Philosophers who flourished around the thirteenth century

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<ASK Mainlabel="Philosophers who flourished around the thirteenth century" Header="show" Link="all" sort="Flourished" order="ascending"> >1240Property "Flourished" (as page type) with input value ">1240" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. <1330Property "Flourished" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. Born"*" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation. Fl. Died

  • "*" is not a number.


 Birth DateFlourishedBcmp Pages
Adam Marsh1200 JL12301
Albert the Great1193 JL122810
Andrew of Cornwall1295?0
Antonius Andreas1280 JL13150
Arnoldus de Vriberc0
Bernardus de Sanciza12750
Boethius of Dacia5
Bonaventura1217 JL125214
Charles Sanders Peirce
Duns Scotus1265 JL130018
Francis of Meyronnes1288 JL13231
Giles of RomeJuly 1243 JL12785
Hamo of Faversham12300
Henry of Ghent1217 JL12525
Hervaeus Natalis1260 JL1295
John Pecham1230 JL12551
John de Stycborn12920
John le Page12300
John of Ripa0
... further results