MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday January 07, 2025
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local p={} function wikidataAuthor() entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() if not entity or not then return end local property =[ 'p405' ] if not property then return end--no such property for this item authorsNames = {} for i,author in pairs( property ) do local propValue = author.mainsnak and author.mainsnak.datavalue local linkTarget = mw.wikibase.sitelink( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] ) local linkTitle = mw.wikibase.label( "Q" ..propValue.value['numeric-id'] ) local name = mw.ustring.gsub( linkTitle or linkTarget , '.+ (.*)', "%1") local link = (linkTarget and '[['..linkTarget..'|'']]') or name table.insert(authorsNames, link) end return table.concat( authorsNames, ", ") end function conservation(convStatus,system, extinct, statusText, statusRef) convStatus=string.upper(convStatus) system = string.upper(system) local statusCategory ={ ['EX'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List extinct species]]', ['EW'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List extinct in the wild species]]', ['CR'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List critically endangered species]]', ['EN'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List endangered species]]', ['VU'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List vulnerable species]]', ['LR'] = '[[Category:Invalid conservation status]]', ['LR/CD'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List conservation dependent species]]', ['LR/NT'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List near threatened species]]', ['LR/LC'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List least concern species]]', ['LC'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List least concern species]]', ['DD'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List data deficient species]]', ['PE'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List critically endangered species]]', ['PEW'] = '[[Category:IUCN Red List critically endangered species]]' } local ebpcCategory = { ['EX'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act extinct biota]]', ['EW'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act extinct in the wild biota]]', ['CR'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act critically endangered biota]]', ['EN'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act endangered biota]]', ['VU'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act vulnerable biota]]', ['CD'] = '[[Category:EPBC Act conservation dependent biota]]', ['DL'] = '', ['Delisted'] ='' } local conservation23={ ['EX'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 EX.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinction|Extinct]]' .. ((extinct and ' ('..extinct..')') or ''), ['EW'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 EW.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinct in the Wild]]', ['CR'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered species|Critically Endangered]]', ['EN'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 EN.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Endangered species|Endangered]]', ['VU'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 VU.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Vulnerable species|Vulnerable]]', ['LR'] ='[[file:Status iucn2.3 blank.svg|link = |alt = ]]<br />Lower risk', ['LR/CD'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 CD.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Conservation Dependent]]', ['LR/NT'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 NT.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Near Threatened]]', ['LC'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 LC.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Least Concern]]', ['LR/LC'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 LC.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Least Concern]]', ['DD'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 blank.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Data Deficient]]', ['NE'] = "''Not evaluated''", ['NR'] = "''Not recognized''", ['PE'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered]], possibly extinct', ['PEW'] = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered]], possibly extinct in the wild' } local conservation31={ ['EX'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 EX.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinction|Extinct]]' .. ((extinct and ' ('..extinct..')') or ''), ['EW'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 EW.