MJ94> holla
21:50 < wctaiwan> mareklug: sounds like the kind of song my dad would know.
21:51 -!- gForcer [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:51 < mareklug> wctaiwan it was a world hit.  and it has jamaica to it.
21:52 < Aranda56> mareklug #wikipedia-en-sports
21:52 < Aranda56> new channel
21:52 < mareklug> there is meaningful sports going on?  hockey maybe
21:53 < Aranda56> on and off, most of the americans went to bed, but it was just spammed on every active sports wikiproject so it should be good discussion
21:53 < mareklug> MJ94 Lizzie's cover is ok, but Blondie's original wins.
21:53 < Isarra> How do you write a user manual for something?
21:54 < Aranda56> and very active, especially once all these people in the football/cricket wikiprojects wake up
21:54 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
21:54 < Aranda56> just check it out, its going to be the official wikiproject sports coordination channel which means yea sports talking
21:55 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
21:55 < mareklug> wctaiwan this is another iconic (world hit) Blondie song:  One way or another
21:55 < wctaiwan> it just doesn't sound like my type of music.
21:55 < Aranda56> mareklug discussion of la lega now ;p
21:55 < Isarra> Blondie is fun.
21:56 < kelapstick> Blondie is everyone's type of music
21:56 < Isarra> But yeah, it's defintiely a certain type.
21:56 < mareklug> wctaiwan I am sure some douchebag with a piano has interpretted it.
21:56 < Aranda56> la liga or w.e its called ;p
21:56 < Isarra> Naw, it ain't everyone's.
21:56 < Isarra> Not really mine either.
21:56 < mareklug> Isarra so tell us at last, what is your type of music.
21:57  * IDoH listens to the Police
21:57 < Isarra> I don't know!
21:57 < wctaiwan> mareklug: yup.
21:57  * kelapstick peruses his playlist
21:57 < wctaiwan> that said, there's still better piano music to listen to.
21:58 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:01 < wctaiwan> hah, heard song in some store yesterday, guessed that it was probably Adele. Was not incorrect.
22:02 < kelapstick> she has a pretty distinct voice
22:02 < SuicidalZerg>
22:02 < SuicidalZerg> lol
22:02 -!- Doug_Weller [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:02 < wctaiwan> well, the only song of hers I actually recognise is the theme to Skyfall.
22:02 < wctaiwan> but yes, I suppose.
22:02 < mareklug> wctaiwan ok, moving right along.  In the 70s there was a band in England with Annie Haslam on vocals which was basically art rock, with a classical music flavor to it.  This is one of its best albums:  Renaissance-Sceherazade and other stories
22:02 < SuicidalZerg> Somehow, I find it highly, highly unlikely that the government has the kind of storage space, or the manpower to store even 1/8th of the entire population's digital communications
22:03 -!- gForcer [] has quit []
22:04  * Isarra throws 100TB worth of drives at SuicidalZerg.
22:04 < Isarra> That'll hold a bit, and it's pretty cheap.
22:04  * SuicidalZerg gladly accepts them and puts them in a RAID array
22:05 < Isarra> Weeell I probably broke them throwing them.
22:05 < Isarra> Sorry.
22:05  * Jasper_Deng one-ups Isarra with 256 EBEBB worth of SSD's
22:05  * Isarra one-ups Jasper_Deng by collapsing on him.
22:05 < wctaiwan> mareklug: not bad but Gryphon's better.
22:06 < mareklug> Jasper_Deng it is highly unlikely the government is deploying SSDs on its petabyte farms in Utah.
22:06 < wctaiwan> Jasper_Deng: what's EBEBB?
22:07 < Jasper_Deng> IIRC, wctaiwan, 2^128
22:07 < mareklug> wctaiwan are you gonna listen to more of it than 3 minutes?
22:07 < Isarra> Anyone here know how to use confluence?
22:08 < wctaiwan> I actually just paused it. 4:14
22:08 < wctaiwan> It does remind me of Gryphon.
22:08 < Isarra> Because I really don't and I'm too wonked to figure it out. o__o
22:08 < mareklug> Isarra what is this confluence you are writing of
22:08 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
22:08 < Isarra> The wiki thing.
22:08 < Isarra> I need to... add a page to a project and it's all weird and stuff. >.<
22:09 < Isarra> Like... mediawiki level of weird, but in different ways.
