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The enemy ships were all suddenly pushed against the city walls. Scared enemy, so that the ships would not break on rocky shore, in addition of our continued shelling, the rowers were made to row the galleys away from the rocks. Finally with great effort they moved away into the wind and against tall waves. They were able to move to the West and reach St. Nicholas monastery, to a small protected cove. O how blessed this help was. I can freely say, that what even a poet could not say for this our little city. ''”Happy is the one who has heaven on his side”''. Units of enemy’s infantry, seeing how the ships were chased away by the storm, hiding in the nearby cove gave up with their fight, and like madmen started to loot whatever they could in the Varos, residential area outside the city. They ransacked the churches and private homes, as well as the Monastery of Saint Nicholas, while they were forced to set on fire the damaged ships and their dead fighters. Number of them went back to their ships, while the others wandering around reached neighbouring Žrnovo [Zernova], already exhausted from fighting, stole the bells. And very few remained outside city walls, occasionally firing. Around noon we noticed three officers, judging by the way they were dressed, watching down from the hill of Saint Blaze.  
The enemy ships were all suddenly pushed against the city walls. Scared enemy, so that the ships would not break on rocky shore, in addition of our continued shelling, the rowers were made to row the galleys away from the rocks. Finally with great effort they moved away into the wind and against tall waves. They were able to move to the West and reach St. Nicholas monastery, to a small protected cove. O how blessed this help was. I can freely say, that what even a poet could not say for this our little city. ''”Happy is the one who has heaven on his side”''. Units of enemy’s infantry, seeing how the ships were chased away by the storm, hiding in the nearby cove gave up with their fight, and like madmen started to loot whatever they could in the Varos, residential area outside the city. They ransacked the churches and private homes, as well as the Monastery of Saint Nicholas, while they were forced to set on fire the damaged ships and their dead fighters. Number of them went back to their ships, while the others wandering around reached neighbouring Žrnovo [Zernova], already exhausted from fighting, stole the bells. And very few remained outside city walls, occasionally firing. Around noon we noticed three officers, judging by the way they were dressed, watching down from the hill of Saint Blaze.  
Then we appeared on the city walls, pretending to be soldiers, one following another in formation, and with the beating of the drums; all of our men, young boys as well as the women and girls dressed in military uniforms, everyone armed with guns, led by Vicko Rosanovic. There we pretended that our numbers are as much as 1000 fighters. At nine o’clock in the evening at the base of the city walls, in the ditch one person came running dressed like the Turks, screaming that he is a Christian. We used the rope to pull him up the walls. He was not wounded although his clothes were cut up from the bullets shot at him by Vicko Rosanovic, while he was running, but he anyway survived. That was a Spaniard from Andalusia, and according to his story, he was Martin son of Martin Morales, by Turks called Ali. From him we found out not only of the attack leader Uluz Ali- Ochialino, vice king of Algiers, but also the strength and number of enemies fleet. We could not trust his statement that he was forcefully made a Muslim. He told us a story where he was taken prisoner some twenty years ago by Mulej Bagazon, king of Veles in Lybia, when he was only ten years old. With the rest of prisoners he was taken to Fes and there was forced to accept Moslem religion. He would probably never had left the captivity if the occasion didn’t come for escape. With all of these stories we kept this man tied up and under guard. In the meantime the wind calmed down, the enemy carefully moved their ships, from the cove next to St Nicholas to the opposite shore of Pelješac [Pelisac]. There was no galleys left without any damage, from the twenty or so that sailed across. Some of the broken masts and cross beams, some missing beaks, others with broken ribs and damaged sterns. Ten were seen unable to move and were pulled by other boats. From the runaways we found out that 180 Turks were killed, and about the same number of their slaves in this fight. In the middle of the canal, two boats from Pelješac [Pelisac] met them, bringing them gifts. Later on they told us how they were brought in front of Uluz Ali asking him to forgive the penalty they had to pay that was imposed on them as the citizens of Dubrivnik [Republic of Ragusa]. He asked them if there was any military present in Korčula, their answer was they did not know, since they are a supposed enemy they are not allowed to visit the city. Then he asked if the Venetian galleys these last couple of weeks were visiting Korčula. Their answer was; they did, then they add that they left the defence personnel. All throughout Spain I conquered much larger and stronger cities, I could also take this one, but I don’t have time for that. Leaving them he sailed over to harbour of Viganj, at a distance of some three thousand steps from us. All during the night and also the following day they spent repairing their ships, and by busying themselves they left us alone. Our runaways while that morning at the attack of the enemy were lowering themselves by ropes down city walls, miraculously all survived. Some of them were hiding in the thick forests; some rowed over to the island of Lastovo [Lagosta], and some others arrived in Zadar [Zara] spreading the rumour how the city of Korčula is taken by the enemy and then set on fire. Also they said how the heroes of the defence, Archdeacon and his brother Vicko, at the city gates were killed by having their heads cut off. When this was heard by our Rector who was in Zadar [Zara] during the siege, thanked God for what had happened like he predicted. Those who left before the attack, have forgotten their misery, feeling sorry for us. But few days later when they learned the truth, the happiness turned to sadness. They turned away the untrue news and they were happy and proud what was accomplished, they happy, all returned home to Korčula.  