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinct in the Wild]]', ['CR'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered species|Critically Endangered]]', ['EN'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 EN.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Endangered species|Endangered]]', ['VU'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 VU.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Vulnerable species|Vulnerable]]', ['LC'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 LC.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Least Concern]]', ['DD'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 blank.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Data Deficient]]', ['NE'] = "''Not evaluated''", ['NR'] = "''Not recognized''", ['PE'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered]], possibly extinct', ['PEW'] = '[[file:Status iucn3.1 CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered]], possibly extinct in the wild' } local EPBC = { ['EX'] = '[[file:Status EPBC EX.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinction|Extinct]]' .. ((extinct and ' ('..extinct..')') or ''), ['EW'] = '[[file:Status EPBC EW.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Extinct in the Wild]]', ['CR'] = '[[file:Status EPBC CR.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Critically endangered species|Critically endangered]]', ['EN'] = '[[file:Status EPBC EN.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Endangered species|Endangered]]', ['VU'] = '[[file:Status EPBC VU.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Vulnerable species|Vulnerable]]', ['CD'] = '[[file:Status EPBC CD.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />[[Conservation Dependent]]', ['DL'] = '[[file:Status EPBC DL.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />Delisted', ['Delisted'] = '[[file:Status EPBC DL.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]<br />Delisted' } local result = '' if system=='IUCN2.3' then result = conservation23[convStatus] or "'''''Invalid status'''''[[Category:Invalid conservation status]]" result = '<small> ('..((statusText and '[['..statusText..'|See text]]') or ('[[IUCN Red List|IUCN 2.3]]'))..')'..statusRef..'</small></div>' end if system=='IUCN3.1' then result = conservation31[convStatus] or "'''''Invalid status'''''[[Category:Invalid conservation status]]" result = '<small> ('..((statusText and '[['..statusText..'|See text]]') or ('[[IUCN Red List|IUCN 3.1]]'))..')'..statusRef..'</small></div>' end if system=='EBPC' then result = EPBC[convStatus] or "'''''Invalid status'''''[[Category:Invalid conservation status]]" result = '<small> ('..((statusText and '[['..statusText..'|See text]]') or ('[[Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999|EPBC Act]]'))..')'..statusRef..'</small></div>' end if extinct and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace==0 then return result..(( system=='EBPC' and ebpcCategory[convStatus]) or statusCategory[convStatus] or '') end return result end function p.header( kingdom, title ) if not p.color then local colors = { [ "Bacteria" ] = "#D3D3D3", [ "Archea" ] = "#ECD2D2", [ "Animalia"]="#D3D3A4", [ "Animal"]="#D3D3A4", [ "Metazoa"]="#D3D3A4", [ "Fungi"]="lightblue", [ "Eukaryota"]="#E0D2B0", [ "Eukarya"]="#E0D2B0", [ "Plantae" ] = "lightgreen" } local colorKingdom = colors[kingdom] if not colorKingdom and kingdom then --pattern search - usefull for links... for k,v in pairs( colors ) do if string.find( kingdom,k ) then colorKingdom = v break end end end p.color = colorKingdom or "#CE9EF2" end return "! colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: center; background-color: " .. p.color .. ";\" | " .. title end function translateFromLatin( latin ) local latinDict = { ['virus_group'] = 'Group', ['superregnum'] = 'Superkingdom', ['divisio'] = 'Division', ['zoodivisio'] = 'Division', ['regnum'] = 'Kingdom', ['subregnum'] = 'Subkingdom', ['zoosectio'] = 'Section', ['zoosubsectio'] = 'Subsection', ['superclassis'] = 'Superclass', ['subclassis'] = 'Subclass', ['infraclassis'] = 'Infraclass', ['classis'] = 'Class', ['magnordo'] = 'Magnorder', ['superordo'] = 'Superorder', ['grandordo'] = 'Grandorder', ['ordo'] = 'Order', ['subordo'] = 'Suborder', ['infraordo'] = 'Infraorder', ['infraordo'] = 'Microrder', ['parvordo'] = 'Parvorder', ['superfamilia'] = 'Superfamily', ['familia'] = 'Family', ['subfamilia'] = 'Subfamily', ['supertribus'] = 'Supertribe', ['tribus'] = 'Tribe', ['subtribus'] = 'Subtribe', ['infratribus'] = 'Infratribe', ['species_group'] = 'Species group', ['species_subgroup'] = 'Species subgroup', ['species_complex'] = 