22:09 < Steven_Zhang> legoktm: dont like you anymore
22:09 < legoktm> What did I do? :(
22:09 < MJ94> legoktm: HE STEPPED ON YOU
22:09 < Steven_Zhang> pass rfa before I did.
22:09 < legoktm> o.O
22:09 < Isarra> Heeee apparently I'm a contractor.
22:09 < wctaiwan> omg canvassing
22:09 < Steven_Zhang> pfft
22:09 < wctaiwan> Isarra: are you getting paid?
22:09 < Isarra> No.
22:09  * Steven_Zhang is not at rfa
22:09  * legoktm huggles Steven_Zhang 
22:09 < wctaiwan> then probably not >.>
22:10  * MJ94 pokes legoktm with a stick
22:10 < Isarra> There wasn't a contract, either.
22:10 < Steven_Zhang> 97%?
22:10 < Steven_Zhang> screw you :P
22:10 < mareklug> wctaiwan read the description here
22:10 < Isarra> But I'm definitely not an employee! And it says only contractors and employees can view this!
22:10 < wctaiwan> Steven_Zhang: plenty of time to derail it yet >.> <.<
22:10 < MJ94> Raper got 100%, Steven_Zhang
22:10 < MJ94> reaper**
22:10 < Steven_Zhang> LOL
22:10  * Isarra derails legoktm.
22:11  * MJ94 hangs head
22:11 -!- Mkdw [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:11 < Steven_Zhang> just dont get more than 124 supports, kthnx
22:11 < MJ94> Steven_Zhang: why
22:11 < Steven_Zhang> that's what i got in my last rfa
22:11  * Isarra hugs Steven_Zhang.
22:11 < Steven_Zhang> 124/45/8
22:11 < Steven_Zhang> :P
22:11 < Isarra> RfA is fickle and cruel and ridiculous.
22:11 < Isarra> Clearly it needs more poorly mixed drinks.
22:12 < dtm> blam.
22:12 < kelapstick> more properly mixed drinks
22:12 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang why 45 opposes?  did you maltreat a kitten?
22:12 < wctaiwan> I agree with at least "Merging rock music and a classical orchestra usually sounds like the rock band is playing in one room and the orchestra is playing in another"
22:12 < kelapstick> RfA would be much more interesting if everyone participating was juiced
22:12 < Steven_Zhang> I was banned in 2008
22:12 < kelapstick> although the same can be said for most things
22:12 < Steven_Zhang> and I don't have 724 FAs
22:12 < Steven_Zhang> then agani, legoktm has 0 GAs and 0 FAs
22:12 < Steven_Zhang> >_>
22:13 < Isarra> Like me!
22:13 < Isarra> Except unlike me, he actually does do other stuff.
22:13 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang legoktm  would sail at any RfA already because he is a virgin in the controversy department
22:13  * Jasper_Deng keeps mum
22:13  * Isarra takes legoktm to ANI.
22:13 < mareklug> he would be perceived as a capable technical admin
22:14  * wctaiwan opposes for IRC cabal canvassing
22:14 -!- Aranda56 [~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
22:14 < Isarra> Isn't legoktm an admin on mww?
22:14 < Jasper_Deng> yes
22:14 < Jasper_Deng> and on WD
22:16 < Steven_Zhang> lol
22:17 < Isarra> Technical.
22:19  * MJ94 suspects legoktm of sockpuppeteering
22:19 < Steven_Zhang> one day...
22:19 < Isarra> One day the earth will hatch and a baby space dragon will emerge from the shell.
22:20 < MJ94> Isarra: lar
22:20 < MJ94> liar
22:20 < Isarra> 'Sa truth.
22:20 < wctaiwan> pants on fire
22:20  * wctaiwan sets MJ94's pants on fire
22:20 < mareklug> Isarra or a Volswagen on dinosaur legs…
22:20 < Isarra> Whereas I'm not even wearing pants.
22:20 < MJ94> hot wctaiwan
22:21 < Isarra> Why are wikis so complicated?
22:23 < Isarra> MJ94: Whaaaat.
22:23 < Isarra> mareklug*
22:23 < Isarra> Sorry.
22:23 < mareklug> Isarra just click on it
22:23 < Isarra> I did.
