
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday September 30, 2024
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Dan is the Man!
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'''BK:''' There is a professor at Kansas State University who does ethnographic studies of cyberspace cultures.  One of his classes focused on the phenomenon of YouTube.  He recently gave a [ presentation of his work] at the Library of Congress.  It's worth watching, mainly for the example of his kind of scholarship. —[[User:Moulton|Moulton]] 20:15, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
'''BK:''' There is a professor at Kansas State University who does ethnographic studies of cyberspace cultures.  One of his classes focused on the phenomenon of YouTube.  He recently gave a [ presentation of his work] at the Library of Congress.  It's worth watching, mainly for the example of his kind of scholarship. —[[User:Moulton|Moulton]] 20:15, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
:First seven minutes are very engaging.  I'm left with the question, "where did Wikipedia make the mistaken turns away from this magical sense of joyful empowerment?"  I'll continue later.  Bed time now. -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 20:33, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
:First seven minutes are very engaging.  I'm left with the question, "where did Wikipedia make the mistaken turns away from this magical sense of joyful empowerment?"  I'll continue later.  Bed time now. -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 20:33, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
::WP made the same mistake that humankind made back in the days of Hammurabi.  They adopted a lamentably idiotic community regulatory mechanism.  They adopted a regulatory mechanism ideally suited to games or drama, but ill-suited to an academic enterprise.  There really isn't any excuse for it.  It was a fundamental failure of leadership.  —[[User:Moulton|Moulton]] 21:32, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
'''DT:''' Have you reserved any .org or .info domains, in case the project turns into a noncommercial informational resource rather than a commercial entity? [[User:Dtobias|Dtobias]] 20:44, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
'''DT:''' Have you reserved any .org or .info domains, in case the project turns into a noncommercial informational resource rather than a commercial entity? [[User:Dtobias|Dtobias]] 20:44, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
:Hilarious.  Dan, this is like your trademark gag on the Internet.  I love it!  When we figure out what the heck our name is, then I'm sure we'll reserve both the .com and .org (and .net?) domainsHeck, if we're going to have poker and other gambling for money, it will have to be a .com, but if we're just going to use play money for betting, that would be more appropriate for a .net. -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 13:50, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
'''AJD:''' Personally I'd favor a forum with a more positive focusBut if you're going to stick with the negative, what exactly is it that you're criticizing?  Criticism of "unethical, unprofessional practices of information management on the Internet" seems too broad. Maybe limit it to so called "user-generated" content on the Internet? [[User:Anthony|Anthony]] 13:10, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
==Consider the Crowdsource==
==Consider the Crowdsource==
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'''GK:''' We'll miss you, but we fully understand, Jon.  This is only "web kvetching", you know, and should be toward the bottom of all our priorities!
'''GK:''' We'll miss you, but we fully understand, Jon.  This is only "web kvetching", you know, and should be toward the bottom of all our priorities!
==A word from Joe==
WR, in my humble opinion, is just extension of the WP thought police and arbcom, and such has lost sight of it's mission.  WR is now, just an apologist for WP and  a haven for the miscretin wikipeidiot admins and other power drunk punks, who's respect for others and rule of law is non existent.  WP is a Canker Sore on the internet and, in my simple opinion, can not ever be reformed.  Wikipedia must be dismantled, it's tax exempt status, revoked and the servers, which houses WP purge of the stinking Cancerous mess of wikipeida and it's lies, mis-information, and virtual altar to the tin god Jimbo, the magnificent.[[User:Joehazelton|Joehazelton]] 22:52, 9 October 2008 (PDT)
== A word from Blissyu2 ==
My main criticism of Wikipedia is now and has always been the ability for Wikipedia to change truth on important issues.  On many very important issues there are multiple viewpoints that must be expressed in order to get an accurate perspective, and it is impossible for anyone to speak or write about them without major bias.  Trying to remove the bias leads to removing the factual aspects of the case.  Because Wikipedia aims for Neutral Point of View, they forbid experts to comment on topics, which leads to a lot of idiots writing dumb articles.  On top of that, experts do secretly edit articles, and secretly control them, to pervert the article.  What really should happen is that articles are owned by experts.  If an article cannot be written by just one person, then multiple competing articles should exist to reflect all biases.  Biases are an important part of historical revelation.  I have written many times, and proven pretty conclusively I think, that Wikipedia's article on the Port Arthur massacre, a very important event in Australian history, and even moreso to myself personally, is written horrifically inaccurately.  Not only that, but the majority of people who have contributed to it have tried to present accurate information, but have been forbidden from doing so.  Because of Wikipedia's inaccurate display of that incident, the generally accepted truth of that issue has changed dramatically, with today as many as 20% of people accepting Wikipedia's version of events, as opposed to less than 5% 5 years ago.  On top of that, when Thebainer added the "Conspiracy theories" section, listing some of the least well known theories, and only mentioning their conclusions, rather than the facts that they are based on, combined with saying why they are not believed, he introduced what is called "disinformation".  It pretends that these are the only alternatives, when in reality they are not the only alternatives, and indeed represent a minority view even smaller than the minority view presented by Wikipedia. 
