The Xuvellas arrived on the island of Korčula in the 1630s, then part of the Republic of Venice. Most likely refugees, they settled in the west end of Korčula (back then referred to as Curzola <ref>Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in his book 'Dalmatia and Montenegro' (his travels during 1844 - published in '''1848''') writes: '' "The Isle of Curzola is called in Illyric Korçula ..... "'' Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. (p256)</ref>). They set up residency in a small field called Rasohatica (then called Rasohatija), they had two sons who where '''Antonio''' Xuvella and '''Cosma''' Xuvella. | The Xuvellas arrived on the island of Korčula in the 1630s, then part of the Republic of Venice. Most likely refugees, they settled in the west end of Korčula (back then referred to as Curzola <ref>Sir John Gardner Wilkinson in his book 'Dalmatia and Montenegro' (his travels during 1844 - published in '''1848''') writes: '' "The Isle of Curzola is called in Illyric Korçula ..... "'' Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. (p256)</ref>). They set up residency in a small field called Rasohatica (then called Rasohatija), they had two sons who where '''Antonio''' Xuvella and '''Cosma''' Xuvella. |