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[[Image:Yo_eleven.jpg|right|thumb|175px|The unofficial logo of the Club]] The '''Eleven Eleven Club''' is an informally-organized fraternal association, dedicated to placing a roulette wager on the number 11 at the eleventh minute after the eleventh hour on [[November 11|November 11th]] each year.  Since its founding in 1993, the club's bet at the appointed hour has been unsuccessful in every try except the year [[2000]], when a communal wager of $99 at the Showboat casino in Atlantic City, NJ, saw the number 11 hit, and the nine contributing bettors walked away with a Saturday night payout of $3,465 ($385 for each player).
[[Image:Yo_eleven.jpg|right|thumb|175px|The unofficial logo of the Club]] The '''Eleven Eleven Club''' is an informally-organized fraternal association, dedicated to placing a roulette wager on the number 11 at the eleventh minute after the eleventh hour on [[November 11|November 11th]] each year.  Since its founding in 1993, the club's bet at the appointed hour has been unsuccessful in every try except the year [[2000]], when a communal wager of $99 at the Showboat casino in Atlantic City, NJ, saw the number 11 hit, and the nine contributing bettors walked away with a Saturday night payout of $3,465 ($385 for each player).
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While historically the club has existed for entertainment purposes only, it has recently taken up fundraising for charitable causes in an effort to reinvigorate the participating membership base.<ref>{{cite web|url=| title=Call for Non-Profit Nominations Issued by Gaming Club|date=[[2006-10-05]]|accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref> Through raffles leading up to a drawing on [[2006-11-11]], the club generated in excess of $250, which was donated to the [ Bournelyf Special Camp] in [[Directory:West Chester, Pennsylvania|West Chester]], [[Directory:Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]].
While historically the club has existed for entertainment purposes only, it has recently taken up fundraising for charitable causes in an effort to reinvigorate the participating membership base.<ref>{{cite web|url=| title=Call for Non-Profit Nominations Issued by Gaming Club|date=[[2006-10-05]]|accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref> Through raffles leading up to a drawing on [[2006-11-11]], the club generated in excess of $250, which was donated to the [ Bournelyf Special Camp] in [[Directory:West Chester, Pennsylvania|West Chester]], [[Directory:Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]].