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Session Start: Sat Jun 13 03:58:39 2015
Session Start: Sat Jun 13 03:58:39 2015
Session Ident: #wikipedia
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[23:49] <PontoCom_BR> hello.
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Session Time: Mon Jun 29 00:00:00 2015
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�02[00:52] * BlackBeast (~BlackBeas@wikimedia/BlackBeast) Quit (Quit: Es culpa de MRX!�)
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[06:39] <enkiv3> krenair
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[13:52] <Krenair> enkiv3, ?
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[18:17] <yonikasz> Hi would anyone like to collaborate?
[18:18] <marktraceur> yonikasz: On what?
[18:19] <yonikasz> marktraceur: anything, just kind of feeling alone doing it all alone
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[18:29] <pi_> Hello
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[18:33] <enkiv3> submarine
[18:34] <Submarine> hi
[18:34] <yonikasz> hi
[18:34] <yonikasz> Do you need something?
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[20:15] <bananabas> is this the official wikipedia channel?
[20:15] <JeDa> yep
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[21:10] <bananabas> good
[21:10] <bananabas> my question is, is there a simple way of being notified of each change that happend to a wikipedia page by email?
[21:10] <bananabas> *happens
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[21:30] <marktraceur> bananabas: Yes. Watchlists.
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[21:39] <bananabas> marktraceur, ty!
[21:39] <bananabas> this looks helpful:
[21:39] <bananabas> my second q is,
�03[21:39] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[21:39] <bananabas> how can i extract all external URL from a wikipedia page
�03[21:39] * Far^Side (~farside@unaffiliated/farside/x-7912347) has joined #wikipedia
[21:40] <bananabas> URLs
[21:40] <marktraceur> bananabas: That's a little trickier, you'd need to parse the page and pull all of the external links
[21:41] <bananabas> marktraceur, with a html parser?
[21:41] <marktraceur> With a wikitext parser.
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[21:41] <marktraceur> And then an HTML parser.
[21:41] <bananabas> oh.
[21:41] <marktraceur> Or just a specialized wikitext parser.
[21:41] <bananabas> can you think of one?
[21:43] <marktraceur> Parsoid should do the wikitext -> html part
[21:43] <marktraceur> And then a quick DOM query for certain classes should be enough to pull the rest out
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[21:56] <bananabas> marktraceur, ok but firefox shows directly the html of a wikipedia page if i click on view source right?
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[22:03] <marktraceur> bananabas: Well yeah, if you want to do it manually
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[22:11] <bananabas> marktraceur, Well. There are things like which automatically parse HTML
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[22:18] <bananabas> I see there are some python html parsers as well
[22:18] <bananabas> why can't i just point one of those to the link of the page in question?
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[22:24] <bananabas> marktraceur, so consider this workflow: cURL would get the html page, then gumbo would parse it and extract all links. I'm trying to understand where Parsoid fits in :)
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[22:48] <marktraceur> bananabas: You wouldn't need Parsoid if you fetched the HTML, I assumed you were starting from wikitext
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[01:55] <archl> hi, may I report issue I found here?
[01:58] <archl> strange I looked up English hyperlink from Chinese and it redirect to "Éditions_Gallimard" instead of "Nausea_(novel)". The problem only exist in Chinese page, any hints to fix this?
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[02:48] <olfix> hi all
[02:48] <olfix> good day
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[03:21] <PontoCom_BR> hello.
[03:21] <juancarlos> hi
�03[03:24] * juancarlos is now known as johncharles
[03:24] <PontoCom_BR> hi, juancarlos/johncharles.
[03:26] <johncharles> PontoCom_BR: where do you hail from
[03:27] <PontoCom_BR> juancarlos/johncharles: where's from my country?
[03:27] <johncharles> yes
[03:27] <PontoCom_BR> juancarlos/johncharles: ah, ok.
[03:28] <PontoCom_BR> johncharles: Brazil. and you? USA?
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[03:28] <johncharles> yes
[03:28] <johncharles> i would love to visit brazil one day
[03:28] <johncharles> unfortunately, i do not speak portuguese though :)
[03:28] <PontoCom_BR> johncharles: and you name's latino spanish?
[03:29] <johncharles> yes
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[03:29] <PontoCom_BR> ahahahahahah
[03:29] <juancarlos> Soy el rey de españa
[03:31] <PontoCom_BR> ahahahahahah
[03:31] <PontoCom_BR> Felipe VI
[03:31] <PontoCom_BR> or Philip VI
[03:31] <juancarlos> No lo creas.
[03:32] <PontoCom_BR> You do not speak Portuguese, I do not speak English too, but gradually, I can understand and even write. you can use your Spanish or English nickname. You can choose.
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[03:32] <PontoCom_BR> this spanish languarge is amost similar to portuguese + or - 70%, the rest other words.
[03:34] <PontoCom_BR> johncharles: you country teaches spanish in publics and privates schools?
[03:34] <juancarlos> yes
�02[03:36] * otto_s_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[03:39] <PontoCom_BR> johncharles: is good. the problem is that Americans, they have to speak correctly: abandon English for Spanish accent.
[03:39] <juancarlos> i abandon English a lot
[03:40] <PontoCom_BR> yeah. is really.
[03:44] <PontoCom_BR> juancarlos/johncharles: about language classes in my country, in public and private schools, was used English and Spanish, because until the last decade, it was only English.
[03:45] <juancarlos> I guess I can see why Spanish is important to Brazil. :)
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[03:53] <PontoCom_BR> juancarlos: that's true. although older Brazilian there were no lessons to learn Spanish, They come to understand as they speak, even to try to risk speaking Portuguese.
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[04:04] <juancarlos> heh
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[04:10] <PontoCom_BR> :)
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[06:54] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[06:56] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[07:04] <Chess> !ping
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[08:08] <enkiv3> thebikeguitarist: are 6 tas, we are named venusaur alive?
[08:11] <Venusaur> I that even English?
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