Then we appeared on the city walls, pretending to be soldiers, one following another in formation, and with the beating of the drums; all of our men, young boys as well as the women and girls dressed in military uniforms, everyone armed with guns, led by Vicko Rosanovic. There we pretended that our numbers are as much as 1000 fighters. At nine o’clock in the evening at the base of the city walls, in the ditch one person came running dressed like the Turks, screaming that he is a Christian. We used the rope to pull him up the walls. He was not wounded although his clothes were cut up from the bullets shot at him by Vicko Rosanovic, while he was running, but he anyway survived. That was a Spaniard from Andalusia, and according to his story, he was Martin son of Martin Morales, by Turks called Ali. From him we found out not only of the attack leader Uluz Ali- Ochialino, vice king of Algiers, but also the strength and number of enemies fleet. We could not trust his statement that he was forcefully made a Muslim. He told us a story where he was taken prisoner some twenty years ago by Mulej Bagazon, king of Veles in Lybia, when he was only ten years old. With the rest of prisoners he was taken to Fes and there was forced to accept Moslem religion. He would probably never had left the captivity if the occasion didn’t come for escape. With all of these stories we kept this man tied up and under guard. In the meantime the wind calmed down, the enemy carefully moved their ships, from the cove next to St Nicholas to the opposite shore of Pelješac [Pelisac]. There was no galleys left without any damage, from the twenty or so that sailed across. Some of the broken masts and cross beams, some missing beaks, others with broken ribs and damaged sterns. Ten were seen unable to move and were pulled by other boats. From the runaways we found out that 180 Turks were killed, and about the same number of their slaves in this fight. In the middle of the canal, two boats from Pelješac [Pelisac] met them, bringing them gifts. Later on they told us how they were brought in front of Uluz Ali asking him to forgive the penalty they had to pay that was imposed on them as the citizens of Dubrovnik Republic ['''original''' name: Republic of Ragusa]. He asked them if there was any military present in Korčula, their answer was they did not know, since they are a supposed enemy they are not allowed to visit the city. Then he asked if the Venetian galleys these last couple of weeks were visiting Korčula. Their answer was; they did, then they add that they left the defence personnel. All throughout Spain I conquered much larger and stronger cities, I could also take this one, but I don’t have time for that. Leaving them he sailed over to harbour of Viganj, at a distance of some three thousand steps from us. All during the night and also the following day they spent repairing their ships, and by busying themselves they left us alone. Our runaways while that morning at the attack of the enemy were lowering themselves by ropes down city walls, miraculously all survived. Some of them were hiding in the thick forests; some rowed over to the island of Lastovo [Lagosta], and some others arrived in Zadar [Zara] spreading the rumour how the city of Korčula is taken by the enemy and then set on fire. Also they said how the heroes of the defence, Archdeacon and his brother Vicko, at the city gates were killed by having their heads cut off. When this was heard by our Rector who was in Zadar [Zara] during the siege, thanked God for what had happened like he predicted. Those who left before the attack, have forgotten their misery, feeling sorry for us. But few days later when they learned the truth, the happiness turned to sadness. They turned away the untrue news and they were happy and proud what was accomplished, they happy, all returned home to Korčula.  
With all of the problems and fear, shaking from excitement we realised that we were the victors, with Gods help, happy and proud of our bravery. You had to be proud to see those elders of 80 years of age running, with bravery handing over the ammunitions, as though they were the young twenty year olds.  
With all of the problems and fear, shaking from excitement we realised that we were the victors, with Gods help, happy and proud of our bravery. You had to be proud to see those elders of 80 years of age running, with bravery handing over the ammunitions, as though they were the young twenty year olds.  
