If a column contains a value multiple times then sorting the column preserves the order of the rows within each subset that has the same value in that column ({{mlw|Sorting_algorithm|Stability|stable sorting}}). Thus sorting based on a primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. sortkey can be done by sorting the least-significant sortkey first, etc.
If a column contains a value multiple times then sorting the column preserves the order of the rows within each subset that has the same value in that column ({{ml|Sorting_algorithm|Stability|stable sorting}}). Thus sorting based on a primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. sortkey can be done by sorting the least-significant sortkey first, etc.
'''First click on column Alphabet and then on Numbers, you'll see that the ordering is on Numbers (1), Alphabet (2).'''
'''First click on column Alphabet and then on Numbers, you'll see that the ordering is on Numbers (1), Alphabet (2).'''