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=== editions ===
=== editions ===
For old and early modern editions of (the third redaction of) his Sentences Commentary, his Quodlibeta, and other treatises, see especially: In Libros Sententiarum, Quodlibeta, Tractatus formalitatum, De primo principio, Terminorum theologicalium declarationes, De univocatione, ed. Mauritius de Hibernia (Venice, 1519/Venice,1520/Reprint by Minerva, Frankfurt a.M., 1966). ). See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972) and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972). An electornic version of the Tractatus Formalitatum taken from the 1519 edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338 An electronic version of the Tractatus de Univocatione Entis, De primo principio/De principio complex, and the Terminorum theologicalium declarationes/De terminis theologicis taken from the 1517 Venice edition likewise can be found there. See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972), and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P. Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972).  A Pdf of a 1476 edition of the Super primum sententiarum scriptum can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060073
* In Libros Sententiarum, Quodlibeta, Tractatus formalitatum, De primo principio, Terminorum theologicalium declarationes, De univocatione, ed. Mauritius de Hibernia (Venice, 1519/Venice,1520/Reprint by Minerva, Frankfurt a.M., 1966). ).  
* See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972) and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972). An electornic version of the Tractatus Formalitatum taken from the 1519 edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338 An electronic version of the Tractatus de Univocatione Entis, De primo principio/De principio complex, and the Terminorum theologicalium declarationes/De terminis theologicis taken from the 1517 Venice edition likewise can be found there. See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972), and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P. Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972).  A Pdf of a 1476 edition of the Super primum sententiarum scriptum can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060073
Passus super Universalia, Predicamenta et Perihermenias (Bologna, 1478) (see Hain 10536); Lerida 1485; Milan, 1489; Venice, 1489; Toulouse, 1490; Venice, 1517). An electronic version of  the 1489 and 1517 Venice editions can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n059436 The 1490 Toulouse edition apparently can be found on the URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMayer%2C+Henricus+/amayer+henricus/1,1,2,B/l962&FF=amayer+henricus&2,,2,0,-1 Another 1490 edition of several of his Logicalia is to be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n053143
* Passus super Universalia, Predicamenta et Perihermenias (Bologna, 1478) (see Hain 10536); Lerida 1485; Milan, 1489; Venice, 1489; Toulouse, 1490; Venice, 1517). An electronic version of  the 1489 and 1517 Venice editions can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n059436 The 1490 Toulouse edition apparently can be found on the URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMayer%2C+Henricus+/amayer+henricus/1,1,2,B/l962&FF=amayer+henricus&2,,2,0,-1 Another 1490 edition of several of his Logicalia is to be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n053143
* Expositio in VIII Libros Physicorum Aristotelis (Ferrara, 1490; Venice, 1517). See also the use of this commentary in M. Silvagius, Lectura seu Expositio Brevis Memoriae Mandanda (Venice, 1542). En electronic version of the 1517 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
Expositio in VIII Libros Physicorum Aristotelis (Ferrara, 1490; Venice, 1517). See also the use of this commentary in M. Silvagius, Lectura seu Expositio Brevis Memoriae Mandanda (Venice, 1542). En electronic version of the 1517 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
* Tractatus de Transcendentibus, ed. E.P. Bos (Leyden, 1996).
* Tratado sobro o principado temporal, trans. José Antônio de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza, Veritas 47 (2002), 473-486.
Tractatus de Transcendentibus, ed. E.P. Bos (Leyden, 1996).
* Flores Dionysii. Parts of these commentaries on the work of Pseudo Dionysius have been edited by J. Barbet, ‘Le prologue’ (1954), 183-191 (see below). Other parts can be found in Guido Alliney, ‘Francesco di Meyronnes e lo pseudo-Dionigi. I Flores Dionysii sul primo capitolo del De mystica theologia’, in: Chemins de la pensée médiévale. Études offertes à Zénon Kaluza, ed. J.J.M. Bakker et al., FIDEM, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 20 (Turnhout, 2002), 255-288.
* J. António de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza (transl.), ` A hierocraciano `Quaestio de Subjectione' de frei Francisco de Meyronnes O.M.', in: Lógica e linguagem na Idade Média, ed. L. Alberto de Boni (Porto Alegre, 1995), 163-196
Tratado sobro o principado temporal, trans. José Antônio de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza, Veritas 47 (2002), 473-486.
