Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 13

1. The "Reinvestment" Strategy

The "we always reinvest (no.)% of our profits right back in product development..." strategy tells your prospects that a large amount of income goes back into improving the products for your customers. People will see that part of their purchase will be given back to them in the form of new and better products in the future.

2. The "Two Types Of People" Strategy

The "there are two types of people, one that does anything to improve their life and one that watches others do it and wonders why they can't..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will be taking a step towards being the first type of person. People will not want to be the second type because most people get jealous when they see others reaching their goals if they're not doing so.

3. The "It's Not Right" Strategy

The "here are (no.) reasons why my product might not be right for you..." strategy tells your prospects the reasons that will make them not want to be the person your product isn't right for. Some reasons could be that they are lazy, close-minded, unintelligent, afraid of success, delusional, etc.

4. The "Weekly Motivation" Strategy

The "bonus: (daily/weekly) motivational quotes..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will give them free quotes that will motivate them to gain their desired benefit with your product. You could have them sign up to receive them via autoresponder, text message, etc.

5. The "Two Options" Strategy

The "you have two options, option #1 - hire a ($ - expensive) (professional) or option #2 - buy (your product name)($ - low cost)..." strategy tells your prospects that both options will help them gain their desired benefit but your option will be way cheaper. People like to be able to make decisions for themselves and usually make the smart ones.

6. The "Wait Is On" Strategy

The "once our inventory sells out, you'll have wait a longer time for your product..." strategy tells your prospects that you have only produced so many copies of your product and if they wait too long to order, there will be a shipping delay. They will feel the urgency to order if they want to work on getting their desired benefit right away.

7. The "Dime" Strategy

The "every time someone buys (your product name), the price goes up (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, etc.)..." strategy tells your prospects the sooner they order, the cheaper the price will be for them. You won't make much money on the front-end but you can make most of your money with an upsell or one time offer on the backend. You could even give your affiliates 100% commission on the front-end. Another idea would be to have the price go up every hour.

8. The "5 In 1" Strategy

The "it's like getting (no.) tools in 1..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will have multiple uses and benefits. It would save them the money they’d have to spend buying other products they’d need if they didn't have those extra tools or features. You could even make your price seem lower by dividing the number of tools into the price. For example, it's only ($) per tool.

9. The "Only One Authorized" Strategy

The "many people are selling it but I am the only person who is authorized to give you a (no.) discount..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't buy the reseller or affiliate product from you, they will have to pay more to someone else. You could even offer them some personal bonuses that will make your exclusive offer even juicier.

10. The "VIP Party" Strategy

The "bonus: free access to our VIP customer appreciation party..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will be given access to a live party you’re having for your customers. You could tell them there will be door prizes, drinks, food, live entertainment and a few speakers at the party.

11. The "First To $1 Race" Strategy

The "the first (no.) people that order will get access for (no.) days for only $1..." strategy tells your prospects that if they act now, they can get a trial or sample of your product for only $1. If they like what you offer, they will pay your full price. You can even tell them you'll refund their $1 if they don't like your product.

12. The "Secret And Private" Strategy

The "I can't reveal their names but some well-known experts have even bought it..." strategy tells your prospects that you have to keep your customers’ names private for privacy reasons but even people that might know more than you have purchased your product. People will like the fact that you will keep your customers’ personal information confidential.

13. The "Refund Countdown" Strategy

The "I've had only (no.) refunds out of (no.) orders..." strategy tells your prospects that most of the people that purchase your product are happy with it. If the refund reasons are directly related to your product’s performance, they’ll tell your customers about it. For example, one guy really liked my product but needed to ask for a refund because of financial hardship that came up.

14. The "Two Sales Letters" Strategy

The "it's so good, we actually have 2 different sales letters for this product - click here to see the other one..." strategy tells your prospects they can have a choice about which sales letter they want to read. One may persuade them to buy more than the other. It's like you’re giving them an option on how they want to be persuaded.

15. The "I Deleted It" Strategy

The "I deleted the sales letter I paid a copywriter ($) to write..." strategy tells your prospects that you wanted to personally present your product to them rather than paying someone to present it. You can remind them you’re not a copywriter so they will let down their buying defense too. You could go on further to say that you wanted to personally tell them a heartwarming story of how you or one of your customers improved their life with your product.

16. The "J.V. Crunch" Strategy

The "we are going to have over (no.) joint venture partners promoting our new product on (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that a lot of people think your product is good enough to promote it to their own prospects or customers. You could even give them a list of names of some of the well-known J.V. partners. People will assume that if all those people like your product, they should try it out as well.

17. The "Inch By Inch" Strategy

The "you will be able to actually see the results in a few (seconds/minutes/hours/days)..." strategy tells your prospects that they will notice your product starting to gain their desired benefit within a certain time frame. You could tell them they will start to see it work little by little, pound by pound, sale by sale, inch by inch, etc.

