Module:RFX table
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 14, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis module displays data about requests for adminship and requests for bureaucratship discussions specified by the user. It relies on Module:Rfx to process the data from the discussions.
- Positional parameters - these are the names of the RfA and RfB discussions. Discussions will be displayed in the order specified, but RfA and RfB discussions will be displayed under different headings. If the value isn't a valid RfX discussion then it will be skipped.
- float or align - sets a custom float style. Possible values are
(the default),none
. - clear - sets a custom clear style. Possible values are
(the default),right
. - style - overrides all other styles apart from those set by the "wikitable" class.
- Recent RfX discussions
{{#invoke: RFX table | main | Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Adjwilley | Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship/Addshore | Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Huon | Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship/Beeblebrox }}
Requests for adminship and bureaucratshipupdate | |||||||||
No current discussions. Recent RfAs: (successful, unsuccessful) Recent RfBs: (successful, unsuccessful) |
- Old RfX discussions
{{#invoke: RFX table | main | Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/DGG | Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship/Deskana 2 | Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Bart133 2 | Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship/Avraham 3 }}
Requests for adminship and bureaucratshipupdate | |||||||||
No current discussions. Recent RfAs: (successful, unsuccessful) Recent RfBs: (successful, unsuccessful) |
-- This module is a replacement for the RfX report bot. local rfx = require( 'Module:Rfx' ) local colours = mw.loadData( 'Module:RFX report/colour' ) local p = {} local function makeRow( rfxObject ) if not ( type( rfxObject ) == 'table' and rfxObject.getTitleObject and rfxObject.getSupportUsers ) then return nil end local style = '' local styleInline = '' local status = rfxObject:getStatus() if status == 'pending closure' then style = ' style="background: #f8cdc6;" |' styleInline = ' background: #f8cdc6;' end local page = rfxObject:getTitleObject().prefixedText local user = rfxObject.user or rfxObject:getTitleObject().subpageText local supports = rfxObject.supports local opposes = rfxObject.opposes local neutrals = rfxObject.neutrals local percent = rfxObject.percent local colour if percent then colour = colours[ rfxObject.type ][ percent ] end colour = colour or '' local votes if supports and opposes and neutrals and percent then votes = mw.ustring.format( [==[ | style="text-align: right;%s" | [[%s#Support|%d]] | style="text-align: right;%s" | [[%s#Oppose|%d]] | style="text-align: right;%s" | [[%s#Neutral|%d]] | style="text-align: right; background: #%s;" | %d]==], styleInline, page, supports, styleInline, page, opposes, styleInline, page, neutrals, colour, percent ) else votes = '\n| colspan="4" style="background: #f8cdc6;" | Error parsing votes' end if status then status = mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst( status ) if status == 'Pending closure' then status = 'Pending closure...' end status = mw.ustring.format( '\n| %s %s', style, status ) else status = '\n| style="background: #f8cdc6;" | Error getting status' end local endTime = rfxObject.endTime local secondsLeft = rfxObject:getSecondsLeft() local timeLeft = rfxObject:getTimeLeft() local time if endTime and timeLeft then time = mw.ustring.format( '\n| %s %s\n| %s %s', style, endTime, style, timeLeft ) else time = '\n| colspan="2" style="background: #f8cdc6;" | Error parsing end time' end local dupes = rfxObject:dupesExist() if dupes then dupes = "'''yes'''" elseif dupes == false then dupes = 'no' else dupes = '--' end local report = rfxObject:getReport() if report then report = mw.ustring.format( '\n|%s [%s report]', style, tostring( report ) ) else report = '\n| style="background: #f8cdc6;" | Report not found' end return mw.ustring.format( '\n|-\n|%s [[%s|%s]]%s%s%s\n| style="text-align: center;%s" | %s%s', style, page, user, votes, status, time, styleInline, dupes, report ) end local function makeHeading( rfxType ) if type( rfxType ) ~= 'string' then return nil end return mw.ustring.format( '\n|-\n! %s candidate !! S !! O !! N !! S%% !! Status !! Ending (UTC) !! Time left !! Dupes? !! Report', rfxType ) end local function getRfxes( args ) if type( args ) ~= 'table' then return nil end local nums, ret = {}, {} for k, v in pairs( args ) do if type( k ) == 'number' and k >= 1 and math.floor( k ) == k and k ~= math.huge then table.insert( nums, k ) end end table.sort( nums ) for i, v in ipairs( nums ) do ret[ i ] = args[ v ] end return ret end local function makeReportRows( args ) local rfxes = getRfxes( args ) if not rfxes then return nil end -- Get RfX objects and separate RfAs and RfBs. local rfas = {} local rfbs = {} for i, rfxPage in ipairs( rfxes ) do local rfxObject = rfxPage ) if rfxObject then if rfxObject.type == 'rfa' then table.insert( rfas, rfxObject ) elseif rfxObject.type == 'rfb' then table.insert( rfbs, rfxObject ) end end end local ret = {} if #rfas > 0 then table.insert( ret, makeHeading( 'RfA' ) ) for i, rfaObject in ipairs( rfas ) do table.insert( ret, makeRow( rfaObject ) ) end end if #rfbs > 0 then table.insert( ret, makeHeading( 'RfB' ) ) for i, rfbObject in ipairs( rfbs ) do table.insert( ret, makeRow( rfbObject ) ) end end return table.concat( ret ) end local function makeReport( args ) local purgeLink = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl( 'action=purge' ) local header = mw.ustring.format( '\n|-\n! colspan="10" style="text-align: center;" | Requests for [[Wikipedia:Requests for adminship|adminship]] and [[Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship|bureaucratship]]<span class="plainlinks" style="float: right;"><small>[%s update]</small></span>', purgeLink ) local rows = makeReportRows( args ) or '' if rows == '' then rows = '\n|-\n| colspan="10" | No current discussions. <small>Recent RfAs: ([[Wikipedia:Successful requests for adminship|successful]], [[Wikipedia:Unsuccessful adminship candidacies (Chronological)|unsuccessful]]) Recent RfBs: ([[Wikipedia:Successful bureaucratship candidacies|successful]], [[Wikipedia:Unsuccessful bureaucratship candidacies|unsuccessful]])</small>' end local style = if not style then local float = args.float or args.align or 'right' local clear = args.clear or 'left' style = mw.ustring.format( 'style="white-space:wrap; clear: %s; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: .5em; float: %s; padding: .5em 0em 0em 1.4em; background: #ffffff; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0;"', clear, float ) end return mw.ustring.format( '\n{| class="wikitable" %s%s%s\n|-\n|}', style, header, rows ) end function p.main( frame ) -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking -- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise -- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console -- or from another Lua module. local origArgs if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then origArgs = frame:getParent().args for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do origArgs = frame.args break end else origArgs = frame end -- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments. local args = {} for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do v = mw.text.trim( v ) if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return makeReport( args ) end return p