* Tractatus de Intuitiva et Abstractiva Notitia, ed. G.J. Etzkorn (partial ed.), in: G.J. Etzkorn, `Franciscus de Mayronis: A Newly-Discovered Treatise on Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition', Franciscan Studies, 54 (1994-7), 15-50. See also G.J. Etzkorn & S. Dumont, BPhM, 33 (1991), 59
* Tractatus de Primo Principio Complexo (Venice, 1517 & 1520) See also above and the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
Flores Dionysii. Parts of these commentaries on the work of Pseudo Dionysius have been edited by J. Barbet, ‘Le prologue’ (1954), 183-191 (see below). Other parts can be found in Guido Alliney, ‘Francesco di Meyronnes e lo pseudo-Dionigi. I Flores Dionysii sul primo capitolo del De mystica theologia’, in: Chemins de la pensée médiévale. Études offertes à Zénon Kaluza, ed. J.J.M. Bakker et al., FIDEM, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 20 (Turnhout, 2002), 255-288.
* François de Meyronnes - Pierre Roger, Disputatio Collativa (1320-21), ed. J. Barbet, Textes philosophiques du moyen âge 9 (Paris, 1961) (see Lohr, Traditio, 23 (1967), 409-10 & Idem, Commentateurs, 58-60; see also: F. Ruello, `La notion 'thomiste' de ratio in divinis' dans la Disputatio de François de Meyronnes et de Pierre Roger (1320-21)', RThAM, 32 (1965), 54ff)
* Sermones de Immaculata Conceptione. Some of these are edited in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275ff. Some others are edited in the work of J. Juric (1954 & 1956). Some extracts of his Marian sermon Audite Somnium Meum have been edited by A. Pompei (1955). Cf. Roßmann (1971)  
J. António de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza (transl.), ` A hierocraciano `Quaestio de Subjectione' de frei Francisco de Meyronnes O.M.', in: Lógica e linguagem na Idade Média, ed. L. Alberto de Boni (Porto Alegre, 1995), 163-196
* Several of his questions and treatises on papal absolutism and related issues have been edited in P. de Lapparant, ‘L’Oeuvre politique de François de Meyronnes. Ses rapport avec celle de Dante’, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 15-17 (1940-1942), 5-151. De Monarchia Universali had been edited by Friedrich Baethgen, Deutsches Archiv 15 (1959), 103-136.  
* Quaestio de Acceptatio Divina, ed. in Roßmann, Die Hierarchie der Welt (1972), 251-257. [Advice on the process against Ockham]
Tractatus de Intuitiva et Abstractiva Notitia, ed. G.J. Etzkorn (partial ed.), in: G.J. Etzkorn, `Franciscus de Mayronis: A Newly-Discovered Treatise on Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition', Franciscan Studies, 54 (1994-7), 15-50. See also G.J. Etzkorn & S. Dumont, BPhM, 33 (1991), 59
* Veritates de Civitate Dei Augustini (Cologne, 1475/Venice, 1489); Veritates de Civitate Dei & Veritates de Trinitate (Basel, 1505-1506/1515/Lyon, 1520)
* Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, has been edited together with his Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum (Venice, 1493/Basel, 1498)
Tractatus de Primo Principio Complexo (Venice, 1517 & 1520) See also above and the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
* Explicatio Decalogi (Paris: Jodocus Badius, 1519). Cf. Roßmann, ‘Quodlibeta’ (1972), 44-45. Roßmann identifies two to three different printed versions. An URL of the 1498 Basel edition apparently can be found on the URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
* Tractatus de Vita Contemplativa, ed. by B. Roth, ‘Franz von Mayronis über das kontemplative Leben’, in: Kirchengeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift M. Bihl (Colmar, 1941), 114-144. [Predominantly directed to monks and clerics, and more particularly to Franciscan friars. Presents contemplation as an intrinsic aspect of the religious life. Contemplation described as an ‘assistentia spiritualis qua assistit anima nostra Deo.’ It brings us to God. Follows closely Bonaventurean ideas: although intelligence and will both play an important part, the primacy of the will and its love is stressed. Meditation of Scripture, creation and the Passion of Christ as starting point for veritable contemplation.]
François de Meyronnes - Pierre Roger, Disputatio Collativa (1320-21), ed. J. Barbet, Textes philosophiques du moyen âge 9 (Paris, 1961) (see Lohr, Traditio, 23 (1967), 409-10 & Idem, Commentateurs, 58-60; see also: F. Ruello, `La notion 'thomiste' de ratio in divinis' dans la Disputatio de François de Meyronnes et de Pierre Roger (1320-21)', RThAM, 32 (1965), 54ff)
* Francisci Maronis Doctoris Theologiae Illuminatissimi (...) Sermones de Sanctis (Basel, 1498)  
* Quadragesimale/Sermones de Tempore/Francisci Mayronis Aurei Doctoris Illuminati Sermones (Brussels, 1483 (extracts?)/Venice: Bernardinus de Rovaria, 1491/Cologne, 1490). Predominantly (university) sermons held at Paris. An English translation and an analysis of sermon 57 for the Saturday of the second week of Lent is provided in: Robert J. Karris, ‘Francis of Meyronnes’ sermon 57 on the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)’, Franciscan Studies 63 (2005), 131-158.
