Module:CFB schedule
Implements {{CFB schedule}}
-- This module implements {{CFB schedule}} local p = {} local dagger = '<sup class="CFB-schedule-hcgame">[[File:Dagger-14-plain.png|alt=dagger|link=]]</sup>' local haslocgamename = false local hasoppgamename = false local haslocrivalry = false local hasopprivalry = false local hasrank = false local hasstrangescore = false local hasnowrap = false local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '' end local function yesno(s, d) s = (s or ''):lower() if (s == 'no' or s == 'n') then return false elseif (s == 'yes' or s == 'y') then return true else return d end end local function ifexist(page) if not page then return false end if then return true end return false end local function getdivision(y) if y >= 2006 then return 'NCAA Division I FBS' elseif y >= 1978 then return 'NCAA Division I-A' elseif y >= 1973 then return 'NCAA Division I' elseif y >= 1956 then return 'NCAA University Division' elseif y >= 1910 then return 'NCAA' elseif y >= 1906 then return 'Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States' else return 'college' end return '' end local function getpolltext(y, d, p) -- default poll is the Coaches poll if (p or '') == '' then p = 'Coaches\'' end -- if p is linked then just return p if (p or ''):find('[%[%]]') then return p end -- else if y is a number if isnotempty(y) and tonumber(y) then if (d or '') == '' then d = getdivision(tonumber(y)) end return '[[' .. y .. ' ' .. d .. ' football rankings' .. '#' .. p .. ' Poll|' .. p .. ' Poll]]' .. ' released prior to the game' end -- else if d is not empty if isnotempty(d) then d = d .. ' ' if ifexist(d .. p .. ' Poll') then return '[[' .. d .. p .. ' Poll|' .. p .. ' Poll]]' .. ' released prior to the game' end end -- else if p Poll is an article if ifexist(p .. ' Poll') then return (d or '') .. '[[' .. p .. ' Poll]]' .. ' released prior to the game' end return (d or '') .. p .. ' poll released prior to the game' end local function getopp(s, atvs, movegn) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '<[%s/]*[Nn][Cc][Gg][%s/]*>', '<span class="CFB-schedule-ncgame">*</span>') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '<[%s/]*[Hh][Cc][%s/]*>', dagger) atvs = mw.ustring.gsub(atvs or '', '^%s*@%s*', 'at') atvs = mw.ustring.gsub(atvs or '', '^%s*[Vv][Ss]?[%.%s]*', 'vs.') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^([A-Za-z%.%s]*)[Nn][Oo][%.%s]*([0-9])', '%1 No. %2' ) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^([A-Za-z%.%s]*)#([0-9])', '%1 No. %2') if mw.ustring.match(s, 'No%. %d') then hasrank=true end local gn, r = '', '' if mw.ustring.match(s, '[Nn][Oo][Ww][Rr][Aa][Pp]') then hasnowrap = true end if mw.ustring.match(s, '[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp]') then hasnowrap = true end if mw.ustring.match(s, '^.*%s*%(%s*%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%]%s*%)%s*.*$') then if mw.ustring.match(s, '%(%[%[[^%[%]]*%|%s*[Rr]ivalry') then hasopprivalry = true else hasoppgamename = true end if movegn == true then s, gn, r = mw.ustring.match(s, '^(.*)%s*%(%s*(%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%s*%)(%s*.*)$') end end if atvs ~= '' then atvs = atvs .. ' ' end return atvs .. s .. r, gn end local function getrank(s) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*([%d][%d]*)', 'No. %1') return s end local function getsite(s, l, gn) if isnotempty(s) and isnotempty(l) then local r = mw.html.create('div') local u = r:addClass('hlist'):tag('ul') gn = mw.ustring.gsub(gn, '^%s*', '') if isnotempty(gn) then gn = mw.ustring.gsub(gn, '^([Rr][Ii][Vv][Aa][Ll][Rr][Yy])$', '%1[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with an unlinked rivalry]]') gn = mw.ustring.gsub(gn, '^([^%[%]]*)$', '%1[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with an unlinked gamename]]') gn = ' (' .. gn .. ')' end u:tag('li'):wikitext(s) u:tag('li'):wikitext(l .. gn) if mw.ustring.match(l, '%s%(%[%[') then if mw.ustring.match(l, '%s%(%[%[[^%]]*%|%s*[Rr]ivalry') then haslocrivalry = true else haslocgamename = true end end return tostring(r) else gn = mw.ustring.gsub(gn, '^%s*', '') if isnotempty(gn) then gn = ' (' .. gn .. ')' end return s .. l .. gn end end local function setbg(WL,N) local