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Black Hat Poker
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Black Hat Poker introduces "The Black Mask" poker coaching program
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HALF-OFF SALE!</p><p align='justify'>Offer Expires In</p><p align='justify'>0 canicule 0 hours 0 account 54 seconds
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"Now You Can Get My Absolute Atramentous Hat Training Arrangement For HALF OFF!"
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From now until the timer expires, I'm alms a 50% abatement on my acclaimed Atramentous Hat Poker training system.
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Now you can get my absolute training arrangement (pictured below) for 50% off the accustomed price.
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The advance sells like hotcakes every day for $197.00 ...but you can save over 50% and get the absolute archetype for aloof $97!
</p><p align='justify'>
The acumen I'm alms this auction is because it's my way of saying, "Thank you for actuality my subscriber!"</p><p align='justify'>Click Actuality And Get Your Complete Archetype For Bisected Off!
</p><p align='justify'>
And if the 50% accumulation isn't abundant account to celebrate, I'm additionally throwing in ...
</p><p align='justify'>
Three Free Bonuses Account $147!
</p><p align='justify'>
If these three benefit adeptness were awash serparately, they'd go for over $147.00 ...but aback you acquire my bisected off offer, you can accept them free!
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You'll get burning admission to...
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* Benefit 1: The Original Atramentous Hat Poker Course! This In-Depth Training Module Goes Abysmal Into The Art Of Dominating Online Poker And Will Help To End Your Accident Sessions Forever!</p><p align='justify'> * Benefit 2: Special VIP Associates Invite To A Attenuate Administrator That No-One Has Yet Heard Of. This attenuate administrator has been created acclimated by pro poker players to adviser you in acute and affectionate coaching.</p><p align='justify'> * Benefit 3: A LIVE-VIDEO Broadcast with myself Curtis E Williams and Underground Rounder Chip Cannon. You'll Be Able To Ask Us Any Catechism You Appetite LIVE!
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Click Actuality To Save 50% And Get All Five Bonuses ...FREE!
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This Atramentous Hat Poker System</p><p align='justify'>Has Been PROVEN So Deadly Effective, I've Been BANNED From Las Vegas Casinos!
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atramentous hat poker banned
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Here's The Accurate News Of What Absolutely Happened, How This Accurate Arrangement Works, And How You Can Put It To Assignment For YOU.
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From: Curtis E Willams (Master Poker Coach)</p><p align='justify'>Date: 10 24 2008
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curtis e williams adumbration photo
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Dear Poker Protege,
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You're about to go abysmal central the sometimes askance apple of the dirtiest Poker players in bank history.
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And listen, this is the absolute news ...the accurate news that alone I can acquaint you, because I'm the guy that fabricated it all happen.
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WARNING: This news gets ugly. Things get gnarly and bodies get awe-inspiring aback bags of accessible money starts amphibian around...especially when...
</p><p align='justify'>
World $erie$ Of Poker Bracelets Are On The Line!
</p><p align='justify'>
Actually, it's a lot added afresh aloof bracelets and Apple Alternation events. There's WPT Events, Poker Afterwards Dark, Bank Events, ESPN Contest and abundant more. That's aloof a quick cycle alarm of the abounding huge poker contest activity on at any accustomed time.
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But afore we go further, we charge to set the almanac straight.
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We're alone at the alpha of this letter and we're already talking about the Apple Alternation of Poker, Bracelets, ESPN, etc.
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Who The F%&! Is This Guy And Is He For Real?
</p><p align='justify'>
And you're absolutely appropriate to ask that question. Any acute poker amateur would.
</p><p align='justify'>
Look, if I hadn't infiltrated a accumulation of underground poker warlords, and saw it all appear with my own two eyes, there's no way I'd accept it was true. In added words, I apperceive how you feel.
</p><p align='justify'>
So let me put your apperception at affluence by affairs aback the blind appropriate now and assuming you absolutely what happened. You'll apprehend about the amazing successes, the abreast baleful mistakes, and aggregate in between.
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For the aboriginal time ever,
</p><p align='justify'>
Here's The "Dirty Story" Behind Why Casinos Don't Appetite The Best Ruthless Poker Ability Actuality Appear To Anyone, At Anytime, Anywhere!
</p><p align='justify'>
Care To Guess Why?
</p><p align='justify'>
It's absolutely appealing simple to be honest.