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We being glad to hear the friendly support, and then we let him to jointly with archdeacon write a letter to his excellency the Dodge in Venice, and send this letter across the sea to Apulia and then by land route to Venice. We also wrote a letter to the chief commander of '''Venetian fleet''' , telling him also of the Spaniard from Granada whom he took and handed over to the duke Venier. We are not sure if he completed all of his given tasks, but I guess that he missed some duties, because it was heard that the letter was handed to Augustin Barbarigo, than, this letter never reached the dodge. Uluz-Ali and Karakozije spent six days plundering Hvar [Lesina], leaving the town and settling in the hill fortress. They set most of the town on fire along with two monasteries, The Franciscan one and also the Dominican. Inside the wall many churches and public buildings. Causing so much damage all over the island of Hvar [Lesina], sailing freely all around the island , they continued their burning, killing and plundering. Only the town of Jelsa [Civitas Vetus Ielsae] defended their fortress, and people of Sutomore bravely defended themselves, as they say they killed 200 Turks. It is also said that the women from there used rocks instead of arrows to cause damage to the enemy. There also appeared the '''pirates from Neretva''' [modern: Neretvanie <ref> The Narentines, who are referred to today mainly as ''Neretljani'', were a nation of Slav pirates. Firstly known as ''Arentanoi.''</ref>] , and they as well caused a lot of damage. In six days from one village they took about 70 souls. Uluz-Ali with his fighters just before 23rd of August, in the middle of the night staying close to the shore of Pelišac, quietly sailed past Korčula, sailing in straight line. Karakozije this same day from western end of peninsula of Pelješac [Pelisac], crossed our channel and reached the port of Račišće [Porto Barbier] around three o’clock with 56 galleys, then by changing course reached again shore of Pelješac [Pelisac]. We didn’t know what this crossing back and forth meant. We feared that they possible unloaded soldiers in Račišće [Porto Barbier], who could attack us again from the land. So that whole night we spent worrying that we may be attacked again, but most of us felt that we will be glad to fight and for some it would be a chance to correct the conduct they showed earlier. Others feared that the end was coming this time, and feeling sorry that they returned to the city. Regardless, everyone was praying God for help. I can truly sum up our feeling of the fighting, that because possibly of situation I found myself in blindly believing that this was truly an end, and that death was certain.  
We being glad to hear the friendly support, and then we let him to jointly with archdeacon write a letter to his excellency the Dodge in Venice, and send this letter across the sea to Apulia and then by land route to Venice. We also wrote a letter to the chief commander of '''Venetian fleet''' , telling him also of the Spaniard from Granada whom he took and handed over to the duke Venier. We are not sure if he completed all of his given tasks, but I guess that he missed some duties, because it was heard that the letter was handed to Augustin Barbarigo, than, this letter never reached the dodge. Uluz-Ali and Karakozije spent six days plundering Hvar [Lesina], leaving the town and settling in the hill fortress. They set most of the town on fire along with two monasteries, The Franciscan one and also the Dominican. Inside the wall many churches and public buildings. Causing so much damage all over the island of Hvar [Lesina], sailing freely all around the island , they continued their burning, killing and plundering. Only the town of Jelsa [Civitas Vetus Ielsae] defended their fortress, and people of Sutomore bravely defended themselves, as they say they killed 200 Turks. It is also said that the women from there used rocks instead of arrows to cause damage to the enemy. There also appeared the '''pirates from Neretva''' [modern: Neretvanie <ref> The Narentines, who are referred to today mainly as ''Neretljani'', were a nation of Slav pirates. Firstly known as ''Arentanoi.''</ref>] , and they as well caused a lot of damage. In six days from one village they took about 70 souls. Uluz-Ali with his fighters just before 23rd of August, in the middle of the night staying close to the shore of Pelišac, quietly sailed past Korčula, sailing in straight line. Karakozije this same day from western end of peninsula of Pelješac [Pelisac], crossed our channel and reached the port of Račišće [Porto Barbier] around three o’clock with 56 galleys, then by changing course reached again shore of Pelješac [Pelisac]. We didn’t know what this crossing back and forth meant. We feared that they possible unloaded soldiers in Račišće [Porto Barbier], who could attack us again from the land. So that whole night we spent worrying that we may be attacked again, but most of us felt that we will be glad to fight and for some it would be a chance to correct the conduct they showed earlier. Others feared that the end was coming this time, and feeling sorry that they returned to the city. Regardless, everyone was praying God for help. I can truly sum up our feeling of the fighting, that because possibly of situation I found myself in blindly believing that this was truly an end, and that death was certain.  
