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This module runs unit tests to compare template output with expected text. In addition, the module can output the results of expanding templates.

While intended for testing Module:Convert, the tester should be useful with other templates that require many tests using a simple format for the test input.

Testcases example

It is not necessary to save the testcases page before viewing test results. For example, Module:Convert/sandbox/testcases could be edited to change the tests. While still editing that page, paste Template:Nowrap (without quotes) into the page title box under "Preview page with this template", then click "Show preview".

The testcases talk page (for example, Module talk:Convert/sandbox/testcases) contains:


The testcases module page (for example, Module:Convert/sandbox/testcases) may contain:

local tests = [==[

A template to be tested must be at the start of a line.
Lines which do not start with a template are ignored.
{{convert/sandbox|1|acre|lk=on}}            1 [[acre]] (0.40 [[hectare|ha]])
{{convert/sandbox|1|m2|acres|lk=on}}        1 [[square metre]] (0.00025 [[acre]]s)
{{convert/sandbox|0.16|/l|2|disp=table}}    align="right"|0.16\n|align="right"|0.61


local p = require('Module:Convert/tester')
p.tests = tests
return p

If wanted, the tests can be run using a template different from the one specified in the tests. For example, the following would run the tests from Module:Convert/sandbox/testcases, but would change the name of each template found on that page to "convert/sandbox2".



Tests are extracted from a multiline string. Any line that does not start with a template is ignored. Each processed line starts with a template, and is followed by whitespace, then the wikitext which should result from expanding the template.

The expected output must be entered in a single line. If the template outputs multiple lines, those lines must be joined with "\n" (two characters—backslash n).

The templates do not have to be the same, for example, the following tests would work:

local tests = [==[

{{convert|12|m}}                            12 metres (39 ft)
{{convert/sandbox|12|m}}                    12 metres (39 ft)
{{age|1989|7|23|2003|7|14}}                 13
{{age in days|2007|5|24|2008|4|23}}         335


In the results, the status column shows "Pass" if the output from the template exactly matches the expected text. If there is no expected text, the template output is shown in the Actual column with a blank status. If the given expected text differs from the template output, the template output is shown in the Actual column with status "Fail", and the number of fails is shown at the top of the page. Searching the page for "Fail" will find each problem. Any "Fail" result is followed by a row showing the nowiki actual and expected wikitext.

Specifying tests

If using a testcases module (as in the above example), the test text is assigned to p.tests before executing run_tests.

Alternatively, the test text can be read from any page, or from any section on any page. For example, the following wikitext could be entered in a sandbox:

== Mixed tests ==
{{convert|12|m}}                            12 metres (39 ft)
{{convert/sandbox|0.16|/l|2|disp=table}}    align="right"|0.16\n|align="right"|0.61
{{age in days|2007|5|24|2008|4|23}}         335
--- The following line is incorrect to demonstrate a "fail".
{{convert|12|m|lk=on}}                      12 [[meter|metres]] (39 [[Foot|ft]])
The following line demonstrates the result when no expected text is provided.

Given the above, the tests can be run as shown in the following section.

Instead of specifying the tests with a multiline string, it is possible to assign a table to p.tests as shown in the following testcases module.

local tests = {
    -- Each test item is of form { template, expected }.
    { '{{convert|12|m}}', '12 metres (39 ft)' },
    { '{{convert/sandbox|0.16|/l|2|disp=table}}', 'align="right"|0.16\n|align="right"|0.61' },
    { '{{age in days|2007|5|24|2008|4|23}}', '335' },
    { '{{convert|12|m|lk=on}}', '12 [[meter|metres]] (39 [[Foot|ft]])' },
    { '{{convert/sandbox|1|-|5|in|mm|lk=on}}' },

local p = require('Module:Convert/tester')
p.tests = tests
return p

This example provides the same results as the multiline string at "Mixed tests" above.

Running tests from any page

Entering either of the following lines of wikitext in a sandbox or talk page would run the tests found at the specified location. The first line would show all tests on page "Template talk:Example", while the second would show only those tests on that page that are in the "Mixed tests" section.

{{#invoke:convert/tester|run_tests|page=Template talk:Example}}
{{#invoke:convert/tester|run_tests|page=Template talk:Example|section=Mixed tests}}

As a demonstration, the following line is used to produce the table shown below, including the comment that starts with three dashes.

