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<OPTION Value = www.niagara.edu/aquinas>Aquinas Project</OPTION>
<OPTION Value = www.niagara.edu/aquinas>Aquinas Project</OPTION>
<OPTION Value = www.augustinus.it/latino>Augustini Opera Omnia</OPTION>
<OPTION Value = www.augustinus.it/latino>Augustini Opera Omnia</OPTION>

Revision as of 14:27, 31 October 2009


Select site to search: <SELECT NAME = ListOrgs STYLE = "Width: 300"> <OPTION Value = www.niagara.edu/aquinas>Aquinas Project</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.augustinus.it/latino>Augustini Opera Omnia</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.binetti.ru/bernardus>Bernard of Clairveux</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.fh-augsburg.de>Bibliotheca Augustana</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.corpusthomisticum.org>Corpus Thomisticum</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.philological.bham.ac.uk/bibliography>Dana Sutton's database of neo-latin texts</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.forumromanum.org/literature>Forum Romanorum</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.franciscan-archive.org>Franciscan.org (Bonaventura and Lombard)</OPTION> <OPTION Value = plato.stanford.edu/entries/francis-marchia>Francis of Marchia</OPTION> <OPTION Value = Google>Google</OPTION> <OPTION Value = ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod>James J. O'Donnell's page (Augustine & Boethius)</OPTION> <OPTION Value = thelatinlibrary.com>Latin Library</OPTION> <OPTION Value = uk.geocities.com/frege@btinternet.com>Logic Museum</OPTION> <OPTION Value = logicmuseum.googlepages.com>Logic Museum Annex</OPTION> <OPTION Value = individual.utoronto.ca/pking/resources>Peter King's Website</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.ucy.ac.cy/isa/Candia>Peter of Candia</OPTION> <OPTION Value = rrp.stanford.edu>Richard Rufus Project</OPTION> <OPTION Value = homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Michael.Renemann/suarez>Suarez Disputationes Metaphysicae (Renemann)</OPTION> <OPTION Value = perso.wanadoo.es/v963918818>Suarez Disputationes Metaphysicae (Castellote)</OPTION> <OPTION Value = home.riise.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~akyah59>Summa Logicae (Ockham)</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.tertullian.org>The Tertullian Project</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.grexlat.com/biblio/vives>Iohannes Lodovicus Vives</OPTION> <OPTION Value = www.latinvulgate.com>Vulgate</OPTION>

</SELECT> Search for:

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