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== Corpus Christi ==
* 119 [[Robert Kilwardby]] ''In Prisc. Min.''
== Bodleian ==
* Auct F. 5 23
* Canon Lat. 278
* Canon misc. 278
* Digby 2 - commentaries on ''Isagoge'', ''Perihermenias'', ''Praedicamenta''.
* Digby 24 - Sophisma ''Cuiuslibet hominis asinus currit'', Magister Abstractionum.
* Digby 55 - a modist treatise
* Digby 204 - [[Roger Bacon]]'s ''Summulae Dialectices'', [[Aquinas]] (?), Thomas de Wyck - ''Elenchi''
* Lat misc. e 108
== Corpus Christi ==
* Corpus Christi 119
* Corpus Christi 250
* Corpus Christi 293b
== Merton ==
* Merton 289
* Merton 292: [[Simon of Faversham]] - ''Perihermenias''.
* Merton 296
== New College ==
* New College 285
== Peterhouse ==
== Peterhouse ==
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* Caius 344/540 [[William de Bonkes]], Questions on Priscian
* Caius 344/540 [[William de Bonkes]], Questions on Priscian
* Caius 434/434
* Caius 448/409
* Caius 509/386
* Caius 512/543 Questions on the ''Quaestiones super librum Elenchorum'' by [[John of Felmingham]]
* Caius 512/543 Questions on the ''Quaestiones super librum Elenchorum'' by [[John of Felmingham]]
* Caius 668, [[Thomas Cherminstre]], Questions on Priscian
* Caius 611/341
* Caius 612/543
* Caius 668/645 [[Thomas Cherminstre]], Questions on Priscian
== Corpus Christi ==
== Pembroke ==
* 119 [[Robert Kilwardby]] ''In Prisc. Min.''
* Pembroke 193
== Bodleian ==
== Cambridge University Library ==
* Digby 2 - commentaries on ''Isagoge'', ''Perihermenias'', ''Praedicamenta''.
* Kk3
* Digby 24 - Sophisma ''Cuiuslibet hominis asinus currit'', Magister Abstractionum.
* Digby 55 - a modist treatise
* Digby 204 - [[Roger Bacon]]'s ''Summulae Dialectices'', [[Aquinas]] (?), Thomas de Wyck - ''Elenchi''
== Merton ==
* Merton 292: [[Simon of Faversham]] - ''Perihermenias''.