Wikipedia Review was a good concept, and I think that we can see that in most respects it worked well.  The main failure, in my opinion, is in a lack of loyalty.  Igor Alexander, the founder of the site, was banned from his own site when we moved.  On top of that, then we had all of the original founders, except for Selina, banned from the site, in addition to more than half of the people who have ever held administrator status.  Indeed, we have only had perhaps 5 or 6 people ever banned that were NOT administrators or people with power on the site.  This reeks of a power struggle, and is quite frankly not on.  This kind of thing shouldn't exist anywhere.  Perhaps more could have been done to try to stop it, but it is too late now, and I felt like I couldn't do anything more at the time. 
Furthermore, a second major problem is that Wikipedia Review began to focus more on popularity and less on integrity.  Ever since that director came on (Col Scott, I forget his real name), Wikipedia Review has focussed on what would make them look good rather than what was the right thing to do.  For ages we were accused of doing the wrong thing, but then we started to actually do it.
Poetlister should never have been promoted, because Poetlister was never regular enough to warrant it.  Poetlister was also the subject of a criticism, hence a poor choice as administrator.  Guy perhaps should have been promoted, but they should not have considered both at once, since they were speaking with one voice.  Whether they were separate people or not, it is not on. 
I do not think that using real names is the answer.  That was tried on Citizendium, and it doesn't really make things any better.  In the end, if you use your real name on the internet, it just means that the anonymous millions will have more things to smear your name with.  When you are talking about criticism and such, you are putting your name out there, and it is dangerous to list your real name. 
Besides which, I have known many incidences when people have used what they claimed were their real names, but they actually weren't.  It doesn't actually help that situation all that much. [[User:Blissyu2|Blissyu2]] 04:40, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
== [[Directory:The_Wikipedia_Point_of_View | The Wikipedia Point of View]] ==
Just to add my two pennies - we already have [[Directory:The_Wikipedia_Point_of_View | The Wikipedia Point of View]] here on MWB.  The idea was not a forum, but something more like a Wiki, where problems with Wikipedia articles are carefully documented with hard links and references.  I started it because permalinks are hard to maintain in a forum.  Plus almost any subject in Wikipedia Review has a long history that its proponents understand too well to explain to outsiders, meaning most of it (e.g. Naked short selling) is incomprehensible. 
It is a personal effort and will remain so, but there is a need for something that explains in a reasonable and sober way to an outsider what is happening at Wikipedia.  Rather like Encyclopedia Dramatica but without the dramatics and, er, the pictures.  [[User:Ockham|Ockham]] 05:58, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
== Peccadildonic Pastimes ==
What I have observed in the Wikisphere (which includes the many miscreantic outcasts on W-R) is an abundance of unproductive venting on issues running to obscure peccadilloes for which the corresponding emotional state is oftimes utterly inscrutable.
If there is an unmet need for peripatetic peccadildonic palavering, perhaps we should think about how to organize that ongoing orbital oration into a more functional process that converges to some insightfully innovative solutions to our cumulative collection of complementary complaints.
Otherwise, all we are doing is pouring ''kvetchup'' on our refried brains.
[[User:Moulton|Moulton]] 07:28, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
==Joe the outcast of WR responds to elitist dribble mongers==
Well well, the problem I have is I don't have a fine HARVARD or other ELITE education from some far way and and remote tower of IVORY were they shit bricks of marble.
I am a simple fellow, whose values revolve around basic truths that
you don't LIE, CHEAT or STEAL and the Golden Rule... and you should be held to account for these truths.
The problem is meely-mouth, double talkers, dismiss this, in favor of moral relativism, where every person is a god and no one is bound to "higher moral authority" so evolves a culture of elitism and ends justified the means and a cesspool like wikipeida (where, as in Orwell, black is white, and 1+2=4 and where consensus can generate justification for the lies and bullshit for the sake of "consensus" and "harmony"  but in the end, you get a Tyranny of the Majority and the evil you get with it.
For me,  wikipeida is full of degenerate and morally bankrupted, liars, plagiarizers, slanderers, and other petite criminals and intellectual bunko artists, which, My CRUDE, UNEDUCATED AND HUMBLE OPINION, makes it a moral imperative that wikipeida is called to task, in the REAL WORLD and HELD TO ACCOUNT, IN THE REAL world and NOT HIDE, LIKE SNIVELING  COWARDS, and MEELY MOUTH WORMS, to the destruction of peoples works, ideas and reputations, on the sheer whims of uncontrolled power tripping, basement dwelling pill bugs.
