It has a double-edged spear-point wasp-waisted blade, and used a distinctive handle similar to that of the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife developed during [[World War II]].<ref name ="walker">{{cite book |title=Battle Blades: A Professional's Guide to Combat/Fighting Knives |last=Walker |first=Greg |year=1993 |publisher=Paladin Press |location=Boulder, Colo. |isbn=0-87364-732-7 |page=30 }}</ref> The Mark II was commonly carried by U.S. troops in the Vietnam War, and was second only to the Ka-Bar knife in fame.<ref name ="walker"/> The Mark II gained additional fame when it was featured in a scene in the science fiction/action movie ''Aliens'' and was also used by Mel Gibson in the film ''Mad Max 2''.]] | It has a double-edged spear-point wasp-waisted blade, and used a distinctive handle similar to that of the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife developed during [[World War II]].<ref name ="walker">{{cite book |title=Battle Blades: A Professional's Guide to Combat/Fighting Knives |last=Walker |first=Greg |year=1993 |publisher=Paladin Press |location=Boulder, Colo. |isbn=0-87364-732-7 |page=30 }}</ref> The Mark II was commonly carried by U.S. troops in the Vietnam War, and was second only to the Ka-Bar knife in fame.<ref name ="walker"/> The Mark II gained additional fame when it was featured in a scene in the science fiction/action movie ''Aliens'' and was also used by Mel Gibson in the film ''Mad Max 2''.]] |