BG = 'inherit' WL = mw.ustring.gsub(WL, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') WL = WL:upper() if WL == 'W' then BG = '#DDFFDD' elseif WL == 'L' then BG = '#FFDDDD' elseif WL == 'T' then BG = '#FFFFE6' elseif WL == 'V' then BG = '#F0E8E8' WL = 'W' N = N .. ' (vacated)' end return BG, WL, N end local function parse4(p, s) local t = {'', '', '', ''} for k = 1,4 do t[k] = mw.ustring.gsub(s, p, '%' .. k) end local wl, sc, n, bg = t[1], t[2] .. '–' .. t[3], t[4], 'inherit' bg, wl, n = setbg(wl, n) return '<span style="display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; width:1em">' .. wl .. '</span> ' .. sc .. n, bg end local function getresult(wl, s, n) local bg = 'inherit' local loopnum = 0 while (mw.ustring.match(s, '&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];') and loopnum < 5) do hasstrangescore = true s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];', ' ') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '<%s*[Ss][Pp][Aa][Nn][^<>]*>%s*</[Ss][Pp][Aa][Nn]%s*>', ' ') loopnum = loopnum + 1 end s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];%s*(<[%s/]*[0-9]*OT[%s/]*>)', ' %1') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '%s*<([0-9]*)[Oo][Tt]>', ' <sup>%1OT</sup>') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];', '–') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '<span class="url">(.-)</span>', '%1') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') if wl ~= '' then s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*([%d][%d]*)%s*[%‐‒–—―]%s*', '%1–') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[%[%s*[^|]*|%s*[%d][%d]*)%s*[%‐‒–—―]%s*', '%1–') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[[^|%[%]%s]*%s+[%d][%d]*)%s*[%‐‒–—―]%s*', '%1–') local r if mw.ustring.match(wl, '^%s*[%a]?%s*$') then bg, wl, n = setbg(wl, n) r = '<span style="display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; width:1em">' .. wl .. '</span> ' .. s .. n else hasstrangescore = true r = wl .. s .. n end return r,bg end if s == 'Cancelled' or s == '' or s == '?' then return wl .. s .. n, 'inherit' end if mw.ustring.match(s, '^[%a]%s+[^%d].*$') then wl = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^([%a])%s+(.-)$', '%1') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^([%a])%s+(.-)$', '%2') bg, wl, n = setbg(wl, n) local r = '<span style="display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; width:1em">' .. wl .. '</span> ' .. s .. n return r,bg end if mw.ustring.match(s, '^[%a]$') then bg, wl, n = setbg(s, n) local r = '<span style="display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; width:1em">' .. wl .. '</span> ' .. n return r, bg end local pat pat = '^([%a])%s*([%d][%d]*)[%D]%s*([%d][%d]*)(.-)$' if mw.ustring.match(s, pat) then return parse4(pat, s) end pat = '^([%a])%s*(%[%[%s*[^|]*|%s*[%d][%d]*)[%D]%s*([%d][%d]*%]%])(.-)$' if mw.ustring.match(s, pat) then return parse4(pat, s) end pat = '^([%a])%s*(%[[^|%[%]%s]*%s+[%d][%d]*)[%D]%s*([%d][%d]*%s*%])(.-)$' if mw.ustring.match(s, pat) then return parse4(pat, s) end hasstrangescore = true return wl .. s .. n, 'inherit' end local function getfootnotes(ncg, hc, oe, rank, opprank, poll, tz, src) -- footnotes local fn = {} if ncg then table.insert(fn,'*Non-conference game') end if hc then table.insert(fn, dagger .. 'Homecoming') end if isnotempty(oe) then table.insert(fn, oe) end if (rank == true) or (opprank == true) then table.insert(fn, 'Rankings from ' .. poll) end if isnotempty(tz) then table.insert(fn,'All times are in [[' .. tz .. ' Time Zone|' .. tz .. ' time]]') end if isnotempty(src) then table.insert(fn, 'Source: ' .. src) end if (#fn > 0) then local res = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('hlist') :tag('ul') :wikitext('<li>' .. table.concat(fn,'</li><li>') .. '</li>') :done() return tostring(res) else return nil end end local function make_outer_table(args) local showdate = yesno(args['date'], false) local showtime = yesno(args['time'], false) local showrank = yesno(args['rank'], false) local showtv = yesno(args['tv'], false) local showattend = yesno(args['attend'], false) local showsource = yesno(args['source'], false) local ncg, hc = false, false local row -- Step 1: Inspect the rows to determine