Dato Capital has two principals, Eduardo Amo and Mrs. Maria Jose Soria (Vaquerizo). The VAT Number for the company is B83120725. The company maintains an address at CALLE ZURBANO 45 Madrid 28010. The trade register address is Paseo de la Castellana, 44 Madrid; telephone 91 576 01 17. Registry data is available at volume 17037, Folio: 167, Section: 8, Page: M 291536, Entry: 0. The company's principle sector is Computer Services. Dato Capital was seeded with funding of €150,000 in 2007, then Amo added €64K more of his own money in September 2014. | Dato Capital has two principals, Eduardo Amo and Mrs. Maria Jose Soria (Vaquerizo). The VAT Number for the company is B83120725. The company maintains an address at CALLE ZURBANO 45 Madrid 28010. The trade register address is Paseo de la Castellana, 44 Madrid; telephone 91 576 01 17. Registry data is available at volume 17037, Folio: 167, Section: 8, Page: M 291536, Entry: 0. The company's principle sector is Computer Services. Dato Capital was seeded with funding of €150,000 in 2007, then Amo added €64K more of his own money in September 2014. |