[[User:Joehazelton|Joehazelton]] 09:07, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
:Joe, your passion is always inspiring to me.  I hope that I haven't given the impression that all contributors to this new project should have impressive degrees or haughty credentials.  Rather, all I ask is that the criticisms be formulated in a journalistic style of reporting that would be welcoming to an "outside" observer in the field of journalism or academia.  If we go the route of the wiki, in fact, other contributors would even be able to help collaborate with those who are heavy on passion and justice, but light on citation and narrative.  I tend to agree that there exists a surplus of sniveling cowards and mealy-mouthed worms on Wikipedia.  But, it's our job to make that clear to neutral third parties, without coming off as misguided invective.  For example, when JzG plagiarized the content of the original Arch Coal article, it was at least acceptable under the terms of the GFDL.  But when, 15 months later, he deleted the original provenance of the article and then (elsewhere) claimed that this was ethically correct, being that his version was supposedly written ''ab initio'', that was a lie, and it was an act of sniveling cowardice, for which he has still not apologized, even though it would be simple to do so.  Documenting activity like that will be an important part of helping the uninformed bystander to come to realize the passion and the justice which you wish to convey.  -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 10:49, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
== Blog ==
I hope that there will be a blog or at the very least an RSS feed. I don't have the time or inclination to participate in a forum like the one described (and I'm definitely not the type of member you're looking for anyway) but I'd be pretty interested in reading the 'highlights' or at least a summary of current good topics or whatever. Just my $0.02 (~£0.01 in real currency). [[User:Naerii|Naerii]] 09:36, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
:An RSS feed can be a good thing for a relatively "paced" format like a blog, but it would be hell on a wiki.  MyWikiBiz (just by example), does have a Feedburner e-mail service that can update you daily on "Recent Changes" here.  That's sort of useful, if you're really a frequent visitor/user, but fairly annoying if you were a journalist or academic.  Here it is, in case you're interested:
::If you would like a daily e-mail notice of what has been created or updated on, just complete this form.
<form style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center;" action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"><p>Enter your email address:</p><p><input type="text" style="width:140px" name="email"/></p><input type="hidden" value="" name="url"/><input type="hidden" value="MyWikiBiz" name="title"/><input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US"/><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" /><p>Delivered by <a href="" target="_blank">FeedBurner</a></p></form>
:--[[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 10:41, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
==Old-Fangled Email List==
JA: Looking back over my first decade on the Internet &mdash; last millennium I still had a life &mdash; I think it's safe to say that I had vastly more productive interactions and layed down far more productive content in the process on my old email discussion groups.  I know a guy, er, dude, who might be interested in this general topic area and be able to set one up PDQ.  Any coherent content that we actually produce could then be munged from the archive into a wiki or whatever.  Any takers?  [[User:Jon Awbrey|Jon Awbrey]] 11:08, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
:Personally, I find e-mail discussion lists to be a real drag on my already-swamped in-box, and I loathe the idea of "munging" content from one format to another.  Seeing what is going on right now in my absence on WR is also leading me to believe that "message board" might not be the way to go.  Seriously, I'm thinking wiki may be best, for all of its hated "ownership" issues, it provides the READER the most engaging way to have access to content (and content tangents) all at once.  If we establish clear rules on dividing "owned" space versus "communal" space (followed by rigorous "locking" procedures), I think the result will (finally?) be a truly authoritative, reliable, and vibrant reference compendium for all who wish to know "what's wrong with today's Internet".  Just my opinion.  Still musing. -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 12:57, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
::Over on, the original wiki, they discuss the concepts of a [ Content Creation Wiki] and a [ Content Classification Wiki].  A Content Creation Wiki might work, so long as the initial participants were careful to educate people on how they work differently from Content Classification Wikis like Wikipedia.  For those (like myself, actually), who prefer email, I assume there will be a way to dump every edit into a folder in my gmail account. [[User:Anthony|Anthony]] 13:19, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
== Support ==
Not sure what I can practically do at this point, but I want to chip in with a word of support on this (even though editing a wiki makes my skin crawl a little).
I have a definite split between wanting to read and think seriously about Vacuousness 2.0, and being exasperated by the flood of wikichimps currently using WR as an extra talk page.
I'm also inclined to say that the more exposé sites, the better. appeared to get a lot of information out at one time, though it seems to be stalled now.
I plan to be a participant in any new forum that comes out of this discussion.
[[User:Geoff Wilson|Geoff Wilson]] 11:09, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
==When can we start?==
I'm ready to stop posting to Wikipedia Review right now.  There are three or four things that I'm pissed off about, and this Greg/Selina conflict is a good straw to break the camels back.  You need to set this new forum up right now, like today or tomorrow.  Don't make the same mistake as the House of Representatives and fail to pass the bailout measure by the end of the day Monday.  Greg, you know my email address if you need any technical support.  [[User:Anthony|Anthony]] 13:29, 10 October 2008 (PDT)

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