When Karakozije was sailing by I actually did not make any moves, because I become brave from the past encounter, so I felt that these galleys were not as strong as those in Uluz-Ali’s fleet. These were made for shorter trips and did not carry as many soldiers. After the fourth nightly guard the ships from Karakozije reached the shore of Trstenica just east of Orebic [Sabbioncello], only three miles east of Korčula. There the stayed for about two hours. They formed a line, appearing, as they were to head toward us and attack again, then again they leave formation. Finally four small galleys reached our island of Badija where there is a Franciscan monastery. There they set the monastery on fire and stole the church bells. This monastery was one of the nicest ones in all of Dalmatia [originality written: monasterium totius '''Illyrici''']. Beautiful church could not completely burn, because it was all built with cut stone, while everything inside that was wooden had burned. Wall were all damaged by smoke and blackened. Later on all of these ships sailed over to Lumbarda [Lombarda], where there are our summer homes. There they met with 1500 men who night before have disembarked in bay of Račišće [Porto Barbier]. That night they rested, spread over the entire width of the island, starting from the centre they advanced eastward, inspecting every rock and hill, the valleys and caves, they took 34 peasants as prisoner. They also took many domestic animals, and that which they could not drag with them they left laying dead for eagles and crows to feed on. In Lumbarda [Lombarda] their senses or any reasoning left them, after drunkenness, and partying in the home courtyards, they left, after setting all those homes on fire. Finally we noticed in direction of Mljet [Meleda] a boat on sails and oars heading towards our island, and also Karakozija galley which headed directly towards this boat. Where they joined, and after some exchanges, together they sailed away. We concluded that the order was delivered to Karakozije from the Turkish fleet, to as soon as possible join the rest of the fleet. We also received information on this from our side. Next day, not only did we hold our usual yearly celebration that was started by our ancestors in memory or our home towns attack by terrible Aragonian navy 80 years ago, but also to give thanks best we could, for surviving the recent attack, where we collected several of Uluz-Ali’s cannon balls and arrows as trophies, which we placed right next to those from Aragonian attack.
When Karakozije was sailing by I actually did not make any moves, because I become brave from the past encounter, so I felt that these galleys were not as strong as those in Uluz-Ali’s fleet. These were made for shorter trips and did not carry as many soldiers. After the fourth nightly guard the ships from Karakozije reached the shore of Trstenica just east of Orebic [Sabbioncello], only three miles east of Korčula. There the stayed for about two hours. They formed a line, appearing, as they were to head toward us and attack again, then again they leave formation. Finally four small galleys reached our island of Badija where there is a Franciscan monastery. There they set the monastery on fire and stole the church bells. This monastery was one of the nicest ones in all of Dalmatia ['''original''': monasterium totius '''Illyrici''']. Beautiful church could not completely burn, because it was all built with cut stone, while everything inside that was wooden had burned. Wall were all damaged by smoke and blackened. Later on all of these ships sailed over to Lumbarda [Lombarda], where there are our summer homes. There they met with 1500 men who night before have disembarked in bay of Račišće [Porto Barbier]. That night they rested, spread over the entire width of the island, starting from the centre they advanced eastward, inspecting every rock and hill, the valleys and caves, they took 34 peasants as prisoner. They also took many domestic animals, and that which they could not drag with them they left laying dead for eagles and crows to feed on. In Lumbarda [Lombarda] their senses or any reasoning left them, after drunkenness, and partying in the home courtyards, they left, after setting all those homes on fire. Finally we noticed in direction of Mljet [Meleda] a boat on sails and oars heading towards our island, and also Karakozija galley which headed directly towards this boat. Where they joined, and after some exchanges, together they sailed away. We concluded that the order was delivered to Karakozije from the Turkish fleet, to as soon as possible join the rest of the fleet. We also received information on this from our side. Next day, not only did we hold our usual yearly celebration that was started by our ancestors in memory or our home towns attack by terrible Aragonian navy 80 years ago, but also to give thanks best we could, for surviving the recent attack, where we collected several of Uluz-Ali’s cannon balls and arrows as trophies, which we placed right next to those from Aragonian attack.
== Here our Grandfathers Inscribed ==
== Here our Grandfathers Inscribed ==