18. The "Time Frame" Strategy

The "at (time)(date) I bought the product, at (time)(date) I started using it, at (time)(date) I (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects the actual time frame from the date someone bought your product till the time they benefited from it. People will likely look at their own clock and calculate when they will get their desired benefit if they buy.

19. The "Quick Payback" Strategy

The "only the first (no.) orders will have access to my affiliate program..." strategy tells your prospects if they don't hurry up and order, they will miss out on being able to promote your product for commissions. People will think it's a great way to earn back the money they spent on the product.

20. The "Volume Bonus" Strategy

The "order over (no.) copies and get (bonus or bonus product)..." strategy tells your prospects if they order a certain amount of your product, you will give them a freebie. The bonus could be an extra copy of the product, a discount on their order, free updates for life, an add-on product that will help them store all the products they bought, etc.

21. The "Remember These Words" Strategy

The "remember these words by (a famous person) (their quote)..." strategy tells your prospects that they should relate the purchase of your product to that famous person’s quote. The quote should convince them to order your product. The person should be someone your target audience would recognize and thinks highly of.

22. The "I'm Buying Advertising" Strategy

The "I just paid a ton of money to have my ad go out to (no.) thousand/million people and I only have (no.) copies available..." strategy tells your prospects they better order right away because there will be a ton of people who will see your ad. You could even show them a screenshot of your receipt for the advertising you purchased.

23. The "Buy To Own" Strategy

The "for every product you purchase from me, I'll put that dollar amount towards the purchase of (your high price product)..." strategy tells your prospects if over time they buy a lot of your products or affiliate products, they will eventually get your high priced product for no cost. You will just have to set up a system to keep track of the purchases and dollar amount each one spends.

24. The "Be Like Your Idol" Strategy

The "benefit like (famous person or expert) did..." strategy tells your prospects they can gain their desired benefit just like a person they look up to did if they purchase your product. Tell them they can reach their goals easier if they model themselves after someone who has already improved their life.

25. The "Want To Be Famous?" Strategy

The "how would you like to become (famous/a recognized authority)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will offer a way for them to become well-known. You could allow them to publish articles on your web site, become one of your forum moderators, be interviewed for your next information product, speak at your seminar, etc.

26. The "Blue Underlined Text" Strategy

The "please type your user name and password..." strategy tells your prospects that if they click on underlined text links in your ad copy or the member’s area link on your web site, they have to enter their information to get access. Many people will click on blue underlined text just to see why it's linked or they could get lucky and get free access to your member’s area. Not getting access will tease them and persuade them to buy to see why your product or membership is so protected.

27. The "Question/Answer" Strategy

The "what would you ask these (experts/famous people) if you had the chance?..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to allow them to ask those experts a question at your live seminar or teleseminar. You could charge for access or give them access for free, then offer them a product at the end of the question/answer period of the event.

28. The "In The Same Light" Strategy

The "he/she is to (subject) what (famous person) is to (subject)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are putting the product owner of the product that you’re promoting in the same light as another well-known expert in another unrelated subject. For example, he is to football what John Doe is to rock music.

29. The "Unlike Others" Strategy

The "unlike (type of product) it won't irritate other people..." strategy tells your prospects that if they use your product it won't make other people mad, sad, frustrated, etc., like similar products. For example, the lawn mower is so quiet you won't wake your neighbors up, even if you decide to mow your lawn at 3 o’clock in the morning.

30. The "Question Letters" Strategy

The "hardly a day goes by that I don’t receive letters asking the same basic question..." strategy tells your prospects that you created a product to help your customers based on the letters you've received. People will see that if they become your customer, you will take their advice or questions seriously to help them succeed.

31. The "Light Package" Strategy

The "see the whole package summary..." strategy tells your prospects that they can see a short version of all the products that you offer in your product package. People will usually skip to it to save themselves some time reading. Just mention one of the most powerful benefits of each product in your summary.

32. The "Checked And Verified" Strategy

The "all this information has been double-checked and verified by (type of experts)..." strategy tells your prospects that the information in your product has been thoroughly researched and other experts have put their stamp on it. People will feel more comfortable knowing that it’s likely there aren’t any errors in the information you sell.

33. The "Buy Or Scratch" Strategy

The "you have two options - buy my product or do it from scratch..." strategy gives your prospects their options for obtaining their desired benefit. You can tell them all the problems they will face if they try to do it themselves from scratch and all the benefits of doing with your product. Most people will pick the easy way out.

34. The "Traveling Sucks" Strategy

The "there is no need for you to make costly travel arrangements..." strategy tells your prospects that they will be able to listen or watch your live event via phone or video feed. You can tell them they don't have to pack their bags, hire a babysitter, buy airline tickets, pay for a hotel, etc. People will like the fact they can enjoy learning how to gain their desired benefit from the comfort of their own home or office.

35. The "Unwanted Product" Strategy

The "buy (an untargeted product) and you'll get (targeted) bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling a product or affiliate product that they may not be interested in but you are offering a bunch of bonuses with it that are related to their niche. You can tell them if they don't like or need the main product, they can give it to a friend or family member as a gift.