Sermones de Immaculata Conceptione. Some of these are edited in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275ff. Some others are edited in the work of J. Juric (1954 & 1956). Some extracts of his Marian sermon Audite Somnium Meum have been edited by A. Pompei (1955). Cf. Roßmann (1971)  
* Sermones de laudibus Sanctorum et domenicales per totum annum cum aliquibus tractatibus (Venice: Pelegrinus de Pasqualibus, 1493/Basel, 1498) [also contains the Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, that is works on: Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Magnificat, Missus est, De S. Joanne Baptista, De Corpore Christi, De Septem Donis Spiritus Sancti (ff. 225rb-226vb: ‘eine rein erbaulich-aszetische Schrift…’, Roßmann, (1972), 66, note 200), De Ultimo Iudicio, De Humilitate, De Poenitentia, De Ieiunio, Sermo de Indulgentiis (for St. Petrus in Vinculis)] Cf. Roßmann (1972). ), 45, 59-60 for manuscript info and the ascription of comparable works to Aldibrandinus de Tuscanella OP et. al.. An electronic copy of the 1493 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060175 and an electronic version of the 1498 Basel edition can be found on URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
* Sermones de Stigmatis S.Francisci, ed. W. Lampen, La France Franciscaine 10 (1927), 371-397. Cf. also Roßmann, Die Hierarchie (1972), 12-13, 42-48; Roßmann (1976) passim
Several of his questions and treatises on papal absolutism and related issues have been edited in P. de Lapparant, ‘L’Oeuvre politique de François de Meyronnes. Ses rapport avec celle de Dante’, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 15-17 (1940-1942), 5-151. De Monarchia Universali had been edited by Friedrich Baethgen, Deutsches Archiv 15 (1959), 103-136.  
* Postillae per Totum Annum et Sermones de Festis>> [Fabricius, II, 195-7; Wadding>>?; AFH, 2 p. 636 & 4, p. 23]
Quaestio de Acceptatio Divina, ed. in Roßmann, Die Hierarchie der Welt (1972), 251-257. [Advice on the process against Ockham]
Veritates de Civitate Dei Augustini (Cologne, 1475/Venice, 1489); Veritates de Civitate Dei & Veritates de Trinitate (Basel, 1505-1506/1515/Lyon, 1520)
Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, has been edited together with his Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum (Venice, 1493/Basel, 1498)
Explicatio Decalogi (Paris: Jodocus Badius, 1519). Cf. Roßmann, ‘Quodlibeta’ (1972), 44-45. Roßmann identifies two to three different printed versions. An URL of the 1498 Basel edition apparently can be found on the URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
Tractatus de Vita Contemplativa, ed. by B. Roth, ‘Franz von Mayronis über das kontemplative Leben’, in: Kirchengeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift M. Bihl (Colmar, 1941), 114-144. [Predominantly directed to monks and clerics, and more particularly to Franciscan friars. Presents contemplation as an intrinsic aspect of the religious life. Contemplation described as an ‘assistentia spiritualis qua assistit anima nostra Deo.’ It brings us to God. Follows closely Bonaventurean ideas: although intelligence and will both play an important part, the primacy of the will and its love is stressed. Meditation of Scripture, creation and the Passion of Christ as starting point for veritable contemplation.]
Francisci Maronis Doctoris Theologiae Illuminatissimi (...) Sermones de Sanctis (Basel, 1498)  
Quadragesimale/Sermones de Tempore/Francisci Mayronis Aurei Doctoris Illuminati Sermones (Brussels, 1483 (extracts?)/Venice: Bernardinus de Rovaria, 1491/Cologne, 1490). Predominantly (university) sermons held at Paris. An English translation and an analysis of sermon 57 for the Saturday of the second week of Lent is provided in: Robert J. Karris, ‘Francis of Meyronnes’ sermon 57 on the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)’, Franciscan Studies 63 (2005), 131-158.
Sermones de laudibus Sanctorum et domenicales per totum annum cum aliquibus tractatibus (Venice: Pelegrinus de Pasqualibus, 1493/Basel, 1498) [also contains the Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, that is works on: Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Magnificat, Missus est, De S. Joanne Baptista, De Corpore Christi, De Septem Donis Spiritus Sancti (ff. 225rb-226vb: ‘eine rein erbaulich-aszetische Schrift…’, Roßmann, (1972), 66, note 200), De Ultimo Iudicio, De Humilitate, De Poenitentia, De Ieiunio, Sermo de Indulgentiis (for St. Petrus in Vinculis)] Cf. Roßmann (1972). ), 45, 59-60 for manuscript info and the ascription of comparable works to Aldibrandinus de Tuscanella OP et. al.. An electronic copy of the 1493 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060175 and an electronic version of the 1498 Basel edition can be found on URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
Sermones de Stigmatis S.Francisci, ed. W. Lampen, La France Franciscaine 10 (1927), 371-397. Cf. also Roßmann, Die Hierarchie (1972), 12-13, 42-48; Roßmann (1976) passim
Postillae per Totum Annum et Sermones de Festis>> [Fabricius, II, 195-7; Wadding>>?; AFH, 2 p. 636 & 4, p. 23]

Revision as of 12:30, 14 December 2008

Francis Meyronnes
Born 1288
Died 1328
Piacenza, France
Occupation Philosopher
Contact {{{contact}}}

Francis of Meyronnes (c 1288-1328) was an French theologian and philosopher of the middle ages. He was a disciple and associate of Duns Scotus.




