Talk:Dalmatian Italians

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Dalmatian Italians - Link , a work in progress :)

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The Regio Dalmata - Kraglski Dalmatin was stamped in the tipography of Antonio Luigi Battara and was the first done in Croat language.

Renaissance in Dalmatia

Besides mixing of gothic and renaissance style it was also original by unity of stone building and montage construction (big stone blocks, pilasters and ribs were bounded with joints and slots on them - without concrete) in the way that was usual in wooden constructions. This was unique building with so-called three-leaf frontal and half-barrel vaults, first in Europe. The cathedral and its original stone dome was finished by the tuscan Niccolò Fiorentino following the original plans. On the cathedral there is a coronal of 72 sculpture portraits on the outside wall of the apses. Giorgio da Sebenico himself did 40 of them, and all are unique with original characteristics on their faces.

Work on the cathedral of Sebenico (Sibenik) inspired Nicola for his work on the expansion of chapel of Blessed John from Trogir/Trau in 1468. Just like Šibenik cathedral, it was composed out of large stone blocks with extreme precision. In cooperation with a disciple of Giorgio da Sebenico, the albanian Andrija Aleši, Nicola has achieved unique harmony of architecture and sculpture according to antique ideals. From inside, there is no flat wall. In the middle of chapel, on the altar, lays the sarcophagus of blessed John of Trogir.

Surrounding are reliefs of puttos carrying torches that look like they were peeping out of doors of Underworld. Above them there are niches with sculptures of Christ and apostles, amongst them are putties, circular windows encircled with fruit garland, and a relief of Nativity. All is ceiled with coffered ceiling with image of God in the middle and 96 portrait heads of angels. With so many faces of smiling children the chapel looks very cheerful and there isn’t anything similar in European art of that time.

In the entire area of Republic of Ragusa there were numerous villas of nobility, unique by their functionality and space organization - combination of Renaissance villa and government building. Sorgo’s villa in Lapad near Ragusa in 1521 is original by order of building parts in asymmetrical, dynamical balance.

Wordiest Croatian renaissance sculptures are linked to some architecture, and the most beautiful one is perhaps relief Flagellation of Christ by Juraj Dalmatinac on altar of St Staš in Spalato cathedral. Three almost naked figures are caught in vibrant movement.

The most important Dalmatian Renaissance painter is from Ragusa: Nicolò Raguseo. He painted the altar screens with first hints of portraits in characters, linear perspective and even still life motifs.

The most important Dalmatian Renaissance writers are:

Furthermore there were in the Governatorato 10000 Italians who took the Yugoslav citizenship after WWI, in order to remain there and be accepted without problems by the new Yugoslavian regime after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[2]

That means that in only one hundred years (from the 1850s to the 1950s) the Dalmatian Italians decreased from 45000 in the 1857 Austrian Census[3] to less than one thousand in the last Croatian and Montenegrin Census.

Actual Dalmatian Italians

Actually the most renowned are:

a) in Italy:

b) In Croatia:


  1. ^ in Croatia are called croatian latinists (latinisti croati) those who wrote mainly in latin.
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ [2]
  4. ^ [3] "...ha visto poi la presidente della comunità italiana di Zara, Rina Villani e Adriana Grubelić, componente della stessa comunità."


  • Diehl, Charles. La Repubblica di Venezia. Newton & Compton Ed. Rome, 2004.
  • Durant Will. The Renaissance. MJK Books. New York, 1981.
  • Lane, Frederick. Storia di Venezia, Einaudi. Torino, 1978
  • Manno, Antonio. I tesori di Venezia. Mondadori. Vercelli, 2004
  • Martin, John Jeffries. Venice Reconsidered. The History and Civilization of an Italian City-State, 1297–1797. Johns Hopkins UP. New York, 2002.
  • Norwich, John Julius. A History of Venice. Vintage Books. New York, 1989.
  • Randi, Oscar. Dalmazia etnica, incontri e fusioni. Tipografie venete. Venezia 1990.
  • Scaglioni Marzio. La presenza italiana in Dalmazia 1866-1943. Histria ed. Trieste,2000.
  • Zorzi, Alvise. La Repubblica del Leone. Storia di Venezia Euroclub Ed. Milano, 1991

External links



  • Dalbello M.C.; Razza antonello. Per una storia delle comunità italiane della Dalmazia. Fondazione Culturale Maria ed Eugenio Dario Rustia Traine. Trieste, 2004.
  • Lederer, Ivo. La Jugoslavia dalla conferenza di pace al trattato di Rapallo 1919-1920. Il Saggiatore. Milano, 1964.
  • Menini, Giulio. Passione adriatica. Ricordi di Dalmazia 1918-1920. Zanichelli. Bologna, 1925.
  • Monzali, Luciano. Antonio Tacconi e la comunità italiana di Spalato. Editore Scuola Dalmata dei SS. Giorgio e Trifone. Venezia, 2007.
  • Monzali, Luciano. Italiani di Dalmazia. 1914-1924 Le Lettere Firenze, 2007.
  • Salza, Silvio. La marina italiana nella grande guerra (Vol. VIII). Vallecchi. Firenze, 1942.
  • Tacconi, Ildebrando. La grande esclusa: Spalato cinquanta anni fa (in "Per la Dalmazia con amore e con angoscia"). Editore Del Bianco, Udine, 1994

External links