{{#invoke:convert/tester|run_tests|page=Module:Convert/tester/doc|section=Specifying tests|show=all}}

4 tests failed, 1 test ignored because expected text is blank.

Template Expected Actual, if different Status
12|m}} 12 metres (39 ft) Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist Fail
(above, nowiki) 12 metres (39&nbsp;ft) Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist
0.16|/l|2|disp=table}} 0.16
Error: expandTemplate: template "convert/sandbox" does not exist Fail
(above, nowiki) 0.16
Error: expandTemplate: template "convert/sandbox" does not exist
2007|5|24|2008|4|23}} 335 Error: expandTemplate: template "age in days" does not exist Fail
(above, nowiki) 335 Error: expandTemplate: template "age in days" does not exist
The following line is incorrect to demonstrate a "fail". Cmnt
12|m|lk=on}} 12 metres (39 ft) Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist Fail
(above, nowiki) metres]] (39&nbsp;[[Foot|ft]]) Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist
1|-|5|in|mm|lk=on}} Error: expandTemplate: template "convert/sandbox" does not exist

Making expected results

Function make_tests can be used to create tests in the format expected by run_tests. For example, previewing either of the following in a sandbox would show the results from expanding each template found on the specified page.

{{#invoke:convert/tester|make_tests|page=Template talk:Example}}
{{#invoke:convert/tester|make_tests|page=Template talk:Example|show=all}}

When using make_tests, any expected results in the input are ignored. Instead, the module shows each template and its actual output as plain text which can be copied to make a testcases page. The templates to be processed can be specified by setting p.tests or by specifying a page with an optional section.

If |show=all is included, any non-template lines are included in the result. The output could then be copied and used to replace the page with the tests in order to update the expected text for each template, but without changing non-template lines.

As a demonstration, the following line is used to produce the text shown below.

{{#invoke:convert/tester|make_tests|page=Module:Convert/tester/doc|section=Specifying tests}}
{{convert|12|m}}                          Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist
{{convert/sandbox|0.16|/l|2|disp=table}}  Error: expandTemplate: template "convert/sandbox" does not exist
{{age in days|2007|5|24|2008|4|23}}       Error: expandTemplate: template "age in days" does not exist
{{convert|12|m|lk=on}}                    Error: expandTemplate: template "convert" does not exist
{{convert/sandbox|1|-|5|in|mm|lk=on}}     Error: expandTemplate: template "convert/sandbox" does not exist

Using show=all

The |show=all option can be used with make_tests and with run_tests.

An example using make_tests is shown in the previous section.

Using |show=all with run_tests allows comment lines to be displayed in the output table—not all lines are shown, only those that start with three dashes. For example, the testcases may include the following.

Added 12 January 2014.
--- The following tests check the widget option.
{{example|1|2|widget=on}}          ...(expected output)...

The table produced by run_tests would show "The following tests check the widget option." as a comment line, but only if |show=all is used. Comments have a distinctive background color, but also show "Cmnt" in the status column so they can be found by searching.

Comparing a module with its sandbox

When viewing a module, the documentation page is displayed; if the module has a sandbox, the documentation includes "Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox" with a link to diff the module and its sandbox.

The tester module provides a compare function which can check a series of modules, and compare each with its sandbox. A table is displayed showing whether the content is different, with a diff link.

For example, the following wikitext could be used.


The names "Example" and "Example/data" do not include a colon (:), so "Module:" is assumed. The command compares Module:Example with Module:Example/sandbox, and Module:Example/data with Module:Example/data/sandbox.

It is also possible for a module to define pairs of page titles in p.pairs (a table), and to use the tester module to generate a table for each pair of titles.

The result will be a bulleted list, with each lines starting by '*' and ending by a newline for each pair of compared pages.

The input lists of pairs may also include items that are a string (instead of a table specifying the pair of pages to compare). That string, which can contain any wikitext, will be output as is as a separate line in the result. You can use it to split a long list into sections with some headings. You can also use it to insert one or more comment lines after the results of comparing a pair (just use a static string starting by '*:' to not break the list, and to indent that comment below). For example it is expected that a sandbox should be different from the non-sandbox version of a template if they are only used to call a module and the only difference should be the name of the sandbox module instead of the normal version of that module.