Primary sources


  • De Esse et Essencie (Vinculum, part of his Quodl.): Bologna, Coll. Di Spagna 47 ff. 349r-357v; Wroclaw, Bibl. Univ. B.1604.
  • Expositio in VIII Libros Physicorum Aristotelis: Düsseldorf, U. und Landesbibl. B. 173, f. 10-236v; Munich, Nat. Mus. 935 ff. 278-285
  • Passus super Universalia, Predicamenta et Perihermenias: a.o. Padua Scaff. 25 ff. 28-30v; Padua, Anton. 407 & 427; Tarragona Bibl. Prov. 111 (188) nr. 36c, 34d, 16a; Uppsala, UB, C. 627 (an. 1462-4) ff. 166-210 (Prologus); Fribourg Cordelier 43 ff. 211v-214r (for other mss see Lohr)
  • Moralia, sive Liber de Virtutibus: a.o. Cambridge, Univ. Dd. III. 47 ff. 185-237; Oxford, Merton Coll. 201; Naples Naz. VIIIA.44 ff. 1r-124r(for other mss, see Lohr)
  • Quaestiones super III De Anima: Poznan, BU 1734 (XV) n. 4.
  • Tractatus de Identitate et Distinctione Predicamentorum: Munich, Clm. 18530b ff. 131v-142v; Fribourg Cordlier 43 ff. 214v-219v.
  • Tractatus de Intuitiva et Abstractiva Notitia: Vat.Lat. 3026 ff. 63-71vb (partial edition Etzkorn)
  • Questio de Differentia Specifica inter Notitiam Intuitivam et Abstractivam: Vat. Lat. 3026 ff. 71va-vb
  • Tractatus de Modis Intrinsecis: Vat.Lat. 3026 ff. 72-74va; Fribourg Cordelier 43 ff. 220r-224v (Scriptum per Conrad Grütsch)
  • De Possibilitate Fruendi Essentia sine Personis: Vat.Lat. 3026 ff. 107ra-112vb
  • Tractatus de Primo Principio Complexo (several redactions): Florence, Naz. Conv. Soppr. A.3.641; Oxford Balliol College 70; Vat.Lat. 3052 ff. 1-34v; Vat.Lat. 4385 ff. 55-88v [De Principiis]; Naples Naz. VII.E.74 ff. 126r-153v; Erfurt Amplon. F.120 ff. 70-73; Munich, Clm 18530b ff. 119-121v; Vat.Reg.Lat. 373 ff. 1-5. [last three mss contain abbrev. versions]
  • Tractatus de Secundis Intentionibus: Florence, Naz., Conv. Soppr. J.V.31 ff. 78v-81v; Madrid Escorial F. II. 8 ff. 86-88v; Padua Anton. Scaff. I, n. 25 (ad 1461) ff. 28r-30v.
  • Tractatus de Signis Nature: Bologna Archig. Lat. 96 f. 80v; Erfurt Amplon. F.94 ff. 236-238; Oxford Bodl. Canon. Misc. 371 f. 236; Prague, Metr. Lat. 1439 ff. 1-10.
