Museum of Fine Arts - St. Petersburg, Florida

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Museum of Fine Arts is at 255 Beach Drive at Second Avenue N.E. A showcase for paintings, sculpture and decorative arts, the museum features European, American, Oriental and pre-Columbian artwork. Representative artists include Claude Monet, Georgia O'Keefe and Pierre Auguste Renoir. Period rooms display antique furnishings, while Steuben crystal is highlighted in a separate gallery. The museum also presents special exhibits and lectures. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10-5 (also the third Thursday each month 5-9, September through May), Sunday 1-5; closed January 1, Thanksgiving and December 25. Guided tours are offered Tuesday through Friday at 10,11, 1 and 2; Saturday at 11,1,2, and 3; Sunday at 1 and 2. Phone 727.896.2667.

Name: Museum of Fine Arts - St. Petersburg, Florida

Address: 255 Beach Drive
City: St. Petersburg
State: Florida
Country: USA
Phone: 727.896.2667

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