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  • In instinctive shooting the archer completely concentrates on the target while shooting the arrow.<a href="#hdng0">(More...)</a>

  • The bows that are used in the archery targets and the field target are made up of fiberglass or carbon and are fitted with stabilizers and sights.<a href="#hdng1">(More...)</a>

<a name="hdng0"></a>In instinctive shooting the archer completely concentrates on the target while shooting the arrow. It requires a lot of practice; this method of archery was popular during the early phases. Later bows with adjustable pins were developed; these pins could be adjusted by the archers to aim a target. This is called as sight shooting and is easy as compared to instinctive shooting. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> In fact before the development of firearms archery served as primary weapons. Different types of bows and arrows were manufactured and accordingly they had different range.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

The archery bows which were commonly used were: longbow, shortbow, flatbow, recurve bow, crossbow and compound bow.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Archery was highly developed in Asia and other Islamic kingdoms. People were specially trained in archery; these archers were used in the battlefields.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Archery although obsolete today has helped men since ages. Since ages people have used archery to conquer their enemy and to tame wild animals.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Studies have shown that archery was widely being used in ancient civilization.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

How To Make Archery Bows To make archery bow is not a difficult task if you have the prerequisite.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Martin Archery Martin Archery is a company that has been manufacturing bows since.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

Archery history reveals the fact that the bows were developed in either early Mesolithic age or late Paleolithic age.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Archery history shows that earlier arrows were made of pines which had a long fore shaft that had a flint point.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The archery history is full with saga of great archers. These archers have played a major role in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, Greece and Persia.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

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<a name="hdng1"></a>The bows that are used in the archery targets and the field target are made up of fiberglass or carbon and are fitted with stabilizers and sights. These bows are attached with stabilizers to stabilize the bows while playing the game. The arrows are attached with a pointed tip of metal in the front and at the back; these arrows are provided with slots to attach the strings of the bows. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> The player shoots the arrow from various distances at one target in archery targets and in field archery the players are allowed to move around in the course and shoots at the targets of various sizes from various distances. The bows that are used in the later type of this game have a traditional look.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

The 3D archery targets will add a lot of excitement in the game. These types of targets are available in the market and can be used by the beginners as well as the expert shooters. These archery targets can be made at home also by using corrugated cardboard, cording, foam padding, 2x4 wooden boards, excelsior etc.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

Hoyt Archery Archery is a game that involves the shooting of arrows that are.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Archery is a game of skill and concentration and if practiced regularly it can certainly be improved.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

Trinity School was awarded a grant to help fund an International Style Target Archery program for fifth-.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

The closer you shoot the arrow to the archery targets, the more your score will be.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

Archery Targets Archery is the game that involves the shooting of arrows that are.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> In fact arrows used in popular sports events like Olympic are made of carbon alloys. Archery equipment should be such that when an archer shoots an arrow the target should not be missed owing to air pressure. It is important that the arrowhead and the fletching should be proper designed using a fine material.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> The archery equipment should be properly constructed and the material used should be of fine quality.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a>

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<a name="sources"><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('srcs'); return false;" title="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report.">
SELECTED SOURCES<image src="apx4.jpg" alt="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report."></a>

1. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Archery | The History of Archery</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

2. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Archery | Archery Targets</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

3. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Archery | Archery Equipment</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

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