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'''Harvey Dubner''' is a retired engineer and mathematician living in [[New Jersey]], noted for his contributions to finding large [[prime number]]s. In 1984, he and his son Robert collaborated in developing the 'Dubner cruncher', a board which used a commercial [[FIR filter|finite impulse response filter chip]] to speed up dramatically the multiplication of medium-sized [[arbitrary-precision arithmetic|multi-precision]] numbers, to levels competitive with supercomputers of the time, though nowadays his focus has changed to efficient implementation of [[Fast Fourier transform|FFT-based]] algorithms on personal computers.
He has found many large prime numbers of special forms: [[repunit]]s, prime [[Fibonacci]] and [[Lucas numbers]], [[twin primes]], [[Sophie Germain prime]]s, and primes in [[arithmetic progression]].<ref>{{cite web|last=Caldwell|first=Chris|title=Harvey Dubner|url=http://primes.utm.edu/bios/page.php?id=5|work=[[The Prime Pages]]|accessdate=29 April 2013}}</ref> In 1993 he was responsible for more than half the known primes of more than two thousand digits.
Dubner was also the first to publish a paper on the first [[blackjack]] point count (The High Low Count) which is used by most blackjack card counters today. This was presented at the [[Fall Joint Computer Conference]] held in [[Las Vegas Valley|Las Vegas]] in 1963 at a panel titled "Using Computers in Games of Chance and Skill".
An extensive biography of Dubner based on interviews with him and his family is presented in <i>Never Split Tens</i> by [[Les Golden]].
==External links==
*[http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/d/Dubner:Harvey.html an incomplete list of Dubner's publications]
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[[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]]
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[[Category:20th-century American mathematicians]]
[[Category:21st-century American mathematicians]]