
312 bytes removed ,  10:14, 18 January 2009
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| name = [[Person_First_Name:=xxxxx]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Bonaventura]]
| other_names =
| residence =
| image =
| imagesize =
| caption =
| birth_date = [[Birth Date:=1217]]
| birth_place = [[Birth_Country_Name:=Italy]]
| birth_name =
| death_date = [[Death Date:=1274 ]]
| death_place = [[Death_City:=Brooklyn]], [[Death_Country_Name:=United States]]
| death_cause = unknown
| occupation = [[NAICS/54|Philosopher]]
| known =
| reference =
   Line 38: Line 17:  
== Notability ==
== Notability ==
This philosopher has [[Bcmp Pages:=14]] pages in the ''Blackwell Companion''.
This philosopher has [[Bcmp Pages:=14]] pages in the ''Blackwell Companion''.
[[Birth Date:=1217]]
[[Death Date:=1274 ]]
[[Death_Country_Name:=United States]]