  • Tractatus de Transcendentibus: many mss, a.o. Padua Anton, 407 ff. 67-70; Naples Naz. VII.C.33 ff. 191ab; Fribourg, Cordelier 43 ff. 196-198 (inc: Circuivi mare et arida - quia quaedam transcendentia…) See the introduction of the edition of E.P. Bos
  • Tractatus de Univocatione Entis: Cambridge, Pembroke College 255 f. 216
  • Tractatus de Usu Terminorum: Copenhagen, Gl.Kgl.S.620; Oxford Bodl. Rawlinson C.21 f. 200; Vat.Lat. 4269 ff. 1-13v; Fribourg Cordelier 43 ff. 24v-27v
  • De Formalitatibus: Vat.Lat. 4269 (15th cent.) ff. 43-72v
  • In I-IV Sent.: a.o. Padua Anton. 134, 143, 154, 168, 195, 201, 204 (211), 206, 212, 294; Padua Bibl. Univ. 1258; Vienna, Österr. Nationalbibl. 4792 (an. 1449) (see for other mss Doucet and Roth)
  • Super Ium Sent.: Madrid, Nac., 70 (14th cent.); Paris, BN Lat., 3411 [=opus dictum conflatus]; Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtar Lat. 454 (an. 1463), ff. 1ra-198rb; Vat.Lat. 4269 (15th cent.) ff. 78r-119v; St. Paschal's College, Box Hill, Australia, Unnumbered 213ff (15th cent.); Avignon, Bibl. Munic. 323 (an. 1453)
  • Bologna, Coll. Hisp. S. Clemente 47 ff. 1r-342v [Piana, Antonianum, 17 (1942), 115]
  • Quodlibeta:>>? Fribourg Cordelier 43 ff. 204r-211r (inc: Utrum ens secundum eandem rationem formalem conveniat…)
  • De Iuramento et Periuro: Padua Bibl. Univ. 1159 (sec. XV)
  • De Verbo Divino: Vat.Lat. 3092 ff. 100ra-101rb
  • Sermones: a.o. Naples, Naz. V.H.144 & V.H.220; Padua, Anton. 453 (163) (see also Cenci, Napoli, I, 257f & 273f); Padua Anton. Mss 221; 393; 439; ff. 6-14v; 453; 459; 484 ff. 173v-242v; 500 & 503; Augsburg, UB, Cod. II.1.2° 50 (ca. 1450) ff.131-142 [De BMV]; Augsburg, UB, Cod. II.1.2° 86 (15th cent.) ff. 189r-191rb [In Assumptione BMV]; Colmar, Bibl. Publ. 190 ff. 191-197; Wolfenbüttel Herzog August Bibl. Novi 960, ff. 1r-62rb (14th cent.); Vat. Palat. Lat. 451; Vienna, Österr. Landesbibl. 3746; Munich Clm 8982 ff. 157r-162r, Clm 7594, Clm 8825, Clm 8974, Clm 3592 ff. 158-171v etc. [sermons and treatises on the Holy Spirit, charity, grace, mercy, temptation, contrition, sins, virginity, the celebration of Mass etc.]
  • Sermones de Sanctis et Sermones Dominicales: a.o. Bologna, Coll. Hisp. S. Clem., 54 ff. 21ra-116vb; Frankfurt a.M. Dominikanerkloster 93 (14th cent.); Lüneb. Ratsbücherei 2°, 55 ff. 111ra-193rb [see also W. Lampen, `Trois sermons de François de Meyronnes sur la stigmatisation...', La France Franciscaine, s. II, 10 (1927), 338-397. For more manuscripts of Meyronnes’ sermons, see Roßmann (1972), 69ff.
  • Sermo in Natale S. Joh. Baptistae: Padua Bibl Univ. 1907 (sec. XV); Frankfurt a.M. Leonhardstift 12 ff. 19v-23v
  • Quaestiones super Pater Noster (MS Prague 450, ff. 118-126)
  • Tractatus de Octo Beatitudinibus (MS Braunschweig, 141, ff. 14-77)>> Is not by Francis of Meyronnes, but originates from the Lectura super Matthaeum of Christian von Hiddesdorf. Cf. L. Meier, Antonianum 14 (1939), 160.
  • Flores ex Libris S. Augustini super Genesim: Assisi, 96; Danzig, Stadtbibl. 1951; Hannover, Stadtbibl, 20.); Kraków, Jagell. 771 (mid 15th cent.) ff. 149-229; Vat.Lat. 4272 (14th cent.) ff. 20-59v; Lüneburg Ratsbücherei Theol. 2°, 30 ff. 1ra-68rb (15th cent)
  • Florilegium ex De Civ. Dei Augustini: Vat.Lat. 4272 ff. 20r-59v; Naples Naz. III.A.14 (Brancacciano) ff. 11r-50v; Madrid, Nac., 533 (14th cent.); Frankfurt a.M. Dominikanerkloster 70 ff. 2ra-107vb (15th cent.); Nürnberg Stadtbibl. Theol.Cent. I, 53 ff. 66r-99rb (15th cent.)
  • Flores Dionysii: Colmar, Bibl. du Consistoire 1950 ff. 95-118 (an. 1451)
  • Expositio de Summa Trinitate et Fide Catholica [=commentary on Book I, Chapter 1 & 2 of Gregory IX’s decretals, dealing with the confession of faith formulated at the Fourth Lateran Council. There are two versions of Francis’ commentary: a small one, which provides mere explanation of the text, and a largge one, which hs a more theological character. The large version was composed ca. 1321-1322. This version also encapsulates the last version of Francis of Meyronnes’ Tractatus de Articulis Fidei.]: Cf. Roth, 34, 72f, 74-83, 103, 184f, 190ff, 373-396, 573; ; Stegmüller, RS I, n. 226 & 27; Doucet, Supplement, 29; Roßmann, (1972), 45-46; MS Munich, Clm 8345 ff. 196va-224rb [small version]; Frankfurt a.M., Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Praed. 93 ff. 121rb-155va.
