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| name = [[Person_First_Name:=Thomas]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Sutton]]
| other_names =
| residence =
| image =
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| birth_date = [[Birth Date:=1250]]
| birth_place = [[Birth_Country_Name:=England]]
| birth_name =
| death_date = [[Death Date:= 1315]]
| death_place = [[Death_City:=Oxford]], [[Death_Country_Name:=England]]
| death_cause =
| occupation = [[NAICS/54|Philosopher]]
| known =
| reference =
'''Thomas of Sutton''' (Thomas de Suttona OP, Thomas de Sutton, Thomas Anglicus, Thomas de Sutona, Anglico, Thomas de Sutton Anglicus).
'''Thomas of Sutton''' (Thomas de Suttona OP, Thomas de Sutton, Thomas Anglicus, Thomas de Sutona, Anglico, Thomas de Sutton Anglicus).
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== Links ==
== Links ==
== Notability ==
This philosopher has [[Bcmp Pages:=1]] pages in the ''Blackwell Companion''.
<div style="overflow:auto;height:1px;">
[[Bcmp Pages:=1]]
[[Birth Date:=1250]]
[[Death Date:= 1315]]

Latest revision as of 11:18, 18 January 2009

Thomas of Sutton (Thomas de Suttona OP, Thomas de Sutton, Thomas Anglicus, Thomas de Sutona, Anglico, Thomas de Sutton Anglicus).




Primary sources

  • Contra pluralitatem formarum, Pierre Mandonnet (editor) 1927
  • B. Hechich (1958), De Immaculata Conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum Thomas de Sutton O.P. et Robertus Cowton O.F.M.
  • Quaestiones ordinariae, Johannes Schneider (ed.) (1977)
  • Contra quodlibet Iohannis Duns Scoti hrsg. von Johannes Schneider. Imprint München : Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften : In Kommission bei Beck, 1978. Descript. xiii, 111 p ; 24 cm. Latin text with commentary in German.
  • Quodlibeta, Ed. M. Schmaus and Maria Gonzalez-Haba, Munich 1969, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Secondary sources

  • P. Osmund Lewry, Two Continuators of Aquinas: Robertus de Vulgarbia and Thomas Sutton on the Perihermeneias of Aristotle, Mediaeval Studies 43 (1981), 58–130
  • G. Prouvost, Thomas de Sutton contre Gilles de Rome. La question de l'être: le conflit des interprétations chez les premiers thomistes (XIIIe-XIVe s.), Revue Thomiste 95 (1995), 417-429.
  • Mark D. Gossiaux, Thomas of Sutton and the Real Distinction between Essence and Existence, Modern Schoolman 83 (2006), 263-84.


1 1250 1285 England 1315 Oxford England