which headers are active local k = 1 while args[k] ~= nil do if showdate == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-date[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showdate = true end end if showtime == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-time[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showtime = true end end if showrank == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-rank[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showrank = true end end if showtv == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-tv[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showtv = true end end if showattend == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-attend[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showattend = true end end if showsource == false then if args[k]:find('<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-source[^>]*>%s*[^%s<]') then showsource = true end end if ncg == false then if args[k]:find('<s[pu][ap][^>]*CFB%-schedule%-ncgame') then ncg = true end end if hc == false then if args[k]:find('<s[pu][ap][^>]*CFB%-schedule%-hcgame') then hc = true end end if hasrank == false then if showrank == true or args[k]:find('No%. %d') then hasrank = true end end k = k + 1 end if k == 1 then return '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with no content]]' end -- Step 2: Build the table local root = mw.html.create('table') root:addClass('wikitable') :css('font-size', '95%') -- optional caption if args['caption'] then root:tag('caption'):wikitext(args['caption']) end -- add the headers local cols = 3 row = root:tag('tr') if showdate then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Date') cols = cols + 1 end if showtime then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Time') cols = cols + 1 end row:tag('th'):wikitext('Opponent') if showrank then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Rank') cols = cols + 1 end row:tag('th'):wikitext('Site') if showtv then row:tag('th'):wikitext('TV') cols = cols + 1 end row:tag('th'):wikitext('Result') if showattend then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Attendance') cols = cols + 1 end if showsource then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Source') cols = cols + 1 end k = 1 while args[k] ~= nil do row = args[k] or '' if showdate then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-date[^>]*>', '<td style="white-space:nowrap">') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-date[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end if showtime then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-time[^>]*>', '<td style="white-space:nowrap">') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-time[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end if showrank then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-rank[^>]*>', '<td style="white-space:nowrap">') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-rank[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end if showtv then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-tv[^>]*>', '<td>') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-tv[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end if showattend then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-attend[^>]*>', '<td style="text-align:center">') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-attend[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end if showsource then row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-source[^>]*>', '<td style="text-align:center">') else row = mw.ustring.gsub(row, '<td[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-source[^>]*>%s*</td>%s*', '') end root:wikitext(row) k = k + 1 end -- footnotes local fnotes = getfootnotes( ncg, hc, args['other-event'] or args['other_event'] or args['otherevent'], showrank, yesno(args['opprank'], hasrank), getpolltext( args['rank_year'] or args['rankyear'], args['rank_division'] or args['rankdivision'], args['poll'] ), showtime and args['timezone'] or '', args['seasonsource'] ) if fnotes ~= nil then root:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan',cols) :css('font-size', '85%') :wikitext(fnotes) end return tostring(root) end local function convert_table(args) local function splitresult(s) local wl = '' s = mw.ustring.gsub(s or '', '&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];', '–') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') local r = '' if mw.ustring.match(s, '^[%a]%s*[%d][%d]*[%D]%s*[%d][%d]*%s*.