As a convenience, certain keywords are defined in this module: if one of them is recognized, then the actual list of pair comes from the module itself and you don't need to specify a list of pairs. For example, the following uses the "convert" keyword to get the list of pairs of pages related to the Module:Convert.


The following text is a sample showing output that may result from the above.

-- Test the output from a template by comparing it with fixed text.
-- The expected text must be in a single line, but can include
-- "\n" (two characters) to indicate that a newline is expected.
-- Tests are run (or created) by setting p.tests (string or table), or
-- by setting page=PAGE_TITLE (and optionally section=SECTION_TITLE),
-- then executing run_tests (or make_tests).

local Collection = {}
Collection.__index = Collection
	function Collection:add(item)
		if item ~= nil then
			self.n = self.n + 1
			self[self.n] = item
	function Collection:join(sep)
		return table.concat(self, sep)
		return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection)

local function empty(text)
	-- Return true if text is nil or empty (assuming a string).
	return text == nil or text == ''

local function strip(text)
	-- Return text with no leading/trailing whitespace.
	return text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")

local function normalize(text)
	-- Return text with any strip markers normalized by replacing the
	-- unique number with a fixed value so comparisons work.
	return text:gsub('(\127[^\127]*UNIQ[^\127]*%-)(%x\+)(-QINU[^\127]*\127)', '%100000000%3')

local function status_box(stats, expected, actual, iscomment)
	local label, bgcolor, align, isfail
	if iscomment then
		actual = ''
		align = 'center'
		bgcolor = 'silver'
		label = 'Cmnt'
	elseif expected == '' then
		stats.ignored = stats.ignored + 1
		return '', actual
	elseif normalize(expected) == normalize(actual) then
		stats.pass = stats.pass + 1
		actual = ''
		align = 'center'
		bgcolor = 'green'
		label = 'Pass'
	else = + 1
		align = 'center'
		bgcolor = 'red'
		label = 'Fail'
		isfail = true
	local sbox = 'style="text-align:' .. align .. ';color:white;background:' .. bgcolor .. ';" | ' .. label
	return sbox, actual, isfail

local function status_text(stats)
	local bgcolor, ignored_text, msg, ttext
	if stats.template then
		ttext = "'''Using [[Template:" .. stats.template .. "]]:''' "
		ttext = ''
	if == 0 then
		if stats.pass == 0 then
			bgcolor = 'salmon'
			msg = 'No tests performed'
			bgcolor = 'green'
			msg = string.format('All %d tests passed', stats.pass)
		bgcolor = 'darkred'
		msg = string.format('%d test%s failed',, == 1 and '' or 's')
	if stats.ignored == 0 then
		ignored_text = ''
		bgcolor = 'salmon'
		ignored_text = string.format(', %d test%s ignored because expected text is blank', stats.ignored, stats.ignored == 1 and '' or 's')
	return ttext .. '<span style="font-size:120%;color:white;background-color:' .. bgcolor .. ';">' ..
		msg .. ignored_text .. '.</span>'

local function run_template(frame, template, args, collapse_multiline)
	-- Template "{{ example |  2  =  def  |  abc  |  name  =  ghi jkl  }}"
	-- gives xargs { "  abc  ", "def", name = "ghi jkl" }.
	if template:sub(1, 2) == '{{' and template:sub(-2, -1) == '}}' then
		template = template:sub(3, -3) .. '|'  -- append sentinel to get last field
		return '(invalid template)'
	local xargs = {}
	local index = 1
	local templatename
	local function put_arg(k, v)
		-- Kludge: Module:Val uses Module:Arguments which trims arguments and
		-- omits blank arguments. Simulate that here.
		-- LATER Need a parameter to control this.
		if templatename:sub(1, 3) == 'val' then
			v = strip(v)
			if v == '' then
		xargs[k] = v
	template = template:gsub('(%[%[[^%[%]]-)|(.-%]%])', '%1\0%2')  -- replace pipe in piped link with a zero byte
	for field in template:gmatch('(.-)|') do
		field = field:gsub('%z', '|')  -- restore pipe in piped link
		if templatename == nil then
			templatename = args.template or strip(field)
			if templatename == '' then
				return '(invalid template)'
			local k, eq, v = field:match("^(.-)(=)(.*)$")
			if eq then
				k, v = strip(k), strip(v)  -- k and/or v can be empty
				local i = tonumber(k)
				if i and i > 0 and string.match(k, '^%d+$') then
					put_arg(i, v)
					put_arg(k, v)
				while xargs[index] ~= nil do
					-- Skip any explicit numbered parameters like "|5=five".
					index = index + 1
				put_arg(index, field)
	if args.test and not xargs.test then
		-- For convert, allow test=preview or test=nopreview to be injected into
		-- the convert under test, if it does not already use that parameter.
		-- That allows, for example, a preview of make_tests to show nopreview results.
		xargs.test = args.test
	local function expand(t)
		return frame:expandTemplate(t)
	local ok, result = pcall(expand, { title = templatename, args = xargs })
	if not ok then
		result = 'Error: ' .. result
	if collapse_multiline then
		result = result:gsub('\n', '\\n')
	return result