36. The "O.T.O. Price" Strategy

The "you won't believe the price of the O.T.O. (one time offer)..." strategy tells your prospects to get interested in your O.T.O. offer so they will want to see it. In order to see it, you could have them register or buy a lower priced product first. You could also allow them to earn commissions on your offer by sending people to your web page.

37. The "Side Effects" Strategy

The "proceed at your own risk: you could experience irreversible side effects by reading this..." strategy tells your prospects to read your sales letter because they will be curious about the side effects they may receive. You could even mention some physical side effects they may experience like: chills down their spine, goosebumps, a fever, shaking uncontrollably, etc. Or they could be beneficial side effect like: total freedom, a tidal wave of money, attracting a beautiful woman, etc.

38. The "Injury Risk" Strategy

The "injury risk: you may want to sit down before you read this..." strategy tells your prospects that if they read your sales letter, they could be swept off their feet, fall down or faint. It also tells them you are going to tell them some shocking and mind-boggling information. They will be curious to see how it will affect them reaching their goals.

39. The "Pop Quiz" Strategy

The "quick pop quiz: why do most people fail at (topic)?..." strategy tells your prospects that you want them to answer that question so you can prove a point about your product. Of course you can tell them, “No, it's not too obvious an answer.” Most of your prospects would answer then you just tell them the correct answer. Plus, the pop quiz part will grab their attention because, like in school, it always gets the students’ attention because they are never ready for one.

40. The "Back Door" Strategy

The "discover the back door way to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will allow them to gain their desired benefit with a secret loophole that you found. You can mention you are the only one that knows about it. Usually a "back door way" is a way to do something that is easier, cheaper or faster than normal or usual methods.

41. The "Multiply That Feeling" Strategy

The "have you ever felt really (feeling/emotion)? Well, now you can multiply that feeling by (no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them a benefit that will make them feel far better than normal. You could say - Have you ever felt really happy, excited, satisfied, relaxed, etc.

42. The "Technology Class Room" Strategy

The "turn your phone into a (topic) education..." strategy tells your prospects that your information product can turn their technology products into a learning center. For example - Turn your (phone, cell phone, computer, car stereo, DVD player, tape player, CD player, etc.) into a (college, university, school, diploma, degree, education). You just need to convert your information product into a format that will work with one or more of those technologies.

43. The "Aren't Born That Way" Strategy

The "great (type of profession) aren't born, they're taught and trained..." strategy tells your prospects that it’s a myth that they have to be born with certain knowledge or skills to gain their desired benefit. Tell them your product will give them everything they need to reach their goal.

44. The "Novice Advantage" Strategy

The "(types of professionals) don't get it for less than ($), but you will..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a discount on your product because they are your subscriber, are newbies or are on someone else’s list which you made a J.V. deal with. You can tell them they will get a lower price than your other clients like: doctors, investors, lawyers, bankers, etc.

45. The "Demonstration" Strategy

The "check out this online video of me using (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects to watch you in action using the product you’re selling to gain the desired benefit they want. They will get a clear image of how much easier and effective it is to own your product.

46. The "Hand Picked J.V. Partner" Strategy

The "I've handpicked you to be one of my joint venture partners..." strategy tells your prospects that you have been watching and studying them and like their professionalism. You can tell them you've bought their products, subscribed to their newsletter(s), read all their content, etc., so you know all about their skills and knowledge of marketing. It will make them feel special that you think highly of them as a marketer and that you have researched them so thoroughly.

47. The "Spend Quality Time" Strategy

The "if you could spend (no.) (hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc.) with (expert's name), how much would you spend?..." strategy tells your prospects that the product will contain so much information condensed into a format they can learn all in a much faster period of time. You could also offer a full length, uncut version that you could charge more for.

48. The "Traffic Discount" Strategy

The "if you are (an action that helps your business) you'll get it for only ($)..." strategy tells your prospects they will get your product for a lower price than everyone else if they help your business in some way. It could be if they are a registered member of your forum, an active affiliate, if they give away your viral freebie, link to your web site, etc. You could even give different prices for different actions or a lower price if they are doing two or more of those actions.

49. The "In A Year’s Time" Strategy

The "if usually it takes you (no.) (minutes/hours) to (an action/benefit), imagine if you do it (no.) times a year, that's (no.) (days) of work..." strategy tells your prospects that you are adding up the time it takes in a year to gain their desired benefit. Tell them your product will eliminate how much time it takes and how much time it will save for enjoyable stuff.

50. The "Reoccurring Cheap Deal" Strategy

The "the (daily/weekly/monthly) deal..." strategy tells your prospects that each day, week, or month you have a special low price deal for one of your products or resell products. This will allow you to create urgency by telling them the product deal will end on a specific period of time and it will be removed, and a new product deal will be added to your next deal. You could even archive past deals they could see but add a slightly higher price. Another idea would to add an affiliate program so people will promote it every time you change your product deal.