22:23 < mareklug> and?
22:23 < Isarra> Whaaaaat.
22:24 < mareklug> it's nice, isn't it?  for a university library art?
22:24 < Isarra> I suppose.
22:24 < Isarra> It made my brain try to turn inside out.
22:24 < mareklug> you wanted a space baby dragon, I gave you one.  sort of.
22:25 < Isarra> Aye.
22:25 < Isarra> That you did. Sort of.
22:26 < MJ94> goodnight #wikipedia-en
22:27 < wctaiwan> night MJ94
22:27 < kelapstick> night
22:27 < Isarra> Confluence is bloody irritating.
22:28 < Isarra> I seriously hope mediawiki's visualeditor does not wind up this bloody awful.
22:28 < Isarra> Because good gods this is just... irritating.
22:30 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:30 < MJ94> hey, wctaiwan - do you have time for a quick 5 min PM?
22:30 < wctaiwan> uh, sure
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22:57 < SigmaWP>
22:57 < SigmaWP> Delete please
22:59 < mareklug> addihockey10 looks like Canucks are gonna drop the series to the Sharks
22:59 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:59 < addihockey10> Maybe
22:59 < legoktm> :DDDDD
22:59 < mareklug> it's Penguins/Blackhawks this year, baby
22:59 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:59 < legoktm> We're going to destroy the Canucks
23:00 < SigmaWP> Canadiennes
23:00 < SigmaWP> pour
23:00 < SigmaWP> le
23:00 < SigmaWP> gagner
23:00 < SigmaWP> idklol
23:00 < Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: Les Canadiennes de Montreal?
23:00 < mareklug> Canadiennes is female Canadienes.   And they are 1-2 against Senators anyway
23:00 < legoktm> also, the hawks suck
23:01 < mareklug> legoktm they will such all over Sharks' asses, if the two meet.
23:01 < mareklug> suck
23:01 < Jasper_Deng> you don't want to know what happened last year at such a confrontation, mareklug
23:01 < wctaiwan> no thanks for the mental image.
23:01 < mareklug> this is this year
23:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mire than 620 dead in bangladesh
23:03 < mareklug> The Minnesota Wild sent the Chicago Blackhawks to their first loss of the postseason, winning 3-2 in overtime   <-- someone got lucky, or it would have been 0-3
23:10 -!- Kaptainen [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:11  * SigmaWP slaps Shirik with his coal balls
23:11 < SigmaWP> Don't template on me
23:11 < Shirik> I click decline button
23:11 < Shirik> it did the rest
23:11 < wctaiwan> so much gunk underneath the keys :x
23:11 < Shirik> I forgot it did that
23:12 < Shirik> that being said I fully agree it should be deleted
23:12 < Shirik> but not under CSD
23:12 < SigmaWP> I don't really mind the decline, mostly the template
23:12 < Shirik> like I said didn't intend to
23:13 < SigmaWP> yeah, yeah
23:13 < Shirik> I just hit the decline button
23:13  * SigmaWP wipes coal ball gunk off of Shirik 
23:13 < wctaiwan> SigmaWP butthurt >>.
23:13 < wctaiwan> >.>*
23:13 < SigmaWP> Shirik: 'tis nothing to worry about
23:13 < SigmaWP> oh, thanks for the revert
23:14 < Shirik> here, have a dog:
23:14 < Shirik> I love this dog :)
23:14 < Shirik> reminds me of mine
23:15 -!- TheChance [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:17 < SigmaWP> awww
23:17 < SigmaWP> Have a gif
23:17 < SigmaWP>
23:24 < Steven_Zhang> hey SigmaWP <L3
23:24 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:24 < SigmaWP> What is that
23:24 < SigmaWP> A heart with a meat cleaver in it?
23:24 < SigmaWP> Sheesh
23:33 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
23:40 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
23:44 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit []
23:46 -!- kelapstick is now known as kelapstick|afk
23:48 -!- AnonDiss [~AnonDiss@] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:52 < wctaiwan> apt
23:54 < SigmaWP> get
23:55 < wctaiwan> ha-ha.
23:56 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH]
23:58 -!- AnonDiss [~AnonDiss@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:58 -!- bjelleklang [~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang] has joined #wikipedia-en
--- Log closed Mon May 06 00:00:28 2013