'Species complex', ['cladus'] = 'Clade', ['ichnostem-group'] = 'Ichnostem-Group', ['ichnosuperclassis'] = 'Ichnosuperclass', ['ichnoclassis'] = 'Ichnoclass', ['ichnosubclassis'] = 'Ichnosubclass', ['ichnoinfraclassis'] = 'Ichnoinfraclass', ['ichnodivisio'] = 'Ichnodivision', ['ichnosubdivisio'] = 'Ichnosubdivision', ['ichnoinfradivisio'] = 'Ichnoinfradivision', ['ichnomagnordo'] = 'Ichnomagnorder', ['ichnosuperordo'] = 'Ichnosuperorder', ['ichnograndordo'] = 'Ichnograndorder', ['ichnomicrordo'] = 'Ichnomicrorder', ['ichnoordo'] = 'Ichnoorder', ['ichnosubordo'] = 'Ichnosuborder', ['ichnoinfraordo'] = 'Ichnoinfraorder', ['ichnoparvordo'] = 'Ichnoparvorder', ['ichnosuperfamilia'] = 'Ichnosuperfamily', ['ichnofamilia'] = 'Ichnofamily', ['ichnosubfamilia'] = 'Ichnosubfamily', ['ooclassis'] = 'Ooclass', ['oosubclassis'] = 'Oosubclass', ['oosupercohort'] = 'Oosupercohort', ['oocohort'] = 'Oocohort', ['oomagnordo'] = 'Oomagnorder', ['oosuperordo'] = 'Oosuperorder', ['oordo'] = 'Oorder', ['morphotype'] = 'Morphotype', ['oofamilia'] = 'Oofamily', ['oogenus'] = 'Oogenus', ['oosubgenus'] = 'Oogenus', ['oospecies'] = 'Oospecies', ['oosubspecies'] = 'Oosubspecies', ['sectio'] = 'Section', ['subsectio'] = 'Subsection', ['superdivisio'] = 'Superdivision' } latin = string.gsub( latin, '(.*) .*', '%1' ) --only the first word local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() return latinDict[ latin ] or lang:ucfirst( latin ) end function p.taxbox( frame ) local realParams={} for i,j in pairs( frame.args ) do if string.len(j)>0 then realParams[i]=j end end frame.args=realParams local wikidataProp = require("Module:PropertyLink") local classificationParam = { "unranked_superdomain", "superdomain", "unranked_domain", "domain", "unranked_superregnum", "superregnum", "unranked_regnum", "regnum", "unranked_subregnum", "subregnum", "unranked_superdivisio", "superdivisio", "unranked_superphylum", "superphylum", "unranked_divisio", "divisio", "unranked_phylum", "phylum", "unranked_subdivisio", "subdivisio", "unranked_subphylum", "subphylum", "unranked_infraphylum", "infraphylum", "unranked_microphylum", "microphylum", "unranked_nanophylum", "nanophylum", "unranked_superclassis", "superclassis", "unranked_classis", "classis", "unranked_subclassis", "subclassis", "unranked_infraclassis", "infraclassis", "unranked_magnordo", "magnordo", "unranked_superordo", "superordo", "unranked_ordo", "ordo", "unranked_subordo", "subordo", "unranked_infraordo", "infraordo", "unranked_parvordo", "parvordo", "unranked_zoodivisio", "zoodivisio", "unranked_zoosectio", "zoosectio", "unranked_zoosubsectio", "zoosubsectio", "unranked_superfamilia", "superfamilia", "unranked_familia", "familia", "unranked_subfamilia", "subfamilia", "unranked_supertribus", "supertribus", "unranked_tribus", "tribus", "unranked_subtribus", "subtribus", "unranked_alliance", "alliance", "unranked_genus", "genus", "unranked_subgenus", "subgenus", "unranked_sectio", "sectio", "unranked_subsectio", "subsectio", "unranked_series", "series", "unranked_subseries", "subseries", "unranked_species_group", "species_group", "unranked_species_subgroup", "species_subgroup", "unranked_species_complex", "species_complex", "unranked_species", "species", "unranked_subspecies", "subspecies" } local wikidataTaxonProperties = { [ "regnum"] = 'p75', [ "phylum"] = 'p76', [ "classis"] = 'p77', [ "ordo"] = 'p70', [ "familia"] = 'p71', [ "genus"] = 'p74', [ "species"] = 'p89', [ "binomial"] = 'p225', [ "binomial_authority"] = 'p405', [ "status"] = 'p141', [ "range_map"] = 'p181' } local classifiedUnderParams = { "Phyla", "Classes", "Subclasses", "Orders", "Families", "Genera", } local currTitle = tostring( mw.title.getCurrentTitle() ) local title = frame.args[ "name" ] or currTitle if frame.args["temporal_range"] or frame.args['fossil_range'] then title = title ..'<br /><small>Temporal range: '..(frame.args["temporal_range"] or frame.args['fossil_range'])..'</small>' end local headerKingdom = frame.args[ "regnum"] or frame.args[ "domain"] or wikidataProp.getProperty( wikidataTaxonProperties[ "regnum" ] ) local mainHeader = p.header( headerKingdom, title ) local wikidataEntity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() local wikidataEdit = '[[File:Gnome-edit-clear.svg|20px|edit|link=' ..