The bodies of these zebras are characterized by contrasting black bands on white or yellowish-white backgrounds.
The bodies of these zebras are characterized by contrasting black bands on white or yellowish-white backgrounds.
* The Grevy's '''Zebra''' is one of the '''rarest species''' of zebra around today, and is classified as endangered.
* They are best known for their distinctive white and '''black stripes,''' which come in different patterns unique to each individual.
* They are generally '''social animals''' and can be seen in small harems to large herds.
* There are three species of zebra: the '''Plains Zebra,''' Grevy's Zebra and the Mountain Zebra.
* Unlike their closest relatives, '''horses''' and donkeys, zebras have not been truly domesticated.
* At first glance zebras in a '''herd''' might all look alike, but their stripe patterns are as distinctive as fingerprints are in man. The stripes are a form of disruptive coloration which breaks up the outline of the body.