local function _make_tests(frame, all_tests, args)
	local maxlen = 38
	for _, item in ipairs(all_tests) do
		local template = item[1]
		if template then
			local templen = mw.ustring.len(template)
			item.templen = templen
			if maxlen < templen and templen <= 70 then
				maxlen = templen
	local result =
	for _, item in ipairs(all_tests) do
		local template = item[1]
		if template then
			local actual = run_template(frame, template, args, true)
			local pad = string.rep(' ', maxlen - item.templen) .. '  '
			result:add(template .. pad .. actual)
			local text = item.text
			if text then
	-- Pre tags returned by a module are html tags, not like wikitext <pre>...</pre>.
	return '<pre>\n' .. mw.text.nowiki(result:join('\n')) .. '\n</pre>'

local function _run_tests(frame, all_tests, args)
	local function safe_cell(text, multiline)
		-- For testing {{convert}}, want wikitext like '[[kilogram|kg]]' to be unchanged
		-- so the link works and so the displayed text is short (just "kg" in example).
		text = text:gsub('(%[%[[^%[%]]-)|(.-%]%])', '%1\0%2')  -- replace pipe in piped link with a zero byte
		text = text:gsub('{', '&#123;'):gsub('|', '&#124;')    -- escape '{' and '|'
		text = text:gsub('%z', '|')                            -- restore pipe in piped link
		if multiline then
			text = text:gsub('\\n', '<br />')
		return text
	local function nowiki_cell(text, multiline)
		text = mw.text.nowiki(text)
		if multiline then
			text = text:gsub('\\n', '<br />')
		return text
	local stats = { pass = 0, fail = 0, ignored = 0, template = args.template }
	local result =
	result:add('{| class="wikitable sortable"')
	result:add('! Template !! Expected !! Actual, if different !! Status')
	for _, item in ipairs(all_tests) do
		local template, expected = item[1], item[2] or ''
		if template then
			local actual = run_template(frame, template, args, true)
			local sbox, actual, isfail = status_box(stats, expected, actual)
			result:add('| ' .. safe_cell(template))
			result:add('| ' .. safe_cell(expected, true))
			result:add('| ' .. safe_cell(actual, true))
			result:add('| ' .. sbox)
			if isfail then
				result:add('| align="center"| (above, nowiki)')
				result:add('| ' .. nowiki_cell(normalize(expected), true))
				result:add('| ' .. nowiki_cell(normalize(actual), true))
			local text = item.text
			if text and text:sub(1, 3) == '---' then
				result:add('| colspan="3" style="color:white;background:silver;" | ' .. safe_cell(strip(text:sub(4)), true))
				result:add('| ' .. status_box(stats, '', '', true))
	return status_text(stats) .. '\n\n' .. result:join('\n')

local function get_page_content(page_title, ignore_error)
	local t =
	if t then
		local content = t:getContent()
		if content then
			if content:sub(-1) ~= '\n' then
				content = content .. '\n'
			return content
	if not ignore_error then
		error('Could not read wikitext from "[[' .. page_title .. ']]".', 0)