  • Comm. in Pseudo-Dionysii Areopagitae: Lüneb. Ratsbücherei theol, 2°, 68 ff. 188ra-212rb (an. 1382); Lüneb. Ratsbücherei theol, 2°, 73 ff. 143r-190v
  • Tractatus de Principatu Temporali (sive: De Prelatura Dominii Spiritualis ad Dominium Temporale (ca. 1324)):>> see Roßmann?
  • Questio de Subiectione: >> see Rossmann?
  • Quaestio de Potestate Papae: BAV Lat. 3026 (15th cent.) ff. 92vb-95va
  • Quaestio utrum tendenti ad perfectionem necessaria sit abdicatio temporalium: MS Cambridge University Dd III 47 ff. 245-246
  • Quodlibet de Symbolo: BAV Lat. 900.
  • De Articulis Fidei: Naples, Naz. VIII.AA.17 ff. 149a-155 & XII.G.11 ff. 135-140; Vat.Lat. 4307 ff. 30-35; Lüneburg Ratsbücherei Theol. 2°, 35 ff. 274va-279rb.
  • De Fide: BAV Lat. 3026 ff. 74vb-92va [For other manuscripts and an initial analysis, see Roßmann, ‘Quodlibeta’ (1972), 45-48.
  • De Celebratione Missarum: Naples, Naz. VII.E.17 ff. 1-10; VIII.A.23 ff. 83-90v
  • De Decem Preceptis: Naples Naz. XII.G.12 ff. 147r-; Vat.Lat. 4307 ff. 11-30. [probably closely related to the treatment of the Ten Commandments in Book III of Francis of Meyronnes’ Sentences commentary]
  • De Sanguine Christi>>?
  • In Passionem Christi: Munich Clm 8393 ff. 140ra-160rb
  • Tractatus de Virtutibus: Padua, Anton. 503 ff. 2-44 & Padua, Anton. 393
  • Tractatus de Obedienta: MS Bologna Biblioteca Comunale A 1292 f. 99v ff.
  • Tractatus de Corpore Christi [=sermon held at the papal court of Avignon in 1324. On the various versions of this sermon/treatise and its manuscript copies, see Roßmann (1972), 58. The treatise was edited in the Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum (Venice, 1493) ff. 218rb-225rb.]
  • De Septem Peccatis Mortalis: Naples Naz. V.H.220 ff. 174a-186b.
  • Tractatus de Virtutibus [Separate treatise differing from his treatment of the virtues of his In III Sent.]: Cf. Roß, 225-236, 246, 580; Roßmann, (1972), 62.
  • Special ascetical and contemplative texts (that seem to differ from the more theological works dealing with comparable issues) have been listed in Roth 233ff (a.o. Tractatus de Contritione, Tractatus de Peccatis). He also published Francis of Meyronnes’ Tractatus de Contemplatione (actually a sermon. For the edition, see below) Not listed by Roth is MS Munich Clm 7594, which seem to contain some of François’ quaestions De Contemplatione (ff. 195r-197v); De Humilitate (ff. 197v-200v); De Gratia (ff. 200v-202v); De Misericordia (ff. 202v-203v); De Temptatione (ff. 203v-206r); De Contritione (ff. 206r-211v); De Articulis Fidei (ff. 211v-214r); and De Virginitate (ff. 214r-215r). The same and additional ascetical texts are found in MS Munich Clm 8346 ff. 149vb-157va (De Contritione); MS Munich Clm 8988 ff. 217r-225v (De Contritione); Munich Clm 8346 ff. 240vb-244 vb (Tractatus de Gratia); Brussels, Royal Library Cod. IV. 235 (cf. AFH 58 (1965), 187). The Tractatus de Vita Contemplativa edited by Roth (1941), is at least found in Munich Clm 8346 ff. 175vb-179vb; Munich Clm 8345 ff. 188ra-192vb; Munich Clm 8974 ff. 16ra-20va; Munich, Univ. Bibl. Cod. Msc. 0 ff. 53v-57v; Munich Clm 7594 ff. 195r-197v.
  • Comm. in Decretalem `Cum Marthae' (1319) Vat.Lat. 3026 (15th cent.) ff. 95vb-103rb; Tortosa, Chapter Library 69; Trier, Stadtbibliothek 586. [Commentary on the decretal ‘Cum Marthae’, dealing with the Mass, the Eucharist sacrament, and the Officium Divinum. Cf. Roßmann, Franziskanische Studien 54 (1972), 44]
  • De Distinctione Attributorum: BAV Vat.Lat. 3026 (15th cent.): 103va-106vb, 113ra-114vb
  • Tractatus de Indulgentiis [sermon held on Vinculi Petri (August 1) at the papal court if Avignon]: For manuscript information, see Roßmann (1972), 59. See also Stuttgart Württemb. Landesbibl. HB I 22 ff. 209ra-219ra (15th cent.). The text was printed in the Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum (Venice, 1493).
