[http://mathforum.org/kb/plaintext.jspa?messageID=6514666 Solution posted by Jon Awbrey, using the method of logical graphs].
[http://mathforum.org/kb/plaintext.jspa?messageID=6514666 Solution posted by Jon Awbrey, working in the medium of logical graphs].
In logical graphs, the required equivalence looks like this:
In logical graphs, the required equivalence looks like this:
Line 174:
Line 174:
( (p (q)) (q (p)) ) = (p ( (q) )) ((p)(q))
( (p (q)) (q (p)) ) = (p ( (q) )) ((p)(q))
That expresses the proposed equation in the language of logical graphs. To test whether the equation holds we need to use the rest of the formal system that comes with this formal language, namely, a set of axioms taken for granted and a set of inference rules that allow us to derive the consequences of these axioms.