</p><p align='justify'>
You see,
</p><p align='justify'>
Imagine if you had the adeptness to win added generally afresh any added amateur in the casino. And I'm talking about a cogent bulk of advantage here.
</p><p align='justify'>
How do you anticipate that would accomplish the casino's feel?
</p><p align='justify'>
The accuracy is, the casino's absolutely aloof appetite anybody to accept boilerplate wins, and boilerplate losses. Because admitting what happens to you or I on the poker table, the bank still gets paid for the rake. So it's in their best absorption for the money to be appropriately aggregate amid players and to accumulate them all about happy.
</p><p align='justify'>
They are absolutely acquisitive that the poker amateur will aloof accumulate you in the bank to dump money elsewhere. The blood-soaked honest accuracy is that concrete poker apartment don't accompany in that abundant money for casinos in allegory to added games.
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And that's why they...</p><p align='justify'>Freak Out Aback Bad-Ass Rounders Appear In And Sweep The Floor With The Casino's Customers!
</p><p align='justify'>
They appetite you to win, but they don't appetite you to win too much... too often.
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For instance, how would you like to use our strategies and pocket...
</p><p align='justify'>
$41,850 For A Quick 3 Hour Tournament!
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That's absolutely what one of our pro's did and we'll appearance you absolutely how he pulled it off.
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You'll get to see the accomplished affair in action!
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And this is the being that makes casino's nervous.
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All this being started aback in backward 2005 aback I wrote my aboriginal poker book alleged "Poker Nutz". I concluded up affairs THOUSANDS of copies of that book afterwards anytime accepting to lift a finger.
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Up until this point, this accomplished "Black Hat Poker" affair was absolutely underground. Alone a few of the Poker Nutz associates had admission to it. I wouldn't acknowledgment it to anyone at the time.
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But Afresh Things BLEW UP!
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And the abutting affair you know, I appear it to the accepted public.
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There's was lot's of backfire from the poker world, and some actual aflame participants. Here's why...
</p><p align='justify'>
* At $798.00 per person, it was the best big-ticket online "Poker" chic anytime held.
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* I had no big alleged pro players involved.
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* I was alone acceptance 50 bodies to participate in the class.
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* I had over 1000 bodies absent in, but would alone advise 50.
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And if that wasn't bad enough, the day afore the chic happened I was on the buzz with one of my best admired poker pro's and he said...
</p><p align='justify'>
"Dude, Don't You Dare Share That With A Single Soul"
</p><p align='justify'>
When I told him what I was doing, he said "I don't apperceive man ...that's three times as big-ticket as any Poker chic I've anytime heard of. That sounds like it's activity to be absolutely adamantine to sell. And the things you are administration are account tens of bags of dollars to addition who absolutely uses it. I anticipate you should accumulate all this being to yourself and your team."
</p><p align='justify'>
So you can accept why I was worried.
</p><p align='justify'>
But my anguish angry to aflame atheism aback the armpit went alive because
</p><p align='justify'>
I Pulled In Over $44,000.00 From Eager Poker Students Desperately Absent The Atramentous Hat Course!
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(Here's a screenshot of aloof a few of the orders)
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Now why in the apple would bodies be lining up in droves to bead $798 for a poker class?
</p><p align='justify'>
It's all about a little affair called...
</p><p align='justify'>
R.O.I. = Return On Investment
</p><p align='justify'>
These bodies weren't advantageous for anything. They were wisely advance their money into a accurate arrangement that artlessly fabricated sense. Advance and spending are two absolutely altered things.
</p><p align='justify'>
And those who paid absorption reaped the allowances big time.
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Some won a ton of cash. Others won bang ass prizes. In fact, I accept a accomplished area area bodies could...
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caribbean poker cruise
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And the way I did this was so abundantly simple. Anyone could carbon it with a bit of backbone and diligence.
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It's all in the "Black Hat Poker" strategies.
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stop</p><p align='justify'>STOP: You Charge To Anticipate About Something For A Minute.
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OK, the aboriginal Atramentous Hat Poker Chic awash out in the aboriginal brace days, bringing in a ton of banknote at $798 a pop.
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And now I'm acceptance you to get admission to it for about a ridiculously brainless discount.
</p><p align='justify'>
But that's not all... not by a continued shot...
</p><p align='justify'>
I'm additionally throwing in a TON OF NEW STUFF LIKE THESE...
</p><p align='justify'>
3 atramentous hat ebooks
</p><p align='justify'>
We've been alive on this actual for the aftermost year and associates accept been consistently allurement me to bustle up and absolution it.
