Directory:Turning Point Enrichment, Inc.

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Name: Turning Point Enrichment, Inc.

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Contact: Gertrude Chapman
Title: President/CEO

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Gertrude Chapman is President & CEO of Turning Point Enrichment, Inc. an empowerment corporation who believes that building a solid foundation is essential in the world. The clients benefit from the positive results and increased productivity that follows the sessions.

Her global broadcast “Your Turning Point,” on BlogTalk Radio is heard around the world and has opened channels to build people internally, so they can achieve their dreams in life.

The motivational conferences and seminars have impacted the lives of many people. Messages of hope has been shared through her books and countless articles to assist in the personal growth of an individual.

As a published author Gertrude's books give simplified instruction on how to effectively achieve success. She teaches specialized techniques to help one identify their true purpose and live their life to the fullest.

The multiplicity of programs of Turning Point Enrichment, Inc. will enable people to live the dreams they thought were impossible. Turning Point Enrichment, Inc. helps to bring dreams into reality.


MOTIVATION FROM WITHIN: Leveraging Your Power, by Gertrude J Chapman.

New Book Reveals How Anyone Can Rise Above Severe Circumstances and be the Person They Were Destined to be.

Turning Point Enrichment, Inc. announced the release of MOTIVATION FROM WITHIN: Leveraging Your Power (ISBN# 978-1451519709).

MOTIVATION FROM WITHIN: Leveraging Your Power was written to inspire individuals that no matter what kind of background or dysfunctional situation they have come from there is power deep down on the inside of them to change.

I grew up in a home with an uncle who was schizophrenic. Our home became a prison to the point where padlocks were placed on the inside to prevent him from getting out and hurting himself or others.

During that time I could not have friends over. In this home, not only were the doors padlocked, but all of the kitchen utensils were removed. Another refrigerator was purchased, so he would not be able to contaminate our food. I would watch him hold two-way conversations with unseen forces. He would even shadow box with them.

My parents tried to ease my pain, by allowing me to go extra places which would help me to keep my sanity. I would wait and sneak out of the front part of the house when he was not looking, so I could go and play with the other children. My family was private people, so I do not think the neighbors knew what was really happening within those four walls.

I am sharing this story with others so the yokes of the enemy can be revealed and destroyed in their life. Someone may be walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but a way of escape has been prepared for them.

MOTIVATION FROM WITHIN: Leveraging Your Power will give people hope and empowerment to recapture their dreams and live the life that they yearn to live. They will be obstacles, but we are more than a conqueror. Someone’s fire may not be the same as my story, but their fire is still raging, and I want to encourage them not to give up.