January 26
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Saturday, January 26, 2013
<a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/pro-bowl-viewing-guide-five-things-watch-know-043634543--nfl.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" />Yahoo! Sports (blog)</a>
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:01/26/2013,cd_max:01/26/2013&q=Pro+Bowl" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pro Bowl</a>
50,000+ searches<a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/pro-bowl-viewing-guide-five-things-watch-know-043634543--nfl.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Pro Bowl viewing guide: Five things to watch (you know you're gonna watch it)</a>Yahoo! Sports (blog)(USA Today Sports Images)Ask around about the Pro Bowl, and you'll hear a lot of, "Who would watch that game? I never watch it." Many of the people who tell you that are lying. The Pro Bowl does monster ratings. Someone has to be watching the NFL's ...
<a href="http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000131156/article/arian-foster-peyton-manning-sound-off-on-pro-bowl" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Arian Foster, Peyton Manning sound off on Pro Bowl</a>NFL NewsThe back and forth regarding the effort given at the Pro Bowl continues with Houston Texans running back Arian Foster. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wants a better product, saying the game will be discontinued if the effort doesn't improve. Foster ...
<a href="http://sports.ndtv.com/tennis/news/item/202577-victoria-azarenka-dreams-big-after-crazy-win" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" />NDTV</a>
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:01/26/2013,cd_max:01/26/2013&q=Victoria+Azarenka" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Victoria Azarenka</a>
50,000+ searches<a href="http://bostonglobe.com/sports/2013/01/27/victoria-azarenka-defeats-for-australian-open-title/wWEVRKvC8SlCll8TPVZy7K/story.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Victoria Azarenka overcomes Li Na, crowd to win again</a>Boston GlobeVictoria Azarenka overcomes Li Na, crowd to win again. By John Pye. | Associated Press. January 27, 2013. Article · Comments · Subscribe · Reprints; E-mail. Share via e-mail. To. Add a message. Your e-mail. Share. Facebook · Google+ · LinkedIn · Reddit ...
<a href="http://sports.ndtv.com/tennis/news/item/202577-victoria-azarenka-dreams-big-after-crazy-win" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Victoria Azarenka dreams big after crazy win</a>NDTVMelbourne: A glint of Belarusian steel and the support of her crazy entourage have given Victoria Azarenka hope she can win any Grand Slam title -- and take on her nemesis, the great Serena Williams. Celebrations were long and noisy for the world ...
<a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/quarterbacks-struggle-mightily-senior-bowl-defenders-shine-start-014134714--nfl.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" />Yahoo! Sports (blog)</a>
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:01/26/2013,cd_max:01/26/2013&q=Senior+Bowl" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Senior Bowl</a>
50,000+ searches<a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/quarterbacks-struggle-mightily-senior-bowl-defenders-shine-start-014134714--nfl.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Quarterbacks struggle mightily in Senior Bowl, but defenders shine from start ...</a>Yahoo! Sports (blog)MOBILE, Ala. -- Going into the week of the Senior Bowl practices and game, the primary narrative was the one you'll hear throughout the NFL draft: A year after seven different rookie quarterbacks found themselves in NFL starting positions, the follow ...
<a href="http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/bears/ct-spt-0127-bowen-coaches--20130127,0,5112791.column" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Job seekers work crowd surrounding Senior Bowl</a>Chicago TribuneWith a notebook and a roster sheet in hand, some of the NFL's biggest names scribble down notes — footwork, technique and pad level —
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