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Here our grandfathers inscribed following; HERE WE STOPPED THE NAVY BELONGING TO KING OF NAPLES THESE HANGING ARMAMENTS ARE PROOF OF OUR VICTORY, THIS FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. In similar fashion we also inscribed a testimony that we dedicated to God and Virgin Mary, as well to our protectors St. Bartomew and Saint Mark, principal protector of our town as well to all other saints; as follows;  
Here our grandfathers inscribed following; HERE WE STOPPED THE NAVY BELONGING TO KING OF NAPLES THESE HANGING ARMAMENTS ARE PROOF OF OUR VICTORY, THIS FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. In similar fashion we also inscribed a testimony that we dedicated to God and Virgin Mary, as well to our protectors St. Bartomew and Saint Mark, principal protector of our town as well to all other saints; as follows;  
SEVENTY FIRST YEAR AFTER THE ONE THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED RUNNING YEARS SINCE OUR LADY GAVE BIRTH, FROM THE ENEMY GALLEYS ALL AROUND US, ULUZ-ALI<ref>Wkipedia: Occhiali (Giovanni Dionigi Galeni or Giovan Dionigi Galeni, also Uluj Ali, Turkish: Uluç Ali Reis, later Uluç Ali Paşa and finally Kılıç Ali Paşa; 1519 – 21 June 1587) was an Italian farmer, then Ottoman privateer and admiral, who later became beylerbey of the Regency of Algiers, and finally Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha) of the Ottoman fleet in the 16th century.
Born Giovanni Dionigi Galeni, he was also known by several other names in the Christian countries of the Mediterranean and in the literature also appears under various names. Miguel de Cervantes called him Uchali in chapter XXXIX of his Don Quixote de la Mancha. Elsewhere he was simply called Ali Pasha. John Wolf, in his The Barbary Coast, refers to him as Euldj Ali.</ref> ATTACKED US ON THE DAY OF ASCENSION OF OUR LADY, ULUZ-ALI SUFFERS DEFEAT, BROKEN, RUNNING FROM OUR SHORES, WITH THE HELP OF OUR LADY, WHO HELPED US, WE DEDICATE HERE TO SHOW OUR THANK-FULLNESS, WITH THESE RELICS.  
[[File:85px-Coat of arms of Dalmatia crowned.svg.png|thumb|right|150px|Dalmatia's Coat of arms]]
[[File:85px-Coat of arms of Dalmatia crowned.svg.png|thumb|right|150px|Dalmatia's Coat of arms]]
After all this, the archdeacon notifies Jakov Foscarini and Filip Bragadin of our salvation and of enemy’s shipping leaving from all of Adriatic. These two had a duty from''' Senate in Venice''', as commanders of both land and sea military forces in Dalmatia [originality written: Illyrici]. They hurriedly notified the Senate of what has happened , telling that there was no more fear in all of Dalmatia, and that everyone is proud of what has happened in Korčula. I would also like to mention that this victory was the beginning what was to follow, victories in other Mediterranean locations like the one by Bay of Korinth. I also believe that our victory gave others the will to fight and to stop the aggression from the East. The pagan saying goes; The luck is in charge of wars. The word from holy scriptures is more valued, which says; The Lord is in charge of the armies. Similarly the holy service to God in a Mass, confirms; The heaven and Earth are full of greatness of Gods armies,- because The Lord Sabaots army, everyone can understand; while in opposite word “luck” doesn’t mean anything. Namely the God is creator of everything, and He is in charge of all the armies. But where else can you see how God directs human race, there it is a proof of this in our defence of Korčula. If you try and be quiet not talking about this. So many great and large cities conquered, burned, and what is this little town, abandoned, with weak defensive walls, with insignificant defences, anyway succeeded in not being taken over. Who gave the strength to those children not trained or accustomed to fighting, gave the gift of speed, strength and bravery? Who, to those women and girls gave the heart and spirit, dressed in soldiers uniforms, with danger of being wounded and dead, to pass on arrows and ammunitions to fight the enemy? Isn’t it God’s spirit, which gave them the strength to attack enemies. Isn’t this God’s handiwork, that nobody was taken prisoner by the enemy, If that has happened they would uncover our weakness, where enemy would find out how few of us there was. Even those running away from the city could have been easily taken as prisoners. And what about this? In the bay of Risanj there was 400 galleys belonging to the enemy. These were selected ships from Uluz-Ali’s and Karakozije’s fleets, being readied to move on Dalmatia [originality written: Illyricum]. Both very prepared and ready. One led 55 sails, and the other 20 larger ones. They moved together to cause havoc. They cheated one another in ravaging different towns, they both bypassed Korčula, while they hit the island of Hvar [Lesina] again. Why is it that upon their return after plundering Hvar [Lesina], they again split. One is afraid to attack again and other has no time for it. O blessed Virgin, we believe that in these dark moments you interceded for us in front of God. Then, like you were an example with your modesty while on this world, where so now, while in heaven are doing all possible if front of God for our benefit.  
After all this, the archdeacon notifies Jakov Foscarini and Filip Bragadin of our salvation and of enemy’s shipping leaving from all of Adriatic. These two had a duty from''' Senate in Venice''', as commanders of both land and sea military forces in Dalmatia [originality written: Illyrici]. They hurriedly notified the Senate of what has happened , telling that there was no more fear in all of Dalmatia, and that everyone is proud of what has happened in Korčula. I would also like to mention that this victory was the beginning what was to follow, victories in other Mediterranean locations like the one by Bay of Korinth. I also believe that our victory gave others the will to fight and to stop the aggression from the East. The pagan saying goes; The luck is in charge of wars. The word from holy scriptures is more valued, which says; The Lord is in charge of the armies. Similarly the holy service to God in a Mass, confirms; The heaven and Earth are full of greatness of Gods armies,- because The Lord Sabaots army, everyone can understand; while in opposite word “luck” doesn’t mean anything. Namely the God is creator of everything, and He is in charge of all the armies. But where else can you see how God directs human race, there it is a proof of this in our defence of Korčula. If you try and be quiet not talking about this. So many great and large cities conquered, burned, and what is this little town, abandoned, with weak defensive walls, with insignificant defences, anyway succeeded in not being taken over. Who gave the strength to those children not trained or accustomed to fighting, gave the gift of speed, strength and bravery? Who, to those women and girls gave the heart and spirit, dressed in soldiers uniforms, with danger of being wounded and dead, to pass on arrows and ammunitions to fight the enemy? Isn’t it God’s spirit, which gave them the strength to attack enemies. Isn’t this God’s handiwork, that nobody was taken prisoner by the enemy, If that has happened they would uncover our weakness, where enemy would find out how few of us there was. Even those running away from the city could have been easily taken as prisoners. And what about this? In the bay of Risanj there was 400 galleys belonging to the enemy. These were selected ships from Uluz-Ali’s and Karakozije’s fleets, being readied to move on Dalmatia [originality written: Illyricum]. Both very prepared and ready. One led 55 sails, and the other 20 larger ones. They moved together to cause havoc. They cheated one another in ravaging different towns, they both bypassed Korčula, while they hit the island of Hvar [Lesina] again. Why is it that upon their return after plundering Hvar [Lesina], they again split. One is afraid to attack again and other has no time for it. O blessed Virgin, we believe that in these dark moments you interceded for us in front of God. Then, like you were an example with your modesty while on this world, where so now, while in heaven are doing all possible if front of God for our benefit.  