local function _compare(frame, page_pairs)
	local function diff_link(title1, title2)
		return '<span class="plainlinks">[' ..
				{ page1 = title1, page2 = title2 })) ..
			' diff]</span>'
	local function link(title)
		return '[[' .. title .. ']]'
	local function message(text, isgood)
		local color = isgood and 'green' or 'darkred'
		return '<span style="color:' .. color .. ';">' .. text .. '</span>'
	local result =
	for _, item in ipairs(page_pairs) do
		local label
		local title1 = item[1]
		local title2 = item[2]
		if title1 == title2 then
			label = message('same title', false)
			local content1 = get_page_content(title1, true)
			local content2 = get_page_content(title2, true)
			if not content1 or not content2 then
				label = message('does not exist', false)
			elseif content1 == content2 then
				label = message('same content', true)
				label = message('different', false) .. ' (' .. diff_link(title1, title2) .. ')'
		result:add('*' .. link(title1) .. ' • ' .. link(title2) .. ' • ' .. label)
	return result:join('\n')

local function sections(text)
	return {
		first = 1,  -- just after the newline at the end of the last heading
		this_section = 1,
		next_heading = function(self)
			local first = self.first
			while first <= #text do
				local last, heading
				first, last, heading = text:find('==+[\t ]*([^\n]-)[\t ]*==+[\t\r ]*\n', first)
				if first then
					if first == 1 or text:sub(first - 1, first - 1) == '\n' then
						self.this_section = first
						self.first = last + 1
						return heading
					first = last + 1
			self.first = #text + 1
			return nil
		current_section = function(self)
			local first = self.this_section
			local last = text:find('\n==[^\n]-==[\t\r ]*\n', first)
			if not last then
				last = -1
			return text:sub(first, last)

local function get_tests(frame, tests)
	local args = frame.args
	local page_title, section_title =, args.section
	local show_all = ( == 'all')
	if not empty(page_title) then
		if not empty(tests) then
			error('Invoke must not set "page=' .. page_title .. '" if also setting p.tests.', 0)
		if page_title:sub(1, 2) == '[[' and page_title:sub(-2) == ']]' then
			page_title = strip(page_title:sub(3, -3))
		tests = get_page_content(page_title)
		if not empty(section_title) then
			local s = sections(tests)
			while true do
				local heading = s:next_heading()
				if heading then
					if heading == section_title then
						tests = s:current_section()
					error('Section "' .. section_title .. '" not found in page [[' .. page_title .. ']].', 0)
	if type(tests) ~= 'string' then
		if type(tests) == 'table' then
			return tests
		error('No tests were specified; see [[Module:Convert/tester/doc]].', 0)
	if tests:sub(-1) ~= '\n' then
		tests = tests .. '\n'
	local template_count = 0
	local all_tests =
	for line in (tests):gmatch('([^\n]-)[\t\r ]*\n') do
		local template, expected = line:match('^({{.-}})%s*(.-)%s*$')
		if template then
			template_count = template_count + 1
			all_tests:add({ template, expected })
		elseif show_all then
			all_tests:add({ text = line })
	if template_count == 0 then
		error('No templates found; see [[Module:Convert/tester/doc]].', 0)
	return all_tests

local function main(frame, p, worker)
	local ok, result = pcall(get_tests, frame, p.tests)
	if ok then
		ok, result = pcall(worker, frame, result, frame.args)
		if ok then
			return result
	return '<strong class="error">Error</strong>\n\n' .. result

local modules = {
	-- For convenience, a key defined here can be used to refer to the
	-- corresponding list of modules.
	countries = {  -- Commons
		'Countries/Arab world',
		'Countries/Central America',
		'Countries/North America',
		'Countries/North America (subcontinent)',
		'Countries/South America',
		'Countries/United Kingdom',
	convert = {
	cs1 = {
	cs1all = {
		'Citation/CS1/Date validation',
	team = {
		'Team appearances list',
		'Team appearances list/data',
		'Team appearances list/show',
	val = {

local p = {}

	local page_pairs = p.pairs
	if not page_pairs then
		local args = frame.args
		if not args[2] then
			local builtins = modules[args[1] or 'convert']
			if builtins then
				args = builtins
		page_pairs = {}
		for i, title in ipairs(args) do
			if not title:find(':', 1, true) then
				title = 'Module:' .. title
			page_pairs[i] = { title, title .. '/sandbox' }
	local ok, result = pcall(_compare, frame, page_pairs)
	if ok then
		return result
	return '<strong class="error">Error</strong>\n\n' .. result

p.check_sandbox =

function p.make_tests(frame)
	return main(frame, p, _make_tests)

function p.run_tests(frame)
	return main(frame, p, _run_tests)

return p