Directory:Logic Museum/Manuscripts
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- 119 Robert Kilwardby In Prisc. Min.
- Auct F. 5 23
- Canon Lat. 278
- Canon misc. 278
- Digby 2 - the author's name is given at the end of the compendium on the categories as 'Willelmus fratrum de Montoriel'.
- commentary on Isagoge
- commentary on Perihermenias
- commentary on Praedicamenta.
- Digby 24 - Sophisma Cuiuslibet hominis asinus currit, Magister Abstractionum.
- Digby 55 - a modist treatise, see also Merton 296 (transcribed by R.W.Hunt), beginning Innata est nobis, probably a Parisian composition of around 1280, influenced by Boethius of Dacia, and perhaps representative of teaching which reached Oxford around the time of the condemnations of 1277.
- Digby 204
- Roger Bacon's Summulae Dialectices
- A work by Thomas Aquinas (?)
- Thomas de Wyck a work on the Elenchi in the form of a treatise, possibly influenced by Giles of Rome.
- Lat misc. e 108
Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi 119
- Corpus Christi 250
- Corpus Christi 293b
- Merton 289
- Merton 292: Simon of Faversham - Perihermenias.
- Merton 296
New College
- New College 285
- Peterhouse 152 Anon., Utrum haec sit vera, 'Homo est animal' homine non exsistente, ms. Cambridge (49ra –vb); ed. A. Zimmermann, in 'Eine anonyme Quaestio: 'Utrum haec sit vera 'Homo est animal' homine non exsistente', Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie, 49 (1967), p. 184-8.
- Peterhouse 191: Roger Bacon's Summa Gramatica and Robert Kilwardby's Priscian commentary.
- Peterhouse 205: Questions on the Elenchi
- Peterhouse 206
- Robert Kilwardby, questions on the Perihermenias.
- Caius 344/540
- William de Bonkes, Questions on Priscian, questions on the Perihermenias.
- John de Stycborn, Questions on the Praedicamenta, questions on the Perihermenias.
- Caius 434/434
- Walter Burley, Some leaves containing most of De exclusivis (1r-6r), beginning of De exclusivis. All of De exceptivis, and the beginning of De obligationibus are lost, the remainder of De obligationibus (7r-10r). For De insolubilibus, Bradwardine's Insolubilia is substituted (10-13), De suppositionibus (13-19). Heytesbury's De significationibus propositionum multiplicium (19-21), Anonymous Sophismata and Obligationes.
- Caius 448/409
- Walter Burley, Expositio Sophisticorum Elenchorum.
- Caius 509/386
- Commentary on Perihermenias tentatively ascribed to John de Seccheville.
- Caius 512/543
- Questions on the Quaestiones super librum Elenchorum by John of Felmingham
- William Dallying, probably a Cambridge master, discusses the sophisma 'Anima Antichristi necessario erit' in his questions in the Perihermenias
- Walter Burley, Questions on the Posterior Analytics.
- Caius 611/341
- Unascribed question on the Elenchi by an author Sten Ebbesen has called 'The Englishman'[1]. As 'Willelmus vocor' is given as an example of a congruous expression, we may infer that the author's name was 'William'. The version of these questions in the Oxford Oriel 33 has on the first leaf a note that these quires were given by William de Walcote. So it is possible that the Elenchi may be connected with an Englishman who was a fellow of Merton from 1291-1308. There is a transcription of questions 21 and 22 in Braakhuis 1981.
- Caius 612/543
- John of Felmingham, questions on the Elenchi.
- Caius 668/645
- Thomas Cherminstre, Questions on Priscian
- William de Duffelde, probably an Oxford master around 1300, questions on the Analytica Posteriora.
- Pembroke 193
Cambridge University Library
- Kk3
Worcester Cathedral Library
- Q13 - transcribed by John Aston, a monk of Worcester who studied at Gloucester college, Oxford, the Benedictine predecessor of the present Worcester college, in 1294-5. The manuscript is confidently dated no later than 1295, and probably as early as 1270[2]
- Roger Bacon Summa grammatica (cf Peterhouse 191).
- Anon, commentary on Analytica Priora.
- Peter of Cornwall, two sophismata.
- Questions on the Physica
- sophisma - nihil est verum nisi in hoc instanti - included in a group of sophismata some of which are ascribed to John of Berwick, master in Oxford c. 1290[3]
- A.G. Little & F. Pelster, Oxford Theology and Theologians AD 1282-1302 Oxford 1934
- Lewry, P.O. (ed.), 1985, The Rise of British Logic: Acts of the Sixth European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics , Papers in Mediaeval Studies 7, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto.
- Ebbesen, Sten, 1987, “Talking about what is no more. Texts by Peter of Cornwall, Richard of Clive, Simon of Faversham and Radulphus Brito,” Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin 55, Copenhague.