*$') then local t = {'', '', '', ''} for k = 1,4 do t[k] = mw.ustring.gsub(s,'^([%a])%s*([%d][%d]*)[%D]%s*([%d][%d]*)%s*(.*)$', '%' .. k) end local wl, s1, s2, n = t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4] wl = wl:lower() return wl, s1 .. '–' .. s2 .. n end return '', s end local res = '{{CFB schedule\n' res = res .. (yesno(args['opprank'], false) == false and '' or '| opprank = y\n') res = res .. (isnotempty(args['other-event']) and '| other-event = ' .. args['other-event'] .. '\n' or '') res = res .. (isnotempty(args['rankyear']) and '| rankyear = ' .. args['rankyear'] .. '\n' or '') res = res .. (isnotempty(args['rankdivision']) and '| rankdivision = ' .. args['rankdivision'] .. '\n' or '') res = res .. (isnotempty(args['poll']) and '| poll = ' .. args['poll'] .. '\n' or '') res = res .. (isnotempty(args['timezone']) and '| timezone = ' .. args['timezone'] .. '\n' or '') -- switch headers on and off local headers = {'Date', 'Time', 'At/Vs', 'Opponent', 'Rank', 'Site', 'Location', 'TV', 'Result', 'Attendance', 'Source'} local resultoffset = 8 for k = #headers,1,-1 do if headers[k] == 'Time' and (yesno(args['time'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'At/Vs' and (yesno(args['atvs'], true) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'Rank' and (yesno(args['rank'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'TV' and (yesno(args['tv'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'Attendance' and (yesno(args['attend'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) elseif headers[k] == 'Source' and (yesno(args['source'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) end end -- parse the table local k = 1 local stopflag = (args[k] == nil) and true or false while stopflag == false do res = res .. '|{{CFB schedule entry\n' for j = 1,#headers do if headers[j] == 'Date' then res = res .. '| date = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Time' then res = res .. '| time = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'At/Vs' then local atvs = mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') atvs = mw.ustring.gsub(atvs, '^@', 'at') atvs = mw.ustring.gsub(atvs, '^[Vv][Ss]?[%.%s]*', 'vs.') if mw.ustring.find(atvs, '^at') then res = res .. '| away = y\n' elseif mw.ustring.find(atvs, '^vs') then res = res .. '| neutral = y\n' elseif atvs ~= '' then res = res .. '| atvs = ~' .. atvs .. '~\n' end elseif headers[j] == 'Opponent' then local opp = mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') if mw.ustring.find(opp, '%s*<[%s/]*[Nn][Cc][Gg][%s/]*>%s*') then opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '%s*<[%s/]*[Nn][Cc][Gg][%s/]*>%s*', ' ') res = res .. '| nonconf = y\n' end if mw.ustring.find(opp, '%s*<[%s/]*[Hh][Cc][%s/]*>%s*') then opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '%s*<[%s/]*[Hh][Cc][%s/]*>%s*', ' ') res = res .. '| homecoming = y\n' end opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^[Nn][Oo][%.%s]*([0-9])', '#%1' ) if mw.ustring.find(opp, '^#([0-9]+)%s*') then local orank = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^#([0-9]+)%s*(.-)$', '%1' ) opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^#([0-9]+)%s*(.-)$', '%2' ) res = res .. '| opprank = ' .. orank .. '\n' end if mw.ustring.find(opp, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$') then local rgame = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$', '%2') opp = mw.ustring.gsub(opp, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$', '%1') res = res .. '| gamename = ' .. rgame .. '\n' end res = res .. '| opponent = ' .. opp .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Rank' then local mrank = mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') mrank = mw.ustring.gsub(mrank, '^[Nn][Oo][%.%s]*([0-9])', '%1' ) mrank = mw.ustring.gsub(mrank, '^#[%.%s]*([0-9])', '%1' ) res = res .. '| rank = ' .. mrank .