  • Ex Francisco Maronis in Ser. S. Gregorii: Frankfurt a.M., Dominikanerkloster 92, ff. 193r-194v (ca. 1500)
  • Determinatio de Opere Dominice Incarnationis: Frankfurt a.M. Leonardstift 12 ff. 2r-19v (ca. 1470)


  • In Libros Sententiarum, Quodlibeta, Tractatus formalitatum, De primo principio, Terminorum theologicalium declarationes, De univocatione, ed. Mauritius de Hibernia (Venice, 1519/Venice,1520/Reprint by Minerva, Frankfurt a.M., 1966). ).
  • See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972) and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972). An electornic version of the Tractatus Formalitatum taken from the 1519 edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338 An electronic version of the Tractatus de Univocatione Entis, De primo principio/De principio complex, and the Terminorum theologicalium declarationes/De terminis theologicis taken from the 1517 Venice edition likewise can be found there. See also Roth (1936), Roßmann (1971 & 1972), and Duval, DSpir X, 1156, which mention other editions of his Sentences Commentary, namely: Reportatio Parisiensis/Lectura Parisiensis (Book I: Trevisa, 1476 & 1478/Basel, 1489; All four Books: Venice, 1504-1507). Several questions on the immaculate collection, derived from his Sentences commentary, have been edited separately, together with some sermons on the same subject in P. Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275-326. Quodlibet 8 has received a modern edition in W.J. Courtenay, Capacity and Volition. A History of the Distinction of Absolute and Ordained Power (Pergamo, 1990), 126-129 (deals with Qdlb 8)) For these and other Quodlibeta, see also Roßmann (1972). A Pdf of a 1476 edition of the Super primum sententiarum scriptum can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060073
  • Passus super Universalia, Predicamenta et Perihermenias (Bologna, 1478) (see Hain 10536); Lerida 1485; Milan, 1489; Venice, 1489; Toulouse, 1490; Venice, 1517). An electronic version of the 1489 and 1517 Venice editions can be found on the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n059436 The 1490 Toulouse edition apparently can be found on the URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMayer%2C+Henricus+/amayer+henricus/1,1,2,B/l962&FF=amayer+henricus&2,,2,0,-1 Another 1490 edition of several of his Logicalia is to be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n053143
  • Expositio in VIII Libros Physicorum Aristotelis (Ferrara, 1490; Venice, 1517). See also the use of this commentary in M. Silvagius, Lectura seu Expositio Brevis Memoriae Mandanda (Venice, 1542). En electronic version of the 1517 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
  • Tractatus de Transcendentibus, ed. E.P. Bos (Leyden, 1996).
  • Tratado sobro o principado temporal, trans. José Antônio de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza, Veritas 47 (2002), 473-486.
  • Flores Dionysii. Parts of these commentaries on the work of Pseudo Dionysius have been edited by J. Barbet, ‘Le prologue’ (1954), 183-191 (see below). Other parts can be found in Guido Alliney, ‘Francesco di Meyronnes e lo pseudo-Dionigi. I Flores Dionysii sul primo capitolo del De mystica theologia’, in: Chemins de la pensée médiévale. Études offertes à Zénon Kaluza, ed. J.J.M. Bakker et al., FIDEM, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 20 (Turnhout, 2002), 255-288.
  • J. António de Camargo Rodriguez de Souza (transl.), ` A hierocraciano `Quaestio de Subjectione' de frei Francisco de Meyronnes O.M.', in: Lógica e linguagem na Idade Média, ed. L. Alberto de Boni (Porto Alegre, 1995), 163-196
  • Tractatus de Intuitiva et Abstractiva Notitia, ed. G.J. Etzkorn (partial ed.), in: G.J. Etzkorn, `Franciscus de Mayronis: A Newly-Discovered Treatise on Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition', Franciscan Studies, 54 (1994-7), 15-50. See also G.J. Etzkorn & S. Dumont, BPhM, 33 (1991), 59
  • Tractatus de Primo Principio Complexo (Venice, 1517 & 1520) See also above and the URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060338
  • François de Meyronnes - Pierre Roger, Disputatio Collativa (1320-21), ed. J. Barbet, Textes philosophiques du moyen âge 9 (Paris, 1961) (see Lohr, Traditio, 23 (1967), 409-10 & Idem, Commentateurs, 58-60; see also: F. Ruello, `La notion 'thomiste' de ratio in divinis' dans la Disputatio de François de Meyronnes et de Pierre Roger (1320-21)', RThAM, 32 (1965), 54ff)
  • Sermones de Immaculata Conceptione. Some of these are edited in P.Alva y Astorga, Monumenta Antiqua Seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione (Louvain, 1664), 275ff. Some others are edited in the work of J. Juric (1954 & 1956). Some extracts of his Marian sermon Audite Somnium Meum have been edited by A. Pompei (1955). Cf. Roßmann (1971)
  • Several of his questions and treatises on papal absolutism and related issues have been edited in P. de Lapparant, ‘L’Oeuvre politique de François de Meyronnes. Ses rapport avec celle de Dante’, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 15-17 (1940-1942), 5-151. De Monarchia Universali had been edited by Friedrich Baethgen, Deutsches Archiv 15 (1959), 103-136.
