User:Badmachine/PM with Prodego-2013-06-06
As I recall it, I was idling in a private IRC on the same computar that hosted When I returned to that IRC, I found that Prodego had somehow found this private IRC channel and joined as "Enwikip". I scrolled through the conversation he had with my colleagues, saw the claim "05:41 < Enwikip> well should anyone here have a particular beef with someone over there, I'm happy to try to work that out", and so joined Freenode to chat with Prodego. This is the log from Freenode, which I joined* at his invitation. Nothing was ever done.
* was actively logging at the time, but for functionality and convenience i used mIRC i think
--- Log opened Thu Jun 06 19:56:09 2013 19:56 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with Prodego 19:56 <anomynous> hello 19:56 <Prodego> hi 19:56 <anomynous> hi 19:57 <Prodego> so what can I do for you? 19:57 <anomynous> why did you kick my colleagues logger 19:57 <anomynous> 05:41 < Enwikip> well should anyone here have a particular beef with someone over there, I'm happy to try to work that out 19:57 <Prodego> well the rules in #wikipedia-en don't allow for publically hosting logs 19:57 <anomynous> oic 19:57 <anomynous> okay that policy is now noted 19:57 <Prodego> the reason for this is that we want it to be a pretty relaxed place 19:57 <anomynous> yes, that is a noble motive 19:58 <Prodego> and we don't want people using what is said in the channel to be used in arguments on Wikipedia, which there are quite a lot of! 19:58 <anomynous> i believe irc was used to coordinate the abusive admins who banned me 19:58 <anomynous> well okay 19:58 <anomynous> no more logging then 19:58 <Prodego> well I'd be happy to look in to your ban 19:58 <anomynous> but you did say you might help 19:58 <anomynous> okay. enwp user badmachine 19:58 <Prodego> alright let me get that 19:59 <anomynous> i seriously doubt that you can help 19:59 <anomynous> but i will not log anymore 19:59 <anomynous> pls unban my colleage if you would 19:59 <Prodego> thanks, I appreciate that 19:59 <anomynous> np 20:00 <Prodego> it'll take me a few minutes to read about this block, so give me a moment 20:01 <anomynous> okay, thanks 20:02 <anomynous> if you want the /real/ scoop, its in my ED article 20:02 <anomynous> 20:02 <anomynous> and Ironholds/Fluffernutter too: 20:04 <Prodego> well Ironholds is here, I can talk to him 20:05 <anomynous> okay. ask fluffernutter too. she declined my unblock request 20:05 <Prodego> so it seems to me that what happened was that things blew quite a bit out of control after this initial trouble with using two accounts 20:05 <anomynous> btw, 20:06 <anomynous> it was admirable of you to seek out the beef behind 20:06 <Prodego> well it was run in such a way as to suggest that it wasn't just trolling for no reason 20:06 <Prodego> so I thought I'd poke about :) 20:06 <anomynous> thanks. :) 20:06 <anomynous> ironholds is 20:06 <anomynous> not going to help 20:07 <Prodego> that's ok, I don't actually need him to do anything 20:07 <Prodego> just want to hear his explaination 20:07 <anomynous> so would i 20:07 <anomynous> and fluffernutters 20:07 <anomynous> they are closely acquainted 20:07 <Prodego> now the problem that we are going to have is that it looks like after this initial block, you posted a lot of defamatory type comments to your userpage 20:07 <anomynous> rly 20:07 <anomynous> like what 20:08 <anomynous> there was no abusive comment posted to my userpage 20:08 <Prodego> I don't know, because they have set it so that I am not allowed to see it 20:08 <Prodego> potentially it was names or addresses or such 20:08 <anomynous> nope 20:08 <anomynous> is that what he told you? 20:09 <Prodego> no, that's the reason given for hiding the information 20:09 <Prodego> it is unusual to hide information from admins unless it is personal info 20:09 <anomynous> oh 20:09 <anomynous> userpage? or talkpage? 20:09 <anomynous> my userpage consisted of a bio. it went to ani, and was found to be okay 20:09 <anomynous> that has nothing to do with my ban 20:10 <anomynous> is ironholds claiming that my userpage is why i was banned? 