
→‎Appendices @ PlanetMath : TeX Format: copy tables from planet math
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=Appendices @ PlanetMath : TeX Format=
=Appendices @ PlanetMath : TeX Format=
==Table 1==
\multicolumn{7}{c}{Table 1.  Propositional Forms on Two Variables} \\
$\mathcal{L}_1$ &
$\mathcal{L}_2$ &&
$\mathcal{L}_3$ &
$\mathcal{L}_4$ &
$\mathcal{L}_5$ &
$\mathcal{L}_6$ \\
& & $x =$ & 1 1 0 0 & & & \\
& & $y =$ & 1 0 1 0 & & & \\
$f_{0}$  & $f_{0000}$ & & 0 0 0 0 & $(~)$      & false                & $0$ \\
$f_{1}$  & $f_{0001}$ & & 0 0 0 1 & $(x)(y)$    & neither $x$ nor $y$  & $\lnot x \land \lnot y  $ \\
$f_{2}$  & $f_{0010}$ & & 0 0 1 0 & $(x)\ y$    & $y$ and not $x$      & $\lnot x \land y$ \\
$f_{3}$  & $f_{0011}$ & & 0 0 1 1 & $(x)$      & not $x$              & $\lnot x$ \\
$f_{4}$  & $f_{0100}$ & & 0 1 0 0 & $x\ (y)$    & $x$ and not $y$      & $x \land \lnot y$ \\
$f_{5}$  & $f_{0101}$ & & 0 1 0 1 & $(y)$      & not $y$              & $\lnot y$ \\
$f_{6}$  & $f_{0110}$ & & 0 1 1 0 & $(x,\ y)$  & $x$ not equal to $y$ & $x \ne y$ \\
$f_{7}$  & $f_{0111}$ & & 0 1 1 1 & $(x\ y)$    & not both $x$ and $y$ & $\lnot x \lor \lnot y$ \\
$f_{8}$  & $f_{1000}$ & & 1 0 0 0 & $x\ y$      & $x$ and $y$          & $x \land y$ \\
$f_{9}$  & $f_{1001}$ & & 1 0 0 1 & $((x,\ y))$ & $x$ equal to $y$    & $x = y$ \\
$f_{10}$ & $f_{1010}$ & & 1 0 1 0 & $y$        & $y$                  & $y$ \\
$f_{11}$ & $f_{1011}$ & & 1 0 1 1 & $(x\ (y))$  & not $x$ without $y$  & $x \Rightarrow y$ \\
$f_{12}$ & $f_{1100}$ & & 1 1 0 0 & $x$        & $x$                  & $x$ \\
$f_{13}$ & $f_{1101}$ & & 1 1 0 1 & $((x)\ y)$  & not $y$ without $x$  & $x \Leftarrow y$ \\
$f_{14}$ & $f_{1110}$ & & 1 1 1 0 & $((x)(y))$  & $x$ or $y$          & $x \lor y$ \\
$f_{15}$ & $f_{1111}$ & & 1 1 1 1 & $((~))$    & true                & $1$ \\
==Table 2==
\multicolumn{7}{c}{Table 2.  Propositional Forms on Two Variables} \\
$\mathcal{L}_1$ &
$\mathcal{L}_2$ &&
$\mathcal{L}_3$ &
$\mathcal{L}_4$ &
$\mathcal{L}_5$ &
$\mathcal{L}_6$ \\
& & $x =$ & 1 1 0 0 & & & \\
& & $y =$ & 1 0 1 0 & & & \\
$f_{0}$  & $f_{0000}$ & & 0 0 0 0 & $(~)$      & false                & $0$ \\
$f_{1}$  & $f_{0001}$ & & 0 0 0 1 & $(x)(y)$    & neither $x$ nor $y$  & $\lnot x \land \lnot y  $ \\
$f_{2}$  & $f_{0010}$ & & 0 0 1 0 & $(x)\ y$    & $y$ and not $x$      & $\lnot x \land y$ \\
$f_{4}$  & $f_{0100}$ & & 0 1 0 0 & $x\ (y)$    & $x$ and not $y$      & $x \land \lnot y$ \\
$f_{8}$  & $f_{1000}$ & & 1 0 0 0 & $x\ y$      & $x$ and $y$          & $x \land y$ \\
$f_{3}$  & $f_{0011}$ & & 0 0 1 1 & $(x)$      & not $x$              & $\lnot x$ \\
$f_{12}$ & $f_{1100}$ & & 1 1 0 0 & $x$        & $x$                  & $x$ \\
$f_{6}$  & $f_{0110}$ & & 0 1 1 0 & $(x,\ y)$  & $x$ not equal to $y$ & $x \ne y$ \\
$f_{9}$  & $f_{1001}$ & & 1 0 0 1 & $((x,\ y))$ & $x$ equal to $y$    & $x = y$ \\
$f_{5}$  & $f_{0101}$ & & 0 1 0 1 & $(y)$      & not $y$              & $\lnot y$ \\
$f_{10}$ & $f_{1010}$ & & 1 0 1 0 & $y$        & $y$                  & $y$ \\
$f_{7}$  & $f_{0111}$ & & 0 1 1 1 & $(x\ y)$    & not both $x$ and $y$ & $\lnot x \lor \lnot y$ \\
$f_{11}$ & $f_{1011}$ & & 1 0 1 1 & $(x\ (y))$  & not $x$ without $y$  & $x \Rightarrow y$ \\
$f_{13}$ & $f_{1101}$ & & 1 1 0 1 & $((x)\ y)$  & not $y$ without $x$  & $x \Leftarrow y$ \\
$f_{14}$ & $f_{1110}$ & & 1 1 1 0 & $((x)(y))$  & $x$ or $y$          & $x \lor y$ \\
$f_{15}$ & $f_{1111}$ & & 1 1 1 1 & $((~))$    & true                & $1$ \\
=Work Area 1=
=Work Area 1=