((wikidataEntity and 'd:' .. or '//' currTitle )) .. ']]' local imageArea = (frame.args[ 'image' ] and '[['..string.format('file:%s|%s|alt=%s', frame.args[ 'image' ], frame.args['image_width'] or 'frameless', frame.args['image_alt'] or '')..']]') or wikidataProp.getImageLink() imageArea = imageArea and string.format([[ |- | colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font-size: 88%%" | %s ]], imageArea ) if frame.args['image_caption'] then imageArea = imageArea .. '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' .. frame.args['image_caption'] end local distributionMap = frame.args['range_map'] or wikidataProp.getImageLink( wikidataTaxonProperties["range_map"] ) distributionMap = distributionMap and string.format([[ |- %s |- | colspan="2" | %s ]],p.header( headerKingdom,'[[Species distribution|Distribution]]'), distributionMap ) if frame.args['range_map_caption'] and distributionMap then distributionMap = distributionMap .. '<br />'..frame.args['range_map_caption'] end local synoyms = frame.args[ "synonyms"] synoyms = synoyms and string.format([[ |- %s |- colspan="2" style="font-size:90%;" | %s ]],p.header( headerKingdom,'Synonyms'), synoyms ) local iucnStatus = frame.args[ "status" ] statusFile = { ['Least Concern'] = 'LC', ['Near Threatened'] = 'NT', ['endangered species'] = 'EN', ['vulnerable species'] = 'VU', ['Critically Endangered'] = 'CR', ['extinct in the wild'] = 'EW', ['Extinct'] = 'EX', ['Data Deficient'] = 'DD' } statusDescription = { ['EX'] = '[[Extinction|Extinct]]', ['EW'] = '[[Extinct in the Wild]]', ['CR'] = '[[Critically endangered species|Critically Endangered]]', ['EN'] = '[[Endangered species|Endangered]]', ['VU'] = '[[Vulnerable species|Vulnerable]]', ['LC'] = '[[Least Concern]]', ['CD'] ='[[Conservation Dependent]]', ['NT'] = '[[Near Threatened]]' } wikidataStatus=wikidataProp.getLabel( wikidataTaxonProperties[ "status"] ) iucnStatus = (iucnStatus and string.upper(iucnStatus)) or (wikidataStatus and statusFile [wikidataStatus]) if iucnStatus then iucnStatus = '[[file:Status iucn2.3 ' .. iucnStatus ..'.svg|frameless|link=|alt=]]'..'<br>'..statusDescription[iucnStatus] if frame.args["extinct"] and iucnStatus=='EX' then iucnStatus = iucnStatus..' ('..frame.args["extinct"]..')' end end iucnStatus = iucnStatus and string.format([[ |- %s |- | colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | %s ]],p.header( headerKingdom,'[[Conservation status]]'), iucnStatus ) local classifictionSection = '' local taxonRank local usesWikidataParam = false local underGenus = false for i,j in ipairs( classificationParam ) do --_authority local taxonVal = frame.args[j] if not taxonVal then taxonVal = ( wikidataTaxonProperties[j] and wikidataProp.getProperty( wikidataTaxonProperties[j] ) ) if taxonVal then usesWikidataParam = true end end if taxonVal then if j=='genus' then underGenus = true end local taxonHeader = translateFromLatin(j) taxonRank = j --italics for genus, species taxonVal = ((not string.find(taxonVal,"''")) and underGenus and "''"..taxonVal.."''" ) or taxonVal --to do maybe translate latin to english if we want to add latin parameters classifictionSection = classifictionSection..'\n|-\n|'..taxonHeader..': ||'..((currTitle==taxonVal and "'''"..taxonVal.."'''") or taxonVal) if frame.args[j..'_authority'] then classifictionSection = classifictionSection .. '<br /><small>'..frame.args[j..'_authority']..'</small>' end end end local classificationSectionHeader = (usesWikidataParam and '[[Biological classification|Scientific classification]]'..'<span class="editsection">'..wikidataEdit..'</span>' ) or '[[Biological classification|Scientific classification]]' classifictionSection = ('|-\n' .. p.header( headerKingdom, classificationSectionHeader ).. classifictionSection) local underClassification for i,j in ipairs( classifiedUnderParams ) do if frame.args[j] then underClassification='|-\n'..p.header( headerKingdom,j )..'\n|-\n| colspan="2" |'..frame.args[j] break end end local taxonomicName = frame.args[ "binomial" ] or wikidataProp.getProperty( wikidataTaxonProperties[ "binomial" ]) if taxonomicName then local taxonomicDisplay = (( taxonRank=="Species" or taxonRank=="Genus") and "''"..taxonomicName.."''" ) or taxonomicName local taxonom = frame.args[ "binomial_authority"] or wikidataAuthor() taxonomicName = '|-\n'..p.header( headerKingdom,"[[Binomial nomenclature|Binomial name]]")..'\n|-\n| colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | '..taxonomicDisplay if taxonom then taxonom = '<br /><small>'..taxonom..'</small>' taxonomicName = taxonomicName..taxonom end end local taxonSections = { imageArea or "" ,iucnStatus or "", classifictionSection or "", underClassification or "", taxonomicName or "", distributionMap or "", synoyms or "" } local realSections = {} for i,j in ipairs( taxonSections ) do if string.len( j )>0 then table.insert( realSections,j ) end end taxonSections = table.concat( realSections, "\n") result = string.format([[ {| class="infobox biota" style="text-align: left; width: 200px; font-size: 100%%" |- %s %s |} ]], mainHeader,taxonSections ) return result end return p