20:10 <anomynous> cuz i can hunt up the ani discussion 20:10 <Prodego> The main reason given in the logs for you being banned is posting this information to your userpage 20:11 <anomynous> will you pls hold here while i find the ani discussion 20:11 <anomynous> i can find it 20:11 <Prodego> that's why I am saying it looks like things got a bit out of control, since obviously the using multiple accounts thing was much earlier 20:11 <anomynous> yeah that was dumb. i never socked 20:12 <anomynous> okay im seeing how this will go down. ironholds will li 20:12 <anomynous> lie* 20:12 <anomynous> okay well 20:12 <anomynous> will you pls unban my colleague 20:12 <Prodego> I can get someone who can access the information 20:12 <anomynous> wait 20:12 <Prodego> and verify it that way 20:12 <anomynous> you really think this is the userpage? i can link you to a screencap 20:12 <Prodego> what I am hearing is that it was accusations of child abuse or something 20:12 <anomynous> yeah i was abused 20:13 <anomynous> and the admins bitched about my userpage 20:13 <anomynous> the dicks on it 20:13 <Prodego> we have to be really careful about things like that being posted because it can cause us legal problems 20:13 <anomynous> so i wrote a bio 20:13 <anomynous> to conform 20:13 <anomynous> yeah mine was totally true 20:13 <anomynous> so 20:13 <anomynous> do you want to see the cap 20:13 <Prodego> sure 20:13 <anomynous> okay hold on 20:13 <Prodego> also I'm sorry to hear about that, terrible stuff 20:14 <anomynous> nah that was years ago 20:14 <anomynous> he did 7.5 of a 15 to life 20:14 <anomynous> hes paid his debt 20:14 <anomynous> 20:14 <Prodego> well that's good 20:15 <anomynous> but my userpage was valid. his name was eventually redacted 20:15 <anomynous> and the userpage issue was dropped 20:15 <Prodego> getting back to what I was talking about before 20:15 <anomynous> ? 20:15 <Prodego> even for true stories we have to be careful, because we can't prove they are true, we don't know 20:15 <Prodego> so that's what the problem was about the user page 20:15 <anomynous> understood. i was blocked for socking tho 20:15 <anomynous> not the userpage 20:15 <Prodego> probably people were not so good at conveying them 20:15 <anomynous> want me to find the ani thread? 20:16 <anomynous> okay lemme find the ani thread 20:16 <Prodego> I've got it 20:16 <Prodego> I'm reading the threads now 20:16 <anomynous> i think ironholds is a homophobe and i think fluffernutter is his girlfriend 20:17 <anomynous> you may not agree. which is okay i guess. but i will never be unbanned from enwp if he has anything to say about it 20:17 <Prodego> well the ban and such is at such a level that I am not allowed to unilaterally undo it 20:17 <anomynous> okay thats what i figured 20:17 <anomynous> will you pls unban my colleague 20:17 <anomynous> he wont log 20:18 <anomynous> (from irc) 20:18 <Prodego> the issues I see to resolve that would allow us to unban you are the GNAA trolling type behavior (which I know nothing about except it is on the list), we've already talked about the userpage, not using multiple accounts (easy, especially if you never did), and not harassing anyone, even those who harassed you 20:19 <Prodego> and I can give you an email address if you want to persue that 20:19 <Prodego> as for your colleague, I can unban him from IRC, sure 20:19 <anomynous> pls link to any trolling type behavior besides ONE incident at [[lil b]] where i suggested the image could be an image of jesus 20:19 <Prodego> I just need him to send me a message telling me what his nick or hostname is 20:19 <anomynous> i was on mushrooms 20:19 <Prodego> so I know what to unban 20:20 <anomynous> okay lemme pass that part on 20:20 <anomynous> hang on. also, i did not troll 20:20 <anomynous> gnaa style or otherwise 20:20 <anomynous> i took a gnaa userbox and put it on my page 20:20 <Prodego> it might be the GNAA logo on your userpage 20:20 <anomynous> as retaliation 20:20 <anomynous> for them sperging about the penises 20:20 <Prodego> honestly I think it is reasonable for you to be unbanned 20:20 <anomynous> pls link to any trolling gnaa or otherwise 20:20 <anomynous> i thought so too 20:20 <Prodego> assuming there would be no worries about you harassing anyone 20:20 <anomynous> but they wont 20:21 <anomynous> the only harassment came AFTER my talkpage access was revoked 20:21 <Prodego> yea I understand that 20:21 <anomynous> heres what i did 20:21 <anomynous> i bought and and pointed them to ironholds ed article 20:21 <anomynous> AFTER talkpage access was revoked 20:21 <anomynous> or it could have been after my meta block 20:22 <anomynous> which was also unwarranted 20:22 <anomynous> thats it. i did not troll, gnaa or otherwise. i have maintained this from the start 20:22 <anomynous> they wont link to any trolling cuz they can