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Site' then res = res .. '| stadium = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Location' then local loc = mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') local rname = '' if mw.ustring.find(loc, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$') then rgame = mw.ustring.gsub(loc, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$', '%2') rname = rname .. '| gamename = ' .. rgame .. '\n' loc = mw.ustring.gsub(loc, '^(.-)%s*%((%[%[[^%[%]]*%]%])%)%s*$', '%1') end res = res .. '| cityst = ' .. loc .. '\n' res = res .. rname elseif headers[j] == 'TV' then res = res .. '| tv = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Result' then local wl, score = splitresult(args[k] or '') res = res .. '| w/l = ' .. wl .. '\n' res = res .. '| score = ' .. score .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Attendance' then res = res .. '| attend = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' elseif headers[j] == 'Source' then res = res .. '| source = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' else res = res .. '| ?? = ' .. mw.ustring.gsub(args[k] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') .. '\n' end k = k + 1 stopflag = (args[k] == nil) and true or false end res = res .. '}}\n' end res = res .. '}}' return res end local function make_table(args) local hasgamename = true -- switch headers on and off local headers = {'Date', 'Time', 'At/Vs', 'Opponent', 'Rank', 'Site', 'Location', 'Game name', 'TV', 'Result', 'Attendance', 'Source'} local resultoffset = 9 local ncg, hc = false, false for k = #headers,1,-1 do if headers[k] == 'Time' and (yesno(args['time'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'At/Vs' and (yesno(args['atvs'], true) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'Rank' and (yesno(args['rank'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'Game name' and (yesno(args['gamename'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 hasgamename = false elseif headers[k] == 'TV' and (yesno(args['tv'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) resultoffset = resultoffset - 1 elseif headers[k] == 'Attendance' and (yesno(args['attend'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) elseif headers[k] == 'Source' and (yesno(args['source'], false) == false) then table.remove(headers,k) end end -- create the root table local root = mw.html.create('table') root:addClass('wikitable') :css('font-size', '95%') -- optional caption if args['caption'] then root:tag('caption'):wikitext(args['caption']) end -- add the headers local row = root:tag('tr') for k=1,#headers do if headers[k] == 'Rank' then local cell = row:tag('th') cell:wikitext('Rank') elseif headers[k] == 'Location' then elseif headers[k] == 'At/Vs' then elseif headers[k] == 'Opponent' then local cell = row:tag('th') cell:wikitext('Opponent') else local cell = row:tag('th') cell:wikitext(headers[k]) end end -- build the table local k = 1 local stopflag = (args[k] == nil) and true or false if stopflag then return '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with no content]]' end while stopflag == false do local res, bg = getresult('', args[k+resultoffset] or '', '') row = root:tag('tr'):css('background-color', bg) local op, gn = '', '' for j = 1,#headers do if headers[j] == 'Result' then row:tag('td'):css('white-space', 'nowrap'):wikitext(res) elseif headers[j] == 'At/Vs' then elseif headers[j] == 'Opponent' then if mw.ustring.find(args[k] or '', '<[%s/]*[Nn][Cc][Gg][%s/]*>') then ncg = true end if mw.ustring.find(args[k] or '', '<[%s/]*[Hh][Cc][%s/]*>') then hc = true end op, gn = getopp(args[k], (yesno(args['atvs'], true) == true) and (args[k-1] or '') or '', true) row:tag('td'):wikitext(op) elseif headers[j] == 'Rank' then row:tag('td'):wikitext(getrank(args[k])) elseif headers[j] == 'Site' then row:tag('td'):wikitext(getsite(args[k] or '', args[k+1] or '', (hasgamename and (args[k+2] or '') or '') .. (' ' .. gn))) elseif headers[j] == 'Location' then elseif headers[j] == 'Game name' then elseif headers[j] == 'Attendance' then row:tag('td'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(args[k]) else row:tag('td'):wikitext(args[k]) end k = k + 1 stopflag = (args[k] == nil) and true or false end end -- footnotes local fnotes = getfootnotes( ncg, hc, args['other-event'] or args['other_event'] or args['otherevent'], yesno(args['rank'], false), yesno(args['opprank'], hasrank), getpolltext( args['rank_year'] or args['rankyear'], args['rank_division'] or args['rankdivision'], args['poll'] ), (yesno(args['time'], false) == false) and '' or args['timezone'], args['seasonsource'] ) if fnotes ~= nil then row = root:tag('tr') row:tag('td') :attr('colspan',#headers) :css('font-size', '85%') :wikitext(fnotes) end -- return the root table return tostring(root) .. (haslocgamename and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with gamename after location]]' or '') .. (hasoppgamename and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with gamename after opponent]]' or '') .. (haslocrivalry and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with rivalry after location]]' or '') .. (hasopprivalry and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with rivalry after opponent]]' or '') .. (hasstrangescore and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with an unusual score]]' or '') .. (hasnowrap and '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with nowrap or nbsp opponent]]' or '') end function p.entry(frame) local args = (frame.args.opponent ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args local cell if args['overtime'] then args['overtime'] = ' <sup>' .. args['overtime'] .. '</sup>' end local res, bg = getresult( (args['w/l'] or '') .. ' ', args['score'] or '', args['overtime'] or '' ) local root = mw.html.create('tr') :addClass('CFB-schedule-row') :css('background-color', bg) -- Date cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-date') if and ( ~= 'no' then cell :css('white-space','nowrap') :wikitext( or '') else cell:css('display','none') end -- Time cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-time') if args.time and (args.time):lower() ~= 'no' then cell :css('white-space','nowrap') :wikitext(args.time or '') else cell:css('display','none') end -- Opponent local op, gn = getopp( (isnotempty(args.opprank) and 'No. ' .. args.opprank .. ' ' or '') .. (args.opponent or '') .. ((yesno(args.nonconf,false) == true) and '<ncg>' or '') .. ((yesno(args.homecoming,false) == true) and '<hc>' or '') .. (args.ref or ''), (isnotempty(args.away) and 'at' or '') .. (isnotempty(args.neutral) and 'vs.' or ''), false ) root:tag('td') :css('white-space', 'nowrap') :wikitext(op) -- Rank cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-rank') if args.rank and (args.rank):lower() ~= 'no' then local rank = args.rank or '' if rank ~= '' then rank = 'No. ' .. rank end cell :css('text-align','center') :css('white-space','nowrap') :wikitext(rank) else cell:css('display','none') end -- Gamename local gamename = args.gamename or '' -- Site root:tag('td') :wikitext(getsite(args.stadium or args.site_stadium or '', (args.cityst or args.site_cityst or ''), gamename)) -- TV cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-tv') if and ( ~= 'no' then cell :wikitext( or '') else cell:css('display','none') end -- Result root:tag('td') :css('white-space','nowrap') :wikitext(res) -- Attendance cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-attend') if args.attend and (args.attend):lower() ~= 'no' then cell :css('text-align','center') :wikitext(args.attend or '') else cell:css('display','none') end -- Source cell = root:tag('td'):addClass('CFB-schedule-source') if args.source and (args.source):lower() ~= 'no' then cell :css('text-align','center') :wikitext(args.source or '') else cell:css('display','none') end return tostring(root) end function p.subst(frame) local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args if (args[1] or ''):find('<tr[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-row') then return make_outer_table(args) else return convert_table(args) end end function p.table(frame) local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args if (args[1] or ''):find('<tr[^>]*CFB%-schedule%-row') then return make_outer_table(args) .. '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with named parameters]]' else return make_table(args) .. '[[Category:Pages using CFB schedule with unnamed parameters]]' end end return p