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But I've been accommodating due to lot's of affidavit you're about to acquisition out appropriate now.
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Once you apprehend the "Black Mask" book, you'll accept why I was so afraid to about accord this away. And you'll now accept why Casino's abhorrence me and this advice so much!
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And already you appear to grips with acquirements all this assisting and underground poker knowledge...
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You'll Blow Your Lid Aback You Hear...
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</p><p align='justify'>
black hat poker darkcast
</p><p align='justify'>
</p><p align='justify'>
Inside you'll apprehend some of the centermost and darkest secrets of the poker underworld. Being that pro's accept been application for decades to booty algid adamantine banknote appropriate from your wallet!
</p><p align='justify'>
Now you too can FIGHT BACK with a armory of baleful tricks to abate about every poker table you sit at.
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The DarkCast is a alternation of 4 audios with Master Poker Coach "Curtis E Williams" and The Underground Poker Whiz... "Chip Cannon".
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Inside these audios you'll ascertain the best acute approach that actually makes it arbitrary for your opponents. There's a acumen its' alleged "The DarkCast".
</p><p align='justify'>
And aloof to bandy some icing on the cake, we've additionally included a array of added videos from some of the best belled poker players on the planet. I don't appetite to name bead and all that, but let's aloof say we accustomed a actual nice allowance from a nice friend.
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And these videos will bedrock your socks off! But you gotta be accessible to some appealing abysmal stuff. Some would say apparent crazy. There is a acumen they alarm this guy "Mad Genius".
</p><p align='justify'>
Anyhow, you'll get over an hour and bisected of authentic acumen on the bold of poker and how to mentally adapt to absolute domination. These videos are aloof absolute amazing!
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For now we'll aloof alarm the videos simply...
</p><p align='justify'>
The MR. X Videos
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By now you've apparent that we beggarly austere business here. And you're apparently apprehensive if this poker chic is absolutely appropriate for you.
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</p><p align='justify'>
I don't appetite you to booty this chic unless you are able to actively bang some ass!
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Seriously, I don't appetite you to decay your money. I'm all about architecture teams of WINNERS! And winners are those who apperceive what they want. Winners accept a bright ambition of what they appetite to win. And how they appetite to win it.
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Are you that affectionate of winner?
</p><p align='justify'>
It's a appealing important catechism to apperceive yourself. And I mean, really, absolutely know.
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If you watch and accept to these audio and video programs, and administer the knowledge, you'll be a absolutely altered poker amateur in lightning speed.
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So abundant a altered and more good poker amateur that I confidently action you...
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</p><p align='justify'>
</p><p align='justify'>
If afterwards 8 weeks you don't feel like this advance has badly bigger your abilities as a poker player, afresh you will get a abounding acquittance for the bulk of the course, no questions asked!
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All you accept to do is booty allotment in all the challenges, and accord 100% accomplishment to acquirements the capacity anniversary and every day.
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</p><p align='justify'>
This chic is not for everybody. This chic is alone for those bodies who are absorbed in acceptable a pro akin player. If you booty this chic seriously, and administer yourself afresh you should be on that pro level.
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We don't appetite anyone to booty up the bound bulk of affirmed spots unless they are 100% abiding this is appropriate for them.
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So that's my agreement to you, but amuse don't booty the chic unless you are absolutely austere about WINNING NOW!
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You accept no acumen to not assurance up and change your activity today!
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</p><p align='justify'>
Curtis E Williams (Master Poker Coach)
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</p><p align='justify'></p><p align='justify'>
</p><p align='justify'>WARNING: I assets the appropriate to cull this advance off the shelf at any moment.</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>I ambition you the best of luck, and I can't delay to assignment with you during the class,</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>Sincerely,</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>Curtis E Williams</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>curtis e williams signature </p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>PS: This is your aftermost adventitious to actively change the way you attending at arena poker. This befalling may never appear again, as we agnosticism this chic will anytime be accomplished again.</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>PPS: Aback chief whether this or appropriate for you, anticipate about the amount you are getting! You could either bearcat about the poker tables acceptable and accident a bit actuality and there, or you can become a constant champ who consistently annihilates the tables.</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>This is not for the accidental or amateur player. You will be a HARD-CORE poker apparatus afterwards the end of the week!</p><p align='justify'> </p><p align='justify'>PPPS: Classes alpha IMMEDIATELY afterwards sign-up!!! Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE! SIGN UP NOW
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