not find any 20:22 <Prodego> ok, here is what we can do about that 20:23 <anomynous> i made ONE mushroom induced suggestion at talk:lil b 20:23 <anomynous> okay 20:23 <Prodego> you can request an unban, saying you won't harass Ironholds or others, won't troll, all that stuff (which I understand you really didn't do much of, especially before you were blocked) 20:23 <Prodego> there is a special committee to review bans 20:23 <Prodego> and I'd want to be copied in on these emails so I can make sure they properly consider it 20:24 <Prodego> I think the original ban of you was not right, it seems like an overreaction 20:24 <anomynous> ohh 20:24 <anomynous> youre going to dump me onto basc 20:24 <Prodego> I think then that after you started harassing people well then banning you was reasonable 20:24 <anomynous> yeah thats not helpful 20:24 <Prodego> yes, I have to 20:24 <anomynous> I HARASSED AFTER I HAD NO CHOICE AND NO VOICE 20:24 <Prodego> BASC is the only people who are actually allowed to unban you at this point 20:24 <anomynous> yeah ok 20:24 <Prodego> unless you want to try appealing to the entire committee 20:24 <anomynous> ive msgd my colleague 20:24 <anomynous> yeah how 20:25 <anomynous> oh i thought you said 'community' 20:25 <anomynous> you said committee 20:25 <anomynous> so yeah nevermind 20:25 <anomynous> have you got that pm yet 20:25 <Prodego> no I don't think I have 20:25 <anomynous> okay 20:25 <anomynous> hang on, and he will. i will stop logging. ;D 20:26 <Prodego> anomynous ok, well if you want to submit a request to them, I can ask several of the people I know on the committee to make sure to review this fairly 20:26 <anomynous> looool 20:26 <Prodego> you also have read the standard offer, yes? 20:26 <anomynous> okay /which/ user do you know on committee 20:26 <anomynous> that is fair? 20:26 <anomynous> i have. and i can not cuz lol arb com 20:27 <Prodego> sure 20:27 <anomynous> that was the last part 20:27 <anomynous> the entire thing was 20:27 <Prodego> Risker would be my primary contact 20:27 <anomynous> which user on any committee do you really think will treat me fairly 20:27 <anomynous> risker 20:27 <Prodego> she's the one I would talk to 20:27 <anomynous> lemme see if she was involved in the pileup 20:27 <anomynous> cuz i think she was 20:28 <Prodego> and I absolutely trust she is fair, so if you tell me she supports you being banned, well I am probably going to have to side with her :) 20:28 <anomynous> hm 20:28 <anomynous> she was not involved in the pile on 20:29 <Prodego> I will ask her to look in to it ok 20:29 <anomynous> also, cleanstart and standard offer arre for people who did something wrong 20:29 <anomynous> okay, thanks 20:29 <Prodego> is there an email address I can give her? 20:29 <anomynous> did my colleague message you 20:29 <anomynous> yes, and you might think its fake but its 20:29 <Prodego> yes, that should be all set 20:29 <anomynous> iLvadeL@diLdomaiL 20:29 <anomynous> .com 20:29 <anomynous> :/ 20:29 <anomynous> okay thanks. :) 20:29 <anomynous> 20:30 <Prodego> nice one 20:30 <anomynous> :) 20:30 <Prodego> I'll give that to her, thanks for explaining 20:30 <anomynous> if you get me unbanned, you can have a dildomail address 20:30 <anomynous> for the lulz 20:30 <anomynous> i seriously doubt it tho 20:30 <Prodego> well I definitely can't promise that, but I'll do my best to make sure you get fair consideration 20:30 <anomynous> but i was confusing risker with someone else 20:30 <anomynous> okay thanks. :) 20:31 <anomynous> wait 20:31 <anomynous> one more thing 20:31 <anomynous> is risker on irc? 20:31 <anomynous> i dont trust irc people cuz irc was involved in my ban 20:31 <Prodego> well I'm an IRC person 20:31 <anomynous> well what you did was admirable 20:32 <anomynous> but to take the irc community as a whole with some caution is warranted, dont you think? 