MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday February 11, 2025
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local p = {}; local args = {} local origArgs local root local function preprocessSingleArg(argName, default) -- If the argument exists and isn't blank, add it to the argument table. -- Blank arguments are treated as nil to match the behaviour of ParserFunctions. if origArgs[argName] and origArgs[argName] ~= '' then args[argName] = origArgs[argName]:gsub("#", "#") elseif default ~= nil then args[argName] = default:gsub("#", "#") end end local function preprocessArgs(prefixTable, step) -- Assign the parameters with the given prefixes to the args table, in order, in batches -- of the step size specified. This is to prevent references etc. from appearing in the -- wrong order. The prefixTable should be an array containing tables, each of which has -- two possible fields, a "prefix" string and a "depend" table. The function always parses -- parameters containing the "prefix" string, but only parses parameters in the "depend" -- table if the prefix parameter is present and non-blank. if type(prefixTable) ~= 'table' then error("Non-table value detected for the prefix table", 2) end if type(step) ~= 'number' then error("Invalid step value detected", 2) end -- Get arguments without a number suffix, and check for bad input. for i,v in ipairs(prefixTable) do if type(v) ~= 'table' or type(v.prefix) ~= "string" or (v.depend and type(v.depend) ~= 'table') then error('Invalid input detected to preprocessArgs prefix table', 2) end preprocessSingleArg(v.prefix, nil) -- Only parse the depend parameter if the prefix parameter is present and not blank. if args[v.prefix] and v.depend then for j, dependValue in ipairs(v.depend) do if type(dependValue) ~= 'string' then error('Invalid "depend" parameter value detected in preprocessArgs') end preprocessSingleArg(dependValue, nil) end end end -- Get arguments with number suffixes. local a = 1 -- Counter variable. local moreArgumentsExist = true while moreArgumentsExist == true do moreArgumentsExist = false for i = a, a + step - 1 do for j,v in ipairs(prefixTable) do local prefixArgName = v.prefix .. tostring(i) if origArgs[prefixArgName] then moreArgumentsExist = true -- Do another loop if any arguments are found, even blank ones. preprocessSingleArg(prefixArgName, nil) end -- Process the depend table if the prefix argument is present and not blank, or -- we are processing "prefix1" and "prefix" is present and not blank, and -- if the depend table is present. if v.depend and (args[prefixArgName] or (i == 1 and args[v.prefix])) then for j,dependValue in ipairs(v.depend) do local dependArgName = dependValue .. tostring(i) preprocessSingleArg(dependArgName, nil) end end end end a = a + step end end local function getArgNums(prefix) -- Returns a table containing the numbers of the arguments that exist -- for the specified prefix. For example, if the prefix was 'data', and -- 'data1', 'data2', and 'data5' exist, it would return {1, 2, 5}. local nums = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do local num = tostring(k):match('^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$') if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end end table.sort(nums) return nums end local function defaultLink(pagename) if pagename == args.basepagename then return 'User:' .. pagename elseif pagename == "Talk" then return 'User talk:' .. args.basepagename elseif pagename == "Contributions" then return 'Special:Contributions/' .. args.basepagename else return 'User:' .. args.basepagename .. '/' .. pagename end end local function _userpage() local nameargs = getArgNums('name') local nameargslen = 0 for _ in pairs(nameargs) do nameargslen = nameargslen + 1 end local width = 100 / nameargslen root = mw.html.create('table') root:css('width', '100%') :css('background-color', args.background_normal) :tag('tr') local cellnums = getArgNums('name') table.sort(cellnums) for k, num in ipairs(cellnums) do local row = root:tag('td'):css('border',args.border .. " solid medium"):css('text-align', 'center'):css('width', width .. '%') local pagename = args['name' .. num] local pagelink = nil local textcolor = nil if args['link' .. num] ~= nil then pagelink = args['link' .. num] else pagelink = defaultLink(pagename) end if pagelink == args.fullpagename then row:css('background-color', args.background_select) textcolor = args.text_highlight else row:css('background-color', args.background_normal) textcolor = args.text_normal end local para = row:tag("p") para:wikitext("[[" .. pagelink .. "|'''<span style='color:" .. textcolor .. "'>" .. pagename .. "</span>''']]") para:done() row:done() end return tostring(root) end function p.userpage(frame, fullpagename, basepagename) -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template. -- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in. if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then origArgs = frame:getParent().args else origArgs = frame end preprocessSingleArg('user_title_color', 'black') preprocessSingleArg('background_normal', 'lightblue') preprocessSingleArg('background_select', 'blue') preprocessSingleArg('text_highlight', 'white') preprocessSingleArg('text_normal', 'navy') preprocessSingleArg('border', 'navy') preprocessSingleArg('fullpagename', frame.args[1]) preprocessSingleArg('basepagename', frame.args[2]) preprocessArgs({{prefix='name', depend={'link'}}}, 4) return _userpage() end return p;