  • Quaestio de Acceptatio Divina, ed. in Roßmann, Die Hierarchie der Welt (1972), 251-257. [Advice on the process against Ockham]
  • Veritates de Civitate Dei Augustini (Cologne, 1475/Venice, 1489); Veritates de Civitate Dei & Veritates de Trinitate (Basel, 1505-1506/1515/Lyon, 1520)
  • Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, has been edited together with his Sermones de Laudibus Sanctorum (Venice, 1493/Basel, 1498)
  • Explicatio Decalogi (Paris: Jodocus Badius, 1519). Cf. Roßmann, ‘Quodlibeta’ (1972), 44-45. Roßmann identifies two to three different printed versions. An URL of the 1498 Basel edition apparently can be found on the URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
  • Tractatus de Vita Contemplativa, ed. by B. Roth, ‘Franz von Mayronis über das kontemplative Leben’, in: Kirchengeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift M. Bihl (Colmar, 1941), 114-144. [Predominantly directed to monks and clerics, and more particularly to Franciscan friars. Presents contemplation as an intrinsic aspect of the religious life. Contemplation described as an ‘assistentia spiritualis qua assistit anima nostra Deo.’ It brings us to God. Follows closely Bonaventurean ideas: although intelligence and will both play an important part, the primacy of the will and its love is stressed. Meditation of Scripture, creation and the Passion of Christ as starting point for veritable contemplation.]
  • Francisci Maronis Doctoris Theologiae Illuminatissimi (...) Sermones de Sanctis (Basel, 1498)
  • Quadragesimale/Sermones de Tempore/Francisci Mayronis Aurei Doctoris Illuminati Sermones (Brussels, 1483 (extracts?)/Venice: Bernardinus de Rovaria, 1491/Cologne, 1490). Predominantly (university) sermons held at Paris. An English translation and an analysis of sermon 57 for the Saturday of the second week of Lent is provided in: Robert J. Karris, ‘Francis of Meyronnes’ sermon 57 on the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)’, Franciscan Studies 63 (2005), 131-158.
  • Sermones de laudibus Sanctorum et domenicales per totum annum cum aliquibus tractatibus (Venice: Pelegrinus de Pasqualibus, 1493/Basel, 1498) [also contains the Tractatus de Articulis Fidei, that is works on: Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Magnificat, Missus est, De S. Joanne Baptista, De Corpore Christi, De Septem Donis Spiritus Sancti (ff. 225rb-226vb: ‘eine rein erbaulich-aszetische Schrift…’, Roßmann, (1972), 66, note 200), De Ultimo Iudicio, De Humilitate, De Poenitentia, De Ieiunio, Sermo de Indulgentiis (for St. Petrus in Vinculis)] Cf. Roßmann (1972). ), 45, 59-60 for manuscript info and the ascription of comparable works to Aldibrandinus de Tuscanella OP et. al.. An electronic copy of the 1493 Venice edition can be found on URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n060175 and an electronic version of the 1498 Basel edition can be found on URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/74-6-theol/start.htm
  • Sermones de Stigmatis S.Francisci, ed. W. Lampen, La France Franciscaine 10 (1927), 371-397. Cf. also Roßmann, Die Hierarchie (1972), 12-13, 42-48; Roßmann (1976) passim
  • Postillae per Totum Annum et Sermones de Festis>> [Fabricius, II, 195-7; Wadding>>?; AFH, 2 p. 636 & 4, p. 23]


  • Scripta super 4 libros Sententiarum (1507-1567)
  • De univocatione entis (1490)
  • Conflatus (1476)
  • Conflatile (1579)
  • Passus super Universalia (1479)
  • Sermones de tempore cum Quadragesimali (1483)
  • Sermones de Sanctis (1493)
  • Tractatus de Conceptione B.M.V. (1665)
  • Theologicae Veritates in St. Augustinum de Civitate Dei (1473)
  • Veritates ex libris St. Augustini de Trinitate (1520)

Secondary sources



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