20:32 <Prodego> sure, though it would I think be wrong to blame everyone for what a few people might do 20:32 <anomynous> most of those names on my talkpage are on irc right now 20:32 <anomynous> true 20:32 <anomynous> id trust anne even if she did use irc i spose 20:33 <anomynous> ive seen her on mailing lists 20:33 <anomynous> i was a wikipedian dammit 20:33 <Prodego> I do wish that I had been able to talk to you earlier 20:33 <anomynous> i do too 20:33 <Prodego> the outing and harassment thing is going to make it difficult 20:33 <Prodego> even though I understand the frustration you must have had 20:33 <anomynous> i outed nobody 20:33 <anomynous> oh 20:33 <anomynous> then youve actually looked at that page 20:33 <anomynous> the talkpage 20:34 <anomynous> that in itself is more than i expected 20:34 <Prodego> I did look at your talk page 20:34 <anomynous> thanks for that. and for pointing anne to it 20:34 <anomynous> er risker 20:34 <anomynous> i shouldnt be so familiar 20:34 <anomynous> but im concerned that you used the term outing 20:35 <anomynous> i outed nobody 20:35 <anomynous> i didnt write ironholds' article if thats what you mean 20:35 <Prodego> I have incomplete information because there is information hidden from me 20:35 <anomynous> only the diffs 20:35 <anomynous> its all there 20:35 <Prodego> Risker has access to all of the information, so she will be able to verify more 20:35 <anomynous> except [redacted] 20:35 <anomynous> okay 20:35 <anomynous> did ironholds tell you i outed anyone? 20:35 <anomynous> im only curious 20:36 <Prodego> no, he did not 20:36 <anomynous> okay 20:36 <anomynous> he may have more character than i gave him credit for then 20:36 <Prodego> this may have been intended to apply to that you were contributing to ED, which does it 20:36 <anomynous> at least hes not lying about that 20:36 <Prodego> not that you were doing it personally 20:36 <anomynous> yeah thats exactly what i think 20:36 <anomynous> they dont like that i contribute to ed 20:36 <anomynous> is that not allowed? 20:36 <anomynous> because nobody told me that 20:37 <Prodego> it isn't reasonable to ask people to not contribute to other websites 20:37 <anomynous> and yet 20:37 <Prodego> if you were to be causing other editors some harm by being over there then it could be 20:37 <anomynous> you may look through my contribs 20:37 <anomynous> editing his article does not equal outing 20:37 <anomynous> i formatted and added links,, iirc 20:37 <anomynous> and fae tried that same crap 20:37 <anomynous> that i harassed her 20:37 <anomynous> him* 20:38 <Prodego> I guess I see how that might upset ironholds 20:38 <anomynous> that i edited it? 20:38 <Prodego> yea 20:38 <anomynous> i didnt out him tho 20:38 <anomynous> i didnt 20:38 <Prodego> Seeing other editors contribute to a page he considers to be harassing him, you know 20:38 <anomynous> nor did i call fae any kind of epithet 20:38 <anomynous> yeah so he took the low road 20:38 <anomynous> and harasssed me 20:38 <anomynous> nice. 20:39 <anomynous> iow, he abused his admin position? 20:39 <Prodego> I think you deserve a fair look, and at the very least (if they won't unban you now) a path towards becoming unbanned 20:39 <anomynous> okay 20:39 <anomynous> i want badmachine back 20:39 <Prodego> and I know risker will do a good job looking in to it 20:39 <anomynous> i dont see why i need to cleanstart 20:39 <anomynous> okay i trust her 20:39 <anomynous> (enough) 20:39 <anomynous> i mean 20:39 <anomynous> wikipedia can be bad for people 20:39 <anomynous> but somehow i dont think its got to her yet 20:39 <Prodego> alright, good talking with you, I am going to head out now 20:39 <anomynous> okay thanks. 20:40 <Prodego> if you want to send Ironholds a PM, you could, I don't know how open to discussion he will be 20:40 <Prodego> might appreciate an apology for the harassment, 20:40 <anomynous> i did apologise and kept logs of that fact 20:40 <anomynous> and i asked him to pass on my apology to fluffernutter 20:41 <Prodego> I don't think she is online right now 20:41 <anomynous> cuz she was just complicit 20:41 <Prodego> ah, yes she is 20:41 <Prodego> nick is Fluff|away 20:41 <anomynous> she will take it as harassment 20:41 <anomynous> i will not do that. risker can pass my apology along 20:41 <Prodego> well if you think she would prefer not to be PMed, by all means 20:41 <Prodego> great, good luck 20:41 <anomynous> i think its wise if i do not 20:41 <anomynous> same w ironholds 20:41 <anomynous> okay 20:41 <Prodego> sure I'll let her 20:42 <Prodego> know 20:42 <anomynous> hey thanks 20:42 <anomynous> :) 20:42 <Prodego> sure thing 20:42 * anomynous goes to Prodego 's contribs. ;) 20:43 <Prodego> oh they are boring, I mostly deal with editors and admins I think are being abusive 20:45 <anomynous> really 20:45 <anomynous> /that/ is interesting. thanks for looking into this 20:45 <anomynous> er, you know. risker. --- Log closed Thu Jun 06 20:50:55 2013 --- Log opened Thu Jun 06 21:50:11 2013 21:50 -!- Prodego [~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] --- Log closed Thu Jun 06 21:55:55 2013