Fraternity drinking

The fraternity drinking (in Austria: "Brotherhood drinking", or Brüderschafttrinken) of two persons designated by the ritualized transition Seize by Duzen by means of drinking. In the 17 and 18 Century was for the expressionto theDutz drink (drink to Duzen) common. Behind it probably is the assumption thatcombining "common drinking ... and commit" can [1].

In the modern custom of both parties from ever drinking a drinking vessel, said the vessel owning arms grab another by the elbow and the other one, so to speak unterhakt. Among familiar or already kinship relations are to be followed a kiss - once mostly on the mouth, now more on the cheek. Subsequently, one with his name before (theI / ..., and I'm hot ...).

This custom is found in the form of a proverbial expression in the literature.


The origin of the fraternity drinking ritual is not to determine exactly: Lutz Rohrich Rohrich [2] assumes that the phrase originally in a by magical rites committed form of decreasing affinity. Rites as mutual drinking the blood, or joint dipping the hand in animal blood, while the participants undertook the same goals and ideals and formed such a brotherhood.

Rudolf Schultze mentions the custom as early as the late Middle Ages [3], but without giving sources. Certainly detectable is the custom in the 17th Century with Scripture"Jus Potandi or Zechrecht", in 1616 issued a legal-writing parody of an anonymous German author. The Jus Potandi, the translation of theDisputatio inauguralis theoretico-practica jus potandithe English poet Richard Brathwaite (1588-1673) from the same year. In chapter 20 of that document states:

'One but Verstandt or opinion(NHG example: a specific meaning)is the one who cups or Glass / to one another but also and with Darzu usual words for brother erwehlet / unnd einweyhet / or / as one cultivates promise otherwise / with Ihme auff Bruederschafft or auff the trincket Dutz. What auff to happen as the following general cultivates based graphic design. In which one speaks to the other and says, If I the Lord, not too young or too low(too small)were / I was about to him a good auff Kundschafft unnd bring Bruederschafft / Upon this answers the other: God's name in her Trincke / It will be pleasant and very dear to me: Upon this he trinckt outside / and in which he again zustellet the eingeschenckte Trinckgeschirr his Newen(new)brother / he uses this word in / and says my name heist NN I wil do what you love / is what you can unnd [l] oath. Upon this answers the other: And both Similarly I wil do well in everything. And after performing his / her silence a little quiet / Upon this request unnd / Bruederschafft that such visit by oeffters / so from one place to another should / be like and bestaettiget vollnzogen / and such Bruederschafft / I reported / introduced itself is obtained by been."[4]

The Brotherhood of drinking seems to be created toasting s from the custom: the person who wants another application is presented to the brotherhood, speaks to this, drink to him and filled the cup again. For the same cup and then drink the addressee and the first calls his name. Then they promise to do each other what the other loves "and to have what the other" was sorry ".

This formula is also found in poetry"strange ones and true visions of Philander custom forestof Michael Moscherosch from the 17th Century, in the binge [5] is described (Part 1, Face 6):

The chief sat at the table and drank to each other, so that they rolled their eyes when engraved calves. One brought to the other something from a bowl, a shoe. One gave the other the hand, and asked each other by name and promised eternal friends and brothers to be attached with this ordinary Klausul: "I'll do what you love, and shun what is the counter to" each of the band Nestel another one of his leather pants on the other tattered jerkin

In the 18 Century, the brotherhood drink at the fraternity en seem common. So says the custom of the "brotherhooddrinking" [from hall-born master [Christian Wilhelm child life]] (1748-1785) in a student-written by himLexicon ' 'from 1781 was how to Duzbruder'': "... drink when young people Beyme glass of wine or perhaps Beyme Kommersch(bout)in a glass of beer or liquor Brotherhood , and each other E'en then call you and brother ...". Later, it was to drink Schmollis.

The Brothers Grimm [6] wrote in their dictionaryit heiszt drink brotherhood and lead to as literary evidence for the use in the form of a proverbial saying several works: how it is at Friedrich von Hagedorn:"... he drank brotherhood with Aegeln and asks what maketh her Silenus "and in Goethe s Egmont (4 elevator) states:Now go! Go! I advise it yourselves, where do I see compete again one lap, the do not look as if they were to drink as soon brotherhood with us. At Friedrich Schiller is suggested in the predators, even the brotherhood with the devil:We make our courage and strength / And roast with the Black Brotherhood, / The in hell' '".

In Meyer's words Encyclopedia of 1888 under the headingbrotherhood:This is "... first the agreement of two persons to be regarded as brothers, often only to each other," You speak to "... The custom of drinking fraternity is based, probably the fact that the enjoyment of the same potion was regarded as a symbol of solid union ..."< ref> ((Meyers Online | 3 | 505 | special fraternity chapter =)) </ref> .


  1. ^ Reginaand Manfred Hübner:Drink, brother, drink. Illustrated Cultural and Social History German drinking habits, Leipzig, 2004
  2. ^ :Dictionary of proverbs, Lemma "brother", Freiburg im Breisgau 1991
  3. ^ Rudolf Schultze:History of wine and drinking binge, Berlin, 1867, page 166:War in the 14th and 15 Century of the chivalrous Saufgeist to a significant height and expansion progressed, so have been in the nascent universities certainly founded the real nurseries for the same. ... The welcome drink, Brüderschaftmachen ... gave an opportunity to fully drink immoderately "
  4. ^ Blasius Multibibus:Jus Potandi or Zechrecht, reprint of the German version of" Jus Potandi "by Richard Brathwaite from the year 1616, afterword by Michael Stolleis, Frankfurt am Main 1982
  5. ^ a student to Wilhelm Bode:A Brief History of the drinking habits and Mäßigkeitsbestrebungenin Germany, Munich 1896, page 213
  6. ^