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What sounds like a great deal at the time may cost you more in the long run.  If you are getting bids between $400 to $600 then someone throws a bid at you for $150, you need to stop and think.  Why would a sealcoat company charge so much less than everyone else?  That is such an important question to ask.  They are either watering-down the sealer so much that it will wash off with the first rain or they are stealing the sealer.  It is great to find a good deal but common sense needs to prevail.  Always remember the old saying:  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
What sounds like a great deal at the time may cost you more in the long run.  If you are getting bids between $400 to $600 then someone throws a bid at you for $150, you need to stop and think.  Why would a sealcoat company charge so much less than everyone else?  That is such an important question to ask.  They are either watering-down the sealer so much that it will wash off with the first rain or they are stealing the sealer.  It is great to find a good deal but common sense needs to prevail.  Always remember the old saying:  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
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== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Q: Why Sealcoat?
A: Numerous studies by the Asphalt Institute demonstrate the measurable benefits of preventive maintenance. Periodic Crack Sealing and Sealcoating will greatly extend the life of your pavement. With the skyrocketing costs of new asphalt, the case for maintenance has never been greater. Spend a little now - or a LOT later.
Q: How often should I seal the Driveway?
A: The first application of sealer on a new driveway should occur around one year after installation. This will allow some of the new oils to evaporate and promote good sealer adhesion. The very first application of sealer may only last one to two years as the new asphalt will soak in the first coat of sealer. Thereafter, we recommend sealing every two to three years. In most cases, it is unwise to seal a driveway every year as you can build up too much sealer which can lead to surface cracking of the sealer. Cracks in the Driveway may trigger another service call before the sealer wears completely.
Q: Are all Sealcoat Products the same?
A: No. While many manufacturers produce “sealcoat”, the process, standards and compounds used in the making of sealcoat vary greatly. That is why All Pro Sealcoating uses only SealMaster Sealer direct from the plant which is the finest material available on the market. You can buy “sealcoat” locally, but it won’t last as long. But that’s only part of the story. Do you really want to haul all those heavy pails home, spill it on your clothes (or worse, the house) and then try and make it look nice with a $10 squeegee
Q: How long will sealcoat last?
A: With a new driveway sealed within six months to a year from installation, you should expect one to two years of protection from your first application. Subsequent sealcoat applications should last two to three years. If the driveway is 10 years old and was never sealed, you might only get one year from the first application, but two to three years from subsequent sealcoat applications.
Q: Do you offer neighborhood discounts?
A: Yes. Call 423-665-SEAL (423-665-7325) for more information. Neighborhood organizers get very special treatment!
Q: Do you spray or squeegee the sealcoat on Driveways?
A: All driveways have sealer hand-applied with a squeegee.  When you squeegee a driveway you get a more uniform coverage that is thicker and will last long.  Sealer that is sprayed on has to be watered down to get through the spray nozzle.  Most companies do not allot for this by spraying your driveway with 2 coats of sealer.  This in turn means you will have to sealcoat again in 6 months to 1 year.  When the thick sealer is hand-applied with a squeegee, it will last for 2 to 3 years.
Q: Will the sealer eliminate all those tiny surface cracks?
A: Yes and No. Sealcoat is not a "leveling agent". The sealer will help fill in small voids and coat any imperfections, but the imperfections may still be visible. Spider cracks are very common and, short of infrared heating of the entire surface, there is nothing that can or should be done to eliminate the shallow surface flaws in your asphalt. Quite often, due to the deep, rich, black finish of a new sealcoat, the spider cracks will initially appear more noticeable.
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