
Grudges with ScoreHero
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== Grudges with ScoreHero ==
Thegibbonator, welcome to MyWikiBiz.  Just so you know the back story...  I went well out of my way to ask a Wikipedia admin to recover the deleted Wikipedia article about ScoreHero.  I then posted it on my site here.  When I noted that the ScoreHero forum was talking about retrying Wikipedia with an article, I went on their forum to tell them that their previous article was still available here, and to give a little advice about not trying to "promote" a topic on Wikipedia, since that's the #1 way to get the Wikipediot "locals" in a huff against your topic.
Well, some member (or was he a moderator) on ScoreHero's forum decided to insult me for "promoting" my website on "their" message board.  I replied that this was rather ungrateful.  And in a few hours, my ScoreHero forum account was "banned" from their site.  I cannot even '''read''' the ScoreHero forums any more -- all I see is a message that I am blocked.
My "grudge" here was intended to motivate someone -- anyone -- from the ScoreHero community to take enough interest to work on the article here, otherwise, what's the point in even hosting it on this site, if nobody cares enough to caretake it?  That being said, I'm glad my stubborn reaction did in fact motivate you to "fix" the situation.  Are you a ScoreHero member or moderator? -- [[User:MyWikiBiz|MyWikiBiz]] 05:34, 19 July 2008 (PDT)